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不同生长时期沙打旺不同部位及其植株的化感作用研究   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
研究了营养生长期、花果期、成熟期沙打旺(3年生)不同部位及其植株的化感作用.结果显示,1)不同生长时期沙打旺各个部位(如根、茎、叶)及其植株的水提液(1:60 g/mL,下同)均对受体萝卜的幼苗生长显示化感活性.表明沙打旺释放化感物质可能有多种途径(如地上部淋溶、根系分泌等).2)各个生长时期沙打旺的不同部位及其植株的水提液通常对受体植物的幼苗生长显示化感抑制作用,而且以叶的抑制作用最为显著.表明叶片是整个生长周期内集中表现沙打旺化感作用的特定部位.3)沙打旺的单一部位(地下部除外)及其完整植株的水提液在花果期的化感作用较成熟期强烈,而成熟期的化感作用强度又较营养生长期为高.表明花果期可能是沙打旺表达化感作用的关键时期.本研究对农业生产实践中沙打旺草地的管理与应用具有积极意义.  相似文献   
不同土地利用方式下渭-库绿洲土壤盐渍化特征分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于渭干河—库车河三角洲绿洲土壤盐渍化现象发展的趋势,采用经典统计分析方法,对研究区不同土地利用方式下的土壤电导率、总盐量和pH值进行描述性统计分析,通过单因素方差方法对不同土地利用方式下土壤盐分指标进行差异显著性检验,并利用最小显著极差法(LSD)进行多重比较。研究结果表明:在不同土地利用方式和土层深度下,土壤电导率和总盐量的平均水平差异显著(p0.05),其含量由高到低依次为:荒漠灌丛盐碱草地耕地林地,而土壤pH值则无显著差异,土壤盐分呈现出明显的表层富集现象。本研究的结论对于提高此区域农业生产潜力和盐碱地综合治理具有重要的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   
Objective To measure the plasma fentanyl concentrations achieved over time with transdermal fentanyl patches in awake cats and cats undergoing anesthesia and ovariohysterectomy. Study design Randomized prospective experimental study. Animals Twenty‐four purpose‐bred cats. Methods Cats were randomly assigned to three groups for Part I of a larger concurrent study. Group P received only a 25 μg hour?1 transdermal fentanyl patch. Group P/A received the patch and anesthesia. Group A received only anesthesia. After a minimum 1‐week washout period, the cats were randomly reassigned to two groups for Part II of the larger study. Group P/A/O received the patch, anesthesia and ovariohysterectomy. Group A/O received anesthesia and ovariohysterectomy. Patches were left in place for 72 hours and plasma samples were obtained for fentanyl analysis while the patches were in place, and for 8 hours after patch removal for cats in Group P, P/A, and P/A/O. Results The 25 μg hour?1 transdermal fentanyl patches were well tolerated by the cats in this study (mean body weight of 3.0 kg) and no overt adverse effects were noted. Mean plasma fentanyl concentrations over time, mean plasma fentanyl concentrations at specific times (8, 25, 49, and 73 hours after patch placement), time to first detectable plasma fentanyl concentration, time to reach maximum plasma fentanyl concentration, maximum plasma fentanyl concentration, mean plasma fentanyl concentration from 8 to 73 hours, elimination half‐life, and total area under concentration (AUC) were not statistically different among the groups. Conclusions Halothane anesthesia and anesthesia/ovariohysterectomy did not significantly alter the plasma fentanyl concentrations achieved or pharmacokinetic parameters measured, when compared with awake cats. There was a high degree of individual variability observed both within and between groups of cats in parameters measured. Clinical significance The high degree of variability observed suggests that careful observation of cats with fentanyl patches in place is required to assess efficacy and any potential adverse effects. Anesthesia and anesthesia/ovariohysterectomy do not appear to alter plasma fentanyl concentrations achieved by placement of a 25 μg hour?1 transdermal fentanyl patch when compared to cats not undergoing these procedures.  相似文献   
不同株型玉米叶片净光合速率差异研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
采用大田试验研究了平展型玉米(农大364)和紧凑型玉米(郑单958)不同叶位叶片的净光合速率差异.结果表明,①比较植株净光合速率的变化及差异时,应选取植株上不同部位的代表性叶片,取其光合速率的平均值,以减少误差.②两种株型玉米最大净光合速率均表现为穗位叶>第10叶>第6叶>第22叶>第3叶,给予中下部叶片良好的光照条件...  相似文献   
