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Attempts at natural forest management of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) have so far met with limited success, whilst many plantations are beset by the shoot borer Hypsipyla spp. In this paper we present preliminary results of an approach to enrichment planting that aims to balance economic returns (rapid growth and good silvicultural form) with intervention costs and changes to forest structure. Mahogany seedlings were planted in gaps created by selective timber harvesting and that ranged in vertical projected area from 91 to 542 m2 (mean = 257 m2). Seedlings grew within the matrix of gap regrowth, with limited control of competing vegetation. Sixty-one percent of seedlings had survived by 4.4 years (equivalent to an annual mortality rate of 10.5% year−1), and had reached a mean height of 4.5 m. Stocking levels of mahogany were similar to that of naturally regenerated commercial species in unplanted gaps of the same age, but mahogany seedlings were significantly taller. The incidence of shoot borer attack on mahogany stems was relatively low (54.7%), but, more importantly, most damaged stems (58%) responded by producing a single replacement leader. The cost of the proposed methodology (US$ 94 per gap over 4.4 years) was low compared to the high value of mahogany timber relative to other species in the forest. The implications of planting mahogany in gaps for forest management and the potential benefits to conservation of the species are considered.  相似文献   
In order to determine the effect of stocktype and cultivation treatment on the field performance (survival and growth) and physiological status of Picea abies in cutaway peatlands, small bare-root, large bare-root and containerised seedlings were planted in a deep ploughed and a control site. Survival after 2 years was good across all treatment (>90%) except for the large bare-root seedlings growing in the control site (84%). For all the morphological characteristics assessed in this study, there was no significant interaction between stocktype and cultivation treatment indicating that the growth response to site cultivation was not stocktype dependent. After two growing seasons, all Norway spruce seedlings performed better in the deep ploughed site and displayed also better nutritional and physiological status. Regardless of cultivation treatment, mean height, diameter and volume increment were significantly smaller for the large bare-root seedlings while the small bare-root seedlings displayed the greatest growth rates. In order to promote early height growth in container and small bare-root stock, large diameter is important. Other initial characteristics such as foliar nitrogen content may also have a strong influence on first year field performance. The physiological status of the seedlings during the first year after outplanting was assessed using chlorophyll fluorescence (CF) measurements. CF measurements detected a higher level of stress for the large-bare root stock (low Fv/Fm). On the other hand, small bare-root stock displayed highest maximum potential photochemical activity which corresponded to greatest growth rates. Container seedlings demonstrated higher capacity for photosynthetic electron transport during the first five months after planting suggesting that they recovered from planting stress quicker and optimised better light interception and utilization than bare-root stock. It can be concluded that intensive management systems including deployment of best-adapted stocktype and site cultivation can be used to enhance early height growth of Norway spruce on cutaway peatlands.  相似文献   
