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Four groups of Arctic charr (age 3+), previously exposed to natural photoperiod, were subjected to different photoperiod regimes from February 20: Simulated natural photoperiod (SNP; Tromsø 70°N), continuous light (LD 24:0) followed by short day (LD 6:18) from either May 1 (LFeb–May) or June 25 (LFeb–June), or continuous light (LD 24:0) throughout the experiment (LContinuous). In females, peak levels of estradiol-17β and testosterone were 6 and 10, 6 and 7, and 3 and 5 weeks advanced, in LFeb–May, LFeb–June and LContinuous, respectively, whereas in males plasma levels of 11-ketotestosterone peaked 8 weeks earlier in LFeb–May and LFeb–June than in SNP and LContinuous. Median ovulation time in LFeb–May and LFeb–June was advanced by 10 weeks compared to SNP and LContinuous, and median spermiation time (first observation of running milt in each individual) in LFeb–May, LFeb–June and LContinuous was advanced by 10, 7 and 5 weeks, compared to SNP. A switch from long to short day early in the reproductive cycle (LFeb–May and LFeb–June) apparently resulted in stronger synchronization of both ovulation and spermiation. Ovulation in LFeb–May and LFeb–June occurred over 3 weeks (LFeb–May) and 8 weeks (LFeb–June), as compared to 10 weeks in the SNP group, whereas all males (except one individual) began spermiating over a period of 3 weeks (LFeb–June), or less (LFeb–May), as compared to 7 weeks in the SNP group. Lack of a short day stimulus (LContinuous), on the other hand, resulted in larger variation in the timing of final maturation, with ovulation and spermiation being spread over 15 weeks. Low egg survival in LFeb–May (17% versus 60% and 97% for LContinuous and SNP) indicate that a long day signal of 10 weeks early in the reproductive cycle may be too short to ensure good egg and sperm quality. Photoperiod manipulation did not affect the proportion of maturing fish.  相似文献   
The influence of sex ratio, stocking density and age of hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus X O. aureus) brood fish on seed production in concrete tanks were evaluated in 1992 and 1993. A sex ratio of 1:2 and 1:3 (male: female) and a density of 2 fish m-2 gave the best result with respect to number of seed female-1 day-1 and number of seed kg-1-1 female day-1. Maximum seed production female-1 day-1 was recorded for 3-year-old females and the minimum for 1-year-olds, but in terms of seed kg-1 female day-1 and seed m-2 day-1, 1-year-olds produced the maximum number of seed followed by 2-, 3- and 4-year-old females. Seasonal pattern in seed production was apparently influenced by season and temperature. From the first harvest on 21 April 1993 the production increased gradually, reaching a peak during the third harvest and a second peak during the sixth harvest. Thereafter seed production gradually decreased, reaching a minimum during the tenth harvest on 27 October 1993. No seed were found during the last harvest of 18 November 1993. Maximum production coincided with the highest water temperature of around 28°C.  相似文献   
暗纹东方鱼屯俗称河豚,属江海洄游性鱼类。生殖季节,雌、雄个体副性征差异不明显,不能采用常规鉴别方法进行性别鉴定。作者根据体征、体态特征,采用综合指标判别法对1995年3月15日至5月30日在江苏仪征—泰州60km江段渔获的1038尾暗纹东方鱼屯进行了雌、雄性别判定,正确率达95.4%。该方法操作简单,不伤鱼体,仅凭眼观即可判定自由游动状河鱼屯的雌、雄。文中有关利用行为差异来判定鱼类雌、雄的方法,国内外尚未见诸报道。该项工作为鉴别鱼类性别提供了一种新方法,在鱼类人工繁殖和规模化生产中具有一定应用价值  相似文献   
本试验旨在研究分析市场上正在广泛使用的饲料添加剂,探讨二次饲喂雄性幼犬后饲料添加剂蓄积对其生长、生殖发育的影响研究。选用12只1月龄犬,随机分为试验组和对照组,对照组犬饲喂正常日粮和大鼠鼠肉,试验组犬饲喂正常日粮和高剂量组大鼠鼠肉,喂养幼犬直至成熟,检测食用饲料添加剂高剂量组大鼠鼠肉是否对雄性犬的生长、生殖发育产生影响。采用酶联免疫试剂盒的方法来检测犬血清激素指标水平。结果显示:试验组雌二醇、促卵泡激素含量明显升高(P<0.01),而睾酮含量明显降低,有显著性差异(P<0.01),饲料添加剂高剂量组对犬血清中的促黄体生成未见显著变化。雄性幼犬食用试验大鼠后可导致雄性幼犬青春期体内内分泌激素含量异常,即青春期11月龄测定的雌二醇以及促卵泡激素水平增高,睾酮的水平降低。提示试验组雄性幼犬食用大鼠鼠肉后,可能通过干扰了睾丸轴的功能,对雄性幼犬的生殖发育能力产生影响。  相似文献   
