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利用利木赞与本地牛杂交一代7~8月龄公犊12头,10~11月龄公牛12头,供给日增重0.9千克,1.2千克和1.5千克营养水平的日粮,经120天肥育,结果表明:7~8月龄和10~11月龄高营养水平组平均日增重分别为1.274±0.06千克和1.340±0.15千克;7~8月龄组对不同营养水平敏感,各组间差异极显著(P<0.01);产肉性能以高营养水平组最好,屠宰率62.4%,净肉率52.98%,眼肌面积91平方厘米。  相似文献   
通过甘蓝型冬油菜与北方白菜型冬油菜及其正反交杂种F1植物学形态,生长习性,自交亲和性的比较,分析杂种抗寒性,植物学形态,生长习性,自交亲和性的变化.选择白菜型冬油菜陇油9号与甘蓝型冬油菜Vision组配的(陇油9号×Vision),(Vision×陇油9号)甘白杂交正反交组合,通过亲本与杂种形态比较,越冬率统计,套袋自交以及花粉-柱头互作等,对杂种抗寒性,植物学形态,生长习性,自交亲和性作出评价.陇油9号与Vision杂交,杂种F1植物学形态,干物质积累特性为中间型,生长习性和生长点下凹程度均偏白菜型.F1正,反交越冬率分别为68.75%和65.00%,根长为14.83和14.30 cm,根颈直径为6.08 和5.67 mm.自交亲和性为:Vision>F1 (Vision×陇油9号)>F1 (陇油9号×Vision)>陇油9号,其相应的自交亲和指数为20.83,1.09,1.06,0.87;杂种及其亲本的自交亲和性的大小与其花粉在柱头上的萌发数量与萌发速度相一致.陇油9号与Vision杂交,杂种F1抗寒性强于甘蓝型冬油菜,但较白菜型冬油菜弱.同时,白菜型冬油菜与甘蓝型冬油菜杂交,杂种F1代自交亲和,但杂种的自交亲和程度远远低于甘蓝型冬油菜,而且F1杂种的自交亲和性因杂交组合方式而有差异.  相似文献   
四川省绵阳市农科所1991年用甘蓝型油菜双高隐性核不育系绵1AB-1作母本,品872—161—134作父本进行转育,F2代出现不育株进行成对兄妹交,经多代选择,培育出隐性核不育系绵7AB-4(双低)。以其不育系的不育性状为选择目标,从中分离纯化出2个农艺性状无明显差异、育性不同的株系,分别定为绵7AB-4-1和绵7AB-4-2,前者兄妹交和可育株自交的不育率分别为50%和25%,后者分别达到80%和60%。笔者对新材料绵7AB-4-2与其姊妹系绵7AB-4—1的农艺性状和SSR引物多态性进行研究,为其进行分子标记、克隆及进一步利用奠定基础。  相似文献   
通过中科院栾城农业生态试验站3种不同降水年型的田间灌水试验,研究了不同供水条件对冬小麦根系分布、产量及水分利用效率的影响,旨在为华北地区冬小麦建立优化灌溉制度,提高水分利用效率,达到节水增产目的提供理论依据。试验结果表明,冬小麦根系主要集中分布在80 cm以上土层,随土层深度的增加,根长密度呈指数下降;综合分析根系对不同土层的水分吸收、作物耗水组成及产量、水分利用效率与总耗水的关系,提出华北地区冬小麦最佳灌水方式是:丰水年灌0水、平水年灌1水(拔节水)、枯水年灌2水(拔节水和抽穗水),次灌水量60~75 mm,具有明显的节水增产效益。  相似文献   
Fungal diseases are a major constraint for wheat production. Effective disease resistance is essential for ensuring a high production quality and yield. One of the most severe fungal diseases of wheat is Septoria tritici blotch (STB), which influences wheat production across the world. In this study, genomewide association mapping was used to identify new chromosomal regions on the wheat genome conferring effective resistance towards STB. A winter wheat population of 164 North European varieties and breeding lines was genotyped with 15K single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) wheat array. The varieties were evaluated for STB in field trials at three locations in Denmark and across 3 years. The association analysis revealed four quantitative trait loci, on chromosomes 1B, 2A, 5D and 7A, highly associated with STB resistance. By comparing varieties containing several quantitative trait loci (QTL) with varieties containing none of the found QTL, a significant difference was found in the mean disease score. This indicates that an effective resistance can be obtained by pyramiding several QTL.  相似文献   
Italian ryegrass is a major pasture crop cultivated mainly for feeding cattle in southern Brazil. The choice of crop is based on nutritional quality and the shortage of pastures that occur during the winter in the southernmost part of Brazil. In this region, the production of biomass and seeds are threatened by diseases, in particular fungal diseases that affect the foliage. In this study we identified and monitored the natural occurrence of a complex of leaf spotting diseases and evaluated the effects of combined management practices to reduce the intensity of foliar diseases: seed treatment with Trichoderma atroviride, soil amendment with silicon and cutting frequency (none, one or two cuts). Three diseases were present in a two-season experiment: grey leaf spot (Pyricularia oryzae), brown leaf spot (Bipolaris sorokiniana) and parrot's eye leaf spot (Cercospora sp.). Grey leaf spot had the highest severity, regardless of treatment, during the first season, and was the only disease present in the following season. Grey leaf spot dominated, and plants receiving only one cut were more prone to P. oryzae infection. The treatments with silicon or T. atroviride reduced the relative disease by 40% to 80%, in relation to untreated and uncut regimes. This study showed the main leaf spot diseases associated with L. multiflorum. Moreover, it demonstrates for the first time in the region the effectiveness of reducing leaf spot via the application of silicon in the soil, inoculation of seeds with T. atroviride and managing the cutting regime.  相似文献   
