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阐述了农作物数量性状基因座(QTL)在遗传育种中的地位和意义,介绍了作物QTL的基本原理和方法及在甜菜上的研究进展。  相似文献   
不同光质膜对草莓果实品质的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
 研究了相同光强下不同光质对‘丰香’草莓果实品质的影响。结果表明, 绿膜、中性膜、黄膜、蓝膜、红膜下生长的果实依次越来越红、越来越暗。果实色度值以红膜下的最大, 其次为中性膜处理,黄膜比中性膜处理略小但差异不显著, 绿膜处理最小, 这与不同膜透射的红橙光比例一致。不同膜处理的果实抗坏血酸含量高低与不同膜透射的紫外光和蓝紫光成分比例一致, 与红光/蓝光比值相反。红膜下的草莓产量最高、果实最大、着色最好, 蓝膜下的草莓果实含糖量、可溶性固形物含量、抗坏血酸含量和固酸比均最高, 绿膜下产量最低、果实最小、着色差且含糖量最低。  相似文献   
对甘蔗区域试验数据进行基因型与环境互作分析,有利于全面了解参试品种的丰产性和各试点的代表性,对优良新品种的推广和品种的区域分布也有着重要意义。本文综合利用AMMI模型和HA-GGE双标图对2014年国家甘蔗第10轮区域试验11个品种和13个试点的蔗茎产量和蔗糖产量数据进行产量稳定性和丰产性分析,评价试点的代表性和分辨力。结果表明:蔗茎产量和蔗糖产量在不同品种和试点间存在极显著差异,品种和试点存在极显著互作效应。‘福农40号’综合表现最佳,是产量高、丰产性好且蔗茎产量和蔗糖产量的稳定性均较强的品种;‘云蔗08-2060’的产量略低于‘福农40号’,但蔗茎产量和蔗糖产量的稳定性强于‘福农40号’;与对照品种‘ROC22’相比,‘粤甘43号’、‘粤甘46号’和‘闽糖02-205’的蔗茎产量和蔗糖产量较高,稳定性中等,‘福农40号’、‘粤甘43号’、‘粤甘46号’和‘云蔗08-2060’均具有较强的适应性,可在适宜蔗区推广应用。综合AMMI和HA-GGE双标图分析结果表明,广东遂溪、云南开远和福建福州具有较高的地点分辨力和试点代表性。因此,AMMI和HA-GGE双标图的综合运用,可更准确直观地评价出各品种的丰产性、稳定性和适应性以及各试点的分辨力和代表性。本研究可为甘蔗新品种的鉴定与推广提供有价值的理论参考。  相似文献   
利用山农棕02、丰抗6号、中棉45 3个品种在大田栽培的条件下,研究了叶片和纤维中蔗糖磷酸合成酶活性的变化及与糖含量的关系。结果表明,在3个品种的叶片和纤维中,蔗糖磷酸合成酶活性均出现双峰,在开花当天最高,花后18d次之,整体呈下降趋势;与此同时可溶性总糖和蔗糖的含量变化以及光合速率的变化也成相似的变化。3个品种中,丰抗6号蔗糖磷酸合成酶活性和含糖量最高,中棉45次之,山农棕02最低。3个品种的相应观测指标之间均呈极显著差异。  相似文献   
Seed dormancy and persistence in the soil seedbank play a key role in timing of germination and seedling emergence of weeds; thus, knowledge of these traits is required for effective weed management. We investigated seed dormancy and seed persistence on/in soil of Chenopodium hybridum, an annual invasive weed in north‐western China. Fresh seeds are physiologically dormant. Sulphuric acid scarification, mechanical scarification and cold stratification significantly increased germination percentages, whereas dry storage and treatments with plant growth regulators or nitrate had no effect. Dormancy was alleviated by piercing the seed coat but not the pericarp. Pre‐treatment of seeds collected in 2012 and 2013 with sulphuric acid for 30 min increased germination from 0% to 66% and 62% respectively. Effect of cold stratification on seed germination varied with soil moisture content (MC) and duration of treatment; seeds stratified in soil with 12% MC for 2 months germinated to 39%. Burial duration, burial depth and their interaction had significant effects on seed dormancy and seed viability. Dormancy in fresh seeds was released from October to February, and seeds re‐entered dormancy in April. Seed viability decreased with time for seeds on the soil surface and for those buried at a depth of 5 cm, and 39% and 10%, respectively, were viable after 22 months. Thus, C. hybridum can form at least a short‐lived persistent soil seedbank.  相似文献   
Studies within and outside the U.S. indicate recurring oak (Quercus spp.) regeneration problems. In deciduous forests of the eastern U.S., a prevailing explanation for this trend is fire suppression leading to high competitor abundance and low understory light. In response, prescribed fire is increasingly used as a management tool to remedy these conditions and encourage future oak establishment and growth. Within eastern Kentucky, we implemented single and repeated (3×) prescribed fires over a 6-yr period (2002–2007). Pre- and post-burn, we quantified canopy cover and oak seedling survival and growth compared to other woody seedlings deemed potential competitors, primarily red maple (Acer rubrum L.) and sassafras (Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees.). Burning temporarily decreased canopy cover 3–10%, but cover rebounded the subsequent growing season. Repeated burning ultimately produced canopy cover