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The ecological effects of planting exotic Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] in Central Europe are still poorly understood. The aim of this study was to answer the question of whether Douglas-fir affects tree specific arthropod communities in different mature forest types (Douglas-fir, spruce and beech dominated) in Southern Germany. Therefore, arthropod communities of stem and tree crown strata of Douglas-fir and spruce (Picea abies L.) were sampled in the years 1999–2001 using arboreal photo-eclectors and flight interception traps. Statistical analysis was conducted for all species and focused on conifer specialists at three levels: (1) species diversity, (2) guild structure and (3) community structure. Within the stem stratum, species diversity was significantly higher on spruce than on Douglas-fir independent of year and stand composition. This could not be explained by a single feeding guild, rather by species changing strata during the vegetation period. In contrast, species diversity in tree crowns was approximately the same for both conifer species. However, communities in Douglas-fir crowns were conspicuously different from those in spruce crowns, especially in the Douglas-fir dominated stand type. While zoophagous insects exhibited higher activity on Douglas-fir in 2000, xylophagous beetles were more abundant on spruce in 2001. In European beech stands with widely spaced Douglas-fir trees, the site specific and broad-leaved tree related fauna might be maintained. In addition, Douglas-fir with its resource of Adelges cooleyi and crowns that overtop the broad-leaved tree canopy, offer additional resources for several aphidophagous and thermophile species.  相似文献   
麦草与地膜覆盖对玉米田间生态环境及产量的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过田间试验研究了麦草与地膜覆盖栽培措施对玉米田间生态环境及产量的影响。结果表明,麦草与地膜二元覆盖可降低作物冠层温度1~2℃,显著减少玉米田间土壤水分蒸发,对土壤具有一定的保温作用,并能明显提高玉米产量和水分利用效率。  相似文献   
农业文化遗产的保护与发展是当前多个学科领域的学者广泛关注的热点话题。欲实现农业文化遗产地的可持续发展,结合产业、地域环境等因素协调其所在地的经济收入是重要环节之一。本文以中国重要农业文化遗产地——赤峰市阿鲁科尔沁旗为例,基于空间分析方法——地理探测器,结合产业发展、资源配置和地形特征等可能产生人均纯收入差异的空间因子,对我国农业文化遗产地人均纯收入差异驱动力进行分析和阐释,旨在为农业文化遗产地资源调控及经济建设政策制定提供科学依据。研究结果表明,研究区第一产业类型和二三产业发展程度是造成当地人均纯收入差异的关键驱动力;交通便利程度、水资源供给能力、高程和国家级自然保护区的设立也在一定程度上拉开了当地人均纯收入差距;并且这4个因子与前2个产业因子对人均纯收入空间分布的影响存在显著差异。进而得出以畜牧业为主的农业生产方式(q=0.30)以及二三产业从业人数比例较小(q=0.37)是限制阿鲁科尔沁草原游牧系统所在地巴彦温都尔苏木收入水平的主要因素,交通不便(q=0.11)及海拔较高(q=0.15)等地域环境特征也在一定程度上拉开了巴彦温都尔苏木与周边区域的人均纯收入差距。基于此,本研究认为当地的下一步发展应重视以下3个方面:1)在保护农业文化遗产的同时适当发展传统畜牧业转型;2)将农业文化遗产打造为特色品牌进而推动特色农产品和特色旅游的发展;3)加强基础设施建设,为产业发展做足准备。  相似文献   
玉米品种更替过程中群体光合特性的演变   总被引:58,自引:6,他引:58  
对50年代以来生产上大面积推广的主要玉米品种的研究表明: 随着玉米品种的更替, 群体光合速率增强, 群体光合衰减率降低, 呼吸消耗所占总光合的百分率下降。 灌浆期当代品种中、 下部叶片的群体光合速率明显高于老品种。 种植密度是影响玉米群体光合速率的主要因素, 在高、 中、 低三种密度条件下, 当代品种均有较高的  相似文献   
化学调控对干旱后棉花冠层时空分布及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究干旱后棉花化学调控增产稳产的可行性,通过模拟田间干旱,采用裂区设计,探究化学调控下干旱后棉花冠层时空分布及产量变化.主区设置人工打顶与化学封顶,副区设置干旱后复水3 d、6 d、9 d喷施低量缩节胺及空白对照.结果表明:喷施缩节胺显著提高棉花籽棉产量、叶绿素相对含量(SPAD)、冠层中上部比叶重及各部位平均叶簇倾...  相似文献   
