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为深入研究广东始兴南山保护区的地带性植被亚热带常绿阔叶林的物种格局特征,在保护区设置了1 hm~2的固定监测样地,对样地主要物种的空间分布格局及其关联性进行了研究。结果表明:面积为1 hm~2样地中共有94个乔木树种,3 359个植物个体,在群落占优势的这4个物种为罗浮栲Castanopsis fabri、栲Castanopsis fargesii、华南木姜子Litsea greenmaniana和罗浮柿Diospyros morrisiana。华南木姜子和罗浮柿的分布格局主要呈现聚集分布,但罗浮栲和栲的聚集程度较低,物种的分布格局受物种特性和生境异质性的影响。群落主要物种的关联性不明显,整体竞争不明显,群落会继续演替。  相似文献   
为提升香格里拉普达措国家公园的整体性和有效保护,对迪庆州范围内具有重要生态价值的区域,从国家代表性、生态系统重要性和管理可行性3个方面进行系统评估。适宜性分析结果认为,拟扩建区域山地植被垂直带谱典型完整,足以支撑地带性生物区系,区内多样的地貌构造以及珍贵、罕见的地质地貌景观和遗迹,具有十分重要的世界意义和保护价值,动植物区系较完整,能维持种群生存繁衍、生态功能稳定和生态系统健康,生态原真性十分突出。扩建后国家公园面积1030919.93 hm2,涉及香格里拉市的11个乡镇。综合评价认为,拟扩建区域资源具有国家代表性,生态系统突出,并具备管理可行性,全面符合建设国家公园的条件。提出将白马雪山、哈巴雪山、千湖山、红山、梅里雪山和碧罗雪山等6片区纳入普拉措国家公园扩建范围,并对扩建后国家公园更名、建立管理体制、运行机制等方面提出建议。  相似文献   
为清楚了解、掌握河北小五台山国家级自然保护区野生木本植物资源情况,并妥善加以利用,采用野外实地调查的方法对小五台山野生有色木本植物进行研究。调查发现,小五台山内野生有色木本植物资源丰富,许多物种在不同生长季的树叶、树干、花及果实具有极高的观赏性,部分果实还具有可食性;保护区常见的有色木本植物共116种,隶属于33科67属,以蔷薇科、桦木科、榆科、卫矛科、忍冬科为主,其中观叶植物64种、观枝观干植物12种、观果植物37种;观叶树种可在园林绿化中应用,观果树种具有食用和药用价值,部分树种可应用于防护林建设;因此,应加强野生有色木本植物保护,合理利用,建立彩色植物园,加快引种、驯化、繁育基地的建设,丰富彩色木本植物资源,实现野生有色木本植物资源的可持续利用。  相似文献   
以甘肃省兰州市七里河区石佛沟国家森林公园为例,介绍ArcGIS软件在森林公园总体规划制图中的实际应用,给出成图内容和要求,并详细阐述成图过程中基础资料收集与准备,数据采集与输入,数据编辑与处理,专题图制作与输出等具体步骤。  相似文献   
兴隆山保护区在1987年至2007年21年间,采取定点定人定时观测,得出:年平均日照时数是1747.9 h,低于全国该线的日照时数852.1 h;月日照时数是平均145.7 h,范围在181.9 h至116.5 h之间,最多出现在7月,最低出现在10月;日照时数变化很大,平均4.8 h,最长7月,达9h,最短10月,只有1.7 h,形成很大差异.其因是兴隆山林区周边有高山、森林、云、降水、雾霾和水蒸气较多遮挡所致.  相似文献   
This study assessed the effects of exploitations in natural forest ecosystems on tree species diversity and environmental conservation. This was achieved by comparing tree species diversity and yield in an unlogged forest (Strict Nature Reserve) and a forest reserve where active logging is in progress in Ondo State, Nigeria. Eight plots (20 m × 20 m) were assessed in each site using systematic sampling techniques. All living trees with dbh >10 cm were identified, categorized into families with their diameter at breast height (dbh) measured in each plot. Shannon-Weiner and species evenness indices were used to assess and compare tree species diversity and abundance. The results show that the tropical humid forest is very rich in tree species, as a total of 54 different tropical hardwood species from 23 families were encountered in both forest types. There were 46 species distributed among 21 families in the unlogged forest and 24 species in 14 families in the logged forest. Shannon-Weiner diversity index of 3.16 and 3.03 and evenness index of .83 and .81 were also obtained for the unlogged and logged forest, respectively. Every variable computed had a higher value in the unlogged forest relative to the logged forest. In the unlogged forest, the species with the highest number of occurrence was Mansonia altissima A. Chev. (80 stems/ha). Caesalpinoidae and Sterculiaceae families had the highest number of species (6). In the logged forest, Triplochiton scleroxylon K. Schum. (18 stems/ha) had the highest frequency and Caesalpinoidae family has the highest number of species (4). The study concludes that exploitation has affected species diversity in the ecosystem and subsequently, the roles of trees in environmental conservation are affected.  相似文献   

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and the Virunga Volcano region are the last remaining habitats of the highly endangered mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei). This conservation area, shared by Uganda, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo, also acts as a refuge for biodiversity and high endemism in the Albertine Rift of Central East Africa. This particular region has suffered from a number of years of civil strife, which have severely affected the management of these forests. This paper will explore the experiences of the International Gorilla Conservation Programme (IGCP) obtained throughout the development of regional processes that are working towards establishing a transboundary-protected area. The establishment of a regional framework and tools utilized are described. The costs and constraints incurred by the IGCP and the resulting positive impacts on conservation are also highlighted.  相似文献   
调查统计表明,箬寮岘自然保护区珍稀濒危植物及国家保护植物有28种,隶属于18科25属。通过对箬寮岘自然保护区28种珍稀濒危植物及国家保护植物区系组成的分析,得出该区系具有木本植物占优势、区系起源古老、孑遗植物众多、地理成分复杂和特有现象显著等特征。  相似文献   
岑王老山自然保护区药用种子植物区系分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卢家仕  黄敏  高清 《福建林业科技》2007,34(2):62-65,71
岑王老山自然保护区共分布有野生药用种子植物147科561属1003种(包括种以下分类单位),是保护区种子植物区系的重要组成部分。分析表明:保护区药用种子植物区系的优势科明显,15种以上的科有15科,共含209属423种,虽然只占总科数的10.20%,但占总属数的37.25%和总种数的42.17%。属的组成复杂,含1~5种的属共542属,占总属数的96.61%。分布区类型多样,与世界各地联系广泛,科的分布区类型可划分为11类,其中热带分布85科,占总科数的70.83%,温带分布34科,占28.33%,中国特有分布1科,占0.83%;属的分布区类型可划分为15类,其中热带分布362属,占总属数的69.34%,温带分布153属,占29.31%,中国特有分布7属,占1.34%。同保护区种子植物区系的地理成分非常相似,以热带成分为主。  相似文献   
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