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杨梅主要病虫害的防治技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了杨梅病虫害综合防治技术、无公害防治简历、主要病虫害防治要点和植物生长调节剂的使用技术。通过健康栽培、调节生态和科学用药实现病虫害的综合治理;无公害防治简历抓住主要物候期提出技术规程,力求简洁实用;对主要病虫害提出关键防治时期和防治方法;植物生长调节剂则提倡适树使用。  相似文献   
大杨梅在临沧市引种栽培技术初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据临沧市自然条件及大杨梅生物学特性,选择适宜的品种进行大杨梅栽培、水肥管理、病虫害防治等技术的初步探索,并取得了成功,为临沧市推广种殖大杨梅提供了可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   
We compared patterns of acorn dispersal and predation by wood mice among four tree species (Quercus serrata, Quercus crispula, Castanea crenata, and Juglans mandshurica var. sieboldiana) that are abundant in cool temperate woodlands. We devised an acorn dispersal experiment using 400 magnet-inserted acorns and a magnetic locator in a 1.8-ha study plot, which spanned a cut-over area and an adjacent deciduous forest. Ten wire mesh baskets, each containing 40 acorns (10 acorns per species), were placed on the border between these two habitat types. About 13.0% (n = 52) of the total acorns remained in the baskets, while 77.3% (n = 309) were dispersed throughout the study plot and subsequently retrieved using the magnetic locator. Microhabitat, distance, and burial depth of transported acorns were significantly different among species. In the cut-over area, J. mandshurica var. sieboldiana acorns were dispersed under fallen trees or branches and near stumps, and were buried deeply in the soil. Dispersal distances of J. mandshurica var. sieboldiana acorns were significantly greater than those of Q. serrata acorns. The number and microhabitat of transported acorns significantly differed between habitat types. J. mandshurica var. sieboldiana acorns were dispersed in the cut-over area rather than in the forest. For all four species, the numbers of acorns delivered to fallen trees or branches, stumps, and crumbled soil with overhang under any vegetation type were greater in the cut-over area than in the forest.  相似文献   
对栓皮槠与栓皮烁树初再生皮在采剥难易、含皮量、再生速度、再生率及其栓皮在外观、质量、化学组成的差异及地理差异等方面进行的对照试验结果表明:栓皮槠栓皮质量好,再生能力强,产皮厚,剥皮工效高,经济效益好,是优良栓皮树种,可用来改造我国的栓皮烁林。  相似文献   
We assessed the effects of a prescribed fire on the phytochemical characteristics and vigor of overstory chestnut oak, scarlet oak, and red maple, and measured the impact of potential changes on herbivore fitness. We compared foliar carbohydrates, tannins, nutrients, and fiber concentrations in foliage from burned and non-burned forest canopies. There were significant differences in most foliar characteristics between tree species. Total non-structural carbohydrate concentrations in scarlet oak and red maple foliage, and calcium levels in red maple foliage, were significantly lower in burned plots, but other phytochemical characteristics were largely unaffected by burning. Tree growth also varied with species. Burning increased chestnut oak relative growth, decreased scarlet oak growth, and had no affect on red maple growth. Scarlet oak and red maple foliage from burned and non-burned forest canopies were assayed for gypsy moth performance. Caterpillars fed foliage from scarlet oak, the preferred host, grew larger and developed more rapidly than did those fed red maple foliage. There were no significant burn treatment differences in caterpillar development within either tree species, suggesting that managers using prescribed fire to promote oak regeneration need not worry about enhancing forest stand susceptibility to gypsy moth. However, the fire in this study was of low to moderate intensity; more intense fires may alter foliar palatability.  相似文献   
