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以流域为研究单元,采用水量平衡与估算法相结合的参考蒸散修正模型,定量分析了长江流域九个区域的不同水平年的土壤水分动态、植被耗水量、水分亏缺量及植被旱度。结果表明:长江中下游流域植被旱度较大,特别是偏枯年。不同区域四季干旱规律、干旱程度不同,各有特点。长江流域的水量平衡中水分蒸散是主要的输出形式。因蒸散力较大,所以植被旱度较大,植被恢复要充分考虑其水分条件,选择合适条件的物种。  相似文献   
用构建数学模型的方法探讨了私有制经济系统中一般均衡和pareto最优的关系,并以私有制经济第一、第二福利定理的形式对其进行了证明.  相似文献   
The influence of topsoil and fertilizer application on denuded road construction sites was evaluated to assess its contribution to improvement of vegetation re-establishment. the study sites were within a mixed hardwood and conifer forest on crushed, unweathered subsurface material with low fertility and low biological activity. Topsoils were removed from the site, stockpiled and reapplied to the site after construction. the effect of topsoil amendment on plant growth, soil fertility, mycorrhizal infection and an index of microbial biomass were measured in field and greenhouse experiments. Plant growth on the topsoil amended field plots were greatly increased relative to treatments with fertilizer but no topsoil. Three years after establishment, dry weight production on the plots without topsoil treatment was about 40 per cent of the plots treated with topsoil. Greenhouse experiments were designed to compare fresh, dried and stockpiled topsoil. These experiments indicated that storage of the harvested topsoil for five months in a stockpile had minor effects on plant growth, soil fertility, mycorrhizal infection and microbial biomass. Topsoil volumes had to exceed 20 per cent of the total soil volume to achieve statistically significant benefits and higher ratios showed greater benefit. the percentage of mycorrhizal infection was greatest in topsoil treatments without fertilizer. the addition of fertilizer increased growth but reduced the percentage of roots forming mycorrhizae. When the total weight of infected roots was calculated, however, infection was found to be greatest with a moderate level of fertilizer (equivalent to approximately 27 kg N ha−1 and 39 kg P ha−1), and was less in both higher fertilizer treatments and in unfertilized treatments. Topsoil amendment increased microbial biomass nitrogen but fertilizer treatment did not.  相似文献   
光养生物膜是河流生态系统中重要的初级生产者,在河流生物地球化学循环中扮演重要角色。然而,河流水文状态及营养盐差异引起的生境异质性对光养生物膜藻类的影响未知。本研究在微型跑道池模拟流水(0.5 m/s)和静水(0 m/s)条件的基础上,通过设置不同浓度氮(1.51, 2.51和5.51 mg/L)、磷(0.1, 0.2和0.4 mg/L)及氮磷比(8, 16和32)条件培养野外采集的原位生物膜及人工基质,探究水文分异和营养变化对河流光养生物膜藻类物种组成及密度的影响。非度量多维排序(NMDS)分析结果表明,差异水文条件下,原位和建群生物膜藻类群落在梯度氮、磷和氮磷比环境中均呈现明显分离(PERMANOVA,P < 0.001),且建群生物膜中各分组藻类群落具有更明显的差异。双因素方差分析结果表明,生物膜中硅藻、蓝藻和绿藻的生长对营养盐与水文变化的响应并不一致,其中磷处理中,磷与流速单一及其交互效应显著影响了大多数藻类的生长及建群(P < 0.001);而氮处理中,氮与流速的交互效应仅对建群生物膜藻类影响显著(P < 0.001)。研究结果也发现,藻类在静水环境更有利于建群生物膜的形成,且静水-高营养盐环境更有利于蓝藻和绿藻的生长。这些结果说明,生物膜建群初期易受到水文扰动的影响,且水文分异和氮、磷影响了光养生物膜藻类的响应模式,研究为河流生态保护提供了新视角。  相似文献   