调亏灌溉条件下冬小麦籽粒灌浆特征及其模拟模型   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
在移动式防雨棚下,采用盆栽土培方法,以冬小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)为试验材料进行了调亏灌溉(regulated deficit irrigation,RDI)试验研究,目的在于了解RDI对冬小麦籽粒灌浆特性的影响,并对其进行模拟,为建立冬小麦RDI指标与模式提供理论依据与技术参数。试验采用二因素(水分调亏阶段和调节亏水度)随机区组设计。结果表明,RDI条件下冬小麦籽粒灌浆过程符合“缓-快-慢”的“S”型生长曲线,并可用Richards方程进行较好的模拟;不同水分调亏处理间最大灌浆速率及其出现时间、平均灌浆速率、灌浆持续期、活跃生长期和3个灌浆阶段灌浆持续期,以及最终千粒质量等特征参数差异达显著水平;其中,越冬期轻度调亏具有最高的平均灌浆速率(每百粒0.234 g/d)、最大灌浆速率(每百粒0.369 g/d)、最高的第3阶段灌浆速率(每百粒0.099 g/d)和最高的千粒质量(58.46 g)。经相关和逐步回归分析灌浆参数与千粒质量的关系,结果表明,多数参数间存在着显著或极显著的相关性,其中,与千粒质量有显著或极显著相关关系的参数有最大灌浆速率、平均灌浆速率、活跃生长期和第3阶段灌浆速率等。  相似文献   
【目的】探讨不同品种冬小麦秸秆、秸秆覆盖量和覆盖方式对夏玉米生长发育和产量的影响。【方法】于2012年在陕西关中一年两熟典型地区,采用随机区组设计,选用小偃22和小偃216 2个冬小麦品种秸秆,设秸秆混入耕层、秸秆带状覆盖、秸秆全面覆盖3种秸秆还田方式,以及4 500,7 500和10 500kg/hm2 3个秸秆还田量,以秸秆不还田为对照,于夏玉米幼苗期和发育中期测定株高、茎粗、次生根数、叶片颜色、单株干质量,并于成熟期测定株高、穗位高及产量构成因素,研究各处理对夏玉米生长发育及产量的影响。【结果】2012年夏玉米播种后由于较长时期干旱少雨,冬小麦秸秆覆盖的保墒作用大于其化感作用,各秸秆还田处理夏玉米生长发育及产量总体优于对照。在2个小麦品种秸秆中,以小偃216秸秆对夏玉米诸性状的表现较好;在3种秸秆还田量中,以7 500kg/hm2秸秆还田量较为适宜;3种秸秆还田方式中,则以秸秆带状覆盖方式对夏玉米生长发育影响较小;在此组合下,夏玉米幼苗和植株生长健壮,成熟期产量最高。【结论】对夏玉米进行秸秆覆盖时,以冬小麦秸秆覆盖量为7 500kg/hm2的带状覆盖方式最好。  相似文献   
There is a need to develop practices that contribute to increased water‐stable aggregation (WSA) during winter in a humid temperate climate when soil is particularly prone to water erosion. Our objectives were to determine the effects of crop residue quality on WSA during winter and to relate these effects to biochemical indicators of fungal and bacterial biomass. Three graminae crop residues were selected for their different C/N ratios and biochemical characteristics (green oat residues, C/N = 18.8; wheat straw, C/N = 125.6; and mature miscanthus residues, C/N = 311.3). In October 2009, crop residues were added with an equivalent amount of C in the 0–10 cm layer to a Luvisol in north‐west France. WSA, expressed as mean weight diameter (MWD), amino sugar, soil mineral N and water contents were measured at regular intervals during 5 months. Aggregate MWD of the control soil decreased rapidly and remained low until the last sampling date in March which illustrates the structural vulnerability of bare soils in winter in this pedo‐climatic area. The incorporation of all three crop residues had significant positive impacts on aggregate MWD. Despite widely different C/N ratios, the maximum MWD under each treatment was similar (three times greater than the control soil). Maximum MWD occurred at times that clearly depended on residue quality. Maximum values occurred early for green oat (29 day), but were delayed to 50 day for wheat straw and to 154 day for miscanthus. Results from correlation analysis suggest that variations in WSA were partly mediated by microbial agents with a dominant effect of bacteria for green oat and a combined role of fungal and bacterial biomass for wheat straw. We suggest that the maximum MWD associated with the miscanthus late in the experiment is related to changes in the composition of the fungal community. Overall, our study shows that autumn application of crop residues increases WSA during winter with its effect being microbially mediated and determined by residue quality.  相似文献   
本试验采用6月龄左右的西门塔尔×关岭牛F1代10头、利木赞×关岭牛F1代10头、安格斯×关岭牛F1代10头进行了360 d的强度育肥饲养试验。结果表明,3种杂交牛平均体重分别为550、590、540 kg,平均日增重依序为1413、1485和1367g;每千克增重消耗饲料干物质分别为6.91、6.42、7.10 kg;每增重1 kg饲料成本分别为5.23、4.86、5.38元;净肉率差异不显著,分别为42.5 %、41.5 %和43.0 %。从而认为,贵州杂交黄牛通过直线育肥可以达到优质肉牛18~24月龄(即屠宰前)450~500 kg以上的生产性能。  相似文献   
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