Data from a trial of 36 families at Little Wittenham, North Oxford was used to assess growth traits and stem form in common ash (Fraxinus excelsior, L.). The trial followed a design described by Barnes (Silv Genet 44(2–3):81–88, 1995) as the Breeding Seedling Orchard (BSO). The objectives of the study were to determine variation in growth and form traits and estimate genetic parameters of families. Assessments conducted at 3–8 years for height, diameter at breast height (dbh), straightness and forking showed significant differences (P < 0.05) among families with Guys (19), Settrington (34), Overbury (23) and Grimthorpe (36) being the best performers while Coleford (3 and 5) Gwynedd (27) and Bacheiddon (32) were the least performers. At the overall level, the additive genetic coefficient of variation (CVA) ranged between 10.2 and 12.7% for height and 1.5 and 2.1% for dbh. Height had a high genetic correlation (rg = 0.85) with dbh whilst forking had low correlation (rg = 0.25) with height. Estimates of heritability decreased with age from  = 0.62 at 3 years to  = 0.30 at 8 years for height while values for dbh decreased from  = 0.48 at 4 years to  = 0.27 at 8 years. Some genetic gains are possible despite the low genetic variation among families; height had the greatest potential of genetic gain (12.5% at 8 years). Results suggest that early selection of superior families of Fraxinus excelsior appears to be feasible and it could be possible to achieve simultaneous improvement in both growth and form.  相似文献   
瘤胃充盈度评分是反映奶牛个体采食量与能量摄入状态的直观指标,为实现奶牛瘤胃充盈度的自动评分,该研究提出了一种基于SOLOv2网络和空腔特征的瘤胃充盈度自动评分方法,首先对获取的奶牛背部深度图像进行预处理以提取目标奶牛;其次利用SOLOv2实例分割网络对奶牛瘤胃区域进行分割以获取瘤胃区域点云,将其投影至X-Z平面内采样得到二值图像,通过形态学处理得到空腔结构特征图;最后构建分类模型对特征图像进行分类以实现瘤胃充盈度的自动评分。试验结果表明,主干网络为ResNet-101-FPN时SOLOv2模型对测试集图像分割的平均精度达到86.29%,瘤胃充盈度自动评分的精准识别率为85.77%,评分误差在1以内的样本达到99.9%,平均识别速率为5.5 帧/s,并对肥瘦程度不同的奶牛具有较强的鲁棒性。该方法可实现规模化养殖中奶牛个体瘤胃充盈度的无接触评定。  相似文献   
强化水土保持工作 振兴宁南山区经济王尧灿(宁夏回族自治区党委政策研究室,银川市 750000)宁夏按其自然条件和经济类型可分为北部引黄灌区和南部干旱山区两大单元。自治区党委、人民政府从实际出发提出了到本世纪末引黄灌区全部实现小康,南部干旱山区消灭绝对...  相似文献   
黄土高原与青藏高原过渡区水土流失特点及防治经验朱小勇(黄委会水利科学研究院,郑州 450003)黄土高原向青藏高原过渡区的自然条件同时兼有黄土高原与青藏高原的许多共同特征,气候高寒干旱,地形地貌复杂,生态环境脆弱.经济发展落后,是一个较为独特的水土流...  相似文献   
为改善滨海吹填土的理化性质,加快提升吹填土在城市生态建设中的土地价值,开展脱硫石膏不同接触时间处理对滨海吹填土理化性质影响的试验研究。结果表明:滨海吹填土导水能力极弱,在整个淋洗过程中始终没有淋出液排出,2,5,10,50d脱硫石膏接触处理后土壤饱和导水率分别达到6.21,7.20,7.20,7.65mm/h,显著提升了滨海吹填土的导水能力。2,5,10,50d石膏接触处理分别经220,116,116,196h淋洗后,淋出液盐分均达到0.5dS/m以下,淋洗用水量分别为5.16,3.85,4.21,4.95L。淋洗后,土壤含盐量由处理前6.98dS/m下降到0.28~0.36dS/m,土壤中Cl-、Na+浓度分别由处理前的9.03,4.85g/kg下降到0.05~0.34g/kg和0.01~0.04g/kg,土壤钠吸附比(SAR)以及土壤碱化度(ESP)分别由处理前的27.89和28.15下降到0.18~0.8和0.02~0.28,已经为非碱化土,土壤的各理化指标均得到明显改善。综合各种因素与指标,脱硫石膏与吹填土5d接触处理效果最佳。  相似文献   
This study describes the changes in height and diameter in Quercus ilex trees grown on agricultural land in a semi-arid Mediterranean climate, in response to different soil management practices: mechanical weeding (MW), chemical weeding (CHW) and no treatment (NT); and compares trees grown from 1-year-old saplings and from acorns. After 6 years, trees that had been mechanically weeded were largest; for trees grown from saplings the average height was 120 cm and diameter was 3.83 cm, for trees grown from acorns average height was 100 cm and diameter was 2.56 cm. Soil organic matter increased in all managed plots while phosphorus, nitrate, and water content oscillated between years. The no treatment plot had the highest values for nitrate and organic matter while the chemical weeding plot had the highest level of phosphorus. Annual mean on C/N ratios were higher in the mechanical weeding (12.6 ± 3.3) followed by the chemical weeding (12.0 ± 1.6). Also mechanical weeding treatment showed the lowest soil water content throughout the study. An old tillage-induced compaction zone appeared in all plots at a depth of 12.5–17.5 cm with mechanical weeding causing the greatest compaction. However, no relationships were found with tree heights, neither with spatial compaction zoning. All trees showed the same growth pattern, whether raised from saplings or acorns and irrespective of soil management system. The height and diameter of trees were linked to the sum of height and diameter ratios from previous years. Our study shows that soil management does influence tree growth rate. Mechanical weeding should be considered for afforestation of agricultural lands with Q. ilex in semiarid Mediterranean lands.  相似文献   
本文较为详细地论述了预制楼板裂缝产生的原因;预防预制楼板开裂的有效措施以及裂缝出现后的有效补救方法。  相似文献   
海滨滩涂区抛石挤淤路基处理方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从实例出发,仔细地分析了海滨填海路基的特点,针对具体情况提出相应的处理加固方法,对于其他地质条件下的软土路基处理有一定的参考性。  相似文献   
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