通过土、叶样营养元素分析,土样营养元素以有效Ca含量最高,其依次顺序为:有效Ca>有效Mg>有效K>有效N>有效Fe>有效P>有效Cu>有效Zn,有效P、有效Cu、有效Zn缺乏;叶片营养元素与适量标准相比较,琯溪蜜柚叶片养分含量,有效Zn严重缺乏,有效Cu、有效P、有效Mg、有效K、有效Ca和有效Fe都处于低量范围内,有效N、有效Ca和有效Fe处于高量;桃叶片养分含量与适量标准相比较,有效Ca严重缺乏,有效N处于高量,有效K在适量范围内,其它处于低量范围内;结果表明,初步推算的琯溪蜜柚和血桃试验园的配方施肥量,均能显著提高果实产量。琯溪蜜柚试验园与对照园相比,平均亩产增加 36.15%,固酸比提高4.26%,糖酸比提高18.03%;血桃试验园与对照园相比,平均亩产增加 37.67%,总糖、总酸、Vc、固形物、可食率含量与对照相比分别提高了6.10%、6.90%、34.55%、9.28%、2.10%。  相似文献   
The increasing need to prolong the shelf life of buckwheat has prompted the use of roasting techniques in buckwheat processing. For effective roasting, the responses of common buckwheat (CB) and tartary buckwheat (TB) to the process should be explored. Herein, the antioxidant properties, nutrients, pasting, and thermal properties of raw and roasted buckwheat flours (roasted at 200 °C for 50 s) from two CB and three TB varieties were investigated. Results showed that roasting considerably reduced the total flavonoid content (TFC) and total phenolic content (TPC) of TB. The TPC of CB was significantly improved by roasting, whereas the TFC significantly decreased. The total antioxidant capacities were consistent with the TPCs. Additionally, the colour deepened as the amount of antioxidant compounds increased. Unexpectedly, roasting enhanced the protein and fat contents of CB and decreased those of TB. Roasting improved the nutritional quality and antioxidant capacity of CB, and opposite results were obtained in TB. In conclusion, CB was more suitable to the development of roasted specialty products with nutritional applications than TB. We suggest that differences among varieties should be considered first in the buckwheat roasting process.  相似文献   
区域粮食供需平衡及安全态势研究--以陕西省为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以1983~2002年陕西省粮食生产统计数据为依据,利用Cobb—D oug lass生产函数,在SPSS软件环境中,构建粮食单产非线性回归模型,并结合粮食需求层次结构模型,对陕西省粮食供需能力做出中长期预测。在模拟粮食生产波动趋势的基础上,提出了粮食安全线的衡量标准,并对陕西省粮食安全态势予以评价。结果表明:陕西省粮食供需基本平衡,但近年来安全态势有所下降;粮食最低播种面积安全线应控制在230万hm2左右;农户存粮处于极不安全态势;粮食库存安全线应为69万t左右。  相似文献   
本研究旨在分析小麦/西瓜/玉米间作体系限制作物产量的关键因子,为该体系的优化提供科学依据。采用农户调研的方式,对河北省曲周县的小麦/西瓜/玉米间作模式展开调查,主要调研内容是小麦和玉米的播种量、养分投入量和产量以及西瓜的养分投入量和产量,应用边界线分析方法评价小麦/西瓜/玉米间作高产体系的限制因子。结果表明,限制小麦产量的关键因子为小麦播种量,贡献率达17.8%,而养分投入量的贡献率分别为:P2O5 12.5%、K2O 11.7%、N 8.0%。限制西瓜产量的关键因子为钾肥投入量,贡献率达15.8%,N、P2O5的贡献率分别为14.2%和11.8%。限制玉米产量的关键因子为氮肥投入量,贡献率达20.6%,其他因子的贡献率分别为:K2O 14.2%,P2O5 11.5%,播种密度9.2%。因此,在小麦/西瓜/玉米间作体系中,应适当调控小麦播量,优化西瓜的钾肥和玉米的氮肥投入量,促进该间作模式的产量优势。  相似文献   
水曲柳天然林生物生产力及营养元素的积累与分布的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过对样地水曲柳天然林的各器官生物量的测定和化学元素分析,研究了生物生产力及营养元素的积累与分布规律。结果表明:林龄为43a的水曲柳天然林乔木层地上部生物量为135.749 t/ha,其中干材为79.891 t/ha,干皮为13.191 t/ha,大枝(未着生叶)为23.961t/ha,小枝(着生叶)为12.830t/ha,叶为5.877 t/ha;乔木层地上部平均净初级生产力为4.539 t/ha·a,其中叶为1.519t/ha·a,仅次于干材;近期(5a)平均净初级生产力为8.390 t/ha·a,其中叶为4.012 t/ha·a,是器官之中最高者;地上各器官营养元素含量因器官、元素而异,但尤以叶的含量最高。根据分析结果,从植物营养学角度出发,提出了以发展针叶树为主的“栽阔养针”的观点,对生产实践具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   
临沂茶区土壤养分现状及培肥途径   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
梁恕坤 《安徽农业科学》2005,33(11):2070-2071
对临沂茶区土壤养分现状及其变化规律进行了分析,找出存在的问题,提出了今后合理培肥的途径。  相似文献   
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