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采用参数估算法对2001~2013年鄱阳湖生态经济区农田生态系统的植被碳储量与碳密度进行测算。结果显示:该区农田植被碳储量与碳密度均呈现上升趋势;农田碳储量与碳密度的变化受农作物种植结构、产量及总播种面积的影响。由此可见,植被碳储量的变化对生态系统的固碳能力具有重要的影响,农田植被碳储量与碳密度在一定程度上的提高,具有碳汇作用。研究农田生态系统碳储量、碳密度对控制温室效应具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   
农业生态系统协调度测度理论与实证研究   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
依据数理统计理论与方法构建了农业生态系统协调度测度理论和模型,包括功效函数、协调函数和协调度的变化范围和协调度等级,建立了农业生态系统系统评价指标体系,以湖南省益阳市资阳区为例进行了农业生态系统自协调发展实证研究。结果表明:该地区农业生态系统1990—2002年系统协调度呈现上升趋势、1990—1998年呈弱度失调在5级以下、1999—2002年呈弱度协调在6级以上;系统协调度的变化主要受子系统影响,1990年的系统协调度低主要是因经济和社会子系统的协调度太低,1998年系统协调度低的主要原因是生态子系统的协调度太低;从研究时段看,影响农业生态系统系统协调度主要随经济子系统和生态子系统的协调度变化而改变,通常表现为经济子系统是提升协调度、生态子系统是降低协调度,揭示出经济与生态的协调是农业生态系统协调发展的关键。  相似文献   
周卫东  孙鹏举 《山西农业科学》2012,40(2):168-171,185
结合1996—2005年临夏回族自治州土地利用变更调查数据,采用Costanza生态系统服务价值计算方法和中国陆地生态系统单位面积服务价值表,研究了临夏州近10 a来土地利用变化对生态系统服务价值的影响,结果表明,1996—2005年临夏州生态系统服务价值总量增加了1.27亿元,土地利用类型的调整从宏观角度看是可持续发展的,其主要得益于生态退耕还林,为保证区域生态环境的稳定和不断改善,生态管理意识需加强,并针对研究区的实际情况提出了相应的土地生态管理方面的政策和建议。  相似文献   
【目的】土壤微生物量碳、氮是植被所需碳、氮的重要“源”或“库”,是公认的综合评价土壤质量或肥力的重要指标,也是土壤生态系统变化的预警及敏感指标,研究其动态变化,可为退耕还林及后期管理决策提供科学依据,并为深入研究林地碳氮循环及温室气体排放提供参考。【方法】以农田( FL)为对照,研究华北土石山区10年生刺槐林、43年生刺槐林、自然恢复植被( NRV)土壤微生物量碳、氮的四季动态变化,并对各样地微生物量碳、氮对土壤营养库的贡献率进行对比研究。【结果】各样地微生物量碳、氮随土层加深而逐渐下降,其季节动态变化差异显著;农田、自然恢复植被、10和43年生刺槐林地0~20 cm 土层微生物量碳、氮含量四季均值分别为251.94,290.68,150.66,197.34 mg·kg -1和30.95,46.46,36.55,45.27 mg·kg -1。其中:自然恢复植被的微生物量碳、氮含量四季均值最高,其微生物量碳含量分别是农田、10和43年生刺槐林的1.15,1.93和1.47倍,微生物量氮含量分别是它们的1.50,1.27和1.03倍;土壤微生物量碳、氮含量随刺槐树龄增大而升高,43年生刺槐林0~20 cm 土层的微生物量碳、氮含量是10年生刺槐林的1.31和1.24倍。各植被样地不同层次土壤微生物量碳氮比季节差异明显,农田、自然恢复植被、10年和43年生刺槐林 0~20 cm 土层碳氮比四季均值分别为8.64,6.26,4.12 和4.36;10,43年生刺槐林碳氮比分别是农田的0.48和0.50倍,是自然恢复植被的0.66和0.70倍。在 0~20 cm 土层中,农田、自然恢复植被、10和43年生刺槐林地微生物量碳对土壤有机碳平均贡献率分别为1.88%,2.00%,1.54%和1.24%,土壤微生物量氮对土壤全氮的平均贡献率分别为1.21%,5.44%,3.55%和2.26%。【结论】各样地土壤微生物量碳、氮之间显著相关,它们与土壤全氮、有机质和速效钾含量均显著相关;除此之外,土壤微生物量碳还与土壤硝态氮含量显著相关。随着树龄的增加刺槐林土壤微生物量尤其是微生物量氮含量显著提高,因而土壤的生物肥力也显著提高;由土壤微生物量碳、氮含量及其对土壤营养库的贡献率可知,自然恢复植被更利于土壤微生物结构、功能的恢复和生物活性的改善。  相似文献   
采用组合填料(全塑性夹片和维纶醛化丝)作为生物膜载体,以土著微生物为生物膜菌源,研究其对水质、罗非鱼生长及水体微生物群落功能多样性的影响。结果表明:组合填料可促进水体中NO_2~-、DO、IC含量显著升高,使水体中pH、NO_3~-含量显著下降,同时有使水体中NH_4~+、TOC含量下降的趋势;和对照组相比,组合填料组罗非鱼增重量显著升高,饵料系数显著降低,填料悬挂密度越高,增重效果越明显;组合填料能显著降低水体细菌数量,而对水体微生物多样性无显著影响;组合填料明显提高了水体微生物对糖类、醇类、酯类的利用率,降低了水体微生物对胺类和酸类的利用率。RDA分析表明,组合填料组和对照组之间的水体微生物代谢多样性存在一定的差异,而DO、pH和硝酸盐是影响处理组和对照组水体微生物代谢多样性差异的主要环境因子,显示组合填料在一定程度上可有效改善水质,促进罗非鱼生长,降低水体细菌数量,影响水体微生物群落功能多样性。  相似文献   
选择代表性的酸性、中性和石灰性紫色土为实验材料,采用平衡吸附和动力学吸附法研究了紫色土对可溶性有机碳(DOC)的吸附-解吸特征,分析了土壤理化性质与DOC吸附量之间的关系。结果表明,紫色土对DOC的吸附容量呈以下顺序:酸性紫色土〉中性紫色土〉石灰性紫色土。石灰性紫色土对DOC的解吸率明显高于酸性、中性紫色土,其迁移淋失问题值得重视。紫色土对DOC的吸附过程包括快速吸附和慢速吸附2个阶段,0~0.5 h内吸附速率最大,随后吸附速率逐渐减小,4~6 h内基本达到吸附平衡。土壤pH值、有机质、粘粒和活性铁铝氧化物含量是影响土壤DOC吸附量与解吸率的重要因素。通径分析表明,土壤理化性质对DOC吸附量的直接作用系数大小顺序为活性铝含量〉土壤pH值〉有机质,对DOC解吸率的直接作用系数大小顺序为活性铁含量〉粘粒〉有机质。多元线性回归模型能较好地预测土壤对DOC的吸附及解吸的变化。  相似文献   
