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Drought and ecosystem carbon cycling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Drought as an intermittent disturbance of the water cycle interacts with the carbon cycle differently than the ‘gradual’ climate change. During drought plants respond physiologically and structurally to prevent excessive water loss according to species-specific water use strategies. This has consequences for carbon uptake by photosynthesis and release by total ecosystem respiration. After a drought the disturbances in the reservoirs of moisture, organic matter and nutrients in the soil and carbohydrates in plants lead to longer-term effects in plant carbon cycling, and potentially mortality. Direct and carry-over effects, mortality and consequently species competition in response to drought are strongly related to the survival strategies of species. Here we review the state of the art of the understanding of the relation between soil moisture drought and the interactions with the carbon cycle of the terrestrial ecosystems. We argue that plant strategies must be given an adequate role in global vegetation models if the effects of drought on the carbon cycle are to be described in a way that justifies the interacting processes.  相似文献   
  1. Marine protected areas (MPAs) are becoming a widely used tool for the conservation of biodiversity and for fishery management; however, most of these areas are designed without prior knowledge of the basic ecological aspects of the species that they are trying to protect.
  2. This study investigated the movement of two top predators: the Galapagos shark, Carcharhinus galapagensis, and the yellowtail amberjack, Seriola lalandi, in and around the Motu Motiro Hiva Marine Park (MMHMP) using MiniPAT satellite tags to determine the effectiveness of this MPA for the protection of these species.
  3. The Galapagos sharks (n = 4) spent most of their tag deployment periods inside the MMHMP. However, high intraspecific variability was observed in their movement dynamics. Daily individual maximum movements ranged from 17 to 58 km and the maximum distance from Salas y Gómez Island, the only emergent island within the MMHMP, ranged from 31 to 139 km.
  4. The maximum linear distance travelled for a female juvenile Galapagos shark (152 cm total length) was 236 km, which is greater than the maximum distance previously documented for juveniles of this species (<50 km).
  5. For the yellowtail amberjack (n = 1), 91% of the satellite geolocations were within the MMHMP, with a maximum daily distance travelled of 6 km. The maximum distance travelled between points was 111 km and the maximum distance from Salas y Gómez Island was 62 km.
  6. All archival tagged fish spent most of their time at depths of <50 m and never left the epipelagic zone. Daytime versus night-time differences were pronounced in all individuals but showed high interindividual variability.
  7. This study provides a baseline on the movement of these two top predators in the MMHMP and provides valuable insights for the creation of MPAs in the region and elsewhere.
对林业上市公司林木资产会计信息的披露现状进行了分析,指出会计信息披露中存在明晰性不强、缺乏风险应对战略、披露过于随意等.在此基础上,对会计信息披露现存问题进行了研究,研究表明,缺乏专业人才、林木资产的特殊性、相关法规的缺失等是主要因素.最后提出了健全林业上市公司林木资产会计信息披露的相关对策,即加强政府监督、完善企业内控、推进专业人员培训等.  相似文献   
雾灵山森林公园旅游资源评价   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
先采用定性方法,从直观上描述了雾灵山森林公园的自然资源、人为景观、旅游环境和开发条件;然后根据游客的调查问卷,又对其进行了定量评价。结果表明:雾灵山的生态旅游资源丰富,区位条件良好,适宜扩大开发生态旅游。并根据评价结果,对公园开发生态旅游提出了几点建议。  相似文献   
林火对大兴安岭典型植被土壤理化性质的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以大兴安岭地区西部呼中国家级自然保护区2008年受火烧干扰的林分为研究对象,对2个典型林型落叶松林和白桦林不同火烧强度的土壤理化性质进行了分析。结果表明:2个林型在不同火烧强度的作用下,其土壤含水率、土壤密度、pH值、有机质及营养元素质量分数等理化性质表现出显著的差异性。  相似文献   
Understanding the characteristics of the structure of desert atmospheric boundary layer and its land surface process is of great importance to the simulations of regional weather and climate.To investigate the atmospheric boundary layer structure and its forming mechanism of Taklimakan Desert,and to improve the accuracy and precision of regional weather and climate simulations,we carried out a GPS radiosonde observation experiment in the hinterland of Taklimakan Desert from 25 June to 3 July,2015.Utilizing the densely observed sounding data,we analyzed the vertical structures of daytime convective boundary layer and nighttime stable boundary layer in summer over this region,and also discussed the impacts of sand-dust and precipitation events on the desert atmospheric boundary layer structure.In summer,the convective boundary layer in the hinterland of Taklimakan Desert developed profoundly and its maximum height could achieve 4,000 m;the stable boundary layer at nighttime was about 400–800-m thick and the residual mixing layer above it could achieve a thickness over 3,000 m.Sand-dust weather would damage the structures of nighttime stable boundary layer and daytime convective boundary layer,and the dust particle swarm can weak the solar radiation absorbed by the ground surface and further restrain the strong development of convective boundary layer in the daytime.Severe convective precipitation process can change the heat from the ground surface to the atmosphere in a very short time,and similarly can damage the structure of desert atmospheric boundary layer remarkably.Moreover,the height of atmospheric boundary layer was very low when raining.Our study verified the phenomenon that the atmospheric boundary layer with supernormal thickness exists over Taklimakan Desert in summer,which could provide a reference and scientific bases for the regional numerical models to better represent the desert atmospheric boundary layer structure.  相似文献   
阅读不仅影响着个人的修行和素养,也决定着民族的进步与发展。随着社会对信息资源需求的增长,高校图书馆在全民阅读中发挥出自己独特优势作用,促进书香型社会的建设。  相似文献   
基于当前全球森林治理国际标准、规则混乱,国际森林的私人规制日益占据主导地位的现状,界定了多元森林管理的定义、内涵,分析了多元森林管理的主要限制因素,梳理了鼓励多元森林管理实施的因素和机会,并提出改进对策和建议,以期为学界进一步深入研究全球森林治理及多元森林管理问题提供借鉴。  相似文献   
通过对湖南书院洲国家湿地公园两个不同断面鱼类进行了连续监测,对其群落组成、生物多样性、优势种组成进行了比较分析。调查发现:有鱼类30种,隶属于5目9科。两个不同生境断面的鱼类小型鱼类均以鲤形目鲤科鱼类为主,且多为小型鱼类。在鱼类的群落结构多样性度量值差异不大:(1)断面Ⅰ鱼类分5目7科22种;断面Ⅱ有鱼类分4目7科19种;(2)断面Ⅰ和断面Ⅱ的多样性指数分别是2.58和2.67,均衡度指数是0.835和1.1,种类相似性指数是53.7%。本次调查还发现湿地公园鲤形目鲤科鱼类新记录5种:分别是银鮈、似鮈、达式鲌、飘鱼和红唇薄鳅。  相似文献   
于湖南省宁乡县青羊湖国有林场南酸枣林内的41个林窗和41个非林窗中设置样方,对其灌木层植物群落进行调查,采用物种多样性指数研究林窗干扰对南酸枣林灌木层植物多样性的影响。结果表明:林窗干扰改善了微环境,林窗内与非林窗中林下灌木层树种重要值及多样性存在差异。林窗内的灌木层树种组成数量、累计出现的平均密度、频度、丰富度指数R、Shannon-Wienner指数H、Pielout均匀度指数E、综合多样性用均优多指数Z均高于非林窗中的,而其生态优势度指数λ稍低于非林窗中的。  相似文献   
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