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模糊模式识别模型在流域生态安全评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态安全是指人类赖以生存和发展的生态环境处于健康和可持续发展状态,流域生态安全评价是实现流域可持续发展的一项重要调控措施。流域生态安全评价需要通过评价模型来实现,由于生态安全是一个外延不明确的模糊概念,为此以模糊模式识别理论为基础,提出了流域生态安全评价的模糊模式识别模型。运用模型对岷江上游的生态安全现状进行了评价,建立了1,2,3共三个级别的指标体系,结果表明岷江上游生态安全处于第2级,即处于预警状态。评价结果符合岷江上游地区的生态环境状况。  相似文献   
2006年四川发生了百年一遇的特大干旱。于旱期结束末,调查了蓬安县境内两座丘陵-石马寨(栎柏混交林)和碉堡梁(人工柏木林)上、中、下坡林地和林带中耕地及坡脚农田的土壤含水量;调查了四川盆地丘陵区内5个县9个乡镇17个小流域有无农田防护林条件下,稻田开裂起始时间和裂缝宽;以及按照自然地理条件相近、森林覆盖率有较大差异的原则,调查了宣汉县和达县5对乡镇(森林覆盖率高的乡镇森林覆盖率为28.26%~46.85%,平均为37.24%,相对应的低的乡镇森林覆盖率为12.75%~26.74%,平均为18.64%)内不同台地的土壤含水量。结果表明,混交林林地的保水能力强于纯林林地,林地的保水能力强于耕地,农田防护林对水稻具有庇护作用,森林覆盖率高的地区土壤保水能力强于森林覆盖率低的地区土壤。在干旱期末坡上、中、下部位的0~40 cm土层中,栎柏混交林林地的含水量比柏木纯林林地高出3%~7%,林地的土壤含水量比林带中的耕地高出0.7%~2.1%;栎柏混交林带中的耕地含水量比柏木纯林带中的耕地高出3%~6%,石马寨的坡脚农田含水量比碉堡梁的高出5%;在干旱期末不同台地0~40 cm土层中,与森林覆盖率低的地区相比,森林覆盖率高的地区水稻田含水量高3%~7%,二台土高4%~8%,三台土高2%~8%;有农田防护林的农田土壤开裂时间比无农田防护林的推迟5 d~20 d,裂口宽平均窄0.1 cm~3.1 cm。  相似文献   
天山北坡呼图壁河流域近313年降水的重建与分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
分析发现,天山北坡呼图壁河流域树轮年表与呼图壁气象站上年8月至当年7月的平均降水相关性较好,最高单相关系数为o.484(a=0.001),且具有明显的树木生理学意义.利用赛热克巴依萨、希热克久热特、喀音萨依的标准化年表能够较好地重建呼图壁河流域近313年的上年8月至当年7月平均降水序列,方差解释量达41%,并通过交叉检验表明重建结果稳定可靠.  相似文献   
This study addresses the differences in food availability, diet and feeding activity of the Iberian barbel, between permanent and temporary nonregulated rivers, and the effect of flow regulation on feeding parameters. A total of 267 adult barbels were seasonally collected in four nonregulated and regulated rivers from permanent and temporary basins, and their gut content was analysed. Locally available food sources were evaluated across sites and seasons. Barbels from the permanent nonregulated river exhibit a more variable and diversified diet in which invertebrates assumed a large importance, especially during high flows. Barbels from the temporary nonregulated river presented a more uniform diet composed of plant material and detritus, particularly in drought seasons. Flow regulation affected different flow components in both systems, but the effects on food resources and barbels' diet were similar, resulting in an intra‐annual stabilisation of resource availability and fish diet, with a higher consumption of plants and detritus. Changes in fish diet and feeding activity in both nonregulated and regulated rivers were strongly associated with the seasonal variability of streamflow components, particularly between low‐ and high‐flow periods, and with the reduction in flow variability in the case of dam regulation. Results from this study can be used to improve guidelines for flow requirement implementation.  相似文献   
We investigated the effect of soil microclimate on the structure and functioning of soil microbial communities in a Mediterranean Holm-oak forest subjected to 10 years of partial rain exclusion manipulations, simulating average drought conditions expected in Mediterranean areas for the following decades. We applied a high throughput DNA pyrosequencing technique coupled to parallel measurements of microbial respiration (RH) and temperature sensitivity of microbial respiration (Q10). Some consistent changes in the structure of bacterial communities suggest a slow process of community shifts parallel to the trend towards oligotrophy in response to long-term droughts. However, the structure of bacterial communities was mainly determined by short-term environmental fluctuations associated with sampling date (winter, spring and summer) rather than long-term (10 years) shifts in baseline precipitation. Moreover, long-term drought