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Landings in the blue crab, Portunus trituberculatus, fishery in Korean waters of the Yellow Sea have declined substantially from 11,000 t in the 1980s to 2,300 t in 2004. Blue crab habitat quality in the Yellow Sea has been degraded by anthropogenic activities including sand mining, land reclamation, and coastal pollution. Various traditional management measures have been implemented, including closed seasons during spawning and size limits, but these measures alone have been unsuccessful to conserve blue crab stocks. Consequently, a total allowable catch and a stock-rebuilding program using an ecosystem-based management approach were implemented in 2003 and 2006, respectively to rebuild blue crab stocks and restore habitats. This program involved assessment of both blue crab stock status and trammel-net fishery impacts at an ecosystem-level using an ecosystem-based fisheries assessment method ( [Zhang et al., 2009] and [Zhang et al., 2010]), which considered fishery data from catch and effort time-series, crab population biology, and ecosystem characteristics, including habitats and environmental conditions. Recent (2008) management status indices have shown significant positive change compared to conditions in 2000 with respect to sustainability of the stock and fishery and with regards to biodiversity and ecosystem habitat quality.  相似文献   
狭鳕(Theragra chalcogramma Palas)目标强度的现场测定   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
1993年夏季“北斗”号调查船白令海狭鳕(TheragrachalcogrammaPalas)资源声学调查期间,利用计数—积分法对狭鳕的目标强度进行了现场测定。结果表明,平均叉长516cm的狭鳕的平均目标强度为-343dB;以常规的20Logl形式表示,其目标强度与叉长的关系式为TS=20Logl-68.6dB。该测定结果较目前采用的关系式:TS=20Logl-66.0dB低26dB;应用于资源量计算,其估算值将比现估算值高82%。  相似文献   
The green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus drobachiensis) fishery is of great importance to Maine’s economy. The fishery took off in the late 1980s as a result of expanding export markets, but has experienced substantial decline in landings since 1992 because of large decreases in urchin stock abundance. Fishery-independent surveys have not been conducted, and no formal stock assessment has been done prior to this study. Using the data collected from the fishery and urchin life history parameters derived from scientific studies, we conducted a formal stock assessment for the urchin stock. A stochastic observation-error length-structured model is used to describe the dynamics of the sea urchin population. A robust Bayesian approach is used for estimating fishery parameters because of concerns of possible outliers in fisheries data and mis-specification of priors. This study shows that the current stock is only 10% of the virgin stock biomass and that the exploitation rate is close to 40% suggesting that a large reduction in exploitation rate is necessary.  相似文献   
Designing fishing policies without knowledge of past levels of target species abundance is a dangerous omission for fisheries management. However, as fisheries monitoring started long after exploitation of many species began, this is a difficult issue to address. Here we show how the ‘shifting baseline’ syndrome can affect the stock assessment of a vulnerable species by masking real population trends and thereby put marine animals at serious risk. Current fishery data suggest that landings of the large Gulf grouper (Mycteroperca jordani, Serranidae) are increasing in the Gulf of California. However, reviews of historical evidence, naturalists’ observations and a systematic documentation of fishers’ perceptions of trends in the abundance of this species indicate that it has dramatically declined. The heyday for