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滨海盐碱地基盘法造林试验初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该研究以唐山市南堡盐场重盐碱地为例,采用基盘育苗、台田整地、客土穴移植树苗等措施,探讨滨海盐碱地基盘法造林技术。结果表明:基盘具有一定阻隔盐碱的作用,客土、草炭、蛭石和珍珠岩体积比以5:1:2:2的种基盘出苗率最高,且蛭石和珍珠岩组合占优势的基盘配方出苗率高于草炭占优势的基盘配方,基盘苗早期受外界环境的不利影响较大,不同配方的基盘对基盘苗的根系发育和地上部生长量的影响大小还有待研究。台田的排盐阻盐效果以南北两条“十”字型(炉渣)的最好,炉渣隔离层比建筑垃圾隔离层的排盐阻盐效果明显。客土穴具有较好的阻盐效果,大部分移植树苗成活。研究结果可为滨海盐碱地造林提供一定技术支持。  相似文献   
The response of lettuce to production system, organic and phosphate fertilizers and root mycorrhization, was evaluated in two pot trials with factorial treatment combination of: (i) soil type (from organic and from conventional production systems) and organic fertilizer (0, 2 and 4 t ha?1) in the first trial; and (ii) mycorrhizal inoculation (mycorrhized and non-mycorrhized plants) and Gafsa phosphate (0, 100 and 200 kg P2O5 ha?1) in the second. Lettuce growth decreased with increasing rates of the organic fertilizer because of its very high electrical conductivity (50.1 dS m?1) and lack of maturation. However, the fertilizer harmful effects were minimized in the soil from organic production. The application of Gafsa phosphate significantly increased lettuce yield and nutrient uptake. However, for the highest rate of phosphate, mycorrhized lettuce yield decreased compared to non-mycorrhized lettuce, suggesting that high soil available P may have harmful effects on the activity of mycorrhizal fungi.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was (1) to find a matching factor (u) between infiltration rate and hydraulic conductivity during steady-state infiltration, and (2) to propose equations based on infiltration and soil moisture-retention functions for prediction of the hydraulic conductivity K(θ) within the rapidly (non-capillary) drainable pores (RDP) and capillary-matrix pores of soils. The K(θ) of capillary pores was divided into K(θ)SDP, K(θ)WHP and K(θ)FCP within slowly drainable pores (SDP), water-holding pores (WHP) and fine capillary pores (FCP), respectively. Five soil profiles of calcareous sandy loam, alluvial saline and non-saline clay, located at the Nile Delta, were used to apply the proposed equations. The highest and the lowest values of K(θ)RDP were observed in calcareous and saline clay soil profiles, respectively. Values of K(θ)RDP remained higher than those for capillary pores in the studied soils. The predicted values of K(θ) in capillary and non-capillary pores classes were in the expected range for unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. Water sorptivity (S) was determined at initial unsaturated soil water conditions and calculated at steady-state infiltration (S w) using a derived equation. There was a decrease in S with an increase in soil water content; i.e. at steady-state infiltration, S decreased by 35–40% in calcareous soils and by 45–60% in alluvial clay soils. The parameter values of u and S w tended to be uniform in calcareous soils, but nonuniform in saline and non-saline clay soils.  相似文献   
[目的]研究施肥对槟榔坐果率和产量的影响,以期提高槟榔坐果率和产量.[方法]试验以9年生结果槟榔为研究对象,于花期前后,采用不同施肥处理,测定其叶片营养,观察槟榔坐果并测定产量.[结果]施肥能显著提高槟榔的坐果率和单株产量,以150 g/株专用肥+300g/株尿素处理效果最明显.在结果到果实膨大期槟榔落果最严重.专用肥施用后补施氮肥会提高叶片中氮素含量,降低钾素营养;而补施钾肥会提高叶片中钾素营养.叶片氮与钾素含量与槟榔产量呈负相关性,且槟榔产量因子中以单株结果梭数相关性最高.[结论]槟榔结果期间在施用专用肥基础上,适当补施氮及钾肥能显著提高槟榔坐果率及产量.  相似文献   
