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山西省日光节能温室蔬菜施肥现状、存在问题及建议   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
对分布在山西省南部和中部栽培年限在1~15年的160余个日光节能温室施肥现状进行了调查,结果表明,(1)山西省日光节能温室施N量高达1 500~2 400 kg/hm2,施P量高达370~620 kg/hm2,施K量高达1 200~2 000 kg/hm2,远远高于蔬菜需肥量,尤其是P的使用量几乎是蔬菜对P吸收量的5~10倍;(2)农民习惯施用的N,P,K比例为2~4∶1∶1.8~4,与蔬菜N,P,K养分吸收比例不相符;(3)50%以上的N,P和30%左右的K是以有机肥形式提供;60%~70%的N,70%的P和30%~50%的K以底肥施入,而蔬菜生长前期植物生长比较缓慢,需肥量较少,会导致肥料淋洗和浪费。针对上述生产现状提出了相应的建议与对策。  相似文献   
基于LMDI的灌溉需水量变化影响因素分解   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
为研究灌溉需水量的驱动因素,该文以甘肃省武威市为研究区,基于扩展的Kaya恒等式构建灌溉需水量因素分解模型,利用对数平均迪氏指数分解法(logarithmic mean Divisia index,LMDI)对武威市1995—2012年总体及不同时段灌溉需水量驱动因子进行因素分解,并计算灌溉需水量的影响因素的效应值。结果表明:近18 a来,武威市各行政区以节水高效为目的对武威种植结构进行了大幅调整,减少了高耗水作物小麦的种植面积,增加了耐旱的玉米、棉花等作物的种植面积;在1995—2012年间,武威市灌溉需水量减少了5.023×108 m~3,种植规模效应、种植结构效应、气候变化效应、节水工程效应分别为2.435×108 m~3、?3.994×108 m~3、?1.286×108 m~3、?2.178×108 m~3;不同作物对灌溉需水量增长的效应不同,其中小麦抑制灌溉需水量增长,是灌溉需水量减少的最主要影响因子;4个分解效应在不同时段对武威市各区县灌溉需水量作用不同,但除在2000—2005年对凉州区灌溉需水量增加有微弱的促进作用外,种植结构效应在不同时段均表现为抑制灌溉需水量增长的作用。研究结果为合理调控农业发展规模,制定武威市灌溉用水规划提供参考。  相似文献   
Increased phosphorus (P) use efficiency (PUE) of potato production systems through P uptake and P utilization efficiency (PUPE and PUTE, respectively) is one of the main challenges for potato breeding and crop management programs. The aim of this study was to assess PUE, PUPE, PUTE and related traits in different potato genotypes (Solanum tuberosum L.) in response to P availability. Three field experiments were carried out in southern Chile in Andisol soils. In each experiment treatments were the factorial combination of (i) 22 genotypes of potatoes and (ii) two P fertilization rates (0 and 130 kg P ha−1, −P and +P, respectively). On average, biomass, P concentrations and P uptakes were reduced (P < 0.05) 32, 13 and 41% by −P, respectively. Conversely, −P increased PUTE (1.2-fold), PUPE (7-fold) and consequently PUE (8.3-fold). All traits were consistently affected (P < 0.01) by genotype (G), and the coefficient of variation (up to 47%) for each trait reflects the genotypic variability under both +P and −P. In all experiments, PUE and its main components were affected (P < 0.01) by P × G interaction. PUE was highly correlated with tuber yield, total biomass, P uptake and PUPE (P < 0.01; r = 0.74  0.99) but not to PUTE. In addition, PUPE was well correlated to yield and highly correlated with total P uptake (P < 0.01; r = 0.94–0.99). By contrast, PUTE was strongly negatively correlated (P < 0.01; r = −0.85  0.89) with P concentration in tubers. Genotypes from native (1 and 4), national cultivar (Puren-INIA, Yagana-INIA and Patagonia-INIA) and advanced line (R 89063 and RD 36–35) groups were among the best regarding PUE under −P. The PUPE was found to be more important than PUTE in determining PUE across a broad range of genotypes. Moreover, there is important genotypic variability in these traits with the potential to be used to improve PUE in potato crops through breeding and crop management programs.  相似文献   