about 6% lower than sites unburned and burned once, suggesting a cumulative effect on understory light. Red maple exhibited low survival (∼40%) following single and repeated burns, but growth remained similar to unburned seedlings. Burning had little impact on sassafras survival and led to total height and basal diameters 2× greater than unburned seedlings. A single burn had no impact on red oak (Erythrobalanus spp.) survival and increased height and basal diameters 25–30%, but this positive growth response was driven by seedlings on several plots which experienced high burn temperatures and consequently high overstory mortality. White oaks (Leucobalanus spp.), however, exhibited twice as high mortality compared to those unburned, with no change in growth parameters. Repeated burning negatively impacted survival and growth of both oak groups compared to unburned seedlings. With both burn regimes, oaks with smaller pre-burn basal diameters exhibited the lowest post-burn survival. Thus, despite the ability of prescribed burns to temporarily increase understory light and reduce red maple survival, neither single or repeated burns placed oaks in an improved competitive position. These findings result from a combination of highly variable yet interdependent factors including the (1) life history traits of oaks compared to their co-occurring competitors, (2) pre-burn stature of pre-existing oak seedlings, and (3) variability in fire temperature and effects on understory light.  相似文献   
用Ca2+-ATPase抑制剂钒酸钠(SO)和曙红(EB)浸泡处理转红期草莓果实(cv.Darselect)后表明,2者能提高果实呼吸速率,迅速促进外层果肉的花青苷生成,增加其可溶性糖含量,髓部果肉的花青苷生成和可溶性糖的变化较慢,而对果实的失重率影响不大。因此,Ca2+-ATPase抑制剂具有促进果实成熟衰老的作用。  相似文献   
[目的]探讨芒果果实糖积累和转化的生理机制。[方法]以‘KRS’芒为试材,研究芒果果实生长发育和成熟过程中的淀粉、蔗糖、葡萄糖和果糖含量变化,与淀粉酶、蔗糖代谢相关酶——酸性转化酶(AI)、中性转化酶(NI)、蔗糖合成酶(SS)和蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS)活性的相关性。[结果]果实发育前期‘KRS’主要积累淀粉、葡萄糖和果糖,成熟时淀粉酶活性降至最低,淀粉水解快速积累蔗糖。在整个发育过程中AI活性维持最高,完熟时降低,SPS在果实发育中期略有降低,完熟时升至最高,SS和NI一直很低且较稳定。相关性分析表明淀粉含量与酸性转化酶活性呈显著正相关;蔗糖、葡萄糖含量与SPS、SS呈极显著正相关;果糖含量与SS、AI均呈极显著正相关。[结论]芒果成熟时淀粉分解、AI活性降低和SPS、SS活性的增加是引起‘KRS’果实蔗糖积累的主要因子。  相似文献   
Four lines (designated MR0, MR1, MR2, and M8) from 13 accessions of Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima were selected on the basis of phenotypes produced after foliar rub-inoculation with Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV). The susceptible phenotype developed bright yellow local lesions, whereas the resistant phenotype had symptoms ranging from no visible lesions to necrotic lesions at the inoculation site. MR1 and MR2 lines had a resistant phenotype depending on the isolate and the MR0 line was susceptible to all isolates of BNYVV tested. The M8 line was highly susceptible; the virus spread systemically and caused severe stunting. These plant lines will be useful for distinguishing BNYVV isolates having different pathogenicities, especially those controlled by RNA3 and/or RNA5.  相似文献   
选用结薯数差异显著的甘薯品种商薯19和济徐23,于2013年和2014年分别在大田和盆栽条件下调查生长前期根系生长发育情况,测定根叶糖组分,分析其变化规律及其与单株有效薯块数形成的关系。结果表明,与济徐23相比较,商薯19发根缓苗迅速,整个生长前期均较为侧重吸收根系建成,且秧苗栽后15 d和30 d地上部和整个根系生物量比值(T/TR)相似;而济徐23较早完成不定根的发生(秧苗栽后15 d)和不定根向块根的分化建成(秧苗栽后30 d),封垄期(秧苗栽后45 d)具有较小的地上部和块根生物量比值(T/SR)。2个品种在生长前期根叶中蔗糖、己糖代谢和贮藏糖类多聚物的形成具有显著差异,其中商薯19整个生长前期比济徐23的根系蔗糖/己糖比率显著低,在块根分化建成过程中根叶间具有较高的蔗糖浓度梯度,且根系中存在2种低果聚糖(蔗果三糖和蔗果四糖),秧苗栽后30、45 d叶片淀粉含量显著低;而济徐23在块根分化建成过程中根系仅有蔗果四糖,且与商薯19比,封垄期根系蔗糖/可溶性总糖比率相似而根系蔗糖/淀粉比率显著低。2013年和2014年的大田试验均表明,封垄期商薯19具有显著多的单株有效薯块数和显著高的单株有效薯块鲜重(F=10.71,P=0.0170;F=13.97,P=0.0212),而收获时商薯19具有显著多的单株有效薯块数和显著高的块根产量(F=353.89,P<0.0001;F=88.94,P<0.0001),济徐23具有显著高的平均单薯鲜重(F=10.32,P=0.0124)。  相似文献   
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