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通过对通辽市农业科学研究院温室土壤进行室内分析,结果表明:(1)通辽市农业科学研究院温室设施栽培土壤普遍存在酸化现象,其中1号温室土壤酸化已接近蔬菜出现生理障碍的临界水平;(2)所调查温室中土壤均呈现出不同程度的盐化现象,积盐分中阳离子以Ca^2+为主,而阴离子以SO4^2-和NO3^-为主;1号、4号温室盐化现象严重,其中4号棚中Cl^-含量出现异常,可能与长期施用的某种肥料有关。  相似文献   
生草和树枝覆盖对果园土壤持水性能的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对黄土高原枣园普遍盛行传统清耕制,将生草及覆盖技术引入枣园生产中,于2011—2013年采用人工土槽模拟研究方法,探讨不同生草和覆盖措施对枣树地土壤持水性能的影响。结果表明:生草与枣树枝覆盖能有效改善土壤物理结构、提高土壤孔隙度、降低土壤容重;各处理土壤水分蓄持能力及比水容量均按枣树枝半覆盖+白三叶生草、枣树枝全覆盖、白三叶生草覆盖和清耕处理依次递减,处理间的差异在高吸力阶段更为明显;与清耕处理相比,生草与覆盖处理土壤饱和含水量、田间持水量、凋萎系数均有提高,枣树枝半覆盖+白三叶生草处理增加最为明显,分别增加9%、20%、33%。  相似文献   
本试验考察了土壤温度、有机质含量和pH对海洋生防细菌多粘类芽胞杆菌L_1-9在黄瓜根表土壤中定殖的影响。采用实时荧光定量PCR方法检测了不同时期黄瓜根表土壤中菌株L_1-9的16S r DNA拷贝数。结果表明,土壤有机质含量、土壤温度和pH对菌株L_1-9在黄瓜根表的定殖有显著影响(P0.01)。25℃定殖数量最高,为5.79×108拷贝/g土,是15℃时的3.4倍;添加有机肥20~40 g/kg土壤,可以促进菌株L_1-9在黄瓜根际定殖;pH 7时,菌株L_1-9在黄瓜根表土壤中的定殖数量最高。本研究为海洋生防菌L_1-9防治黄瓜土传病害提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
以靖远(A)、瓜州(B)、金昌(C)和新疆(D)4个区域盐渍化土壤为对象,采用水平土柱入渗法,探讨磷石膏盐碱土改良剂不同用量(0、6 000、12 000 kg·hm~(-2))对湿润峰移动平均速率和土壤水分扩散率的影响。结果表明:不同用量磷石膏盐碱土改良剂对4种盐渍化土壤水分扩散率影响不同。对于A、B、D 3个区域盐渍化土壤,改良剂用量为6 000 kg·hm~(-2)以下时,对土壤水分传输潜在能力有促进作用;当改良剂用量超过6 000 kg·hm~(-2)时,改良剂对土壤水分传输潜在能力有抑制作用。而对于C区域盐渍化土壤,随着改良剂用量的增加,对水分传输潜在能力有明显的促进作用,这说明改良剂对C区域盐渍化土壤作用效果明显。  相似文献   
通过长期定位试验,研究了黄土高原西部旱农区传统耕作措施(T)和5种保护性耕作措施免耕+秸秆覆盖(NTS)、免耕(NT)、传统耕作+秸秆还田(TS)、传统耕作+地膜覆盖(TP)和免耕+地膜覆盖(NTP)对土壤有机质、速效养分以及作物产量的影响。结果表明,经过6 a不同耕作措施后,各处理土壤有机C、NO3-N以及速效P含量均有所提高,其中有机C含量比试验初期提高了4.92%~18.05%,NO3-N含量提高了17.98%~31.08%,速效P含量提高143.04%~212.87%。各处理土壤速效钾含量均有所下降,其中以NTS和TS降幅较小,仅为2.75%和6.26%。6 a间小麦和豌豆平均产量均以NTS最高(分别为2 030 kg·hm-2和1 381 kg·hm-2),而NT最低(1 608 kg·hm-2和1 060 kg·hm-2)。传统耕作秸秆还田能促进土壤耕层肥力的提高,但产量效应不明显;地膜覆盖有些年份增产效应明显,但不利于土壤肥力的持续提高。因此,在黄土高原西部旱农区实施免耕秸秆覆盖既有利于作物产量的提高,也可以改善耕层土壤肥力。  相似文献   
Fungal colonisation of winter wheat cv. Cadenza by Fusarium culmorum, F. graminearum and Microdochium nivale was studied under conditions designed to avoid the splash dispersal of conidia from infested compost, to evaluate the possibility that systemic growth may transfer infection from the stem-base to the head. At decimal growth stages 33, 59, 77–87 and 95 the extent of fungal growth was assessed using a sample of 72 plants, by the recovery of fungal species from the stem-base, from each node and from the ear. Each of the fungi was recovered from stem tissues above soil level in some, apparently symptomless, plants. Symptoms of Fusarium foot rot were seen in an increasing proportion of plants during grain-fill and desiccation. There was an inverse relationship between recovery and the height above stem-base from which the stem tissue was excised. F. culmorum was the most frequently isolated fungus and it was also recovered from the highest position in plants. Only 3% of plants were colonised above the second node and none of the fungal species were recovered from either the fifth node or the ear. This suggests that colonisation and systemic growth from Fusarium infested compost is unlikely to contribute to the development of ear blight symptoms in winter wheat.  相似文献   