the Gulf grouper fishery occurred prior to the 1970s, after which abundance dropped rapidly, probably falling to a few percent of former numbers. This decline happened long before fishery statistics were formally developed. We use the case of the Gulf grouper to illustrate how other vulnerable tropical and semi‐tropical fish and shellfish species around the world may be facing the same fate as the Gulf grouper. In accordance with other recent studies, we recommend using historical tools as part of a broad data‐gathering approach to assess the conservation status of marine species that are vulnerable to over‐exploitation.  相似文献   
We have analyzed the practice of assessing an assemblage of fish species in a multispecies fishery on the basis of aggregate catch per unit effort (CPUE), which is the summed catch of all species per unit of effort. We show that at the onset of fishing or of a large positive or negative change in fishing effort, aggregate CPUE will be hyper-responsive, that is, relative change of aggregate CPUE will be greater than that of aggregate abundance. We also show that as the fishery reaches equilibrium, the aggregate CPUE in most circumstances will continue to be hyper-responsive, with a greater relative change from its value at the start than the aggregate abundance. However, there are less likely circumstances in which the aggregate CPUE will be hyper-stable compared to aggregate abundance. The circumstances leading to hyper-responsiveness or hyper-stability depend on the distribution of productivity and fishery vulnerability parameters among the species in the aggregation.  相似文献   
应用浮游植物生物完整性指数评价长江上游河流健康   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
2013年11月-2014年6月对长江上游宜宾至江津段五个断面的浮游植物进行了四次调查,共鉴定出浮游植物6门38属95种。对13个备选指标进行分布范围、判别能力及Pearson相关性分析,构建了适合长江上游的浮游植物生物完整性指数(P-IBI)指标体系,即香农多样性指数、Margalef丰富度指数、Pielou均匀度指数、浮游植物密度、硅藻密度百分比等参数指标。采用3分制法、4分制法和比值法分别对生物指标计分,评价结果显示:高庄桥、羊石处于"健康"状态;白沙处于"亚健康"状态;而江安、德感处于"亚健康"向"一般"过渡状态。综合来看,三种评价方法所反映各样点的健康状况基本一致,只是4分制法和比值法在划分评价等级上更细致,评价结果更精确。Pearson相关性分析显示:TN、pH与P-IBI值呈显著负相关(P0.05)。  相似文献   
不同海域鲍体镉分布特征与健康风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对中国部分海域鲍体镉(cd)的质量分数与分布特征进行了分析讨论,并对鲍体cd对人体的健康风险进行了评价。结果表明,1)鲍体W(Cd)总体上呈正态分布,其平均值为0.88mg·kg^-1,变化范围为0.06-1 2.02mg·kg^-1,其中广东、福建、山东和辽宁海域鲍体W(Cd)分别为(0.42±0.21)mg·kg^-1、(0.61±0.27)mg·kg^-1、(1.21±0.35)mg·kg^-1和(1.52±0.20)mg·kg^-1,不同海域鲍体W(Cd)差异显著(P〈0.05)。2)鲍体W(Cd)高于鱼类、头足类和甲壳类海洋生物,与贝类产品埘(Cd)相当;鲍体W(Cd)与栖息环境中cd的污染程度有密切关系。3)鲍体cd对人体的致癌性年风险指数低于国际辐射防护委员会推荐的风险水平,通过鲍膳食途径的人体cd暴露量低于世界卫生组织/联合国粮食和农业组织的食品添加剂联合专家委员会推荐的暂定每周耐受摄人量推荐值。研究结果对于鲍的健康养殖和安全消费具有指导意义。  相似文献   
CPUE标准化方法与模型选择的回顾与展望   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  

 单位捕捞努力量渔获量(Catch Per Unit Effort, 简称CPUE)常被假设与渔业资源量成正比关系而广泛应用于渔业资源评估与管理中, 但大量研究表明, CPUE与资源量间的正比关系常因受众多因素的影响而难以成立。为能有效利用CPUE数据, 渔业工作者常使用各种统计模型对CPUE进行标准化, 以重新构建该正比关系。因此, 在渔业资源评估与管理中, CPUE标准化是一项极为重要的基础性工作。本文对CPUE标准化的基本概念、构建过程、统计模型和模型选择方法进行了全面回顾, 并强调了模型选择的不确定性, 介绍了基于模型平均的多模型推断方法。同时, CPUE标准化所面临的问题及处理方法进行介绍与讨论, 对其未来研究工作进行展望, 以期为CPUE标准化研究提供理论参考。

辽宁省葠窝水库水质现状与渔业性能评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,葠窝水库流域综合管理提高了水库水质状况,为了给下一步的渔业生产提供科学依据,在2008-2009年对葠窝水库6个代表性断面进行了4次采样调查和实验室分析,并采用水质综合评价方法对葠窝水库水质进行评价。检测结果表明水质状况总体有所好转,主要污染物为非离子氨和重金属铜,其他指标正常。采用流域综合水质指数法对水库总体水质状况进行评价,水库水质指数为4.33,为Ⅳ类水质;综合考虑水库理化特征、库龄和形态等,评价葠窝水库属中营养类型。通过对葠窝水库进行渔业水质分析发现,库区大部分地区符合水产养殖基本要求,建议在局部科学发展渔业生产。  相似文献   
农业灌溉节水潜力及回归水利用研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目前,对农业灌溉节水潜力尚未形成一个统一、公认的概念,相应的评价和计算体系也没有很好地建立起来.对农业灌溉节水潜力方面的研究成果进行了全面的回顾总结,提出了存在的问题和以后研究的重点.指出不同尺度回归水重复利用的量化是合理计算真实节水潜力的关键.最后,对回归水重复利用研究计算方法进行了归纳总结,提出了考虑回归水重复利用率的灌溉节水潜力评价思路.  相似文献   
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