did not exert any chronic effect on the functioning of soil microbial communities (RH and Q10), emphasizing the functional stability of these communities to this long-term but mild shifts in water availability. We hypothesize that the particular conditions of the Mediterranean climate with strong seasonal shifts in both temperature and soil water availability but also characterized by very extreme environmental conditions during summer, was acting as a strong force in community assembling, selecting phenotypes adapted to the semiarid conditions characterizing Mediterranean ecosystems. Relations of climate with the phylogenetic structure and overall diversity of the communities as well as the distribution of the individual responses of different lineages (genera) to climate confirmed our hypotheses, evidencing communities dominated by thermotolerant and drought-tolerant phenotypes.  相似文献   
Determination of the threshold shear velocity is essential for predicting sand transport, dust release and desertification. In this study, a wind tunnel experiment was conducted to evaluate the influence of salinity and moisture on the threshold shear velocity of saline sand. Saline sand samples (mean particle size of 164.50-186.08 μm and the total silt, clay and salt content of 0.80%-8.25%) were collected from three saline sand dunes (one barchan dune and two linear dunes) in the Qarhan Desert, Qaidam Basin of China. Original saline sand samples were placed in two experimental trays for wet and dry processing to simulate deliquescence and desiccation, respectively. Surface moisture content ranging from 0.30% to 1.90% was generated by the steam method so that the saline sand can absorb water in a saturated water vapor environment. The motion of sand particles was determined by the observers with a solid laser. The laser sheet (0.80 cm thick), which was emitted by the solid laser, horizontally covered the sand surface and was bound to the sand. Results show that the cohesion of saline sand results from a combination of salt and water. The threshold shear velocity increases exponentially with the increase in crust thickness for the linear sand dunes. There is a positive linear correlation between the original moisture content and relative threshold shear velocity. The threshold shear velocity of dewatered sand is greater than that of wet sand with the same original moisture content. Our results will provide valuable information about the sand transport of highly saline soil in the desert.  相似文献   
多水门管道灌溉是采用多水口管道替代水沟的一种地表灌溉方式。1993至1995年试验结果表明,多水门管道灌溉和传统水沟灌溉相比,具有节水、节能、改善灌水分布均匀度,提高灌溉质量,缩短灌溉时间和扩大作物种植面积等优点  相似文献   
分析了土地生产潜力的影响因子及其计算方法,从机理上分析各因子给未来荒漠化的发展趋势可能造成的影响,并从土地生产潜力退化基本原理出发,建立了荒漠化顸警模型。以疏勒河流域为背景,在GIS平台支持下,应用预警模型分析了该流域昌马灌区农业综合开发后的荒漠化趋势,对灌区荒漠化的发展趋势和潜在危险性进行了分析判断。  相似文献   
BP神经网络在焉耆盆地农田排水量   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用BP神经网络技术对焉耆盆地农田排水量进行预测。利用灰色关联度分析确定了排水量与各影响因素的关系,选取了对排水量影响最大的5个因素作为BP网络的输入,利用均匀设计方法,确定了最优的神经网络结构。估算结果表明利用BP神经网络可以准确的估算农田排水量,最大相对误差仅为-2.45%。  相似文献   
塔里木河流域水量变化对生态环境影响分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以塔里木河流域的10个水文站1961~2000年观测资料为基础,对塔里木河流域的径流变化及其对下游生态环境影响进行了分析。分析得出:(1)20世纪60年代以来,塔里木河各源流的出山口径流量增加23.82×108m3,增幅达14.97%,但是,能汇入塔里木河干流的水量并没有增加,而且比60年代减少了8.8×108m3,减幅达17.41%。(2)近40年以来,由于塔里木河干流上中游地区的耕地面积急剧扩大,用水量剧增,使下游的来水量比60年代减少7.72×108m3,减幅达76.13%。(3)由于塔里木河上中游耗水量的增加,塔里木河下游来水量逐年减少以至断流,由此造成下游生态环境出现较大的变化,主要表现有:河水盐化严重,灾害性天气出现的次数大幅增加,河道断流,地下水位下降,天然植被严重衰败,沙漠化过程加重。(4)实施塔里木河流域水资源的统一管理,统筹分配上、中、下游水量,调整大农业生产方向,完善流域节水改造配套工程,发展节水型农业,是塔里木河下游受损生态环境恢复与重建的关键。  相似文献   
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