Study of the relationship between plant litter-derived dissolved organic matter(DOM) and organic pollutant transport in soil is important for understanding the role of forest litter carbon cycling in influencing pollutant behaviour and fate in forest soil.With the aim of providing insight into the capacity of plant litter-derived DOM to influence sorption and desorption of selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) on soil, batch experiments were carried out with application of a sorption-desorption model incorporating DOM effects. Freshly fallen pine(Pinus elliottii) needles were used as the source of organic matter. Input of the pine needle litter-derived DOM was found to significantly decrease desorption hysteresis as well as soil adsorption capacity of phenanthrene(PHE) and fluoranthene(FLA). Addition of 1 728 mg L-1dissolved organic carbon(DOC) lowered the organic carbon-normalized sorption distribution coefficient of PHE from 7 776 to 2 541 L kg-1C and of FLA from 11 503 to 4 368 L kg-1C. Decreases of the apparent sorption-desorption distribution coefficients of PHE and FLA with increased DOC concentration indicated that DOM favored desorption of PAHs from soil. Increases in the fraction of apparently dissolved PAHs were attributable to the dissolved PAH-DOM complexes, accounting for the dissolved proportions of 39% to 69% for PHE and 26% to 72% for FLA in the sorption and desorption processes as the concentration of the added DOM solution rose from 0 to 1 728 mg L-1. Our results suggest that pine needle litterderived DOM can have a substantial effect of inhibiting PAHs sorption and promoting PAHs desorption, thus leading to enhanced leaching in soil, which should be taken into account in risk assessment of PAHs accumulated in forest soil.  相似文献   
为使环境资源得到高效配置,明晰生态系统服务间权衡关系是重要前提。以一江两河流域为对象,基于InVEST模型对该区1990—2018年的土壤保持、水源涵养和固碳服务进行动态评估,并采用相关分析法探讨了流域、县域尺度下各服务间的权衡关系。结果表明:(1)1990—2018年,土壤保持量和碳储量呈波动增加趋势,产水量呈减少趋势。单位面积土壤保持量、产水量和碳储量的高值区均分布在流域东部的拉萨河河谷地区。(2)流域尺度下,2010年水源涵养服务与固碳服务间表现出权衡关系,其余年份各服务间均呈现出协同关系; 县域尺度下,各服务间关系也多为协同关系,但具有较强的空间异质性。(3)热点制图显示,1990—2018年1类区占比最大且呈增加趋势,主要地类为低植被覆盖草地; 0类和2类区占比增加,主要地类分别为沙地和高植被覆盖草地; 3类区占比有所减少,主要地类为高植被覆盖草地和灌木林。由此可得,研究区3种生态系统服务具有较强的时空异质性,各服务间以协同关系为主,且随时空变化而发生着强弱变化。  相似文献   
After 16 years of periodical applications of either farmyard manure or crop wastes at two levels of mineral N fertilization to a Calcic Haploxeralf in the semiarid central Spain, we found significant changes in chemical fertility levels and in the concentration, chemical composition, and carbon mineralization rates of soil organic matter (SOM). The changes in SOM quality were related to significant improvements of soil physical properties, mainly aggregate stability and water retention. Such changes were related to the