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抗战时期,中国共产党与新疆军阀盛世才建立了抗日民族统一战线关系。应盛世才的邀请,同时也为了建设新疆抗日大后方,中共从延安向新疆先后派遣了100多名优秀干部,林基路就是这诸多中共党人中的一员。在林基路就任库车县县长期间,他一切从人民利益出发,采取了一系列积极有效的措施,对库车县进行整顿,为库车县的发展作出了巨大贡献,在军阀统治下的新疆社会,产生了巨大反响,表现了优秀共产党人一片丹心,赤诚为民的崇高品德和可贵精神。  相似文献   
山东省农产品加工业发展对经济增长贡献率分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农产品加工业是经济发展的主要工业活动,是对生产、贸易和就业作出重大贡献的行业。山东省已经初步建立起一个门类齐全,具有一定规模的农产品加工业体系,成为我国农产品加工业大省,农产品加工业的快速发展对国民经济的发展产生了巨大的拉动力,对工业经济增长具有举足轻重的作用,成为全省农产品加工业生产和效益增长的主要支撑力量,成为解决“三农”问题的根本途径。  相似文献   
水稻产量对长期不同施肥和环境的响应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以开始于1982年的不同施肥长期定位试验为平台,选择氮磷钾肥(NPK)、有机肥(牛粪,M)、氮磷钾肥+有机肥(NPKM)、氮磷肥+有机肥(NPM)、氮钾肥+有机肥(NKM)和磷钾肥+有机肥(PKM)共6个处理,采用产量年际变化、变异系数(CV)、产量可持续指数(SYI)、肥料增产贡献率及AMMI模型对影响双季稻稻谷总产量稳定性的施肥处理、环境和二者互作进行综合分析,研究历年稻谷产量(1982—2012年)对长期不同施肥和环境的响应特征。结果表明:NPKM处理稻谷产量最高;在养分投入量相同的情况下,单施有机肥和单施化肥对于早稻产量的影响效果一致,但单施有机肥较单施化肥有利于提高晚稻稻谷产量。不同施肥处理稻谷产量CV随试验时间延长逐渐降低,有机无机配施相比较单施化肥能够减小产量CV,各处理晚稻产量的CV大于早稻,但其SYI值小于早稻。NPKM处理的SYI值最高,为0.51;M和NPK处理的SYI值分别为0.44和0.42。肥料对于产量的贡献率表现为:有机肥化肥氮化肥磷化肥钾。AMMI模型交互效应主成分(IPCA)表明,不同施肥处理在不同试验年份对环境的响应不一样。综合以上分析结果,氮磷钾完全肥基础上配施有机肥(NPKM)是该区域双季稻高产和稳产的最佳施肥措施。  相似文献   
生物有机肥部分替代化肥对莴笋生长、产量及品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了改善因化肥过量施用导致的蔬菜品质下降、肥料利用率降低和环境污染等问题,通过化肥减量配施生物有机肥,探讨菜田减肥潜力和生物有机肥增效作用。采用随机区组试验,研究不同施肥处理对莴笋产量、品质、光合特性及肥料贡献率的影响。试验共设置6个施肥处理:不施肥(CK1)、100%常规施肥(CK2)、80%常规施肥+200 kg·667m-2生物有机肥(T1)、80%常规施肥+400 kg·667m-2生物有机肥(T2)、70%常规施肥+400 kg·667m-2生物有机肥(T3)、70%常规施肥+200 kg·667m-2生物有机肥(T4)。结果表明:生物有机肥部分替代化肥可使莴笋的株高、茎长及茎粗不同程度的增加,其中T2效果最优;在相同的生物有机肥施用量下,化肥减施20%较减施30%有助于根系的生长和根系活力的增强;T2处理莴笋叶绿素总量分别比CK1处理和CK2处理提高17.32%和1.74%;T2处理的净光合速率和蒸腾速率最高,分别高于其他处理6.90%~49.35%和6.26%~58.64%;与CK2相...  相似文献   
苜蓿(Medicago sativa)是牧草之王,其综合营养价值显著高于玉米(Zea mays)和小麦(Triticum aestivum)等粮食作物,对我国奶业的发展具有重要的意义,目前市场上存在着巨大的供需缺口。本研究从苜蓿产业的投入产出分析入手,用随机型参数方法测算了2011-2013年8个苜蓿生产优势省(区)的技术效率,并进一步测算了科技进步率和科技进步贡献份额。结果表明,技术效率较高且逐年增长,2013年技术效率为89.3%;苜蓿产业的科技进步贡献份额为49.4%,说明我国苜蓿产业发展方式介于“粗放型”和“集约型”。针对研究结论,提出了提高种子费和机械费投入,加强田间管理,推进苜蓿产业规模化发展的政策建议。  相似文献   
淤地坝在流域水土保持措施中的贡献研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
淤地坝既能拦截泥沙、保持水土、又能淤地造田、增产粮食,在黄土高原地区已经有上百年的历史。研究淤地坝在流域水土保持措施中的贡献,已成为泥沙研究和水土保持研究的一项重要课题。本次研究以黄土高原典型流域马家沟为例,分析淤地坝在水土保持措施中的的贡献,研究结果表明:1990~2007年年均减沙量最大的是淤地坝,其次是梯田,依次为林地和草地。坝地的减沙量贡献率在1990~2000年为41.51%,在2001~2007年平均达到了46.58%。  相似文献   
为定量研究资源型城市城镇化水平及其对中国城镇化发展的贡献性,以全国126个地级市(仅限大陆地区)资源型城市为研究对象,分析改革开放以来资源型城市城镇化发展的基本情况,并籍此为基础研究资源型城市城镇化发展对我国城镇化发展的贡献。结果表明:1)四大区域资源型城市城镇化水平发展不平衡,东北地区城镇化率始终保持领先,但增长幅度最小,东部地区城镇化率增长最快,各地区年均增长率呈下降趋势,增速放缓;2)地级市资源型城市城镇化发展对我国城镇化发展的贡献度为0.48~0.90,其中0.79%资源型城市城镇化对我国城镇化贡献度为中,40.48%资源型城市城镇化对中国城镇化贡献度较高,58.73%资源型城市城镇化对我国城镇化贡献度高;3)类型上,均有超过各自总量50%的非金属、金属、煤炭和油气型资源型城市城镇化对我国城镇化的贡献度高,而森工型资源型城市城镇化对我国城镇化贡献度高的城市数量不到其总量的1/3;空间上,东和中部地区资源型城市城镇化对我国城镇化发展贡献度大于东北地区和西部地区。资源型城市城镇化推动了我国城镇化发展,但资源型城市的不同类型和区位,对我国城镇化的贡献度有差异。  相似文献   
根据河北省蔬菜产业生产的特点,确定土地、资本和劳动力是蔬菜生产最主要的生产要素。通过蔬菜产业生产要素贡献分析模型的构建与评价,发现蔬菜资本和劳动力对总产量的增加起不到主导作用,而是靠一味地增加种植面积来提高总产量的。所以,必须改善土地结构和集约度来提高土地对蔬菜生产的贡献,依靠转变生产作业、促进科技进步和优化资源配置等内涵式发展新路径。  相似文献   
《Plant Production Science》2013,16(5):592-600

