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杨树烂皮病生防链霉菌的筛选及鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为明确能有效抑制杨树烂皮病菌的拮抗放线菌F58的生防效果及分类地位,采用平板对峙法、杯碟法和人工接种法分别测定了其活菌及发酵液的抑菌活性;并通过形态学、生理生化特征、16S rRNA及全细胞脂肪酸分析等方法研究了其分类地位。结果表明,拮抗放线菌F58对杨树烂皮病菌、杨树溃疡病菌、苹果斑点落叶病菌等13种供试植物病原菌均有抑制作用,抑菌谱广,其中对杨树烂皮病菌和杨树溃疡病菌抑制作用最强,抑菌带达30.2 mm以上,菌株F58发酵液对这2种病菌也有很强的抑制作用,抑菌圈直径分别为56.4 mm和42.7 mm;发酵液的无菌滤液对杨树烂皮病的保护效果和治疗效果分别达88.7%和73.4%。根据菌株形态、生理生化特性、16S rRNA序列比对及全细胞脂肪酸分析,鉴定拮抗放线菌F58为盐屋链霉菌Streptomyces sioyaensis。  相似文献   
小麦纹枯病生防芽孢杆菌的筛选及鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从河南、北京等地采集小麦植株,分离得到202株内生芽孢杆菌,平板拮抗测定获得27株对小麦纹枯病菌拮抗效果明显的菌株。温室盆栽测定了27个菌株对小麦纹枯病的生防效果,其中菌株M-1、W-2和W-3的防治效果分别为60.4%、59.4%和56.6%。对3株生防菌株进行了分类学鉴定,M-1为多粘类芽孢杆菌,W-2为地衣芽孢杆菌,W-3为枯草芽孢杆菌。  相似文献   
本研究从内蒙古包头市萨拉齐向日葵根围土壤中分离得到1株生防细菌 S-16,拮抗试验表明,菌株S-16能够显著抑制向日葵核盘菌的菌丝生长。显微镜观察发现,核盘菌菌丝生长点附近出现明显的异常分枝和囊泡状畸形,并且在距菌株S-16一定范围内核盘菌不能形成菌核。培养基内添加1%的菌株S-16发酵滤液能够有效抑制向日葵核盘菌菌核的形成。室内生测表明,2×106 cfu/mL浓度的菌株S-16菌液在离体叶片及幼苗上对向日葵菌核病的防效分别为94.62%和94.21%。通过细菌形态特征和生理生化反应,并结合API鉴定和16S rDNA序列分析,将菌株S-16鉴定为枯草芽孢杆菌Bacillus subtilis。  相似文献   
为获得更多特异性各异的生防放线菌,采用皿内琼脂块法和试管斜面划线法,对从陕西省商洛市土壤分离的11株生防放线菌菌株(MX1,MX2,MX3,MX4,MX5,MX6,MX7,MX8,MX9,SY1,SY2)和供试细黄链霉菌进行生理生化试验。结果表明:有8株菌株产脂肪酶,SY1、MX1和细黄链霉菌的浑浊圈很明显,直径大于15 mm 的菌株共计4株;有10株菌株产生卵磷脂酶,直径大于15 mm 的菌株共计5株;有11株菌株对淀粉的水力较强,直径大于15 mm 的共计6株;仅4株菌株可水解酪蛋白。12株供试菌株革兰氏染色均呈阳性;V-P 试验,MX1、MX2和 SY1呈阳性,MX6呈弱阳性;甲基红试验,MX2、MX3和细黄链霉菌呈阳性,MX9呈弱阳性;共有9株菌株可使明胶液化,占供试菌株的75%;仅 SY2产纤维素酶,有3株菌株产过氧化氢酶;有2株菌株能使牛奶培养基凝固,4株菌株能使其胨化。  相似文献   
摘要:以巴西蕉盆栽苗为试材,通过接种病原菌和灌根拮抗菌菌悬液等4个处理,探索不同的处理下香蕉苗防御酶活性、叶绿素含量及根系活力的差异,从而探究生防菌抗病机理。结果表明:JKJ-23菌悬液处理香蕉苗CAT、PPO、SOD、POD活性明显提高,各处理最大峰值分别是对应时间对照的3.72、2.03、1.72、2.61倍;JKJ-23菌悬液能够很好的抑制病原菌对香蕉苗叶绿素的破坏;无论有无病原菌的存在,JKJ-23拮抗菌菌悬液能够明显地提高香蕉苗根系活力。  相似文献   
食线虫真菌防治寄生线虫的研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章综述了近年来食线虫真菌防治寄生线虫的研究概况,包括食线虫真菌的捕食机制和食线虫真菌防治线虫实践以及今后研究方向。从此文还可以看出,Arthrobotrys oliosopra和Duddingtonia flagrans两株真菌是最有发展潜力的食线虫真菌,且D.flagrans比A.oligosopra的捕食效果更好,研究者已把D.flagrans厚壁孢子制成片剂和团块,饲喂后,能显著减少羊的寄生性线虫的幼虫。  相似文献   
水花生病原真菌的筛选与生防潜力的研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
为了开发恶性杂草水花生的生防真菌制剂,从自然发病的水花生病组织上分离了1株对水花生具有强致病性的病原真菌菌株WNJ01。该菌株在PSA平板上菌落为粉红色,生长速率为0.475 cm.d-1;不产生小型分生孢子,大型分生孢子3~5隔,具有明显的足胞,孢子大小为(36~56)μm×(4.0~5.6)μm,鉴定为镰刀菌(Fusariumsp.)。该菌株的适宜生长温度为20~30℃;当喷雾接种病原菌的孢子量为1×106mL-1时,接种后5 d水花生地上部完全萎蔫,15 d后地下部完全腐烂;接种后保湿超过6 h可以明显提高该菌株的致病效果;在孢子悬浮液中添加0.1%的吐温-20可以提高51.8%的致死效果。菌株WNJ01对除了水花生之外的其他13种植物均不致病。上述结果表明,WNJ01是1种对水花生具有强致病性、环境安全且具有潜在应用价值的生防真菌。  相似文献   
放线菌制剂对番茄PPO活性及生物量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】研究2种放线菌制剂对供试番茄生物量、保护性酶活性的影响,探索生防菌剂的防病促生机理。【方法】以Act1(加州链霉菌Streptomyces californicus)、Act2(假刺孢链霉菌Streptomyces pseudovenezuelae)、Act11(肉质链霉菌Streptomyces carnosus)、Act12(密旋链霉菌Streptomyces pactum)及Act8(1株未定种的链霉菌Streptomyces sp.)5种放线菌为材料,制成菌剂BCA1(由放线菌Act1、Act11和Act12按1∶1∶1的质量比混合而成)和菌剂BCA2(由Act1、Act2和Act8按1∶1∶1的质量比混合而成)2种放线菌制剂。以不接菌为对照,分别将BCA1和BCA2进行稀释后对番茄进行蘸根处理,采用常规称质量及PPO酶活性测定法分别对番茄生物量及叶片PPO酶活性进行测定。【结果】2种放线菌制剂均使苗期番茄叶片PPO活性降低,根系PPO活性升高,随着植株生长期的延长,菌剂对PPO活性的影响逐渐减小。②接种2种放线菌制剂对番茄生长均有明显的促进作用,BCA1使番茄的总生物量、茎质量、根系质量及须根质量分别增加了44.27%,47.38%,14.58%及52.85%;BCA2使番茄的总生物量、茎质量、根系质量及须根质量分别增加了46.87%,47.89%,42.63%及93.65%。【结论】接种放线菌制剂对番茄有明显的促生作用,可促进根系生长,增加生物量,并提高根系PPO活性,进而增强番茄根系的免疫力和抗病性。  相似文献   