Stand structure and the regeneration ofChamaecyparis pisifera on sites with and without well-developed soil in an old-growth coniferous forest, Akasawa Forest Reserve, central Japan, were investigated, along with their relationships to other important coniferous species. Of stems ofC. pisifera≥5 cm diameter at breast height, stems with intermediate size were absent in stands on the developed-soil site, while those with smaller size increased in stands on the undeveloped-soil site, which supported a higher density ofC. pisifera. In the stands without recent tree-fall of canopy stems on the developed-soil site, canopy stems ofC. pisifera were distributed uniformly and the understory stems, patchily. On the other hand, both canopy and understory stems ofC. pisifera in stands on the undeveloped-soil site were distributed patchily. In the understory,C. pisifera occurred as clonal patches formed by vegetative reproduction on various types of microsites including bare rocks. However, the clonal patches did not occur in a stand on the developed-soil site with dense saplings of an evergreen conifer,Thujopsis dolabrata, which can expand vegetatively with a well developed soil layer. Gap formation may induceC. pisifera to develop tree-form stems from shrubby clonal patches. On developed-soil sites,C. pisifera stands that survive a long disturbance-free period on this site need catastrophic disturbance for their regeneration, which will eliminateT. dolabrata in the understory and create bare soil for colonization ofC. pisifera from seeds. On undeveloped-soil sites,C. pisifera replaces itself continuously by effective vegetative reproduction. Ground instability and the wet condition of this site may promote the replacement.  相似文献   
嘉陵江流域低山丘陵区几种主要森林类型水文特征研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文分析了嘉陵江低山丘陵区碗厂沟小流域湿地松林、桤木林、刺槐林以及桤松混交林四种森林类型垂直结构水文特征,得出不同森林类型呈现出不同的水源涵养特征。林冠截流:湿地松>刺槐林>混交林>桤木林;枯枝落叶持水:刺槐林>桤木林>混交林>湿地松林;森林土壤层贮水:桤木林>混交林>刺槐林>湿地松林。  相似文献   
杉木枯死枝、叶有在树上宿存多年的特性。江西分宜大岗山地区一立地指数 14 ,林龄 13a ,保留密度 2 60 0株·hm- 2 的 1代林 ,树上宿存枯死枝、叶总量达 4 10 8 0kg·hm- 2 ,相当枯枝落叶层生物量的 3 5 4 %。树上宿存枯死枝、叶在冠层的分解速度 ,与置于枯枝落叶层的分解速度的测定结果表明 ,后者比前者快得多。说明在杉木林生长急需养分的速生期和杆材期 ,将树上宿存枯死枝、叶适时地打落于地表 ,使其在枯枝落叶层分解 ,与挂在冠层上的分解相比 ,对林木营养作用不同 ,前者比后者能及时、更多地提供养分。树上宿存枯死枝、叶在林冠下部由低到高呈 4层分布。鉴于各层死亡时间不同 ,经受的分解时间和雨水淋溶的强度也相异 ,其在树冠上的分解速度是分层测定的 ,上下层差异较大。在枯枝落叶层的分解速度也分层测定 ,上下层的差异较小。在枯枝落叶层分解时 ,本实验 1年间枝的各层分解量之和是树冠上分解时的近 2 3倍 ,叶为 5 4倍。在枯枝落叶层分解时 ,1年间各层枝、叶 ,营养元素归还量之和是树冠上分解时的 3 5倍。速生、杆材期 ,适时地将树上宿存枯死枝、叶打落于地表 ,对连栽杉木林长期生产力的保持更是有积极作用  相似文献   
海岸带沙荒风口木麻黄无性系造林效果的综合评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以木麻黄无性系的防护效能和速生丰产性能为基础,运用多目标决策方法,对沿海沙荒风口6种木麻黄无性系造林效果进行综合评价,结果表明:在沙荒风口造林的6种木麻黄无性系中,粤501最抗风,其防护效能最高,平18次之;平18最速生丰产,粤501其次;莆20在6种无性系中无论抗风性还是速生丰产性能均最低。综合评价指标以平18最高,粤501次之,莆20最小。平18和粤501是沿海沙荒风口造林理想的木麻黄无性系。  相似文献   
【目的】量化山东省冬小麦产量差及氮肥利用效率差,分析产量差和效率差之间的关系,明确环境、栽培条件及生理因素对产量差的贡献,探讨协同缩差增效的可能途径,为冬小麦产量差缩减和资源利用效率提升提供理论依据。【方法】本试验于2016—2020年在山东济宁、德州、烟台和淄博4市进行,综合肥料投入、播种密度和灌溉水平等管理措施,设置了超高产水平(SH)、高产高效水平(HH)、农户水平(FP)和基础产量水平(ISP)4种模式,定量分析不同产量水平冬小麦产量差和氮肥利用效率差,分析产量差和效率差之间关系,讨论产量差和效率差形成的影响因素及缩差增效的可能途径。【结果】当前山东冬小麦高产纪录与SH、SH与HH、HH与FP以及FP与ISP之间的产量差分别为2 729.1、674.3、1 042.9和4 349.8 kg·hm-2,SH与HH、HH与FP之间的氮肥偏生产力差分别为-13.54和15.67 kg·kg-1;产量和氮肥偏生产力之间存在着二次抛物线关系。当前降水、光温等不可控因素和肥水投入等可控因素对产量差的贡献率分别为31.16%和68.84%。结果显示,平均叶面积指数(MLAI)、平均净同化率(MNAR)、单位面积穗数(EN)和粒重(GW)差与SH和HH之间的产量差呈显著正相关关系;而收获指数(HI)、穗粒数(GN)和粒重(GW)差与HH和FP之间的产量差呈显著正相关。SH和HH处理较FP处理有更高的地上部生物量、单株分蘖数以及分蘖成穗率。【结论】当前山东省冬小麦农户产量只实现了最高纪录产量的64.34%,通过优化水肥投入量、提高追肥比例、增施有机肥和锌肥等栽培措施可使冬小麦产量差缩减23.46%,氮肥偏生产力提高56.99%。花后物质生产能力仍然是小麦产量提升的限制因素,在保证花后光合同化的同时,提高花前物质的再转运以提高收获指数是农户模式向高产高效发展的有效途径。  相似文献   
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