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欧洲白桦(Betula pendula Roth.)为经济价值较高的工业用材和景观美化树种,生态适应性较强,分布广泛.为了丰富我国寒温带用材树种资源和生态城市建设种质资源的遗传多样性,遵循供种区与引种区环境条件相似原则,根据引种区土壤、植被分布、地形地貌和地理位置等主要环境条件,确定与之相适应的供种区.以欧洲白桦为研究对象,在引种驯化的基础上,系统开展家系子代的生长动态规律、变异性、生态适应性和抗逆性分析,综合评价遗传力和遗传增益等遗传参量的遗传效应.结果表明:欧洲白桦家系子代的生长趋势与东北白桦基本上趋于一致,能较快地适应新的生态环境,但生长性状存在一定的变异,其中:树高性状变异较小,地径性状变异较大,当年高生长变异最大,平均变异系数分别为2.50%,27.76%和50.31%.欧洲白桦的家系遗传力较强,遗传增益较高,遗传效应显著,3个性状的家系遗传力分别为0.7623,0.8083和0.6375,遗传增益分别为16.89%,17.97%及25.63%,应用前景广阔.  相似文献   
植物功能性状之间的不同组合和权衡决定了植物的生活史对策,反映了植物对环境变化的适应,个体 水平功能性状的变异更是其能量投资策略的体现。为获取随树高变化叶功能性状的变化,对蛟河阔叶红松林两个主 要树种白桦和青杨的5 个叶功能性状指标进行比较分析。结果表明,除青杨氮磷比外,两个树种的比叶面积、叶干物 质含量、氮含量、磷含量及白桦氮磷比均与树高存在显著相关性,且多数相关系数高于0.5。对树冠进行分层比较,除 氮含量外,白桦比叶面积、叶干物质含量、磷含量和氮磷比在树冠不同层次间差异显著,中层氮磷比小于14,上下层 氮磷比大于14,但未超过16;青杨叶片主要生长在树冠中上层,且除氮磷比外,其他功能性状指标在树冠不同部位 也有显著差异。叶功能性状随树高变化而变化可以认为主要由光照在树冠垂直变化引起的,体现了植物对光环境的 适应及资源的分配差异。  相似文献   
白桦愈伤组织染色体制片方法及数目变异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文探讨白桦愈伤组织染色体的制片方法,并对白桦愈伤组织及其再生植株的染色体数目变异进行了研究。结果表明:取继代培养1周的白桦愈伤组织,用0.2%的秋水仙素溶液预处理1.5~2 h,1 mol/L HCl室温(18~20℃)解离10~15 min或2%纤维素酶和果胶酶混合液室温解离30 min,压片后易获得分散、染色效果好的细胞分裂中期染色体图像。随着继代次数增加,白桦愈伤组织染色体数目变异的频率及范围增大。在愈伤组织分化过程中,二倍体细胞占有优势,能够分化为正常的植株,愈伤组织再生植株的变异频率低于愈伤组织。  相似文献   
植物开花是高等植物由营养生长向生殖生长转变的重要生理过程,是个体发育和后代繁衍的中心环节。赤霉素是调节植物生长发育的五大激素之一(Takahashi et al.,1991),赤霉素处理也是人工调控植物成花的最有效途径之一,因而成为近年来成花  相似文献   
Expressed sequence tags(ESTs) are generated from single-pass sequencing of randomly picked cDNA clones and can be used for development of simple sequence repeat(SSR) markers or microsatellites.However,EST databases have been developed for only a small number of species.This paper provides a case study of the utility of freely available birch EST resources for the development of markers necessary for the genetic analysis of Betula luminifera.Based on birch EST data,primers for 80 EST-SSR candidate loci were ...  相似文献   
白桦材12个弹性常数的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
该文结合木材的正交各向异性特征论述了木材的柔度系数与其工程弹性常数的关系 ,并采用电测法测试了白桦木材的 1 2个弹性常数 .试验结果表明 ,木材作为多孔性材料 ,粘贴应变片时 ,涂胶量不能过多或过少 .涂胶量过多则胶层太厚影响应变片性能 ;过少则粘贴不牢 ,不能准确传递应变 .木材作为正交各向异性材料 ,弹性常数间存在一定的相互联系 ,满足马克斯韦尔定理 ,该试验测定的试验数据基本满足这些联系 .从数据结果的检测来看 ,白桦弹性常数的测量是准确可靠的 ,证明电测法这一测试手段可行 .就剪切弹性模量的测试结果看 ,抗弯弹性模量的倒数与高和跨度之比的平方的线性回归相关系数较高 ,均大于 0 95 .这说明应用三点弯曲试验方法测试的剪切弹性模量值是可靠的  相似文献   
光皮桦苗高生长期划分有序样本聚类分析   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
以光皮桦苗高月净生长量为样本 ,采用有序样本聚类分析将光皮桦苗高生长过程划分为 4个时期 ,出苗期为 5月 1 0日~ 5月 31日 ,幼苗期为 6月 1日~ 7月 31日 ,苗高速生期为 8月 1日~9月 30日 ,苗木生长后期为 1 0月 1日~ 1 2月 31日 .苗高速生期时间推迟到 8~ 9月 ,原因是由于当年 5月上旬播种 ,播种时间推迟 ,速生期苗高生长量占苗木全年总生长量的 5 1 .87% .提出了各期的关键育苗措施 .保证苗高速生期有充足的水肥条件 ,延长苗高速生期提高生长量  相似文献   
应用RAPD技术对东北地区白桦种源遗传变异的分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)分子标记方法对白桦13个种源115个个体进行了遗传变异的比较分析。通过14个随机引物扩增共检测到233个位点。各种源多态位点百分率差异明显,在20.17%-32.19%之间,多态位点百分率最高的是帽儿山种源和清源种源,最低的是绰尔种源。遗传变异在大兴安岭、小兴安岭和长白山3个区域间占23.88%,种源间遗传变异占27.99%,种源内个体间遗传变异占48.13%。根据种源间的遗传距离,构建了白桦13个种源的遗传关系聚类图,结果大兴案岭地区的白桦和源聚为一类,小兴安岭、张广才岭、完达山和长白山分布区的白桦种源聚为另一类。同时,根据地理气候因子和遗传距离对白桦13个种源进行了种源区的划分,为种子调拨提供了依据。  相似文献   
Mika Räty 《Pedobiologia》2004,48(3):283-291
