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随着社会的进步,主题公园在中国大地上蓬勃发展,在取得了一定成就的同时也暴露出一些问题。作者介绍了主题公园的产生及主题公园的发展历程,分析了主题公园存在的主要问题,并提出了解决问题的对策,为主题公园的可持续发展提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
从农业公园和城市公园的内涵和功能着手,通过对比研究二者的区别,对城市农业公园的功能优势和特色进行阐述,揭示其特质属性,肯定城市农业公园未来的发展。针对城市农业公园的特殊性,从道路设计着手,重点研究其服务功能的表达。以城市公园设计标准为基础,将城市农业公园道路划分为主要道路、次要道路、专用道路和游憩道路4类。依据行业经验和人性化设计原则,从道路的布局、圆曲线半径、交叉点形式、道路宽度、无障碍设计、铺装、专用道路设计等方面进行人性化设计研究,以期为城市农业公园的建设和发展提供参考。  相似文献   
针对国家农业科技园区对科技创新服务平台的需求,该文提出了一种基于信息化技术的解决方法。该方法在可察、可考和可用的三重要求下,首先明确角色及其相互关系,规范了角色的业务需求和主要的业务流程。遵循设计的角色、需求和流程,系统开发部署后测试稳定、正常。可以有效支撑国家农业科技园区的相关科技活动。  相似文献   
骨形态发生蛋白15(bone morphogenetic protein 15,BMP15)基因突变对绵羊排卵率、产仔数以及繁殖力有很大影响,本研究旨在建立快速可视化检测BMP15基因B2突变的技术。将改良的扩增阻滞突变系统(amplification refractory mutation system,ARMS)与核酸染料SYBR Green Ⅰ结合,针对BMP15基因B2突变设计ARMS特异性引物,使引物下游3'端的最后一个碱基为A,并在下游引物3'端的第3位碱基处设计额外的错配,以提高引物的特异性;经ARMS PCR扩增后,向产物中加入SYBR Green Ⅰ,通过肉眼观察PCR管内的颜色变化来检测BMP15基因的B2突变。经测序发现所采集的样本均为野生型,因此,利用重叠延伸PCR构建BMP15基因B2突变型模板,测序结果显示BMP15基因B2突变型模板构建成功。ARMS PCR结果显示,ARMS特异性引物能够只扩增突变型模板,而不会扩增野生型模板,且扩增效果良好。ARMS PCR扩增后加入SYBR Green Ⅰ发现已知野生型模板与阴性对照一致,呈SYBR Green Ⅰ原始颜色橙黄色,而已知突变型模板呈亮绿色,且色差明显,肉眼可辨。用建立的可视化检测BMP15基因B2突变的技术检测50个小尾寒羊基因组DNA (随机向其中20个样本中加入构建的BMP15基因B2突变型模板),将可视化检测的突变型样本编号与混合样本时记录的编号对比,结果表明该技术能够准确检测绵羊BMP15基因的B2突变,且准确率高达100%。将构建的BMP15基因B2突变型的模板进行梯度稀释,对本试验可视化检测体系的灵敏度进行检测,发现ARMS可视化检测技术的灵敏度达到0.006 ng/μL。因此,本研究建立的技术能够可视化地检测绵羊BMP15基因B2突变,且准确率高,有望为高繁殖力绵羊的选育提供技术支持。  相似文献   
Peripartal cows often experience negative energy balance, and are therefore prone to suffering from metabolic diseases such as hyperketonemia, which causes financial losses in dairy farms. This study aimed to investigate the effect of green tea polyphenol (GTP) supplementation during the periparturient period on production performance, oxidative stress and immunometabolism in dairy cows with hyperketonemia. One hundred Holstein cows were assigned to GTP (0.2 g/kg DM; n = 50) or control (without GTP; n = 50) group based on body weight, previous milk yield, and parity on d 15 before expected parturition. Subsequently, 10 cows with hyperketonemia were selected from each group, according to blood β-hydroxybutyric acid (BHBA) concentration between 1.2 and 2.9 mmol/L from 2 to 3 d postpartum. All cows were fed a close-up diet and a lactation diet with or without GTP supply from 15 d prepartum until 30 d postpartum. Milk and blood samples were obtained from 20 cows selected with hyperketonemia on 10, 20, and 30 d postpartum. Compared with control cows, greater milk yield and lower somatic cell count were observed in GTP cows. The GTP group had lower concentrations of BHBA, free fatty acids, cholesterol, triglyceride, reactive oxygen species, malondialdehyde, and hydrogen peroxide, greater concentrations of glucose, lower activities of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, and glutamyl transpeptidase, alongside greater activities of superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, and total antioxidant capacity. Additionally, GTP supplementation up-regulated concentrations of interleukin-6 and interleukin-10, but down-regulated concentrations of tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-1β, interleukin-2, interleukin-8, and interferon-γ in plasma. Greater concentrations of plasma immunoglobulin G were also detected in the GTP group. Overall, the data suggested that GTP supplementation from 15 d prepartum to 30 d postpartum improved the milk yield and health status in cows with hyperketonemia during early lactation.  相似文献   