Hydroponically grown cucumber (Cucumis sativus) seedlings were inoculated with zoospores of 1 mycoparasitic (Pythium oligandrum) and 2 pathogenic (Pythium aphanidermatum and Pythium group F) Pythium spp. During the first 2 days after inoculation, all the Pythium spp. caused reduction in the root length. However, roots treated with Pythium oligandrum quickly reached the length of the control and on the 8th day, and for the rest of the experimental period, stimulation of root elongation was noted. Pythium oligandrum was not pathogenic on cucumber and no differences in the fresh weights of control and Pythium oligandrum inoculated plants were observed in the course of the experiment. Pythium group F and Pythium aphanidermatum were pathogenic on cucumber seedlings, but their pathogenicities differed. Thus, while Pythium group F had a constant, negative influence on root length and plant growth, measured as fresh weight, Pythium aphanidermatum caused generalized necroses of the root system, inhibiting consistently root elongation and plant growth and finally causing plant death. Moreover, the zoospores of 2 mycoparasitic species, Pythium oligandrum and Pythium periplocum, were not attracted to roots of cucumber and accumulated on the roots in very low numbers compared to those of the pathogenic species, Pythium aphanidermatum, which were strongly attracted and accumulated in large numbers. Finally, it was also found that Pythium oligandrum colonized the roots very poorly, while Pythium group F and Pythium aphanidermatum were significantly better root colonizers. The significance of these findings is discussed in relation to the ecology of Pythium species and biocontrol.  相似文献   
In greenhouse and field experiments, an oil-in-water emulsion of unrefined corn oil and Silwet L-77 increased the biological weed control efficacy of Colletotrichum truncatum (Schw.) Andrus et Moore for control of the weed, hemp sesbania ( Sesbania exaltata [Raf.] Rydb. ex A.W. Hill). The surfactant – corn oil emulsion stimulated germination and appressoria formation in vivo and in vitro and delayed the need for dew. We hypothesize that the corn oil protected the conidia from desiccation during the dew-free period and the surfactant stimulated spore germination and appressoria formation. In field experiments conducted over 3 years, a single application of a 50% (v/v) unrefined corn oil tank mixture containing 0.2% (v/v) Silwet L-77 surfactant controlled hemp sesbania in soybeans an average of 95%. Aqueous fungal suspensions or adjuvants alone did not visually affect or control hemp sesbania. The soybean yields were significantly higher in the plots where weeds were effectively controlled. These results suggest that formulating C. truncatum in unrefined corn oil and surfactant greatly increases its infectivity and the biocontrol potential of this pathogen.  相似文献   
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