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天保工程建设是生态环境建设的重要措施,是人与自然和谐发展的重要基础。我们对鹤峰实施天保工程以后,森林资源变化情况、水土流失变化情况等重要生态环境因子进行了详细调查,并与天保工程实施前比较,结果表明:5年来,鹤峰县天保工程建设取得了阶段性成效,生态、经济、社会三大效益显著,折算总效益784 959.90万元。  相似文献   
为了直观地反映天然林资源保护工程所带来的生态效益,体现重大生态工程的巨大作用,实现林业及生态的可持续发展,依据LY/T1721-2008《森林生态服务功能评估规范》,应用分布式测算方法,对东北和内蒙古重点国有林区天保工程保育土壤物质量及价值量进行评估.结果表明:1)截至2015年,9个优势树种固土和保肥总量分别为13.17亿t/a和8 203.72万t/a,比天保工程实施前分别增加2.36亿t/a和1 738.23万t/a;2)9个优势树种固土和保肥总价值分别为905.29和2 408.92亿元/a,比天保工程实施前分别增加455.44和699.69亿元/a;3)桦木林和阔叶混交林固土效益突出,而红松林和樟子松林固土效益不显著;落叶松林和阔叶混交林保肥效益均最好,樟子松林保肥效益较差;4)对森林实施保护,能有效改善其生态系统服务功能,使森林保育土壤生态效益得到相应的提升.研究为评估天保工程区森林的其他生态服务功能,以及后续天保工程的实施提供科学依据.  相似文献   
In order to examine the effects of disturbance, vegetation type, and microclimate on denitrification and denitrifier community composition, experimental plots were established at the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon. Soil cores were reciprocally transplanted between meadow and forest and samples were collected after 1 and 2 years. Denitrifying enzyme activity (DEA) was measured using the acetylene block assay and terminal restriction length polymorphism profiles were generated with nosZ primers that target the gene coding for nitrous oxide reductase. Nitrate concentrations, C mineralization, and water content were measured to gain additional insights into soil properties controlling DEA. Meadow soils were significantly higher in DEA than forest soils, and the highest DEA levels were observed in cores transferred from the meadow into the forest. Nitrate concentrations were also different between forest and meadow soils, but did not correlate to DEA. DEA was higher in open versus closed cores, suggesting an association between denitrification and the rhizosphere. Denitrifier communities of undisturbed forest and meadow soils shifted through a 4-year period but remained distinct from each other. Similarly, denitrifier communities clustered by vegetation type of origin regardless of manipulation, suggesting that the overall denitrifier communities are well buffered against environmental changes.  相似文献   
Coastal rainforests of southeast Alaska have relatively simple species composition but complex structures with high diversity of tree ages, sizes and forest canopy layers, and an abundant understory plant community. Wildlife and fisheries resources also play an important role in the ecological functioning of forest and aquatic systems. Clearcutting has greatly altered these forest ecosystems with significant decreases in structural diversity of forest stands and greatly reduced wildlife habitat. This paper synthesizes information on management options in older forests that have never been actively managed, and in younger forests to increase diversity of stand structures and their associated effects on biodiversity. Light to moderate levels of partial cutting in old-growth forests can maintain the original diversity of overstory stand structures and understory plant communities. In younger forests that develop after clearcutting, mixed alder-conifer stands provide more heterogeneous structures and significantly higher understory biomass than in pure conifer forests. Research has shown that red alder increases diversity and abundance of understory plants, and provides forage for deer and small mammals. Results also show a clear linkage between alder and improved invertebrate diversity in aquatic systems. A combination of light partial cutting in older forests along with inclusion of red alder in conifer-dominated forests could provide the greatest amount of diversity and maintain the complex stand structures that are an important component of these forest ecosystems.  相似文献   
针对自由人槭‘秋焰’(Acer×freemanii‘Autumn Blaze’)初代培养外植体褐化严重问题,采取不同取材时间、添加抗褐变剂、暗处理等措施,研究了三种措施对自由人槭‘秋焰’组织培养中褐化的影响效应。结果表明:随着取材月份变化,外植体褐化率提高;AC和PVP对褐变的处理,与Vc和Na2S2O3的处理相比达到差异极显著,又以2.0g/L的PVP抑制褐化效果最佳;随着黑暗处理时间的加长,褐化率呈现高-低-高的变化趋势。春季4、5月份取材,接种于添加PVP2.0g/L的MS上时,直接进行光照培养,可有效控制褐变。  相似文献   
