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利用2009~2010年我国大西洋中部金枪鱼延绳钓调查数据,对金枪鱼延绳钓钓具性能进行评估。结果表明:金枪鱼延绳钓具有较好的种类选择性,大眼金枪鱼渔获量和尾数分别占总渔获量的73.67%和76.00%;大眼金枪鱼(Thunnus obesus)、黄鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus albacares)和剑鱼(Xiphias gladius)未达到性成熟的渔获尾数比例分别为13.00%、25.97%和48.93%;1~6号钓钩,大眼金枪鱼上钩率随钓钩深度增加呈递增趋势,6~8号钓钩上钩率呈递减趋势,6号钓钩上钩率最大为9.46尾/千钩;3号至8号钓钩上钩率均大于7尾/千钩,表明1号和2号钓钩利用率偏低;根据钓钩理论深度,推测大眼金枪鱼主要分布水层为220m~350m。通过调节缩短率和浮子绳长度对钓具进行优化,使得钓钩分布水层与大眼金枪鱼分布水层更为接近,提高钓钩利用率。  相似文献   
以雌核发育牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)为对象,根据Gen Bank收录的牙鲆生长激素基因序列(Gen Bank登录号:D29737)设计9对引物,采用直接测序的方法对50尾雌核发育牙鲆生长激素基因编码区和启动子进行了单核苷酸多态位点(SNPs)筛选,共获得有效序列1 838 bp,启动子区117 bp,内含子区1 050 bp,外显子区671 bp,覆盖牙鲆生长激素基因78.3%的序列。共检测到7个SNPs,平均发生频率为0.38/100个碱基,其中颠换型3个,插入型2个,缺失型2个;内含子区4个(Intron I:C477T、1 091~1 092/insert T、1 129~1 130/insert A;Intron IV:1 906A/-del),外显子区3个(Exon V:2067T/-del、A2006C、A1974G);SNPs与生长性状相关分析结果显示:C477T和2 067T/-del两个位点对牙鲆的体重、体长、体高等生长性状均有显著影响(P0.05),其他5个SNPs对牙鲆生长性状均无显著影响(P0.05)。研究结果可为牙鲆生长性状的SNPs标记辅助选育提供基础数据。  相似文献   
为了适应六盘山水源林经营实践的需求,采用标准地调查法和系统分析法,基于实地调查数据,分析了该区主要水源林类型的结构特征及其与功能的关系,指出了天然阔叶混交林和针阔混交林为该区水源林分的目标结构类型,其中天然华山松针阔混交林为优化目标结构类型。同时,针对不同水源林类型,提出了优化调整措施和经营对策。  相似文献   
本文重点介绍了十一届三中全会后,湖南竹业在科学管理资源,振兴第一产业;抓加工企业建设,发展二产业;建设竹产品市场,理顺流通渠道,拓宽三产业等所取得的成效。研讨了开发竹业的基本条件、关键问题、企业改革出路、企业增量资产、竹业知识经济等问题。  相似文献   
 【目的】对王浆高产蜜蜂(浆蜂)(A. m. ligustica)和原种意大利蜜蜂(原意)(A. m. ligustica)1、3、6日龄工蜂咽下腺进行蛋白质组研究,揭示咽下腺在此阶段的发育特征。【方法】采用双向电泳方法对浆蜂和原意咽下腺进行蛋白质组研究,通过与已鉴定蛋白功能的咽下腺和蜂王浆蛋白质组图谱比较,推断部分蛋白的功能。【结果】浆蜂咽下腺在3个日龄表达的蛋白数(210、192、230)分别显著的高于原意(169、188、212),两蜂种均在6日龄表达蛋白最多(P<0.05)。浆蜂咽下腺3个日龄表达的共有蛋白数为119个,其中21个蛋白表达量随咽下腺的发育显著上调,14个蛋白显著下调;原意咽下腺3个日龄表达的共有蛋白数为107个,其中15个蛋白表达量随咽下腺的发育显著上调,19个蛋白显著下调(P<0.05)。1日龄浆蜂和原意咽下腺共有蛋白为145个,其中28个蛋白点浆蜂表达量显著高于原意,14个蛋白点原意表达量显著高于浆蜂,浆蜂特有蛋白为65个,原意为24个;3日龄浆蜂和原意咽下腺共有蛋白为138个,其中31个蛋白点浆蜂表达量显著高于原意,19个蛋白点原意表达量显著高于浆蜂,浆蜂特有蛋白为54个,原意为50个;6日龄浆蜂和原意咽下腺共有蛋白为175个,其中44个蛋白点浆蜂表达量显著高于原意,25个蛋白点原意表达量显著高于浆蜂,浆蜂特有蛋白为55个,原意为37个(P<0.05)。与原意相比,浆蜂咽下腺发育3个日龄特有蛋白点总数为72个。从3日龄开始在浆蜂和原意咽下腺的蛋白表达谱中出现大量的王浆主蛋白点。【结论】从工蜂羽化到6日龄这一阶段内,浆蜂咽下腺蛋白表达明显比原意活跃,6日龄是2蜂种表达最为活跃的阶段。咽下腺发育过程中的共有蛋白为咽下腺发育所必需的管家蛋白,但它们的表达模式存在较大差异。不同日龄的特异蛋白表明咽下腺在不同的发育阶段需要不同的蛋白来调控。两蜂种工蜂咽下腺都从3日龄就开始分泌蜂王浆。  相似文献   
The increase in obesity in people and pets has been phenomenal. As in man, obesity in pets is a risk factor for many diseases including diabetes mellitus. Recently, tissue-specific regulation of glucose metabolism in fat and muscle tissue has been identified as an important factor for insulin sensitivity and it has been hypothesized that glucose uptake into tissues is altered in obesity causing insulin resistance. The purpose of this study was to determine the expression of the glucose transporter proteins GLUT4 and GLUT1 in muscle and fat from lean and obese cats. Seventeen domestic felines were tested in the lean state and again after a 6-month period of ad libitum food intake which led to a significant increase in weight (P<0.0001). Obese cats showed a significantly higher area under the curve (AUC) for glucose, AUC for insulin and a significant decrease in glucose percentage disappearance per min (K-value) (P=0.013, 0.018 and 0.017, respectively) during an intravenous glucose tolerance test, but no change in baseline glucose or glycosylated hemoglobin concentrations. GLUT4 expression was decreased in biopsies of both muscle (P=0.002) and fat (P=0.001) in the obese animals. GLUT4 in muscle and fat significantly and negatively correlated with the insulin AUC (r2=0.36, P=0.004 and r2=0.18, P=0.040, respectively). GLUT1 expression showed no significant change in the obese cats in either tissue. It is concluded that the changes in GLUT4 are early derangements in obesity and occur before glucose intolerance is clinically evident.  相似文献   