The impact of age (5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 years) on chemical characteristics of mineral soil under an age sequence of alder-cardamom agroforestry stands was studied in the Eastern Himalayas. The seasonal variation in soil organic carbon (OC), soil organic matter (SOM), total nitrogen (TN), forms of phosphorus (total P, organic P, inorganic P, available P, fractionated forms of P), mineral nitrogen, potential N mineralization and nitrification was measured in the chronosequence across three replicate sites each having six representative stand ages. We hypothesized that nutrient stocks would be lower in younger agroforestry stands, would eventually increase with stand age due to the influence of alder but then decline as the stands mature further. The expected pattern of increasing soil nutrient stocks with stand age did occur with a peak at 15–20 years; nutrient stocks then substantially declined in 30- to 40-year-old stands. A significant seasonality, which coincided with cardamom flowering and fruiting, was observed in soil nutrient contents and N transformation rates. The 15–20-year-old stands had the highest nutrient pools and potential N transformation rates, whereas the youngest and oldest stands had the lowest nutrient pools. Soil acidity increased with stand age. Soil pH was negatively related to stand age and SOM in the linear regression. Nutrient dynamics varied with age depending on the successional stage, which limited soil nutrient availability for plant uptake after the 20-year point. The performance of both alder and cardamom was reduced after this age likely due to limited soil nutrient availability and nutrient dynamics as a result of recurrent biomass removal – part of the traditional management practice. This study concludes that the ecological and economic sustainability of this particular agroforestry system is possible by adopting a 20-year re-plantation cycle for alder and cardamom, and a phase-wise agroforestry rotation.  相似文献   
不同地区福寿螺繁殖力比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用单对交配的方法对江苏、福建和广东3个不同地理群体福寿螺的繁殖力进行比较.结果显示,福寿螺的繁殖力变异较大;在个体产卵量方面,福建螺与江苏螺有显著差异(P<0.05);在雌螺个体体重的相对产卵量方面,广东螺与福建螺、广东螺与江苏螺有显著差异(P<0.05);不同地区、不同交配个体产卵块数差异不显著(P>0.05);不同壳色的福寿螺繁殖力差异不明显(P>0.05);交配个体雌雄大小不同其交配产卵量与雌螺个体大小呈正相关,与雄螺个体大小无关;雌螺个体越大产卵量越大,但相对产卵量反而越小;雌螺产卵量与卵块数呈正相关.福寿螺的繁殖力与环境条件、食物种类、温度等因素有密切的关系.  相似文献   
采用开顶气室控制试验环境,将1年生宁夏枸杞苗木置于大气环境CO2摩尔分数(360μmol.mol-1)或倍增CO2摩尔分数(720μmol.mol-1)下生长,试验处理2个生长季节后,测定植株C、N质量分数,研究大气CO2摩尔分数升高对木本经济植物C、N营养的影响,结果表明:枸杞叶、根中有机碳质量分数大于枝的,叶的全氮质量分数大于枝、根的;大气CO2摩尔分数升高下枸杞植株根茎叶及栽培表层土壤中有机碳、全氮质量分数与对照没有显著差异,而根系分布层(40 cm≤H<60 cm)有机碳、全氮质量分数高于对照的。  相似文献   
LED不同光质对洋桔梗组培苗淀粉含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洋桔梗组培苗生长是洋桔梗组织培养环节中很重要的环节。该试验以洋桔梗组培苗为试验材料,将试验材料分为8组,研究不同光质对洋桔梗组培苗淀粉含量的影响。结果表明:LED处理中1 RB光照下的洋桔梗组培苗淀粉含量最高,为2.313 7 mg/g,2 RB光照下的洋桔梗组培苗淀粉含量最低,为1.008 7 mg/g。因此,组合光1 RB较传统光源荧光灯更能促进组培苗淀粉生成,该试验结果可为洋桔梗组培苗培育提供一定的理论指导。  相似文献   
为了探讨不同温度对乌鬃鹅若干生理和免疫指标的影响,寻找准确评定乌鬃鹅热耐受性的候选生理和免疫性状指标,以30周龄健康清远乌鬃鹅母鹅200只为研究对象,分别在夏季(35℃)和冬季(20℃),采集鹅只的血液样品,非抗凝血用于测定T3、皮质酮含量;抗凝血用于测定H%、L%和H/L值。结果表明:夏季乌鬃鹅血清中的皮质酮含量显著高于冬季(P0.05),T3含量极显著高于冬季(P0.01);与冬季相比,夏季乌鬃鹅的H%、H/L极显著升高(P0.01),L%极显著降低(P0.01)。皮质酮和H/L值可以作为评价鹅热耐受性的重要性状指标。  相似文献   
瑞丽山龙眼幼苗光合特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用Li-6400XT便携式光合仪测定高黎贡山南段2种环境(野外、大棚)下生长的我国特有种植物瑞丽山龙眼幼苗的光合特性,结果表明:(1)2种环境下生长的幼苗净光合速率(PN)日变化出现"双峰"曲线,有"午休"现象,但峰值出现的时刻与大小不同,野外幼苗在10:00、16:00出现高峰值,分别为4.608、2.118μmol/(m~2·s),大棚幼苗在11:00、15:00出现2个高峰值,分别为4.102、3.982μmol/(m~2·s);蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔导度(Gs)变化趋势与净光合速率变化趋势一致,也有"午休"现象;水分利用率(WUE)无明显变化规律;胞间CO_2浓度(Ci)与净光合速率日变化相反。(2)净光合速率与环境因子偏相关性分析表明,环境因子:光合有效辐射(PAR)、大气CO_2浓度(Ca)、空气温度(Ta)、相对湿度(RH)对幼苗PN值影响均为:PARCaTaRH;(3)两地幼苗光饱和点(LSP)均较高,野外为2 674.995μmol/(m~2·s)、大棚幼苗为2 228.754μmol/(m~2·s),光补偿点(LCP)分别为38.250、8.322μmol/(m~2·s)。  相似文献   
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