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众所周知,21世纪是海洋的世纪,发展海洋经济将成为世界各国的重要战略目标之一。南海作为中国海域面积最大、资源最丰富的外海,也将成为我国打造海洋强国战略目标的核心海域。而因其独特的区位因素和丰富的油气资源,引起了东南亚沿岸各国间的相互争夺,从而形成了"六国七方"的混乱局面。本文从主权争议,岛屿归属,南海资源开发(渔业资源开发,油气开采)等方面出发,研究我国南海资源开发过程中所面临的具体问题,并借鉴美、英、日、韩等国经验,寻求一种综合性解决南海资源开发的办法。  相似文献   
良好农业规范(GAP)发展现状与建议——以云南省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
良好农业规范在保证农产品质量与安全和出口中发挥着重要作用。综述了国内外良好农业规范认证发展情况及特征,结合2006-2017年间中国良好农业规范(CHINAGAP)在云南省的认证规模、区域分布和主体构成等指标,探讨了其在云南省的变化趋势。CHINAGAP在云南省呈现快速增长趋势,认证形成了以种植业为主、畜牧和渔业为辅的行业格局。但云南省认证总量偏少,认证可持续性和认知度较低等问题也制约了CHINAGAP在云南省的进一步发展。结合国内外良好农业规范发展经验,提出了加强政府引导,出台奖励办法;发挥企业与专业合作社示范作用,提高GAP认证积极性;加大CHINAGAP标准的宣传和推广力度等建议,为推动CHINAGAP认证工作在云南省的持续发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   
我国水土保持监测制度体系建设现状与任务   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
建立和健全监测制度,是水土保持监测工作的主要内容和重要保障,对规范水土保持监测行为、实现水土保持监测全过程管理的制度化和科学化具有十分重要的意义。经过20年的努力,已初步建立了由法律法规、规范性文件和技术标准构成的水土保持监测制度体系。其中,法律法规主要包括《中华人民共和国水土保持法》及其实施条例、部门规章和地方性法规等,规范性文件主要包括综合管理、监测网络和信息系统建设与管理、动态监测管理、水土流失灾害事件调查管理、监测数据管理等5类管理制度,技术标准体系中包括已颁布的15项和正在制订与拟编的15项技术规程或规范。  相似文献   
随着房价的居高不下,房产税的征收在近期已成为热门话题。通过研究房产税开征的情况,追溯房产税的历史起源,考察征收房产税的原因,以及分析在现时的中国征收房产税的特殊情况,并综合运用比较法、例证法等各种方法,以期在众说纷纭中,得到一个清醒的认识,并最终说明房产税征收的时机并不成熟,现在的征收热还只是国家的造势之举  相似文献   
黄少玲 《安徽农业科学》2012,40(10):6012-6013,6015
通过对南粤地区6个居住区园林工程项目的绿化设计进行调查,收集南粤居住区常用的植物种类以及使用量,此总结了居住区绿地规划设计中园林植物品种选择的规律,为华南地区园林苗圃的生产提供参考。  相似文献   
A pioneering boat-based survey was conducted in 2019, to gather baseline information regarding the presence, composition, relative abundance, and spatial distribution of deep-diving and off-shore cetaceans in the northern South China Sea (SCS). A total of 27 sightings comprising at least 8 cetacean species were recorded during the 13-day survey, including 5 deep-diving species (i.e. Risso's dolphin [Grampus griseus], short-finned pilot whale [Globicephala macrorhynchus], sperm whale [Physeter macrocephalus], Cuvier's beaked whale [Ziphius cavirostris], and an unidentified beaked whale [either the ginkgo-toothed beaked whale, Mesoplodon ginkgodens, or Deraniyagala's beaked whale, Mesoplodon hotaula]), as well as 3 off-shore dolphins (i.e. pantropical spotted dolphin [Stenella attenuate], striped dolphin [Stenella coeruleoalba], and Fraser's dolphin [Lagenodelphis hosei]). With the exception of pantropical spotted dolphins, all other species were sighted and recorded at sea in the northern SCS for the first time. The pantropical spotted dolphin was the most frequently sighted species, comprising 30% of the total sightings. Deep-diving cetaceans were mainly sighted in the northern Xisha Archipelago, whereas off-shore dolphins were distributed across the survey area. The pantropical spotted dolphin was observed in aggregations of more than 100 individuals and nearly all encountered species included calves; these findings suggested that the survey area functions as an important feeding and calving ground for various cetacean species. This pioneering survey provides fundamental information regarding cetacean fauna in the northern SCS and highlights the need to strengthen research and conservation efforts concerning these species.  相似文献   