本文依据气体分子运动论与传热学的基本理论,在20~100℃温度范围内,讨论了气干材传热过程中,木材内部水分的蒸发与水蒸汽扩散的行为,研究了温度变化对气手材导热系数发生影响的规律.在理论分析与实验数据分析的基础上,推广和扩充以往关于气干材导热系数的讨论,提出了一个描述气干材导热系数温度特性的公式,计算结果与实验值比较符合  相似文献   
为了研究土壤盐分离子对浸提液电导率的敏感性,首先采用灰色关联分析法对影响土壤浸提液电导率的盐分离子进行初步分析,之后采用缺省因子法与主成分分析法进一步分析检验.结果表明:Cl-、Na+这两种离子对土壤浸提液电导率的变化最为敏感;灰色关联分析法所得结果与基于缺省因子法的主成分分析模型结果基本一致;影响土壤浸提液电导率的7...  相似文献   
Electrical conductivity(EC) of soil-water extracts is commonly used to assess soil salinity. However, its conversion to the EC of saturated soil paste extracts(ECe), the standard measure of soil salinity, is currently required for practical applications. Although many regression models can be used to obtain ECe from the EC of soil-water extracts, the application of a site-specific model to different sites is not straightforward due to confounding soil factors such as soil texture. This study was...  相似文献   
Wood quality attributes were examined in six stands of slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm. var. elliottii) and loblolly pine (P. taeda L.) in the lower Coastal Plain of Georgia and Florida. Several plots comprised each stand, and each plot was divided so that it received three fertilizer treatments: a control treatment with herbaceous weed control at planting and brush control at mid-rotation only (control); 45 kg ha−1 N + 56 kg ha−1 P + herbaceous weed control at planting and 224 kg ha−1 N + 45 kg ha−1 P + brush control at mid-rotation (fertilizer with N at planting); and 56 kg ha−1 P + herbaceous weed control at planting and 224 kg ha−1 N + 45 kg ha−1 P + brush control at mid-rotation (fertilizer without N at planting). Ring width, ring earlywood specific gravity (SG), ring latewood SG, whole ring SG, and ring percent latewood were measured on each of seven trees. Of these measurements, this study focused mainly on the properties related to SG. Examination of the rings showed that latewood SG was significantly lower in trees treated with fertilizers with and without N at planting in the two to three years following fertilization, but that latewood SG gradually returned to a level similar to the control. Fertilizer without N at planting may also have had a brief negative effect on earlywood SG following mid-rotation fertilization, but it was not as clear or lasting as the effect on latewood SG. Additionally, although slash and loblolly pine appear to differ in the developmental patterns of these SG properties, there were no significant differences in how these patterns interacted with treatment. This study demonstrated that fertilization treatments have similar short-term effects on the SG of slash and loblolly pines, particularly in latewood, but the trees will return to a SG pattern consistent with unfertilized trees within two or three years.  相似文献   
研究了超高产两系杂交稻两优培九、金两优36在不同施氮水平下剑叶的光合特性,结果表明,两优培九、金两优36在每公顷施氮120kg、165kg、210kg 3种水平下,剑叶比叶重、叶绿素含量、光合速率均比对照汕优63高,这可能是两优培九、金两优36高产的生理基础之一。在每公顷施氮120-210kg的范围内,两优培九剑叶光合速率及产量均随施氮水平的增加而提高,金两优36剑叶光合速率及产量在公顷施氮165kg最高,增加到210kg时反而下降。  相似文献   
以油菜为材料,研究线粒体nad6基因在种子发育中的表达。结果表明,nad6基因在叶片中的表达很低,在种子发育过程中各阶段均有较高表达,并随种子发育进程而有加强的趋势。推测线粒体nad6基因可能除与呼吸作用有关外还有其他功能  相似文献   
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