A herd of 15 Chinese elephants attracted international attention during their 2021 northward trek, motivating the government to propose establishment of an Asian elephant national park. However, planning is hampered by a lack of genetic information on the remaining populations in China. We collected DNA from 497 dung samples from all 5 populations encompassing the entire range of elephants in China and used mitochondrial and microsatellite markers to investigate their genetic and demographic structure. We identified 237 unique genotypes (153 females, 84 males), representing 81% of the known population. However, the effective population size was small (28, range 25–32). Historic demographic contraction appeared to account for low haplotype diversity (Hd = 0.235), but moderate nucleotide and nuclear diversity (π = 0.6%, He = 0.55) was attributable to post-bottleneck recovery involving recent population expansion plus historical gene exchange with elephants in Myanmar, Lao PDR, and Vietnam. The 5 populations fell into 3 clusters, with Nangunhe elephants differing consistently from the other 4 populations (FST = 0.23); elephants from Mengyang, Simao, and Jiangcheng belonged to a single population (henceforth, MSJ), and differed from the Shangyong population (FST = 0.11). Interpopulation genetic variation reflected isolation by distance and female-biased dispersal. Chinese elephants should be managed as 2 distinct units: Nangunhe and another combining Shangyong and MSJ; their long-term viability will require restoring gene flow between Shangyong and MSJ, and between elephants in China and neighboring countries. Our results have the potential to inform conservation planning for an iconic megafaunal species.  相似文献   
黄土高原半干旱区退耕还林对土壤微量元素的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探明黄土高原半干旱区退耕还林对土壤微量元素(Cu、Zn、Mn、Mo、Fe)含量的影响及其与影响因子间的关系,以甘肃省关川河流域退耕还林地和农地为研究对象,使用有效性评价、通径分析等方法研究土壤微量元素与土壤环境变量间的关系。结果表明:退耕后土壤微量元素含量随土层深度增加而减少,在表层土壤中呈一定的富集现象。退耕地Cu、Mn、Mo的有效性指数高于Zn、Fe,侧柏林地有效性综合指数高于云杉林地。偏相关分析显示,退耕还林区土壤微量元素有效态含量的主要影响因素为土壤有机质、全钾、全氮与土壤含水率;回归分析显示,土壤环境因子可解释38.1%~73.8%有关土壤微量元素含量的变异;通径分析表明,土壤全钾对土壤微量元素的直接作用最大,土壤全氮对微量元素的间接作用最大;决策分析表明,土壤全钾与土壤有机质是退耕还林区微量元素含量的决策变量,而土壤含水率是土壤微量元素的限制变量。  相似文献   
[目的]在中国快速城镇化背景下,北京市边缘地区的生态环境不断恶化,绿化隔离带成为控制北京市建成区无序扩张、改善城市生态环境的手段,在绿化隔离带范围内建设郊野公园是落实规划的有效途径.郊野公园的核心目标是在生态保育的同时提供少量的游憩活动,因此对于绿化隔离带范围内生境质量高的区域进行保护应作为郊野公园选址的基础原则.[方...  相似文献   
通过SWOT模式分析,指出黎母山国家森林公园存在的优势、劣势、机遇与威胁,并针对特色森林公园建设提出应加强公园的定位与规划、旅游产品开发、整体营销和人才队伍建设等建议。  相似文献   
以1986,1996,2011年的TM影像为数据源,利用基于GIS和遥感技术的景观指数分析法研究皖西退耕还林重点地区--金寨县的森林景观格局演变特征及其内在驱动机制。结果表明,25 a间,金寨县林地面积持续增加,耕地面积不断减少,其他景观类型面积的增减幅度不同。1986-1996年,斑块密度、分形维数、香农均匀度等指标发生负向变化,景观异质性速度加快,景观格局复杂化和破碎化形势严峻;1996-2011年,退耕还林工程实施后,各项指标发生正向变化,景观格局破碎化形势得到有效遏制,景观格局向规则化和均衡化转变,景观结构明显优化。自然地理环境和退耕还林工程的实施是该县森林景观格局演变特征形成的主要驱动力。  相似文献   
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