A plastic-covered ridge and furrow rainfall harvesting (PRFRH) system combined with mulches was designed to increase water availability to crops for improving and stabilizing agricultural production in the semiarid Loess region of northwest China. The system was built by shaping the soil surface with alternate ridges and furrows along the contour. The plastic-covered ridges served as a rainfall harvesting zone and furrows as a planting zone. Some materials were also used to mulch the furrows to increase the effectiveness of the harvested water. This system can make better utilization of light rain by harvesting rainwater through the plastic-covered ridge. The field experiment (using corn as an indicator crop) showed that grain yields in the PRFRH system with mulches in 1998 and 1999 were significantly higher than the controls, with an increase of 4010–5297 kg per ha (108–143%). In most treatments, the water use efficiencies (WUE) were in excess of 2.0 kg m−3. The WUE values of corn in this system were 1.9 times greater than the controls in 1998 and 1.4 times greater than the controls in 1999. The plastic-covered ridge led to a yield increase of 3430 kg per ha (92%) in 1998 and of 1126 kg per ha (21%) in 1999 compared with the uncovered ridge. On average, the additional mulches in the furrow brought about a yield increase of 8–25%. Based on the results of this study and other researches, this technique can increase corn grain yield by 60–95% in drought and average years, 70–90% in wet years, and 20–30% in very wet years. The PRFRH system had the potential to increase crop yield and produced greater economic benefit, therefore it could be used in regions dominated by light rainfall of low intensity where crops generally fail due to water stress.  相似文献   



为预测气候变暖背景下西北地区酿酒葡萄物候期变化规律,该研究利用2007—2022年西北地区地表温度数据及酿酒葡萄(赤霞珠、黑比诺、美乐和霞多丽)物候观测数据(萌芽期、开花期和转色期),对酿酒葡萄物候模型(积温模型,包含生长日度模型(growing degree day model,GDD)及葡萄开花转色期模型(grapevine flowering veraison model,GFV),BRIN模型、WE模型)进行参数优化和模拟比较,选取最适模型结合气候模式数据预测SSP245和SSP585情景下酿酒葡萄物候期的变化。结果表明:1)萌芽期,BRIN模型最适用于赤霞珠、美乐和霞多丽,GDD5模型最适于黑比诺;2)开花期,GDD10模型最适用于赤霞珠和美乐,GFV和WE模型分别适用于黑比诺和霞多丽;3)转色期,WE模型最适用于赤霞珠、黑比诺和美乐,GFV模型则最适于霞多丽;4)在SSP245情景下,西北地区2035—2065年与2055—2085年4种葡萄的3个物候期分别平均提前2 d与4 d;在SSP585情景下,西北地区2035—2065年4种葡萄的3个物候期平均提前5 d,2055—2085年除了天山北麓地区的酿酒葡萄转色期因夏季高温影响而平均延后6 d外,其他酿酒葡萄物候期平均提前10 d,进一步分析表明夏季高温是导致转色期延迟的重要因素。研究结果为适应气候变化充分利用气候资源,保障西北地区酿酒葡萄生产优势地位提供理论依据和科学支撑。  相似文献   
近45 a来中国西北汛期降水极值的变化分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文利用中国西北五省(区)1960-2004年125个台站汛期(5-9月)逐日降水资料,首先定义了不同台站的极端降水阈值,然后统计出了不同台站近45a来逐年汛期发生极端降水的频次、干日数、极端干期长度、湿日数及极端湿期长度,并对它们的长期变化趋势作了分析,结果表明:近45a来西北西部汛期极端降水发生频次、湿日数和极端湿期长度表现出增多和增长趋势,干日数和极端干期长度表现出减少和变短趋势;西北东部汛期极端降水发生频次、湿日数和极端湿期长度表现出减少和变短趋势,干日数和极端干期长度表现出增多和变长趋势;从整个西北来说,近45a来极端降水发生频次和湿日数表现出了增多趋势,极端干期长度表现为变短趋势,而干日数同极端湿期长度表现出周期波动状变化,另外干日数同极端湿期长度的变化趋势恰恰相反,而湿日数却与极端干期长度的变化趋势恰恰相反;自上世纪80年代以来降水极值变率较过去有所变大。  相似文献   
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