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Soil micropores that contain water at or below field capacity cannot be invaded by seminal or first‐order lateral roots of maize plants because their root diameters are larger than 10 μm. Hence, at soil‐water levels below field capacity plant roots must establish a new pore system by displacement of soil particles in order to access soil water. We investigated how decreasing soil water content (SWC) influences growth and morphology of the root system of young maize plants. Plants were grown in rhizotrons 40 cm wide, 50 cm high, and approximately 0.7 cm thick. Five SWC treatments were established by addition of increasing amounts of water to soil and thorough mixing before filling the rhizotrons. No water was added to treatments 1–4 throughout the experiment. Treatment 5 was watered frequently throughout the experiment to serve as a control. Seminal‐root length and SWC in soil layers 0–10, 10–20, 20–30, 30–40, and 40–50 cm were measured at intervals of 2–3 d on scanner images by image analysis. At 15 d after planting, for treatments 1–4 shoot dry weight and total root length were directly related to the amount of water added to the soil, and for treatments 4 and 5, total root length and shoot dry weights were similar. Length of seminal roots visible at the transparent surface of the rhizotron for all treatments was highest in the uppermost soil layer and decreased with distance from the soil surface. For all layers, seminal‐root elongation rate was at maximum above a SWC of 0.17 cm3 cm–3, corresponding to a matric potential of –30 kPa. With decreasing SWC, elongation rate decreased, and 20% of maximum seminal root elongation rate was observed below SWC of 0.05 cm3 cm–3. After destructive harvest for treatment 1–4, number of (root‐) tips per unit length of seminal root was found uninfluenced over the range of initial SWC from 0.10 to 0.26 cm3 cm–3. However, initial SWC close to the permanent wilting point strongly increased number of tips. Average root length of first‐order lateral (FOL) roots increased as initial SWC increased, and the highest length was found for the frequently watered treatment 5. The results of the study suggest that the ability to produce new FOL roots across a wide range of SWC may give maize an adaptive advantage, because FOL root growth can rapidly adapt to changing soil moisture conditions.  相似文献   
不同种植模式对土壤质量及马铃薯生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究轮作藜麦、玉米及连作对马铃薯根系生理及根系发育的影响及其机制,比较了3种种植模式(轮作藜麦、轮作玉米及连作)对马铃薯根际土壤微环境、根系生理、根系发育及植株生长的影响,以期为减轻马铃薯连作障碍、筛选较好的轮作模式提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)轮作藜麦、玉米明显降低土壤pH,提高土壤中有机质、碱解氮和有效磷含量,增强土壤肥力相关酶的活性,增加土壤细菌、放线菌数量和细菌与真菌数量比值(B/F),降低真菌数量,改善马铃薯根际土壤微环境,对植株生长发育起到促进作用,表现在马铃薯的株高、茎粗、地上部干重、根干重、单株薯重均有一定程度的增加。(2)轮作藜麦、玉米使得马铃薯根系超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性上升,超氧阴离子产生速率下降,丙二醛(MDA)含量减少,渗透调节物质含量增加,表明通过轮作藜麦和玉米使得连作对马铃薯植株造成的胁迫得到了一定程度缓解。(3)轮作藜麦、玉米显著提高了马铃薯根系总根长、根表面积、根体积、根平均直径和根尖数,说明轮作藜麦及玉米促进了马铃薯根系的生长发育,这与轮作藜麦及玉米改善土壤理化性质、生物学性质及促进马铃薯地上部分的发...  相似文献   
图像分割是图像处理的基础,是图像工程技术中的一个重要问题。本文简单介绍了图像分割的原理,系统地回顾了血液细胞图像分割的方法并进行了讨论。近年来,人们越来越重视血液细胞图像的分割算法,并期望寻求一种实时性、鲁棒性较好的算法。  相似文献   
E. Falistocco    M. Falcinelli    F. Veronesi 《Plant Breeding》1995,114(5):451-453