The aim of the study was to compare earthworm communities in anthropogenous birch stands with different origin in Finland. A total of nine forest sites were investigated: three birch stands (Betula pendula) planted ca. 30 years prior to the study after clear-cutting of spruce stands (“Birch after Spruce”, BS), three birch stands planted ca. 30 years earlier on arable soil that had been under normal cultivation until forestation (“Birch after Field”, BF), and three “Natural Deciduous” forests (D). Earthworms were sampled in May and October 1999 using a combination of formaline extraction and modified wet funnels. There were conspicuous differences between replicates of similarly managed forests. Earthworms were totally lacking in one of the D sites, while another had an abundant and diverse community. Only Dendrobaena octaedra was present in one BS site, while the two others harboured also Aporrectodea caliginosa and three Lumbricus species. All these species were also present in the BF sites, where their total biomass (ranging from 70 to 138 g (f.w.)/m2) was 2.6 times the average in BS, and of the same magnitude as the average in natural deciduous stands. A separate experiment revealed that L. terresris and A. caliginosa, which are not found in the surrounding coniferous forest, are able to live and reproduce in the soil of the D site where they were absent. It was concluded that earthworm species survive and reproduce in birch stands established on arable soil, where they have invaded during the long cultivation. On the other hand, their possibilities to disperse from cultural landscapes determine their presence not only in birch stands established in earlier coniferous forests, but also in “natural deciduous” forests where source populations are not present in the surroundings.  相似文献   
Total and root-severed soil respiration rates for five plots set up 50 m apart in a Betula ermanii Cham.-dark coniferous forest ecotone on a north-facing slope of the Changbai Mountains, China, were measured to evaluate the seasonal variations of soil respiration, to assess the effect of soil temperature and water content on soil respiration, and to estimate the relative contributions of root respiration to the total soil respiration. PVC cylinders in each of 5 forest types of a B. ermanii-dark coniferous forest ecotone were used to measure soil respirations both inside and outside of the cylinders. The contribution of roots to the total soil respiration rates ranged from 12.5% to 54.6%. The mean contribution of roots for the different plots varied with the season, increasing from 32.5% on June 26 to 36.6% on August 3 and to 41.8% on October 14.In addition, there existed a significant (P 〈 0.01) logarithmic relationship between total soil respiration rate and soil temperature at 5 cm soil depth. Also, a similar trend was observed for the soil respiration and soil water content at the surface (0-5 cm) during the same period of time.  相似文献   
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