increased concentration of humic colloids in soil, the mineral N dose, and the type of organic matter applied. When compared with the control plots, the organic matter accumulated in the amended plots tended to be less transformed, and its total concentration and humification degree decreased with increasing external N‐inputs. Humic acids from the amended plots showed a more marked aliphatic character (mainly after N addition) than those from control plots. Farmyard manure led to a significant improvement of soil physical properties, but had a comparatively small effect in promoting biodegradation and humification of crop wastes. This could be due to the high biological stability of the manure used which, in semiarid Mediterranean fields, usually leads to an accumulation of little transformed SOM.  相似文献   
Understanding carbon dynamics in soil is the key to managing soil organic matter. Our objective was to quantify the carbon dynamics in microcosm experiments with soils from long-term rye and maize monocultures using natural 13C abundance. Microcosms with undisturbed soil columns from the surface soil (0-25 cm) and subsoil (25-50 cm) of plots cultivated with rye (C3-plant) since 1878 and maize (C4-plant) since 1961 with and without NPK fertilization from the long-term experiment ‘Ewiger Roggen’ in Halle, Germany, were incubated for 230 days at 8 °C and irrigated with 2 mm 10−2 M CaCl2 per day. Younger, C4-derived and older, C3-derived percentages of soil organic carbon (SOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), microbial biomass (Cmic) and CO2 from heterothropic respiration were determined by natural 13C abundance. The percentage of maize-derived carbon was highest in CO2 (42-79%), followed by Cmic (23-46%), DOC (5-30%) and SOC (5-14%) in the surface soils and subsoils of the maize plots. The percentage of maize-derived C was higher for the NPK plot than for the unfertilized plot and higher for the surface soils than for the subsoils. Specific production rates of DOC, CO2-C and Cmic from the maize-derived SOC were 0.06-0.08% for DOC, 1.6-2.6% for CO2-C and 1.9-2.7% for Cmic, respectively, and specific production rates from rye-derived SOC of the continuous maize plot were 0.03-0.05% for DOC, 0.1-0.2% for CO2-C and 0.3-0.5% for Cmic. NPK fertilization did not affect the specific production rates. Strong correlations were found between C4-derived Cmic and C4-derived SOC, DOC and CO2-C (r≥0.90), whereas the relationship between C3-derived Cmic and C3-derived SOC, DOC and CO2-C was not as pronounced (r≤0.67). The results stress the different importance of former (older than 40 years) and recent (younger than 40 years) litter C inputs for the formation of different C pools in the soil.  相似文献   
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