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通过标准地调查和生物量实测相结合的方法,对布设等高反坡阶后滇中云南松林乔木层碳含量、生物量、碳储量及分配特征进行了估算,并分析了8年后各器官碳增量及分配格局特征。结果表明:布设等高反坡阶后云南松各器官碳含量变幅为41.01%~47.35%,平均碳含量高低排列依次为干叶枝皮粗根中根细根。10~15龄的云南松林在布设等高反坡阶后地上部分总生物量比对照高32.75%,等高反坡阶显著提高了10~15龄和15~30龄地下部分生物量(30.73%和35.71%),总生物量随着龄组的增加而显著增加。等高反坡阶显著提高了10~15龄云南松林地上部分碳储量(32.79%)和15~30龄地下部分碳储量(35.60%);布设等高反坡阶8年后显著增加了10~15龄、15~30龄地上部分碳增量(53.33%和20.45%)和地下部分碳增量(53.70%和73.43%)。综上,人工造林时应对等高反坡阶予以高度关注,适度发展等高反坡阶措施,在等高反坡阶基础上因地制宜地进行人工造林,增加山地造林面积和植被碳储量,从而保护当地生态环境。  相似文献   
随着中国能源需求的不断增长和环境保护的日益加强,生物燃气产业越来越受重视,对产业竞争力进行评价以了解地区生物燃气产业发展水平成为急需解决的问题。该文从规模、经济、技术、管理、可持续发展5个方面选择了22个指标,构建了生物燃气产业竞争力评价指标体系。基于层次分析法和模糊综合评判法,提出了生物燃气产业竞争力评价模型,并应用于北京市生物燃气产业竞争力评价。评价结果表明:规模竞争力在差的隶属度综合得分是0.49,制约因素主要是从业人员人数及气体总消费量。经济竞争力指标在中的隶属度综合评分是0.65,制约因素主要是农民增收情况。技术竞争力指标在良的隶属度综合评分是0.54,制约因素主要是人才吸引力情况。管理竞争力指标在中的隶属度综合得分是0.54,制约因素主要有运营管理模式及技术安全管理水平。可持续发展竞争力指标在优的隶属度综合得分是0.51。北京市生物燃气产业竞争力属于中等水平,在废弃物资源化利用能力以及污染物减排方面具有明显优势,在科研投入、技术装备方面具有较高水平,在管理水平、经济效益、产业规模方面等方面处于中等或较差水平,需要进行完善和提升。模型很好的表征了北京市生物燃气产业的现状,研究结果可为北京市生物燃气产业发展提供依据。  相似文献   
纤维素酶解效率是木质纤维素经济、高效生化转化的限制瓶颈。该文讨论了影响纤维素酶酶解经济性与高效性的多个要素,如:高滤纸酶活菌株的选育、发酵、酶解机理、酶解影响因素及酶解混合体系的优化等。该文研究表明,纤维二糖水解酶可能是决定发酵体系中滤纸酶活高低的关键单酶组分,同时,该酶可能也是预处理后生物质酶解体系中决定滤纸酶活效率的关键单酶组分。酶解过程中关键限速反应的认识及关键限制因素形成机制的揭示将成为纤维素酶生化转化研究的重点,这些机理机制的建立可为构建高比活力纤维素酶提供理论依据。  相似文献   
蚯蚓与黑麦草相互作用对土壤中荧蒽去除的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Earthworms can promote the bioremediation of contaminated soils through enhancing plant growth and microorganism development. The individual and combined effects of earthworms and ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) on the removal of fluoranthene from a sandy-loam alluvial soil were investigated in a 70-d microcosm experiment. The experiment was set up in a complete factorial design with treatments in four replicates: without earthworms or ryegrass (control, CK), with earthworms only (E), with ryegrass only (P), and with both earthworms and ryegrass (EP). The residual fluoranthene, microbial biomass C, and polyphenol oxidase activity in the soil changed significantly (P<0.01) with time. In general, the residual concentration of fluoranthene in the soil decreased sharply from 71.8-88.7 to 31.7-37.4 mg kg 1 in 14 d, and then decreased gradually to 19.7-30.5 mg kg 1 on the 70th d. The fluoranthene concentration left in the soil was the least with both earthworms and ryegrass, compared to the other treatments at the end of the experiment. Half-life times of fluoranthene in the E, P, and