Numerous cytogenetic studies have been performed on alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. 2n= 4x= 32), but only a few have examined the somatic chromosomes. Because the major factor limiting the study of somatic chromosomes of M. sativa is their rather uniform morphology, characterization was attempted using the C-banding technique instead of the traditional Feulgen method. Chromosome morphology and position of the heterochromatic bands resulted in satisfactory characterization of the chromosomes and provided further evidence of the autotetraploid origin of the species. It was possible to identify the homologous chromosomes and arrange them into eight groups of four. The ideogram of the basic genome of eight chromosomes was constructed. The impact of these results on cytogenetic studies and breeding research in alfalfa is discussed.  相似文献   
[目的]研究不同土壤干旱生境中保水剂对黄瓜根系和叶片生理特征的影响,探讨其生长效应与土壤水分的内在联系,为保水剂的合理施用和农田科学灌溉等提供一定的技术参考。[方法]利用盆栽模拟试验,通过定量灌水,系统研究在3种不同的土壤水分条件下,保水剂对黄瓜根际水分、根系形态特征、叶绿素荧光参数和叶片气孔性状等生理特性的影响。[结果](1)不同水分条件下,保水剂处理的黄瓜根系生长受到明显抑制。与对照相比,保水剂处理组在土壤含水量为田间持水量70%(FC2)和55%(FC3)时的总根长、平均根系直径、总根体积、根表面积和根干重均显著降低,分别降低了3.4%,24.2%,62.1%,41.0%和51.6%以上。(2)随着干旱胁迫的加剧,保水剂处理叶片的有效光合效率(Fv′/Fm′)和实际量子产量[Y(Ⅱ)]较对照出现先升后降的变化趋势,非光化学淬灭(NPQ)则呈相反的变化;尤其在FC2和FC3处理时,保水剂处理促使黄瓜叶片的光化学淬灭(qP)较对照分...  相似文献   
干旱抑制北方烟区烤烟的生长发育,造成烟叶产量、质量下降。为探讨北方烟区水肥一体化对烤烟田间生长、根系形态生理和光合特性的影响,以‘云烟87’为试验材料,研究了烤烟农艺性状、干物质积累量、根系形态和生理活性、光合作用、叶绿素荧光特性以及烤后烟叶经济性状在水肥一体化和沟灌常规施肥2个不同处理下的差异。结果显示,与沟灌常规施肥处理相比,水肥一体化能够促进烤烟生长发育,使田间农艺性状表现良好。水肥一体化能够明显提高根系和地上部干物质积累量,降低根冠比,显著增加根系体积、总吸收面积、活跃吸收面和比表面积以及根系活力、ATPase等相关根系形态和生理活性(P0.05)。在水肥一体化下,烤烟叶片的光合作用指标净光合速率(P_n)、气孔导度(Gs)、胞间CO_2浓度(C_i)和水分利用效率(WUE)以及叶绿素荧光参数PSⅡ最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、实际光化学量子效率(ΦPSⅡ)和光化学淬灭系数(q_p)均显著高于沟灌常规施肥(P0.05),而蒸腾速率(T_r)、非光化学淬灭系数(NPQ)则明显较低(P0.05);同时,其烤后烟叶的经济性状显著高于沟灌常规施肥处理(P0.05)。研究表明,水肥一体化可以创造良好的根系形态,提高根系生理活性,增强光合作用和光能利用效率,从而促进烤烟生长发育,有助于提高烤后烟叶的经济性状。  相似文献   
乙烯利和激动素对玉米茎秆抗倒伏和产量的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
倒伏是影响玉米产量的主要原因之一,为了探明不同时期喷施不同生长调节剂对玉米抗倒伏性和产量的影响,选用玉米品种‘德美亚1号’和‘德美亚2号’为试验材料,在5、7、9展叶期分别喷施乙烯利(ETH)和激动素(KT),以喷施清水为对照,测定灌浆期基部茎秆形态、力学、化学组分及成熟后的倒伏率和产量。结果表明,与对照相比,‘德美亚1号’5展叶期喷施KT,节间直径显著增加21.11%,节间密度增加13.23%;与对照相比,‘德美亚2号’7展叶期喷施ETH,使基部节间总长度显著降低14.41%,节间直径显著增加10.70%,节间密度显著增加15.46%。‘德美亚1号’和‘德美亚2号’7展叶期喷施ETH,分别与对照相比,折断力显著增加26.04%和16.77%,穿刺强度显著增加22.77%和14.62%。‘德美亚2号’9展叶期喷施ETH,节间半纤维素、纤维素和木质素组成的化学组分总含量比对照显著增加25.49%。KT对两个品种茎秆力学影响表现不同,ETH对两个品种茎秆力学调控效果优于KT处理。两种调节剂处理均降低了两种玉米收获期的倒伏率。节间直径与折断力呈极显著正相关(r=0.905**),节间化学组分总含量和节间直径与倒伏率呈显著或极显著负相关。两个品种9展叶期喷施KT,产量比对照极显著增加22.24%和19.98%,喷施ETH对产量影响不显著。综上,KT于两个品种9展叶期喷施可显著增加产量,ETH于两个品种7展叶期喷施对抗倒伏性调控效果较好。  相似文献   
Vermicompost, a byproduct of earthworm digestion of organic solid waste is receiving attention as a peat substitute in the production of plug seedling media. We aimed to test the effects of adding nitrogen to vermicompost on the morphological development of tomato seedlings. Nursery experiments on tomato seedlings were carried out in the greenhouse. Urea at 0.00 kg/m3, 0.25 kg/m3, 0.50 kg/m3, and 1.00 kg/m3 was added to vermicompost and to the vermicompost-vermiculite (at a volume ratio of 4:1) mixture. Results showed that (1) Nitrogen application at different rates to the vermicompost significantly increased the strong seedling index (SSI) at the middle (T1) and late (T2) seedling growth stages. Besides, nitrogen application significantly increased concentrations of available nitrogen (available-N) at the beginning of seedling cultivation (T0) and nitrate nitrogen (NO3?