鸡蛋花原产美洲热带地区,现已广泛种植于热带亚热带地区。除园林观赏外,其花可食用、药用,且寓意丰富。据考证,鸡蛋花在我国已有300多年的栽培历史。本文从自然分布、相关文化以及引入中国时间考证三个方面对鸡蛋花作系统而全面的介绍。  相似文献   
以蒙古栎种子为材料,研究播种时期对蒙古栎不同类型苗木出苗和生长的影响,结果表明:蒙古栎在秋季不同时间播种的出苗率均在60%以上,但以早期(9月下旬)播种的出苗率最高(大于80%),早期播种的苗木在苗高、地径、侧根数、根体积和根生物量等指标上都明显要高于其它播种时期,蒙古栎在秋播裸根育苗时应适时早播;秋季播种的容器苗在所有观测的形态指标上均好于春季播种的容器苗,秋季容器育苗质量更高。  相似文献   
Growth and survival of juvenile greenlip (39.03 (SD 3.80) mm (n=524)) and blacklip (31.92 (SD 4.19) mm (n=531) abalone were investigated at high dissolved oxygen levels (95–120% saturation) between 17 and 19°C. Abalone were fed the same artificial diet and each species was contained in groups of approximately 30 individuals within triplicate tanks for each of six treatments and were exposed to flow through water adjusted to give experimental conditions for up to 75 days. Blacklip abalone held at 16.9°C and 97% oxygen saturation grew in shell length significantly faster than all other treatments of blacklip abalone held at 19°C, and significantly faster than blacklip abalone maintained at 111% oxygen saturation and 17.5°C. Both temperature and oxygen saturation significantly affected the survival of this species. Blacklip abalone held at 19°C had significantly lower survival for both 96% oxygen saturation and 120% oxygen saturation, compared with blacklip abalone maintained at either 110% oxygen saturation and 19°C, or for any 17°C treatment. No significant differences were noted for greenlip abalone within the range tested in terms of growth rate, food consumption rate or survival, indicating that greenlip abalone tolerated these conditions better than did blacklip abalone.  相似文献   
Host trees can modify their soil abiotic conditions through their leaf fall quality which in turn may influence the ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal community composition. We investigated this indirect interaction using a causal modelling approach. We identified ECM fungi on the roots of two coexisting oak species growing in two forests in southern Spain - Quercus suber (evergreen) and Quercus canariensis (winter deciduous)-using a PCR-based molecular method. We also analysed the leaf fall, litter and soil sampled beneath the tree canopies to determine the concentrations of key nutrients. The total mycorrhizal pool was comprised of 69 operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Tomentella and Russula were the most species-rich, frequent and abundant genera. ECM fungi with epigeous and resupinate fruiting bodies were found in 60% and 34% of the identified mycorrhizas, respectively. The calcium content of litter, which was significantly higher beneath the winter-deciduous oak species due to differences in leaf fall quality, was the most important variable for explaining ECM species distribution. The evaluation of alternative causal models by the d-sep method revealed that only those considering indirect leaf fall-mediated host effects statistically matched the observed covariation patterns between host, environment (litter, topsoil, subsoil) and fungal community variables.  相似文献   
陕西地区栓皮栎种群统计特征的区域变异性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
种群统计是种群生态学研究的核心 ,主要研究种群在时间和空间上的数量变化规律。本文通过样方法对陕西不同地区栓皮栎的年龄结构、大小结构、密度结构和组成构件四个方面探讨栓皮栎种群的区域变异性规律。结果表明 ,从分布中心到分布边缘 ,沿生境梯度栓皮栎种群年龄结构呈现出不均匀分布 ,绝大部分样地幼苗和幼树的个体数量偏少 ,但栓皮栎种群能顺利通过瓶颈。不同样地不同年龄的栓皮栎种群的大小结构分布不一 ,种群中胸径小的个体与胸径大的个体数量比较少 ,中等大小的个体数量较多 ,种群表现出增长的趋势。不同样地的密度随径级的变化特点是低径级的密度高 ,高密度的径级小 ,密度在不同样地平均径级上的分布呈现出明显的负相关。不同样地的栓皮栎叶面积指数的变化 ,反映出栓皮栎种群的生长活力。  相似文献   
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