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三尖杉枝叶粉末防治花生根结线虫病   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用盆栽及大田小区试验,研究了三尖杉Cephalotaxus fortunei枝叶干粉末对花生根结线虫病的防治效果.盆栽试验结果表明,每盆(2kg土)施用三尖杉枝叶干粉末10、15及20 g三种处理,与对照组相比,初侵染相应推迟4、6、10天,并能减少侵染量,降低根结增长率,显著减轻花生根结线虫病病情.大田小区试验结果与盆栽试验结果相似,每小区(5m2)沟施三尖杉枝叶干粉末120、80、50 g,处理后34及53天的2次平均防治效果分别为89%、82%及50%,施药对照10%益舒宝颗粒剂25g处理(相当于45kg/hm2)为74%.综合使用剂量及花生生长情况,建议沟施150kg/hm2三尖杉枝叶干粉为宜.  相似文献   
BsC3-41杀蚊幼制剂对蚊幼虫毒杀效果研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过以BsC3- 41杀蚊幼制剂对 3种蚊幼虫进行生物活性测定和野外灭蚊试验 ,结果表明 :该制剂对致乏库蚊CulexfatigansWiedemann的毒杀效果最好、对中华按蚊AnophelessinensisWiedemann次之、对白纹伊蚊AedesalbopictusSkuse的效果较差 ,2 4小时LC50值分别为 0 2 0 2 5 μg/ml、 2 5 363μg/ml和 5 9 730 2 μg/ml。野外水体灭蚊使用 3ml/m2 的浓度防治淡色库蚊效果可达 98 88%~ 1 0 0 0 0 % ,使用 1 0ml/m2 的浓度防治中华按蚊效果可达96 81 %~ 1 0 0 0 0 % ,使用 2 0 0ml/m2 的浓度防治白纹伊蚊效果达到 90 64%以上。  相似文献   
云南省小麦条锈病流行体系的研究现状   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李明菊 《植物保护》2004,30(3):30-33
对云南省小麦条锈病的发生危害、流行特点、条锈菌越夏规律、品种及小种变异、环境因素等流行体系作 了较为详细的叙述,并针对各个环节提出综合防治策略。  相似文献   


Atrial fibrillation (AF) usually is associated with a rapid ventricular rate. The optimal heart rate (HR) during AF is unknown.


Heart rate affects survival in dogs with chronic AF.


Forty‐six dogs with AF and 24‐hour ambulatory recordings were evaluated.


Retrospective study. Holter‐derived HR variables were analyzed as follows: mean HR (meanHR, 24‐hour average), minimum HR (minHR, 1‐minute average), maximum HR (maxHR, 1‐minute average). Survival times were recorded from the time of presumed adequate rate control. The primary endpoint was all‐cause mortality. Cox proportional hazards analysis identified variables independently associated with survival; Kaplan‐Meier survival analysis estimated the median survival time of dogs with meanHR <125 bpm versus ≥125 bpm.


All 46 dogs had structural heart disease; 31 of 46 had congestive heart failure (CHF), 44 of 46 received antiarrhythmic drugs. Of 15 dogs with cardiac death, 14 had CHF. Median time to all‐cause death was 524 days (Interquartile range (IQR), 76–1,037 days). MeanHR was 125 bpm (range, 62–203 bpm), minHR was 82 bpm (range, 37–163 bpm), maxHR was 217 bpm (range, 126–307 bpm). These were significantly correlated with all‐cause and cardiac‐related mortality. For every 10 bpm increase in meanHR, the risk of all‐cause mortality increased by 35% (hazard ratio, 1.35; 95% CI, 1.17–1.55; P < 0.001). Median survival time of dogs with meanHR<125 bpm (n = 23) was significantly longer (1,037 days; range, 524‐open) than meanHR ≥125 bpm (n = 23; 105 days; range, 67–267 days; P = 0.0012). Mean HR was independently associated with all‐cause and cardiovascular mortality (P < 0.003).