The correct assumption of metabolisable energy (ME) requirement is essential for the nutrition consultation and diet formulation. In young dogs, too high energy supply can accelerate growth and thus lead to developmental orthopaedic diseases. The aim of the present study was to collect the data on ME intake and body weight (BW) development in privately owned growing dogs in order to compare these data with the current recommendations. Our hypothesis was that the actual ME intake of healthy young dogs would be lower than the actual recommendation. The data of 493 privately owned puppies (median age at first consultation 21 weeks, the median expected mature BW 30 kg) on ME intake, actual and expected mature BW were collected and compared with recommendations of the Society of Nutrition Physiology (GfE, Meyer and Zentek and NRC). In 243 dogs, there was a follow‐up. The actual BW did not deviate systematically from the calculated expected BW (R2 = .929). The ME intake significantly decreased with age (p < .05) and significantly increased with expected mature BW (p < .05). There was no significant interaction between these two parameters (> .05). Sex had no effect on the ME intake (> .05). The ME intake of young dogs with a history of skeletal problems or of food allergy did not differ systematically from healthy dogs of similar age and expected mature BW. The ME intake was considerably below NRC recommendations, especially in younger puppies (>8–17 weeks: 78%, >17–26 weeks: 83% of NRC recommendation). A predictive linear equation for ME intake was developed: ME intake (MJ) = (1.063 ? 0.565 × [actual BW/expected mature BW]) × actual BW0.75.  相似文献   
本文着重论述水泥稳定级配碎石在高速公路施工中应注意的要点,对级配碎石基层的主要技术参数、原材料控制、施工要点及注意事项均做以简要介绍。  相似文献   
以酪蛋白为蛋白源,配制蛋白质含量为19 80%~40 50%的6种精饲料,采用室内循环水养殖系统,在饱食投喂和(27±1)℃水温条件下对吉富品系尼罗罗非鱼幼鱼进行8周的饲养实验,比较其在淡水和海水中的生长及蛋白质需求。结果显示:尼罗罗非鱼在淡水和海水中生长良好,存活率分别为100%和87%~100%;随着饲料蛋白质含量增加,实验鱼的平均终重、增重率和日增重率呈线性增加,饲料系数呈线性下降,蛋白质效率也呈下降趋势。在相同的饲料蛋白水平下,上述指标在淡水鱼和海水鱼之间均无显著差异蛋白质适宜需要量为28%~32%。  相似文献   
在4个奶牛场,用20个小组200头产奶母牛进行了24~30天的《奶牛饲养标准》验证试验。证实中国奶牛协会于1983年公布的该标准第二次修改稿(1986年公布为中华人民共和国专业标准)对兰州地区泌乳中期母牛是适用的。试验组和对照组间的日产标准奶量和日体重变化的差异均极显著。主要营养物质符合标准时,除维持生命和正常产奶之外,体重还有所增加。干物质和产奶净能符合标准。粗蛋白质略高(4—6%)或略低(24%)于标准时,体重也有所增加,高于标准过多时体重反而下降。各场习惯日粮中存在干物质食入量偏高,能量偏离,蛋白质不均衡,钙偏高,磷偏低,粗纤维过高等问题。  相似文献   
辽阳市生态需水量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于生态环境不断恶化以及水资源短缺,人类的生活环境将面临严峻的挑战。生态需水量的提出,对于生态平衡和水资源合理利用起到了重要作用。以辽阳市为例,把本地区的生态需水分为农田、草地、林地和河流几个部分,通过计算得出总的生态需水量为28.54亿m3,本地区的天然降水为29.12亿m3,天然降水已基本满足其生态需水要求。  相似文献   
基于和田市气象资料,研究了参考蒸散量ET0的累加规律及其不同土质棉花一定根系深度的储存水量规律和模型。利用作物蒸散量及根系土壤储水量模型,制定了棉花的灌水周期和灌水定额,制定了和田地区的灌溉制度方法。并分析了灌溉制度对地下水位的影响,为今后其他地区棉花需水量和优化灌溉制度模型的建立奠定理论基础。  相似文献   
不同质地棉田土壤对磷吸附与解吸研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了不同质地棉田土壤对磷吸附与解吸的影响。结果表明:不同质地磷素等温吸附曲线与Langmuir、Temkin和Freundlich方程拟合度都达极显著水平,尤以Langmuir方程拟合度最高,相关系数均在0.94以上;磷吸持指数(PSI)、土壤最大缓冲容量(MBC)和吸附量均随粘粒含量的增加而增大,即粘土壤土砂壤土,而易解吸磷(RDP)、解吸量、解吸率和标准需磷量(SPR)呈下降趋势,即砂壤土壤土粘土。以Langmuir方程估算棉田土壤的需磷量,砂壤质棉田需磷量为12.87mgkg-1,壤质棉田需磷量为12.66mgkg-1,粘质棉田需磷量为10.00mgkg-1。  相似文献   
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