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杨秋霞  罗传文 《安徽农业科学》2014,(30):10777-10779
为了实现森林火灾的智能识别,提出一种基于稀疏表示的林火火焰自动识别方法.以林火火焰和5类干扰物体为研究对象,每类对象从视频图像中随机选取50帧作为训练样本,150帧作为测试样本.对每幅图像提取疑似火焰区域,求取面积变化率、颜色、纹理和形状特征参数.所有训练样本的特征向量构建训练样本特征字典,对每个测试样本利用l1最小化范数计算其在训练字典上的投影系数,根据最小重构残差进行分类识别.结果表明,稀疏表示方法的识别率可达到93.56%,为林火火焰识别提供了一个有效的解决方案.  相似文献   
Based on recent needs to accurately understand fire regimes and post-fire vegetation resilience at a supra-level for carbon cycle studies, this article focusses on the coupled history of fire and vegetation pattern for 40 years on a fire-prone area in central Corsica (France). This area has been submitted since the beginning of the 20th century to land abandonment and the remaining land management has been largely controlled by frequent fires. Our objectives were to rebuild vegetation and fire maps in order to determine the factors which have driven the spatial and temporal distribution of fires on the area, what were the feed backs on the vegetation dynamics, and the long-term consequences of this inter-relationship. The results show a stable but high frequency of small fires, coupled with forest expansion over the study period. The results particularly illustrate the spatial distribution of fires according to topography and vegetation, leading to a strong contrast between areas never burnt and areas which have been burnt up to 7 times. Fires, when occuring, affect on average 9 to 12% of the S, SE and SW facing slopes (compared to only 2 to 5% for the N facing slopes), spread recurrently over ridge tops, affect all the vegetation types but reburn preferentially shrublands and grasslands. As these fire-proning parameters have also been shown to decrease the regeneration capacity of forests, this study highlights the needs in spatial studies (both in terms of fire spread and vegetation dynamic) to accurately apprehend vegetation dynamic and functionning in fire-prone areas.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Fire has historically been an important ecological factor maintaining southeastern U.S. vegetation. Humans have altered natural fire regimes by fragmenting fuels, introducing exotic species, and suppressing fires. Little is known about how these alterations specifically affect spatial fire extent and pattern. We applied historic (1920 and 1943) and current (1990) GIS fuels maps and the FARSITE fire spread model to quantify the differences between historic and current fire spread distributions. We held all fire modeling variables (wind speed and direction, cloud cover, precipitation, humidity, air temperature, fuel moistures, ignition source and location) constant with exception of the fuel models representing different time periods. Model simulations suggest that fires during the early 1900's burned freely across the landscape, while current fires are much smaller, restricted by anthropogenic influences. Fire extent declined linearly with patch density, and there was a quadratic relationship between fire extent and percent landscape covered by anthropogenic features. We found that as little as 10 percent anthropogenic landcover caused a 50 percent decline in fire extent. Most landscapes (conservation or non-conservation areas) are now influenced by anthropogenic features which disrupt spatial fire behavior disproportionately to their actual size. These results suggest that land managers using fire to restore or maintain natural ecosystem function in pyrogenic systems will have to compensate for anthropogenic influences in their burn planning. This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
草原火研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
火作为重要的生态因子与我们的生活息息相关。国内外已对草原火展开了一定研究,本文讨论了草原火的研究成果,从影响因素、生态影响、时空分布格局、草原火的管理、遥感监控、预警和风险评价7个方面进行深入的探讨。一方面可为相关决策部门提供有力的科学依据,进而保证对草原火规范管理、草原生态环境平衡;另一方面,可为草原火发生发展过程,及其对相关区域乃至未来全球气候变化的影响研究提供依据,进而为当前全球变化研究做出贡献。由于目前在研究领域的局限性和研究时间间断性出现的问题,最后分析了草原火的研究趋势,并对火生态因子对全球气候变化影响和火灾预测模型有待深入的研究难点和发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   
In this paper, we analyse spatial patterns of fire occurrence in Catalonia (NE Spain) during 1975–98. Fire scar maps, discriminated by means of 30–60 m resolution remote sensing imagery, have been used as a source of fire occurrence. We employ several visual or analytical approaches to interpret fire occurrence in this region, such as those of Minnich and Chou (1997), Ricotta et al. (2001) or Krummel et al. (1987). Crucial spatial patterns such as fire size distribution, fire frequency distribution, spots and residual vegetation islands are documented. In addition, several geographical layers were overlaid with burned area maps in order to determine interactions between fire occurrence and environmental parameters such as altitude, slope, solar radiation, and burned land cover. Assuming that fire occurrence is well determined by such a posteriori empirical factors we detect areas most prone to fire in this region and aim to enhance the local forest management and conservation plans.  相似文献   
Rock outcrops in the boreal forest of Québec can show either of two different states: a forested state with >25% tree cover, and an unforested state (<25% tree cover). We tested three different hypotheses that might explain the co-occurrence of forested and unforested rock outcrops: (1) differences in bedrock geology, with unforested outcrops associated to bedrock types inimical to tree growth; (2) unforested outcrops as recently disturbed sites undergoing secondary succession towards a forested state; (3) unforested outcrops as an alternative stable state to forested outcrops, induced by post-fire regeneration failure. Digitized forest inventory maps were used along with bedrock geology maps and time-since-fire maps to compare forested and unforested outcrops for bedrock geology type and date of the last fire. Field surveys were conducted on 28 outcrops (14 forested, 14 unforested) to gather information regarding tree species composition and site characteristics (thickness of the organic matter layer, percent cover of lichens, mosses and ericaceous shrubs). None of the three hypotheses explain the co-occurrence of forested and unforested rock outcrops in the boreal forest of Québec. Both outcrop types occur on the same bedrock geology types. Unforested outcrops are not recently disturbed sites in early-successional states, as no clear distinction could be made in tree species composition and date of the last fire between the two outcrop types. Forested and unforested outcrops are not alternative stable states, as unforested outcrops are unstable and cannot maintain themselves through time in the prolonged absence of fire. Hence, unforested rock outcrops could be viewed as degraded, diverging post-fire types maintained by the late Holocene disturbance regime, characterized by high fire frequencies.  相似文献   