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Holter‐derived meanHR affects survival in dogs with AF. Dogs with meanHR <125 bpm lived longer than those with meanHR ≥ 125 bpm.  相似文献   
通过对当地棉花重大的致灾害虫棉盲蝽进行了历时17年的研究,取得显著进展,主要包括11个专题:(1)明确了盐城农区棉盲蝽40多年的演变过程,(2)明确了棉盲蝽新近的暴发机制,(3)明确了多种因子对棉盲蝽种群形成与发展的干扰作用,(4)明确了盐城农区棉盲蝽的生物生态学特性,(5)明确了近年两种棉盲蝽优势种群比例变化的原因,(6)明确了棉盲蝽对不同长势Bt棉幼铃的危害特点,(7)明确了棉田天敌种群的消长与保护利用措施,(8)研制了Bt棉田棉盲蝽防治指标,优化了棉盲蝽防治对策,(9)明确了两种棉盲蝽的转移规律与虫源性质,(10)改进并提高了棉盲蝽测报预警的准确率,(11)在两种棉盲蝽的多食性特点研究方面:一是明确了棉盲蝽在当地的寄主范围、生态区划及发育和产卵趋性,二是明确了两种棉盲蝽寄主适合度及其表达的影响因素,三是明确了两种棉盲蝽的区域性生态分布。  相似文献   
【目的】转GAT和EPSPS双价基因抗草甘膦大豆‘GE-J16’是我国具有自主知识产权的抗除草剂材料,喷施草甘膦后,评价草甘膦对杂草防除、大豆安全和杂草发生的影响,为其将来商业化种植后的安全监测与杂草治理提供数据支持。【方法】除草效果:每小区以对角线5点取样法取5个0.25 m2样点并标记,施药后28 d调查禾本科和阔叶杂草株数,并剪取地上部分称取鲜重,计算株防效和鲜重防效。对大豆安全性:每小区以对角线5点取样法,每点随机取4株大豆并标记,在喷药当天、药后7、14、21及28 d调查大豆株高和复叶数,观察药害,收获前每小区取50株大豆调查结荚数及产量。杂草发生情况:每小区以对角线5点取样法取5个0.25 m2样点并标记(避开除草效果取样点),调查并记录每种杂草种类、株数,计算每种杂草相对多度。【结果】转基因大豆喷施900、1 800和3 600 g a.i./hm2草甘膦对禾本科杂草株防效2016年分别为84.30%、95.22%和83.62%,阔叶杂草株防效分别为49.80%、64.52%和61.93%,禾本科和阔叶杂草鲜重防效分别在95.36%和82.05%以上,2017年对禾本科...  相似文献   
Arthropod predators are abundant in turfgrass systems, and they play an important role in managing pests. Understanding the vertical distribution of predation is critical to developing cultural strategies that enhance and conserve predatory services. However, little is known on how the predation is vertically distributed within the turfgrass canopy. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the vertical distribution of predation within the turfgrass canopy. Clay models were used to emulate the general appearance of Noctuidae caterpillars, to estimate the predatory activity. The choice and no-choice experiments were conducted by placing clay models at 2.54, 5.08, and 7.62 cm from the thatch surface and denoted as lower, intermediate, and upper levels, respectively, within turfgrass canopy. The predator-mediated impressions, paired mark, scratch, deep cut mark, deep distortion, prick, dent, stacked surface impression, scooped mark, granulation, and U-shaped mark, were identified on clay models. The incidence and severity of impressions were significantly greater on clay models placed at the lower canopy level than on those placed at the intermediate and upper canopy levels in the choice and no-choice experiments (P < 0.05). Thus, predators are more likely to find their prey at the soil level. This information can be used to refine management strategies, such as mowing height and insecticide use for effectively managing soil-borne and foliar-feeding arthropod pests and beneficial arthropods.  相似文献   
茶叶斑蛾属鳞翅目斑蛾科,以幼虫咀食茶树叶片为害,是茶树叶部害虫之一。本文主要从茶叶斑蛾的分布与为害、形态特征、生活习性3个方面对其进行介绍,并提出防治措施,以期为广大茶农或技术员提供更直观的害虫识别与科学防控方法。  相似文献   
避雨栽培技术对葡萄霜霉病的控效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云南省宾川县在2011年、2012年就避雨栽培技术对葡萄霜霉病的控制效果进行研究,得出避雨栽培技术对葡萄叶部霜霉病平均控制效果为91.51%,对葡萄果粒霜霉病控制效果为93.45%,控制效果均良好,并且对果粒霜霉病控制效果好于叶部霜霉病。葡萄避雨栽培技术不影响农事操作,造价低,具有广阔的推广应用前景。  相似文献   
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