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汶川地震后肖家沟泥石流活动特征与灾害防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖家沟是汶川地震震中映秀镇近邻的一条典型泥石流沟,位于渔子溪河左侧,沟域面积7.19 km2,沟床平均纵比降为485‰。"5·12"地震后该沟多次暴发泥石流。2010年8月14日,肖家沟暴发特大规模泥石流,一次冲出物方量约6.50×105 m,堵塞渔子溪,堰塞湖溃决后造成洪水灾害。肖家沟泥石流物源条件非常丰富,地区降水充沛,危险性巨大,一旦发生泥石流,直接威胁S303映秀段公路,造成交通中断;若发生大规模泥石流堵塞渔子溪形成堰塞体,堰塞体溃决之后,大量泥沙被洪水带至下游,抬高河床,将对下游映秀镇产生严重的洪水灾害。目前肖家沟沟域内共有松散固体物源量5.22×106 m3,可参与泥石流活动的动储量为2.01×106 m3。以肖家沟泥石流形成条件为基础,分析震后连续发生的泥石流类型与活动特征,并以此为依据探讨了肖家沟泥石流治理的简要思路。  相似文献   
基于粗糙集理论的泥石流易发性综合评判模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泥石流灾害易发性判断是泥石流灾害性评价的重要组成部分,快捷、准确的评判对人类工程活动有着重要的指导意义。众所周知,流域中,形貌、地质、水文三大条件对泥石流灾害起决定性作用,是泥石流易发性的主要影响因素。这里基于对泥石流灾害的机理认识,将泥石流易发性分为高易发、中易发、低易发、不易发4个等级,在充分考虑泥石流灾害易发性影响因素贡献的基础上,给出各因素等级的确定标准,运用粗糙集理论获取各级评价指标的相对重要度,再依据专家经验确定主观权重,结合相对重要度和主观权重确定各因素的综合权重,进而利用模糊数学中多级模糊评判的理论和方法,建立了一种新的泥石流易发性多级模糊综合评判模型,并以陕西省凤县5条泥石流沟为例进行模型验证,结果表明这5条泥石流沟易发性从低到高的排序为:吴家沟泥石流沟、三台山泥石流沟、后沟泥石流沟、银铜梁泥石流沟、寺沟泥石流沟,结果与实际吻合良好。  相似文献   
Biomass ash is an important and potentially useful by-product of the bioenergy industry. As a “proof of concept” for using biomass fly ash as a foliar fertilizer, we tested (i) whether the nutrients in the ash were absorbed by hybrid aspen trees, (ii) whether the ash affected tree growth, and (iii) whether the ash was compatible with nitrogen foliar fertilizer. Four foliar treatments (water [control], ash suspended in water, nitrogen fertilizer solution, and ash suspended in nitrogen fertilizer solution) were evaluated. Several nutrients in the fly ash were absorbed by hybrid aspen both in the greenhouse and in the field; however, this absorption did not significantly affect tree growth in either setting. Nitrogen fertilization was associated with significantly higher tree growth in the greenhouse; inclusion of the fly ash with the nitrogen fertilizer solution did not significantly alter this growth response.  相似文献   
 粗木质残体(CWD)是森林生态系统中的重要组成部分,具有十分重要和独特的生态功能。通过对长江上游亚高山暗针叶林CWD贮存量与特征的调查,初步探讨了贡嘎山不同年龄结构峨眉冷杉林CWD的形成与来源,提出了按其组分和分解等级对CWD进行分类的方法。结果表明,贡嘎山峨眉冷杉过熟林、成熟林、中龄林,以及冬瓜杨与峨眉冷杉混交林内CWD贮存量分别为91.75、71.72、50.45和29.03t/hm2。  相似文献   
Populations of rare or elusive large mammals are difficult to monitor, because they usually are secretive, solitary, occur at low densities, and have large home ranges. The global trend of generally decreasing large carnivore populations necessitates new, feasible, reliable, and cost-effective monitoring methods. We evaluate an index method developed for monitoring populations of moose (Alces alces) based on voluntarily and systematically collected observations from hunters, corrected for effort, for use in monitoring populations of large carnivores in Sweden. For our evaluation, we used independent estimates of minimum brown bear (Ursus arctos) densities from DNA-based scat surveys and brown bear distribution from mandatory reports from successful bear hunters. We verified that the index correctly reflected bear distribution. We also found strong linear relationships between the indices and the independent density estimates for bears at the scale of local management units (about 1000-2000 km2) in all three regional study areas (adjusted R2 = 0.88-0.60). Our results suggest that systematic, effort-corrected reports of observed animals can be an alternative and accurate monitoring method for the conservation and management of large mammals occurring over large areas when large numbers of willing volunteers are available (effort >30,000 h).  相似文献   