以秦岭火地塘林区油松和漆树倒木为研究对象,采用国际倒木腐烂等级划分方法,测定其 5 个腐烂等级的6种化学元素( C,N,P,K,Ca,Mg) 的含量,分析倒木对土壤化学元素的影响。结果表明: 油松倒木5个腐烂等级间 C 含量没有显著差异,而漆树倒木 C 含量随着分解显著递减; 漆树和油松Ⅴ级倒木的 N 含量随着分解显著递增; Mg 含量在油松倒木分解过程中无显著差异,在漆树倒木分解后期显著增加; P,K,Ca 含量在漆树和油松分解过程中都无显著差异,但 P 和 Ca 含量随着油松和漆树倒木的腐烂呈线性增加,K 含量随油松和漆树倒木分解呈线性下降。油松和漆树倒木下土壤 C 含量随着土层加深而显著减少,K,Ca,Mg 含量随土层加深无显著差异; 土壤 C含量随倒木腐烂显著递增,N,P,Ca,Mg 含量随倒木分解无显著差异。该研究揭示倒木分解过程中各种化学元素的变化规律,对促进秦岭森林生态系统物质循环和制定林木更新措施有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
Crowding is one of the most common stressors found in intensive aquaculture, compromising growth rates and immune function. Plasmatic cortisol is a classic stress biomarker for fish, but its quantification is expensive and demands blood volumes that small individuals do not provide, constraining the usage of this technique to assess stress in fingerlings. The leucocyte profile is an alternative methodology to quantify stress with reduced costs and volumes of blood. Stress conditions promote neutrophilia and lymphocytopenia as response to elevated glucocorticoids levels. Considering the difficulties to assess stress imposed by intensive fish farming using measurement of glucocorticoid hormones, this study aimed to evaluate the stress‐induced changes in leucocyte profiles and growth rates imposed by crowding in fingerlings of Odontesthes bonariensis, a promising South‐American candidate for freshwater aquaculture. To meet these objectives, fingerlings (initial weight 0.05 ± 0.06 g and length 1.68 ± 0.13 cm) were reared for 45 days under three rearing densities (1, 5 and 10 fingerlings L?1). At the end of this period, fish were anaesthetized and euthanized to obtain the leucocyte profile, neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio (N:L) and growth rate. Increasing density promoted: significant reduction in growth (final length, weight and specific growth rate); neutrophilia and lymphocytopenia; and increased N:L ratio. Concluding, the tested rearing densities imposed distinct levels of stress characterized by different N:L ratio, demonstrating that the leucocyte profile is a reliable alternative to measure stress levels in O. bonariensis fingerlings and probably in other fish species.  相似文献   
Commercially available tomato cultivars were hydroponically cultured for inoculation, with Ralstonia solanacearum (K-101), which causes bacterial wilt, by pouring an inoculum suspension into the nutrient solution. Cultivar susceptibility to the bacteria was evaluated, based on the highest percentage of wilting. Because the length of time for wilt appearance varied among cultivars, some cultivars appeared to be suppressive to the translocation and/or multiplication of the invading pathogen. Thus, this hydroponic inoculation system is effective for examining levels of susceptibility in tomato cultivars to bacterial wilt. Received 13 December 2000/ Accepted in revised form 27 March 2001  相似文献   
本文论述了新疆山区的降水特征及其空间与时间上的分布规律,提出了合理利用降水资源的意见。  相似文献   
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