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祁永琼 《安徽农业科学》2010,38(26):14284-14285,14292
植物组织培养过程中,污染的原因主要为细菌和真菌,造成污染的来源比较多,包括外植体、培养容器、接种工具、培养基、接种室和培养室环境、接种人员的操作等,应根据实际情况采取相应的措施进行预防和控制。  相似文献   
高浓度生活污水处理工艺及其能源回收研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
[目的]人口增加及城镇化的发展,生活污水越来越多,连带的污染面更广,造成环境与水资源贫乏诸多问题,特别昆明地区生活污水呈现地域特点。[方法]研究水压式厌氧-自然流充氧工艺对于粪便污水的处理效果,深入分析对污染指标去除影响较大的滞留时间问题。[结果]相同组成结构的设计装置,其处理工艺不同对粪便污水处理效果也存在较大差异,4套厌氧装置下,经3级厌氧处理后相对于原水的CODCr总去除率分别为94.3%、96.1%、96.6%和97.2%。再通过好氧处理后,装置3和装置4出水中残留CODCr值分别为97.6、85.3mg/L,达到了GB8978-1996中的一级标准,而装置2出水达到二级标准。在厌氧过程中,污染物指标CODCr去除率越高,回收能源物质CH4越多。[结论]为今后的深入研究与扩大处理系统奠定基础,并对分散式的城镇污水简易化高效处理技术的开发和进一步研究完善工程设计具有参考价值和意义。  相似文献   
综述了我国水体、沉积物、土壤、生物体及人体PAEs污染特征,讨论了其可能的污染来源及生态风险,并探讨了我国PAEs污染研究存在的问题,以期为PAEs污染进一步研究及其风险控制提供参考.  相似文献   
中国持久性有机污染物污染现状及治理技术进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
介绍了持久性有机污染物的定义、特性及其危害,分析了典型持久性有机污染物在中国土壤、水体、大气、农产品等介质中的污染状况,阐述了对被持久性有机污染物污染的介质进行生物修复、焚烧、物理和化学处理技术及进展,并对中国在此领域发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   
自2016年河北省发生贻贝中麻痹性贝毒(paralytic shellfish toxins, PSTs)超标且中毒事件以来,该区域主产贝类中PSTs安全风险受到研究者和管理部门的密切关注。以2022年3—6月在河北省近岸采集的6种主产贝类为研究对象,采用液相色谱质谱联用法(LC-MS/MS法)分析了PSTs的残留状况并进行急性暴露评估,以了解河北省近岸贝类中PSTs污染的变化情况及消费风险。整体来看,不同贝类样品中均有PSTs检出,且4月份贝类样品风险最高,但所有样品均未超过安全限量标准;该区域贝类中PSTs主要组分为GTX1&4和GTX2&3,且紫贻贝(Mytilus galloprovincialis)中含量最高,其次为毛蚶(Scapharca subcrenata);采用最高含量进行急性暴露评估发现,所有贝类样品均处于安全可接受状态。虽然河北近岸贝类中PSTs最高含量呈降低趋势,但仍存在一定残留及安全风险,后续需持续围绕该海域进行长期性调查研究,为我国贝类毒素监管和食用安全提供基础参考数据。  相似文献   
[目的]了解食用菌受重金属污染的状况,为人们安全使用食用菌提供科学依据.[方法]采用火焰原子吸收分光光度法对贵州省贵阳市和铜仁市生产的香菇、蘑菇、木耳、金针菇4种食用菌中的重金属污染进行评价.[结果]试验表明,贵阳市和铜仁市生产的香菇、蘑菇、木耳、金针菇4种食用菌中都检测到了铜、锰、铬、镍这4种重金属;4种食用菌中铬的含量全部超过国家标准,铜的含量全部符合国家标准;贵阳市产的木耳和金针菇中镍的含量超过国家标准,铜仁市产的4种食用菌中镍的含量都超过国家标准;4种食用菌对重金属的富集能力从大到小依次为:铜、锰、铬、镍;蘑菇对重金属的富集能力要强于其他几种食用菌.[结论]贵阳市和铜仁市两地食用菌中重金属污染都比较严重,铜仁市相对于贵阳市污染要更严重一点;另外,锰的含量暂无国家标准,需尽快完善.  相似文献   
六种野草对土壤中菲的降解研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
研究了六种野草对菲污染土壤的修复作用和降解途径。通过60 d的温室盆栽试验,观察到:对菲浓度为100 mg kg-1的污染土壤,六种野草表现出了不同的去除能力:狐尾草>狗尾草>蟋蟀草>稗草>高羊茅>碱蓬。其中种植狐尾草、狗尾草、蟋蟀草的菲污染土壤菲去除率分别达到了:81.53%,78.02%和76.01%,碱蓬仅为42.86%。利用GC-MS联用仪初步研究了菲的降解途径,结果表明:菲主要按照邻苯二甲酸途径进行降解,降解产物主要有:长链正代烷烃、邻苯二甲酸酯类、长链正代醛和长链有机酸。中间产物最终进入TCA循环,降解为二氧化碳和水。  相似文献   

A technique is described for the correction of abnormally high iron concentrations measured by X‐ray fluorescence spectrometry in alfalfa tops contaminated with soil. By adding to alfalfa samples, known amounts of different soils representative of the textural types occurring in the sampling area, the concentration of iron and aluminium in the contaminating soil was determined by subtracting the concentrations of the elements in the uncontaminated controls. A single regression equation relating concentrations of iron in the contaminating soil as a function of soil aluminium was suitable for correcting iron concentrations measured in all plants contaminated with soils of a loamy texture. Another regression equation was derived to correct values of iron in plants contaminated with sandy soils.  相似文献   
Molluscs are known to be seriously affected by trace amounts of environmental pollutants such as tributyltin at concentrations in seawater that are below the level of detection by all but the most sensitive chemical analytical techniques. This extreme sensitivity by molluscs has led to use of both adults and larvae as biomonitors for environmental pollution. Mollusc aquaculture has led to an increasing demand for commercial hatcheries to supply seed stock, including selected genetic lines of spat and juveniles. It is becoming apparent that many of the unexplained “crashes”, ill thrift or failures of larvae to metamorphose in such hatcheries are primarily due to their being compromised for a range of reasons including traces of inhibitory or toxic substances in the water supply. Because dead and dying larvae are ideal substrates for bacterial and ciliate growth, such invaders are often assumed to be the primary cause of the problem and this hinders finding a solution. In addition, many of the toxins which may be implicated in crashes are sporadic in occurrence and are both difficult to detect and hard to remove from the water supply. This paper provides evidence for these toxic effects and suggests ways of reducing the problems.  相似文献   
The present study investigated the impact of irrigation with wastewater on nutritional property and heavy‐metal concentrations in the soil and consequent accumulation in vegetables at sites having long‐term uses of wastewater for irrigation. Samples of irrigation water, soil, and root and shoot parts of palak plants were analyzed to determine the concentration of heavy metals. Wastewater irrigation led to increases in the total and phytoavailable heavy‐metal concentrations in the soil at all the sites. Heavy‐metal concentrations in soil under wastewater irrigation were negatively and positively correlated with soil hydrogen potential (pH) and organic carbon (OC), respectively. The enrichment factor and metal pollution index were higher at wastewater‐irrigated sites as compared to the clean water–irrigated ones. The study concludes that wastewater irrigation modified the physicochemical properties of the soil, leading to more availability of heavy metals in the soil and consequently to the plant.  相似文献   
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