Patterns of biodiversity are influenced by habitat features at multiple spatial scales, yet few studies have used a multi-scale approach to examine ground-dwelling beetle diversity patterns. We trapped and quantified ground-dwelling beetle assemblages at two spatial scales: (1) microhabitat elements, represented by open ground, ground under trees and ground next to logs and (2) macrohabitat, represented by three vegetation types in a box-gum grassy woodland in south-eastern Australia. Species richness and evenness was highest at samples from under trees and lowest at samples in the open. At the macrohabitat scale, species richness and evenness did not differ among vegetation types. Assemblage composition was significantly different between trees, logs and open elements. Assemblage composition was different only between vegetation types with contrasting high and low shrub cover. Estimation of true species richness indicated assemblages at logs may have a higher number of species compared to trees and open elements, and implied greater spatial heterogeneity in assemblages at logs. Significant spatial autocorrelation in beetle assemblages was detected for logs at up to 400 m, but not for ground under trees or in the open. In agreement with previous studies, a mix of vegetation types at the macrohabitat scale is important for beetle conservation. Assemblage composition, however, appears to be more closely linked with habitat elements at the microhabitat scale, where logs support a high diversity of beetle species. This strongly supports the idea that restoring logs to box-gum grassy woodlands would be useful for increasing beetle species richness and assemblage heterogeneity.  相似文献   
贵州省黔西南自治州望谟县灾后重建关系到灾区群众的切身利益和长远发展,必须全面贯彻落实科学发展观,坚持以人为本,尊重自然,科学规划,合理布局,要立足灾区实际,做好重建分区与功能定位.在灾区范围内根据流域的生态环境背景,通过对其资源环境承载能力进行综合评价,充分考虑其国土开发强度、产业发展方向以及人口集聚和城镇建设的适宜程度,对其指标体系进行分层聚类,以定量为主,定性为辅进行生态环境建设分区,同时兼顾行政单元的完整性,将灾区范围国土空间分为生态保护区(面积376.07 km2)、适度重建区(面积716.06 km2)、适宜发展区(面积407.47 km2),分析其功能定位,使管制原则与城镇建设更趋于合理,为灾后重建的规划布局工作提供理论支撑.  相似文献   
高寒高海拔山原地区沟谷型泥石流与深切峡谷地区泥石流具有较大差异性.以四川省雅江县祝桑景区泥石流为例,通过实地调查、测绘和泥石流堆积物样品颗粒分析,探讨了高寒高海拔山原地区沟谷型泥石流的成因和特征.研究表明:(1)强日照,大温差等气候条件导致高寒高海拔山原区物理风化作用强烈,土体松散,斜坡稳定性差,物源丰富,对泥石流的形成起到了重要的作用;(2)滑坡转化和沟底侵蚀构成物源补给与泥石流启动的主要方式;(3)泥石流动力条件相对较弱;(4)沟床纵坡曲线总体呈现出上游平缓,中游较陡,而下游至沟口进一步变陡的折线形态,汇水区和形成区分界明显,沟口至主河段平缓,堆积区较长;(5)泥石流堆积物粒度分布相对均匀.  相似文献   
基于GIS的三江并流区泥石流危险性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三江并流区位于怒江、澜沧江、金沙江三江并流地带,是中国泥石流灾害频发地区。在分析泥石流灾害特征的基础上,选取坡度、岩性、断裂、植被和人类工程活动作为三江并流区泥石流危险性评价指标。基于ArcGIS平台建立了泥石流危险性评价数据库、图形数据库和属性数据库,通过对各评价因子归一、分级和赋权处理,建立了泥石流危险性评价模型,对三江并流区泥石流危险性进行了评价,得到危险性区划图。研究结果与实际灾情吻合,可为确定减灾目标,优化防灾措施,制定减灾决策等提供重要依据。  相似文献   
European Bison (Bison bonasus) barely escaped extinction in the early 20th century and now only occur in small isolated herds scattered across Central and Eastern Europe. The species’ survival in the wild depends on identifying suitable habitat for establishing bison metapopulations via reintroductions of new herds. We assessed European Bison habitat across the Carpathian Mountains, a stronghold of European Bison and one of the only places where a viable bison metapopulation may be possible. We used maximum entropy models to analyze herd range maps and habitat use data from radio-collared bison to identify key habitat variables and map European Bison habitat across the entire Carpathian ecoregion (210,000 km2). Forest cover (primarily core and perforated forests) and variables linked to human disturbance best predict bison habitat suitability. Bison show no clear preference for particular forest types but prefer managed grasslands over fallow and abandoned fields. Several large, suitable, but currently unoccupied habitat patches exist, particularly in the eastern Carpathians. This available suitable habitat suggests that European Bison have an opportunity to establish a viable Carpathian metapopulation, especially if recent trends of declining human pressure and reforestation of abandoned farmland continue. Our results also confirm the suitability of a proposed Romanian reintroduction site. Establishing the first European Bison metapopulation would be a milestone in efforts to conserve this species in the wild and demonstrate a significant and hopeful step towards conserving large grazers and their ecological roles in human-dominated landscapes across the globe.  相似文献   
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