本文通过研究内蒙古旱作区禾本科、豆科及茄科间作对土壤生物性状的影响,旨在揭示燕麦(Avena sativa Linn)与不同作物间作及其单作在土壤酶活性、微生物量及土地当量比(LER)等方面的优势机理。本试验设置燕麦、黑豆(Glycinemax(L.)merr)、苜蓿(Medicago sativa)、马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum L)单作和黑豆间作燕麦、苜蓿间作燕麦、马铃薯间作燕麦共7个处理,探讨各处理对上述各指标的影响。结果表明:燕麦间作黑豆土地当量比最高,2015年和2016年分别为1.62和1.65。燕麦间作黑豆土壤脲酶活性和蔗糖酶活性较苜蓿间作燕麦、马铃薯间作燕麦显著提高了5.00%~51.61%和5.73%~52.29%。2015年和2016年播种后75 d苜蓿间作燕麦土壤过氧化氢酶活性显著高于黑豆间作燕麦,分别提高了29.47%和40.56%。黑豆间作燕麦对比其他两间作处理土壤微生物的生物量碳、氮含量分别显著提高了2.70%~17.89%和11.36%~26.47%,土壤脲酶活性提高了1.51%~55.22%,蔗糖酶活性提高了5.73%~52.29%,是该地区最优的间作模式。  相似文献   
作物和土壤中乙酰甲胺磷及其代谢物甲胺磷消解研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
为评价乙酰甲胺磷在作物上使用的安全性,采用气相色谱法研究了不同气候条件(亚热带和暖温带)下的4种作物(甘蓝、萝卜、水稻、柑桔)和8个土壤样品(4种作物各自在两个试验地点的土壤)中乙酰甲胺磷及其代谢物甲胺磷的消解情况。结果表明:乙酰甲胺磷在作物和土壤中均可代谢产生甲胺磷,作物中的2 h甲胺磷代谢产率主要由作物种类决定。作物中乙酰甲胺磷的消解半衰期为3.1~13.5 d,甲胺磷为2.7~12.8 d;土壤中乙酰甲胺磷的半衰期为1.4~6.4 d,甲胺磷为4.5~10.7 d。土壤pH值对乙酰甲胺磷的消解影响显著,其在碱性土壤中消解较快。具有较高净辐射的气候条件会促进乙酰甲胺磷及甲胺磷在作物中的消解,因此种植在暖温带气候条件下的作物上使用乙酰甲胺磷较种植在亚热带气候条件下的具有更高的甲胺磷残留风险。乙酰甲胺磷施用在叶菜类蔬菜上可能会有较高的甲胺磷残留风险,建议叶菜类蔬菜应谨慎使用乙酰甲胺磷。  相似文献   
异噁草酮对土壤微生物和土壤酶活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本试验检测了异噁草酮处理土壤后土壤中微生物群落数量和土壤酶活性变化,目的在于研究异噁草酮对土壤微生态产生的影响。结果表明:土壤中异噁草酮有效成分浓度为200、500μg/kg和700μg/kg时,促进土壤中细菌和真菌数量增长,该数量在处理7d之内就会明显变化,并且此影响随异噁草酮使用浓度的提高而增强,但异噁草酮对放线菌的数量无显著影响。施用异噁草酮后,土壤酶活性反应程度由高到低的顺序为:转化酶多酚氧化酶过氧化氢酶。本研究中异噁草酮施入土壤后,除对多酚氧化酶有明显抑制作用,且该抑制作用在短时间内可恢复外,对土壤微生物数量和土壤酶活性都有促进作用。  相似文献   
Vegetation fractional coverage(VFC) is an important index to describe and evaluate the ecological system.The vegetation index is widely used to monitor vegetation coverage in the field of remote sensing(RS).In this paper,the author conducted a case study of the delta oasis of Weigan and Kuqa rivers,which is a typical saline area in the Tarim River Watershed.The current study was based on the TM/ETM+ images of 1989,2001,and 2006,and supported by Geographic Information System(GIS) spatial analysis,vegetation index,and dimidiate pixel model.In addition,VBSI(vegetation,bare soil and shadow indices) suitable for TM/ETM+ images,constructed with FCD(forest canopy density) model principle and put forward by ITTO(International Tropical Timber Organization),was used,and it was applied to estimate the VFC.The estimation accuracy was later proven to be up to 83.52%.Further,the study analyzed and appraised the changes in vegetation patterns and revealed a pattern of spatial change in the vegetation coverage of the study area by producing the map of VFC levels in the delta oasis.Forest,grassland,and farmland were the three main land-use types with high and extremely-high coverage,and they played an important role in maintaining the vegetation.The forest area determined the changes of the coverage area,whereas the other two land types affected the directions of change.Therefore,planting trees,protecting grasslands,reclaiming farmlands,and controlling unused lands should be included in a long-term program because of their importance in keeping regional vegetation coverage.Finally,the dynamic variation of VFC in the study area was evaluated according to the quantity and spatial distribution rendered by plant cover digital images to deeply analyze the reason behind the variation.  相似文献   
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