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不同施肥措施对3年生山桂花人工林林木生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在云南省的孟连县开展营造山桂花人工林施用N、P、NP、NPK肥及其每种植穴用量为0 g、100 g、200g、300 g的不同施肥措施对3年生期间山桂花人工林林木生长影响的试验研究。试验结果表明,当3年生时山桂花人工林林木的材积不同施肥处理的比不施肥处理的高1.6~5.4倍。所施用的4种肥料相比较,施肥效果为:N>NP>NPK>P。其3年生山桂花人工林林木平均材积,施用N的比施用NP的高2.7%,施用NP的比施用NPK的高49.3%,施用NPK的比施用P的高191.8%。不同施肥量对山桂花人工林(3年生)林木生长的效应是P300 g>200 g>100 g>0 g;N和NP是200 g>300 g>100 g>0 g;NPK是300 g>100 g>200 g>0 g。受当地气候影响,山桂花人工林(3年生)的生长可分为两季,12月~次年5月处于旱季,因气温低,降水少其幼林生长慢,6~11月为雨季,气温高、降水足其幼林生长快,雨季生长量比旱季高50%以上。  相似文献   
南亚热带杉木生态系统生物量和碳素积累及其空间分布特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
碳是一切有机物的基本成分,也是构成生物体的主要元素,约占生物体干质量的一半左右,碳环及其空间分布与生态系统的维持、发展和稳定性机制有着密切的联系(悲志永等,2003).  相似文献   
王录  陈祥伟  刘强 《林业研究》1994,5(2):22-28
NaturalregenerationofmanchurianashusuallytakesplacewheretherearesuitablesoilmoistureandseedbankofsecondarymanchurianashforestintheEasternMountainousAreaofNortheastChina.Sometimes,naturalregenerationofmanchurianashcanbefoundinpureconiferousplantation.Inordertofindoutthepossibilityofintroducingnaturalregenerationofmanchurianashinpureconiferousplantation,trialsandresear-cheshavebeencarriedoutindahurianlarchp1antationbyopeningupeffectbeltinthestands.lntheend,charactersofcommunitystructureandmicr…  相似文献   
5年生马尾松造纸工艺林密度试验结果表明:平均树高受造林密度的影响较小,在一定密度范围内平均胸径随造林密度的增大而减小;单位面积的材积、生物量随造林密度的增大而增大;综合林分生长、生物量结构和经济效益等因素,马尾松造纸工艺林造林密度3333株/hm2较为经济合理。  相似文献   
Information on primary growth behavior after planting is required for mixed-plantation revegetation using broad-leaved species. To estimate primary growth, especially from the perspective of crown coverage and changing growth rates, we examined the growth and survival of four broad-leaved species that are frequently used in erosion-control plantations in Japan. The species studied were Myrica rubra Sieb. et Zucc., Alnus pendula Matsum., Quercus glauca Thunb., and Q. serrata Thunb. The survival, height, and basal diameter of planted trees were measured over a 4-year period, and crown area was calculated over a 3-year period. We found a negative relationship between relative growth rate (RGR) and survival rate, suggesting that fast growth may be fatal when resources are severely limited. The relative height growth rate (RHGR) of A. pendula was especially high during the early period of the study (1997–1999) and then drastically declined, whereas the opposite tendency was observed in Q. glauca. The results of stem allometry analyses conformed to the specific relationships between height growth and diameter growth of the four species; increases in stem thickness based on height increments were smaller in the pioneer species A. pendula. Between-species differences in coverage per planted tree (mean crown area multiplied by survival rate) were small as a result of the negative relationship between coverage area and survival rate.  相似文献   
珠海水松群落及分布现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水松是我国珍贵的孑遗植物。结合线路调查、样方调查和样带调查法,分析研究了珠海市水松林的分布现状和发展趋势。结果显示,珠海市现有水松林种群和群落均已出现衰退趋势,面积减缩。建议加强对该树种的应用和保护。  相似文献   
早在20世纪70年代日本就成为世界第1大木材进口国,近50年来其森林蓄积量净增长1.6倍。一个森林资源大国,长期大量地进口木材以满足其国内需求,因此有观点认为日本大量进口木材是为了保护本国的森林资源。文中重点阐述日本森林资源增长特点、木材进口动向、国产材利用政策等问题,以阐明日本为什么长期依靠进口木材而未能有效利用本国的森林资源和近年来日本政府推行的国产材利用政策及其成效。  相似文献   
The disease known as pitch canker results from infection of Pinus species by the fungus Fusarium circinatum. This fungus also causes a serious root disease of Pinus seedlings and cuttings in forestry nurseries. Pinus radiata and P. patula are especially susceptible to the pathogen, but there are no records of pitch canker on P. patula in established plantations. To date, only planting material of this tree species in nurseries or in plantations at the time of establishment have been infected by F. circinatum. Symptoms of pitch canker have recently emerged in an established P. patula plantation in South Africa and this study sought to determine whether the symptoms were caused by F. circinatum. Isolates from cankers were identified as F. circinatum using morphology and DNA-based diagnostic markers. Microsatellite markers were then used to determine the genetic diversity of a collection of 52 isolates. The entire population included 17 genotypes representing 30 alleles, with a greater number of genotypes collected from younger (three- to six-year-old) than older (12- to 19-year-old) trees. Both mating types of F. circinatum were present, but no evidence of sexual recombination was inferred from population genetic analyses. This is the first record globally of pitch canker on P. patula trees in managed plantations. It is of significant concern to South Africa, where P. patula is the most important Pinus species utilised for plantation forestry.  相似文献   
以黑龙江省带岭林业局落叶松人工林为试验点,采用4种不同的采集作业模式,应用层次分析法,综合考虑作业成本、作业效率、保留木损伤、土壤干扰以及木材损耗5个指标,定量计算平缓坡和陡坡条件下不同采集作业模式的综合效益.结果表明:择伐-畜力集材作业模式是该类型伐区最适宜的作业模式.  相似文献   
基于岳阳市通量观测塔2006年全年观测数据,应用FSAM模型,分析不同大气稳定度下该观测点通量信息的源区分布。结果表明:主风方向上(0°~90°),通量源区(P=0.9)迎风向(X向)上的分布范围在稳定大气条件下为110~3500m,而在非稳定大气条件下为90~1800m;3个非主风方向上(90°~180°,180°~270°和270°~360°)通量源区(P=0.9)迎风向(X向)上的分布范围在稳定大气条件下以180°~270°最大,为110~4500m,而在非稳定大气条件下3者相当,为90~1800m;主风方向上,相同大气条件下,生长季的通量源区略大于非生长季的通量源区,且生长季和非生长季的通量源区在不稳定大气条件下都比稳定大气条件下小;通量观测结果能代表仪器所在地的下垫面特征。  相似文献   
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