Invasions resulting in the transformation of one ecosystem to another are an increasingly widespread phenomenon. While it is clear that these conversions, particularly between grassland and shrubland systems, have severe consequences, it is often less clear which factors are associated with these conversions. We resampled plots from the 1930s (Weislander VTMs) to test whether two widely assumed factors, changes in fire frequency and nitrogen deposition, are associated with the conversion of coastal sage scrublands to exotic grasslands in southern California. Over the 76-year period, coastal sage scrub cover declined by 49%, being replaced predominantly by exotic grassland species. Grassland encroachment was positively correlated with increased fire frequency and, in areas with low fire frequencies, air pollution (percent fossil carbon as indicated by ∂14C, likely correlated with nitrogen deposition). We conclude that increases in fire frequency and air pollution over the last several decades in southern California may have facilitated the conversion of coastal sage shrubland to exotic grassland systems.  相似文献   
We studied the relationships of landscape ecosystems to historical and contemporary fire regimes across 4.3 million hectares in northern lower Michigan (USA). Changes in fire regimes were documented by comparing historical fire rotations in different landscape ecosystems to those occurring between 1985 and 2000. Previously published data and a synthesis of the literature were used to identify six forest-replacement fire regime categories with fire rotations ranging from very short (<100 years) to very long (>1,000 years). We derived spatially-explicit estimates of the susceptibility of landscape ecosystems to fire disturbance using Landtype Association maps as initial units of investigation. Each Landtype Association polygon was assigned to a fire regime category based on associations of ecological factors known to influence fire regimes. Spatial statistics were used to interpolate fire points recorded by the General Land Office. Historical fire rotations were determined by calculating the area burned for each category of fire regime and dividing this area by fifteen (years) to estimate area burned per annum. Modern fire rotations were estimated using data on fire location and size obtained from federal and state agencies. Landtype Associations networked into fire regime categories exhibited differences in both historical and modern fire rotations. Historical rotations varied by 23-fold across all fire rotation categories, and modern forest fire rotations by 13-fold. Modern fire rotations were an order of magnitude longer than historical rotations. The magnitude of these changes has important implications for forest health and understanding of ecological processes in most of the fire rotation categories that we identified.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
To determine whether fire spatial and temporal scales affect foraging behavior and grazing intensity by Bison (Bison bison), we burned three different patch sizes (225, 900, and 3600 m2) across an otherwise homogeneous grassland landscape. We then monitored grazing intensity for the succeeding 14 months. During the first 5 months after the burn (August–January), the Bison grazing intensity pattern was affected by whether a plot was burned and only marginally affected by plot size. During the next 5 months (January–June), grazing intensity was unaffected by plot size, but was greatest in the unburned 225 and 3600-m2 plots. The final 4 months (June–October), grazing intensity was unaffected by treatments other than being higher in the unburned 3600-m2 plots. By the final sampling date, biomass was significantly greater in the burned plots and grazing intensity appeared to be responding to the amount of biomass present and the total amount of N present. The pattern displayed within the first 5 months after the burn is congruent with the expectations of optimal foraging theory with overmatching in the smallest plot size of 225 m2 (BioScience 37 (1987) 789–799). The next two sampling periods displayed a matching aggregate response relative to biomass availability (Oecologia 100 (1999) 107–117) and total nitrogen mass (g m−2). The temporal shift that we found in Bison response to burn patch size is, to our knowledge, the first such examination of both spatial and temporal responses by Bison to landscape heterogeneity. We now have quantitative evidence of how native herbivores can alter their foraging responses to changes in landscape structure over time.  相似文献   

Season of burning is one of the most controversial questions concerning the use of fire in veld management. In the summer rainfall areas of South Africa the generally accepted rule of burning only after the first spring rains has proven ineffectual when using fire to control bush encroachment because the fires are too cool when burnt at this time. It was therefore decided to investigate the effect of burning on the regrowth of grass when applied during mid‐winter, spring, late spring and early summer. The results showed that burning when the grass was dormant (mid‐winter) had no deleterious effect on the recovery of grass when compared with burning after the first spring rains (spring). Conversely burning when the grass was actively growing (early summer) seriously retarded its regrowth.  相似文献   
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