EP treatments were 17.8%-36.3% smaller than that of CK. More fluoranthene was absorbed by earthworms than ryegrass. However, the total amounts of fluoranthene accumulated in both the ryegrass and earthworms were small, only accounting for 0.01%-1.20% of the lost fluoranthene. Therefore, we assumed that microbial degradation would play a dominant functional role in fluoranthene removal from soil. We found that earthworms significantly increased microbial biomass C and polyphenol oxidase activity (P<0.01) in the presence of ryegrass at the end of the experiment. Furthermore, microbial biomass C and polyphenol oxidase activity were significantly (P<0.05) and negatively related to the residual fluoranthene concentration. This implied that earthworms might promote the removal of fluoranthene from soil via stimulating microbial biomass C and polyphenol oxidase activity.  相似文献   
为了解决当前生物质燃料炉存在的热效率低、排放不达标、有焦油味、炊事取暖不兼顾、炊事高度与烧炕爬烟高度不兼顾等问题,该文结合北方地区农村居民生活习惯,设计了一种集取暖、炊事、洗浴等功能于一体的生物质多功能炉,并对其性能进行了测试。结果显示,其额定热功率为8.0 kW,热效率为69.7%,炊事热效率为39.2%,炊事火力强度为39 926 J/g,综合热效率为78.55%,烟气排放指标低于国家标准。研究结果可为中国北方地区的生物质燃料多功能炉的设计和应用提供参考。  相似文献   
长期施用氮磷肥对(土娄)土钾素的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以长期定位施肥与小麦一玉米轮作田间试验为平台,研究了施肥对(土娄)土土壤钾素的影响以及冬小麦生育期内(土娄)土土壤速效钾、缓效钾及微生物量钾的变化.结果表明:氮磷肥不同施用量对土壤全钾基本没影响,而对速效钾、缓效钾及微生物量钾的影响较大.土壤速效钾和缓效钾均随施肥量的增加而减少,而微生物量钾随施肥量的增加而增加,且0-20 cm土层土壤速效钾、缓效钾及微生物量钾含量均高于20-40 cm土层.小麦生育期内,土壤速效钾和微生物量钾含量的变化一致,均是先上升再下降,再上升,又下降的变化.土壤中微生物量钾与有机碳、全氮均呈显著正相关关系,而与土壤速效钾和缓效钾无显著相关关系.氮磷肥在一定施用量范围内,促进了土壤无机态钾素的消耗,而提高了土壤微生物量钾的含量.土壤钾素的这种变化是作物吸收、施肥等因素共同作用的结果.  相似文献   
Agricultural soil landscapes of hummocky ground moraines are characterized by 3D spatial patterns of soil types that result from profile modifications due to the combined effect of water and tillage erosion. We hypothesize that crops reflect such soil landscape patterns by increased or reduced plant and root growth. Root development may depend on the thickness and vertical sequence of soil horizons as well as on the structural development state of these horizons at different landscape positions. The hypotheses were tested using field data of the root density (RD) and the root lengths (RL) of winter wheat using the minirhizotron technique. We compared data from plots at the CarboZALF‐D site (NE Germany) that are representing a non‐eroded reference soil profile (Albic Luvisol) at a plateau position, a strongly eroded profile at steep slope (Calcaric Regosol), and a depositional profile at the footslope (Anocolluvic Regosol). At each of these plots, three Plexiglas access tubes were installed down to approx. 