Background:The experiment evaluated the effect of nutrition levels and sex on the growth performance,carcass characteristics and meat quality of F1 Angus × Chinese Xiangxi yellow cattle.Methods:During the background period of 184 d,23 steers and 24 heifers were fed the same ration,then put into a2×2×2 factorial arrangement under two levels of- dietary energy(TON:70/80%DM),protein(CP:11.9/14.3%DM)and sex(S:male/female) during the finishing phase of 146 d.The treatments were-(1) high energy/low protein(HELP),(2) high energy/high protein(HEHP),(3) low energy/low protein(LELP) and(4) low energy/high protein(LEHP).Each treatment used 6 steers and 6 heifers,except for HELP- 5 steers and 6 heifers.Results:Growth rate and final carcass weight were unaffected by dietary energy and protein levels or by sex.Compared with the LE diet group,the HE group had significantly lower dry matter intake(DMI,6.76 vs.7.48 kg DM/d),greater chest girth increments(46.1 vs.36.8 cm),higher carcass fat(19.9 vs.16.3%) and intramuscular fat content(29.9 vs.22.8%DM).The HE group also had improved yields of top and medium top grade commercial meat cuts(39.9 vs.36.5%).The dressing percentage was higher for the HP group than the LP group(53.4 vs.54.9%).Steers had a greater length increment(9.0 vs.8.3 cm),but lower carcass fat content(16.8 vs.19.4%) than heifers.The meat quality traits(shear force value,drip loss,cooking loss and water holding capacity) were not affected by treatments or sex,averaging 3.14 kg,2.5,31.5 and 52.9%,respectively.The nutritive profiles(both fatty and amino acid composition) were not influenced by the energy or protein levels or by sex.Conclusions:The dietary energy and protein levels and sex significantly influenced the carcass characteristics and chemical composition of meat but not thegrowth performance,meat quality traits and nutritive profiles.  相似文献   
赵维信  R.S.Wright 《水产学报》1986,10(4):388-394
提要应用大麻哈鱼(Oncovhynchus keta)促性腺激素(GTH)诱发大西洋鲑(Salmosalar)卵黄发生期的离体卵巢滤泡(直径为3.4毫米)产生性类固醇激素的研究表明,不论用0.1或1微克/毫升GTH刺激,经培育10天后,未出现卵母细胞卵核消失的现象,卵核偏位也不明显。对培养液中17α,20β-双羟孕酮(17α20βP)的积累浓度测定结果,仅1微克/毫升GTH组含少量的17α20βP;0.1微克/毫升GTH组,培养液中雌二醇的积累浓度明显高于对照组和1微克/毫升GTH组,并为后者的两倍。除雌二醇外,孕酮,17α-羟孕酮,17α20βP,雄烯二酮和睾酮的产生,都呈现对GTH剂量的依赖关系,1微克/毫升GTH组的产生量明显高于0.1微克/毫升GTH组和对照组。离体研究的结果表明,处于卵黄发生期的卵巢滤泡对低剂量(0.1微克/毫升)和高剂量(1微克/毫升)GTH的反应不同。低浓度的GTH,引起性类固醇激素生物合成的途径沿着形成雌二醇的方向进行,雄激素被芳香化成雌激素,雌二醇再而刺激肝脏合成卵黄物质的前体,从而促进卵黄发生。高浓度的GTH,有抑制雌二醇合成的作用,而是促使卵母细胞向着最终成熟的方向发展,使性类固醇生物合成的途径转向形成大量雄激素和孕激素,特别是17α20βP。这与已充分生长和卵黄积累完成的卵巢滤泡离体试验的结果一致,与活体观察以上各种性类固醇激素的变化一致。  相似文献   
松褐天牛引诱剂Mat-1号的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以单萜烯类化合物为主要成份配制的松褐天牛MonochamusalternatusHope引诱剂Mat—1号,主要对产卵期的松褐天牛起引诱作用。每个诱捕器在成虫出现期的诱捕量最高可达74.3头,初诱日在5月20日前后,终诱日在9月上旬。在离林缘30m、50m、100m、150m、200m距离引诱到的松褐天牛百分比分别为50%、20.0%~22.7%、12.5%~13.7%、9.1%~10%、4.5%~7.5%,引诱的最远距离为200m  相似文献   
应用人工气候室研究了不同温度和光周期组合处理,对丝瓜(Luffa acutangula Roxb.)蛋白氨基酸组分含量的影响,以探讨其与丝瓜花性分化的关系。结果表明,温度和光周期处理对丝瓜叶片的蛋白氨基酸含量及其组分都有影响,不论从氨基酸总量,还是酸性、碱性或中性氨基酸含量,都表现低温短日>高温短日>高温长日>低温长日的趋势。说明短日比长日处理有利于氨基酸的积累;在短日下,低温比高温更有利于氨基酸的积累;处理过程各类氨基酸的百分率及个别组分也发生转化,初步认为这可能使蛋白质或酶的性质或种类也发生相应的变化,从而调节丝瓜的花性分化的方向。  相似文献   
枣粘虫性行为时辰节律的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李连昌  任自立 《林业科学》1991,27(2):145-148
本文利用腺体提取、瓶内收集、触角电位和田间试验等方法对枣粘虫产生和释放性信息素时辰节律进行了研究。其中瓶内收集性信息素的方法,在研究昆虫释放性信息素时辰节律方面报道很少,更重要的是,此法在我们的实验中取得了比较满意的效果。研究结果表明:(1)羽化后1—6天的提取物产生的触角电位无明显差异,说明性信息素在此期间的产生与日龄无关(2)腺体中性信息素的含量高峰在凌晨4点,而从体内往体外释放的高峰在早晨7点。(3)利用处女雌蛾不同时辰的诱蛾量的田间试验也进一步证明了枣粘虫产生和释放性信息素与交配行为在时辰节律上的同步性。  相似文献   
通过对性诱剂及诱捕器不同悬挂使用方法对诱蛾量的影响进行应用观察研究,以期明确性诱剂诱捕器摆放高度、间距等较为合理的使用方法。试验结果表明,诱捕器在时间、气候条件等相同情况下,放置在作物顶端上方30~50 cm,诱蛾量最大;从节本和诱蛾效果来看,放置间距以50~80 m为宜;诱芯以单放为宜。  相似文献   
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