-N) at T2 in vermicompost. (2) Adding nitrogen to vermicompost significantly increased the number of root tips at T1 and T2 and the root volume at T2. And it significantly decreased the electrical conductivity (EC), total N (TN), available N, ammonium N (NH4+-N), and NO3?-N at T1 and T2. (3) Adding nitrogen to the vermicompost-vermiculite mixture significantly increased the root/shoot ratio, and SSI at T1 and T2. And it significantly increased the pH and reduced the EC at T1 and the available-N, NH4+-N, and NO3?-N at T2. In short, adding nitrogen (0.5~1.0 kg/m3 urea) to vermicompost improved the shoot and root morphological development of tomato seedlings, as well as the biomass accumulation and allocation. Adding nitrogen to the vermicompost-vermiculite mixture further promoted the development of tomato seedlings.  相似文献   
Soil depth reflects the quantity and ecosystem service functions of soil resources. However, there is no universal standard to measure soil depth at present, and digital soil mapping approaches for predicting soil depth at the regional scale remain immature. Using observation of soil profile morphology, we compared the soil depth nomenclatures from the World Reference Base for Soil Resources, Chinese Soil Taxonomy, and Soil Taxonomy. For this study, shallow soils were defined as those with an effective soil depth < 100 cm. Based on legacy data and field soil survey, the spatial distribution of shallow soils in Xinjiang, China, and the main controlling environmental factors were explored. Results showed that shallow soils in Xinjiang are mainly distributed in high altitude regions such as the Tian Mountains. At the regional scale, significant correlations were observed between soil depth and climate factors, as well as between soil depth and vegetation fractional coverage. Contrary to previous conclusions at small spatial scales, terrain attributes could not explain soil depth variation at the regional scale. This study addressed knowledge gaps on soil depth prediction at regional scales while elucidating climate‐vegetation‐soil coevolution.  相似文献   
水分和磷对苗期玉米根系形态和磷吸收的耦合效应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
水分亏缺和土壤缺磷已经成为玉米(Zea mays L.)生产的主要限制性因素,但水分和磷如何调节玉米根系形态和磷吸收尚不完全清楚。本研究采用盆栽土培试验,设置4个水分梯度[田间持水量的35%(W1)、55%(W2)、75%(W3)和100%(W4)]和2个磷处理[高磷:205 mg(P)·kg~(-1);低磷:11 mg(P)·kg~(-1)],探究水分和磷对苗期玉米根系生长和磷吸收的耦合效应。结果表明:(1)不管土壤磷供应如何,玉米苗干重、根干重、总根长和根表面积随水分供应强度的增加呈现先增加后降低的趋势,土壤有效磷含量也表现出相似的变化趋势,根质量比和平均根直径随水分供应强度的增加呈现下降的趋势,植株磷含量和磷累积量随水分供应强度的增加呈现稳定增加的趋势;(2)水分亏缺(W1)和过量供应(W4)均不利于玉米根系生长和干物质累积,水分亏缺(W1)抑制玉米对土壤磷素的获取,水分过量供应(W4)引起土壤磷素的奢侈吸收(W4),轻度的水分胁迫(W2)能够促进玉米根系的生长和干物质累积,减少对土壤磷的奢侈吸收,充足的水分供应(W3)能够促进玉米根系的生长、干物质累积和土壤磷素的吸收;(3)磷供应显著增加了玉米苗干重、根干重(W4除外)、总根长、根表面积、植株磷含量(W4除外)和磷累积量,但降低了玉米的根质量比。(4)两因素方差分析结果表明,水分对苗干重、根干重、根质量比、总根长、根表面积、平均根直径、植株磷含量、植株磷累积量和土壤有效磷含量的相对贡献分别为45.94%、36.71%、67.95%、59.63%、58.34%、81.86%、24.75%、35.66%和3.00%,磷对这些参数的相对贡献分别为34.78%、21.19%、14.84%、9.22%、9.21%、1.56%、35.54%、49.75%和94.40%,可见水分是控制玉米根系形态和干物质累积的关键因子,磷是控制玉米地上磷吸收和土壤有效磷含量的关键因子。总体来说,低磷条件下玉米根系对土壤磷的获取偏向于以根形态为主导的适应策略,高磷条件下玉米根系对土壤磷的获取偏向于以根生理吸收为主导的适应策略。水分和磷之间较好的耦合能够促进玉米根系生长、干物质累积,减少对土壤磷素的奢侈吸收。  相似文献   
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