This research was conducted to determine the yield and water-use efficiency of maize under fixed and variable alternate furrow irrigation (fixed AFI, variable AFI) and every furrow irrigation (EFI) at different irrigation intervals in areas with shallow and deep groundwater. In variable AFI, water was applied to the furrow, which was dry in the previous irrigation cycle. The results indicated that even at 4-day irrigation intervals the water needs of maize on a fine textured soil in both areas (with deep and shallow water table) are not met by AFI. The decrease in grain yield due to water stress was mainly due to the decrease in the number of grains per cob and to a lesser extent to the decrease in 1000-grain weight. At the Kooshkak site with shallow groundwater (between 1.31 and 1.67 m), grain yields in AFI at 4- and 7-day intervals were comparable to those obtained in EFI at 7- and 10-day intervals, respectively. This might be due to the contribution of groundwater to the water use of the plant (about 5-10%). In the Badjgah area, with deep water depth, grain yield in AFI at 7-day intervals was statistically lower than that obtained in EFI at 10-day interval. In AFI, a shorter irrigation interval (4-day) may alleviate the water stress and result in no yield reduction compared with that in EFI at 7-day intervals even though water application was reduced. Furthermore, in the area with a shallow water table, AFI at 7-day intervals may be superior to EFI at 10-day irrigation intervals. When seasonal irrigation water is less than 700 mm, it may be preferable to use AFI at 10-day intervals to increase water-use efficiency, especially in areas with shallow groundwater. In general, when water was insufficient for full irrigation, the relative grain yield (yield per unit water applied) of maize under AFI was higher than those under EFI.  相似文献   
With the densification of cities, it is imperative to identify urban ecosystems that should be protected or restored. We aimed to determine the conservation and restoration needs in a large urban park (1,35 km2) in Quebec City (Canada), based on site history, current species richness, floristic uniqueness, and floristic quality assessment of its diverse ecosystems: forest, swamp, wooded peatland, open peatland, and marsh. We evaluated the cover of all vascular species in 70 plots (400 m2) and assessed 18 environmental variables. We found that forest and swamp plots were the richest while peatland plots were the poorest, with marsh plots showing intermediate values. Ecological uniqueness (LCBD) was not correlated with richness (ρ = 0.17; p > 0.05), with marsh and peatland plots showing the highest and lowest uniqueness, respectively. With a regression tree, we identified canopy openness as the most influential variable explaining plot uniqueness across all ecosystems, especially in the peatland, indicating that future recreational development should be avoided in open ecosystems. By plotting ecological uniqueness (LCBD) with tolerance to disturbance (Mean C) values, we identified areas that could benefit from conservation or restoration, and areas that could sustain future development for recreational use. For each area, floristic composition, site characteristics, and past land-use history were investigated further to identify appropriate actions. The open peatland was identified as the main conservation priority, but actions will be needed to limit rapid tree encroachment. Three marshes were identified as areas that would floristically benefit from restoration actions. Still, since they also act as natural retention basins hosting species adapted to the soil conditions, we suggested monitoring the expansion of exotic and invasive species. Approaches developed and lessons learned from this project will serve as guidelines for municipalities aiming to implement a restoration and management plan in urban parks.  相似文献   
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