单季稻“甬优9号”病虫发生特点与防治技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查结果表明:与本地单季稻当家品种两优培九相比,甬优9号病虫发生有如下特点:①移栽期较迟避过了1代二化螟的为害,因此1代﹑2代螟虫为害较轻,但由于甬优9号生育期较长,穗期3代螟虫虫伤株为害相对较重。②稻纵卷叶螟发生前期四(2)代发生轻于两优培九,中期五(3)代发生重于籼型两优培九。③稻飞虱发生前中期四(2)﹑五(3)代白背飞虱和五(3)代褐稻虱发生较轻,同时茎秆粗壮,耐害性较好,后期六(4)代褐稻虱的发生重于两优培九,由于成熟期较迟还增加了10月份七(5)代的发生为害。④易感稻曲病。针对甬优9号病虫发生特点,在防治策略上调整如下:①放宽甬优9号营养生长阶段的防治指标,发挥甬优9号耐害性强的优点,减少病虫防治次数,保护和利用天敌的生态调控能力。②根据破口期天气情况,做好稻曲病等穗期病害的预防。③抓好穗期3代螟虫﹑褐稻虱的防治,确保丰收。  相似文献   
对上海市郊外环林带两侧总悬浮颗粒物浓度(简称TSP)和可吸入颗粒物浓度(简称PM10)同步测定表明:林带的防尘效应与风向有关,下风向处的TSP与PM10日均浓度均分别比上风向低19%-44%和39%-61%。林带边粒径分布测定结果表明:下风向处较大粒径颗粒物的相对含量比上风向处小一些;冬季的粒子谱分布呈现较大粒子和较小粒子重量累积百分比较高、中等粒子的重量累积百分比较低的态势;而春季则相反,中等粒子的重量累积百分比较高、较大粒子和较小粒子则比较低。说明冬春不同风向条件下上海市郊的大道旁林带区具有一定的防尘效应。  相似文献   
以庄浪县5种林草间作模式为对象,在田间采用张力计法测定各模式地的低吸力段土壤水分特征曲线,分析各模式地的土壤持水性能,比较不同模式地的比水容量,结果表明,各模式地土壤含水率随吸力变化较快;五种模式不同土层土壤持水力存在明显差异,表层土壤持水力较大,60cm土层土壤持水能力最差。仁用杏+红豆草模式地土壤持水能力和供水能力最强,是最为耐旱模式,油松+紫花苜蓿模式供水能力最差。  相似文献   
The composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) communities found in agricultural systems has been found to be very different to that of forest. The implications of this, if any, for the restoration of indigenous forest on ex-agricultural land is poorly understood. This study investigated the effect that AMF communities isolated from ex-agricultural and forest soils have on the growth of an indigenous New Zealand tree species (Podocarpus cunninghamii). The forest AMF community was isolated from a remnant stand of P. cunninghamii forest and the ex-agricultural AMF from a retired grazing grassland. In addition, the study examined how the two AMF communities affected the competitiveness of P. cunninghamii when grown in competition with an invasive grass species (Agrostis capillaris), which is frequently dominant on ex-agricultural land in New Zealand. P. cunninghamii growth was significantly decreased by inoculation with ex-agricultural AMF compared to forest AMF. Furthermore, the forest AMF community was able to significantly increase P. cunninghamii root production when in competition with A. capillaris. The findings suggest that when attempting to restore indigenous forest on ex-agricultural land, inoculation of tree seedlings with appropriate forest AMF may improve their growth and survival.  相似文献   
The response of soil microbial communities following changes in land-use is governed by multiple factors. The objectives of this study were to investigate (i) whether soil microbial communities track the changes in aboveground vegetation during succession; and (ii) whether microbial communities return to their native state over time. Two successional gradients with different vegetation were studied at the W. K. Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan. The first gradient comprised a conventionally tilled cropland (CT), mid-succession forest (SF) abandoned from cultivation prior to 1951, and native deciduous forest (DF). The second gradient comprised the CT cropland, early-succession grassland (ES) restored in 1989, and long-term mowed grassland (MG). With succession, the total microbial PLFAs and soil microbial biomass C consistently increased in both gradients. While bacterial rRNA gene diversity remained unchanged, the abundance and composition of many bacterial phyla changed significantly. Moreover, microbial communities in the relatively pristine DF and MG soils were very similar despite major differences in soil properties and vegetation. After >50 years of succession, and despite different vegetation, microbial communities in SF were more similar to those in mature DF than in CT. In contrast, even after 17 years of succession, microbial communities in ES were more similar to CT than endpoint MG despite very different vegetation between CT and ES. This result suggested a lasting impact of cultivation history on the soil microbial community. With conversion of deciduous to conifer forest (CF), there was a significant change in multiple soil properties that correlated with changes in microbial biomass, rRNA gene diversity and community composition. In conclusion, history of land-use was a stronger determinant of the composition of microbial communities than vegetation and soil properties. Further, microbial communities in disturbed soils apparently return to their native state with time.  相似文献   
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