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鸡公山自然保护区共引种栽培药用植物34科82种,其中裸子植物6科18种,被子植物28科64种。国家二级保护植物6种,国家三级保护植物4种。文章论述了保护区引种药用植物的种类、地点、用途及生长情况,并对其保护及引种驯化提出了建议。  相似文献   
舜皇山自然保护区昆虫物种多样性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2006年7-9月,采用线路调查和典型标准地昆虫群落调查相结合的方法,对舜皇山自然保护区的昆虫物种多样性进行了调查,经过查阅相关资料结合专家对库存标本和新采集标本的鉴定,共整理出昆虫17目,156科,1163种,其中新种9个;昆虫区系东洋种占优势,占68.10%;广布种次之,占23.82%;古北种较少,仅占8.08%;标准地调查结果表明,舜皇山自然保护区昆虫多样性指数较高,群落稳定性好。  相似文献   
云南哀牢山自然保护区南华片区项目建设必要性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对哀牢山国家级自然保护区南华片区的生物多样性、经营现状和经营管理进行评价,对项目建设必要性分析结果:项目建设有利于该保护区的整体效应;有利于对珍稀植物物种和生态系统的保护;有利于对候鸟迁徙通道的保护;有利于社会经济的可持续发展;是加强科研和宣教工作的需要。最后阐述了项目建设的主要内容。  相似文献   
为合理开发利用九阜山省级自然保护区山茶科植物资源,对该区山茶科植物资源进行调查,结果表明该区山茶科植物共有7属28种(包括变种)。对其种类占全国与福建省的比例、属的分布区类型、优势属、生活型与生态环境条件、数量以及应用途径进行了分析,并提出保护与开发利用建议。  相似文献   
山西太宽河自然保护区植物多样性及保护研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
太宽河自然保护区位于山西省中条山的中西段。调查表明,该保护区共有维管植物119科464属887种。植物属的分布区类型包含有15种类型,而其中北温带分布类型属最多,共147属,占保护区总属数的32.31%。植被类型被分为6个植被型组,8个植被型和32个群系,以落叶栎林占绝对优势。该区分布有较多的珍稀濒危植物,包括11种国家级保护植物和22种山西省重点保护野生植物。最后,提出了该区植物多样性的保育的对策。  相似文献   
淮河流域(安徽段)两栖爬行动物多样性现状及保护措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过调查统计,发现淮河流域(安徽段)现有两栖动物11种,其中古北界2种,东洋界5种,广布种4种;爬行动物23种,属于古北界4种,东洋界13种,广布种6种。区系特点明显,该区的古北界动物分布较少,东洋界和广布种种类分布颇为丰富。本次研究,对了解该地区两栖爬行动物的多样性,控制资源浪费,在保护的基础上合理开发和利用野生动物资源,有重要作用。  相似文献   
为全面分析羌塘国家级自然保护区的干旱变化特征,有效应对干旱风险和生态环境保护。本文采用利用5个气象站点1971-2016 年逐日降水量资料,以持续干旱日数(CDD)为干旱评价指标,采用线性回归、Mann-Kendall非参数检验和R/S分析等方法,分析了自然保护区CDD的时空变化特征。结果表明:多年平均下,自然保护区各站CDD为78~162 d,总体呈自西向东递减分布;CDD偏多概率为51.1%。近47年保护区CDD呈减少趋势,平均每10年减少3.4 d;20世纪90年代以来,CDD趋于增加。70年代CDD明显偏多,为近40年最多的10年;80年代至21世纪前10年基本正常。CDD异常特多年份出现过2次,均发生20世纪90年代;未出现异常特少年份。在时间转折上,保护区CDD的突变点出现在1980年, 从一个相对偏多期跃变为一个相对偏少期。根据R/S分析,保护区CDD的Hurst指数大于0.5,说明未来仍将趋于减少。  相似文献   
茂兰自然保护区珍稀濒危植物石山木莲的资源现状及保护   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
石山木莲(Manglietia calcarea X.H.Song)是贵州特有珍稀濒危植物。为了解茂兰保护区石山木莲资源现状,采用样线调查法,对茂兰保护区石山木莲资源分布现状进行调查。结果表明:茂兰保护区石山木莲资源分布狭窄、数量稀少,仅发现8个分布点共计10株,已处于濒危状态。主要分布在保护区洞多、洞常、瑶寨、卡记海拔650~820 m之间的山坳、山腰、洼地、槽谷的次生林中、闲置地边、黔竹林内及密林下。根据石山木莲在茂兰保护区的地理分布特点和资源现状,分析其濒危原因,探讨实现其有效保护的措施。  相似文献   
We compared four approaches to conservation site selection to protect forest biodiversity in the Triangle Region of North Carolina, USA. Using biological inventory data and an inventory-based conservation plan as benchmarks, we evaluated the potential effectiveness of a focal species plan and three “simple” plans (large forested patches, close to wetlands and riparian areas, diverse forest types). Effectiveness was measured in three ways: the number of inventory elements captured at least once by the plan (representation), the total number of inventory elements captured (completeness), and the proportion of land in the inventory-based plan included (overlap). We further examined the potential effectiveness of the simple plans by calculating their overlap with land identified by the focal species approach. The simple and focal species plans did not differ markedly in terms of representation, but diverged when completeness and overlap were considered. Although representation rates for all four plans were relatively high, lower rates for completeness and overlap raise concerns about long-term viability. The simple plans did not identify the same lands as the focal species plan, and are thus unlikely to provide appropriate habitat for the focal species. Each approach we tested failed to capture some subset of species and communities, highlighting the importance of explicit conservation targets and consideration of ecological processes. Forced to act quickly and with little data, our findings suggest using initially a set of complementary simple plans, each focused on a different habitat type. This should be considered a stopgap measure, however, while more sophisticated plans are constructed, defining explicit conservation targets and considering ecological processes.  相似文献   
Areas of high conservation value were identified in the Western Ghats using a systematic conservation planning approach. Surrogates were chosen and assessed for effectiveness on the basis of spatial congruence using Pearson’s correlations and Mantel’s tests. The surrogates were, threatened and endemic plant and vertebrate species, unfragmented forest areas, dry forests, sub-regionally rare vegetation types, and a remotely sensed surrogate for unique evergreen ecosystems. At the scale of this analysis, amphibian richness was most highly correlated with overall threatened and endemic species richness, whereas mammals, especially wide-ranging species, were better at capturing overall animal and habitat diversity. There was a significant relationship between a remote sensing based habitat surrogate and endemic tree diversity and composition. None of the taxa or habitats served as a complete surrogate for the others. Sites were prioritised on the basis of their irreplaceability value using all five surrogates. Two alternative reserve networks are presented, one with minimal representation of surrogates, and the second with 3 occurrences of each species and 25% of each habitat type. These networks cover 8% and 29% of the region respectively. Seventy percent of the completely irreplaceable sites are outside the current protected area network. While the existing protected area network meets the minimal representation target for 88% of the species chosen in this study and all of the habitat surrogates, it is not representative with regard to amphibians, endemic tree species and small mammals. Much of the prioritised unprotected area is under reserve forests and can thus be incorporated into a wider network of conservation areas.  相似文献   
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