1.5 m soil depth. Root measurements were carried out during the growing season of winter wheat (September 2014–August 2015) on six dates. The root length density (RLD) and the root biomass density were derived from RD values assuming a mean specific root length of 100 m g?1. Values of RD and RLD were highest for the Anocolluvic Regosol and lowest for the Calcaric Regosol. The maximum root penetration depth was lower in the Anocolluvic Regosol because of a relatively high and fluctuating water table at this landscape position. Results revealed positive relations between below‐ground (root) and above‐ground crop parameters (i.e., leaf area index, plant height, biomass, and yield) for the three soil types. Observed root densities and root lengths in soils at the three landscape positions corroborated the hypothesis that the root system was reflecting erosion‐induced soil profile modifications. Soil landscape position dependent root growth should be considered when attempting to quantify landscape scale water and element balances as well as agricultural productivity.  相似文献   
为了对田块尺度农作物地上干生物量进行估测,提高大豆地上干生物量反演模型的精度和稳定性,该文获取了研究区地块2016年7、8月份的SPOT-6多光谱数据,并测定不同地形坡位的大豆地上干生物量,以归一化植被指数(normalized difference vegetation index,NDVI)和增强型植被指数(enhanced vegetation index,EVI)为输入量,建立田块尺度大豆地上干生物量一元线性回归模型;加入与地上干生物量相关的地形因子,建立逐步多元回归和神经网络多层感知反演模型.结果表明:1)使用传统的单一植被指数模型预测大豆地上干生物量有可行性,但模型精度和稳定性不高.2)加入地形因子(海拔、坡度、坡向)的神经网络多层感知器模型,有较高的精度和可靠性,模型准确度达到90.4%,验证结果显示预估精度为96.2%.反演结果与地块的地形、地貌、气温和降水特征基本吻合,反映了作物长势的空间分布特征,可以为田块尺度大豆地上干生物量动态监测和精准管理,提供借科学依据.  相似文献   
为了确定藻类对稻田生态系统中氮素固持与迁移过程的影响程度,本研究采用田间小区和15N微区试验,在水稻生长的不同时期,观测了藻类在稻田中的生长状况,定量测定了藻类的生物量和氮素固持量.结果显示,稻田中的藻类具有明显的群落演替特征,水稻生育初期以球状藻为主,中后期则以丝状藻为主.藻类的生长可分为两个阶段,即生长期和衰亡期,其中,生长期从稻秧移栽初期至拔节期,衰亡期从拔节期至水稻收获.在衰亡期,藻类生物量随时间的变化符合生长曲线模式.藻类生物质干重在2007和2009年水稻生育期的变化范围分别为205~610 kg/hm2和12~353 kg/hm2,而藻类氮素固持量则分别为N 5.4~17.5 kg/hm2和N0.4~11.0 kg/hm2.15N微区试验结果显示,藻类对15N的固持量为N 0.3~6.0 kg/hm2,占氮素总固持量的54%~68%,平均为57%,表明藻类固持的氮素中大部分来源于当季施入的氮肥.  相似文献   
采用短期淹水密闭培养法、长期淹水密闭培养-间歇淋洗法及氯仿薰蒸法,探讨不施氮肥、施氮肥、氮肥 有机肥、氮肥 有机肥 放萍4种施肥措施,连续16年长期定位试验水稻土的可矿化氮及微生物量氮的变化.结果表明:经过16年培肥及水稻种植,与不施氮肥相比,单施化学氮肥使水稻土可矿化氮数量极显著下降(p<0.01),化学氮肥与有机肥配施可极显著地提高水稻土可矿化氮数量(p<0.01);而化学氮肥及化学氮肥与有机肥配施均可极显著增加水稻土微生物量氮的数量(p<0.01),但以单施化学氮肥增加的幅度最大.与氮肥和有机肥配施相比,在此基础上,连续7年水稻插秧后接种“Azolla“固氮菌体,水稻土可矿化氮及微生物量氮数量均无显著变化.两种培养方法,水稻土可矿化氮量与微生物氮量之间无密切联系,但水稻土可矿化氮和矿化氮与微生物量氮比率之间则有密切正相关关系.  相似文献   
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