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在马尾松林下进行南酸枣、毛红椿、山杜英、青冈、无患子、珊瑚朴、枫香、刨花楠、木荷直播造林试验,调查其发芽率、发芽势、树高与地径,结果表明:不同树种间直播发芽率存在显著差异,南酸枣、青冈、刨花楠比较适合直播造林,木荷、枫香、珊瑚朴直播造林效果不理想;在直播造林情况下,不同树种的树高、地径生长也存在极显著差异,树高生长以刨花楠和青冈较好,地径相对生长量以青冈和无患子效果较好。综合各种因素,青冈、刨花楠和无患子可以作为针叶林下阔叶树直播造林的树种选择。  相似文献   
对12年生杜仲进行人工供水处理,研究土壤水分对皮叶两用杜仲林萌条生长规律的影响.结果表明:不同水平的供水对新枝生长均有促进作用,6~9月份,Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ级供水处理的新枝枝长生长量分别较对照增加30.2%、37.1%、77.9%、56.2%,新枝直径生长量分别较对照增加22.4%、53.7%、117.9%、83.6%;Ⅲ级供水最有利于萌条的生长,二次分枝数最多(43个/株),平均枝条长度最长(27.3 cm),单株叶片数和叶干质量分别为162个.株-1和16.5 g.株-1;杜仲供水多时,水分并不能被根部全部吸收,水分利用效率降低;5~9月份,秦岭南坡杜仲适宜的灌水量为1 050 m3.hm-2.  相似文献   
Forest fires occurrence is influenced by many factors, such as inter-annual weather variations and regional fuel distributions. Fires occurrence in different forest region has distinct spatial and temporal characteristics. The paper studied the natural forest fire environment in Northeastern China, as well as forest fires occurrence, burned area and fire seasons in Northeastern Forest Region. The result shows that more than 50% of annual burned area occurred in Northeast China Forest Region. Main fire seasons in the region are spring and autumn. Fires occurrence in spring is larger than that in autumn. There are few fires in summer. The authors' suggestions for fire management department are to emphasize the fuel management, improve the roads conditions, and enhance the fires control ability.  相似文献   
Participatory National Forest Programmes (NFPs) intend to democratise forest sector policy, but they may suffer from a fundamental democratic legitimisation deficit since the stakeholders involved are neither democratically authorised nor accountable to the population. In order to scrutinise the empirical relevance of this problem in the case of the German NFP, it is analysed how the German population on the one hand and the NFP participants on the other hand assess central forest policy aims of the NFP, and how far both assessments coincide. Two surveys based on identical questionnaires are used as the data base. The respondents assessed the importance of the respective aims as well as at their implementation. Results show that the population considers the majority of the NFP aims to be generally relevant, but assesses the majority of the aims significantly differently from the stakeholders. The formal legitimisation deficit of the German NFP therefore also matters in terms of content. Discussing the NFP among the elected representatives and in the public seems indispensable.Moreover, the differences in the assessment of some policy aims are significantly dependent on how people judge the image of forest enterprises between the opposing poles of profit orientation and nature protection. Public acceptance of those aims could be furthered more appropriately by adjusting the partly incorrect image of forestry rather than by providing more information about the particular aims and their background.  相似文献   
指出了我国周代的林业政策和生态思想体现着一种人与自然和谐共处的思想。评析了我国周代的林业政策及其生态思想,为当今林业生态政策的制定和执行提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   
实践过程中针对养殖方法、产卵期、孵化期、变态期以及黑龙江林蛙日活动规律进行了对比分析。结论,在每年4月28日至5月12日期间出现产卵高峰;在5~7℃、10~12℃、14~15℃池水温度范围有较高孵化率;采用混合饲料喂养的蝌蚪变态率均在68%以上;黑龙江林蛙每天9~11时和15~17时活动频繁,是最佳喂食时间;冬季经过越冬池越冬后,选择春眠后放养的技术思路,来提高幼蛙成活率,起到冬眠后的缓冲作用。在放养场内散养期间,人工控制饵料投放量,促使黑龙江林蛙主动捕食场内野生昆虫,激发林蛙适应生态环境的潜在习性。  相似文献   
不同林型内土壤的理化性质存在差异,柞树林内土壤结构疏松,渗透能力强,土壤物理性质最好,其次为红松林,杂木林内最差,10~20 cm土层深度渗透速率仅为0.57 mm.min-1。从化学性质来看,阔叶树种土壤中养分含量较针叶林高,比较而言,柞树林内土壤各养分含量比杂木林内高。作为针叶树种的红松林土壤内,其速效养分含量较其他林型高。  相似文献   
在分析林权流转实质的基础上,根据林木生长周期,探讨了重置成本法估算幼龄林、收获现值法估算中近成熟林和市价倒算法估算成过熟林林木资产,为各生长期不同的林木在林权流转中提供一个可供参考的资产评估方法,以期减少盲目不规范的林权流转。  相似文献   
在湖南省CO2排放与森林碳汇对比分析的基础上,根据湖南省生态公益林区划标准和湖南省生态区位重要性分析,对全省生态公益林面积需求量进行了测算。全省共测算生态公益林616.70万hm2,占全省林业用地总面积(1 293.29万hm2)的47.7%。  相似文献   
选择12和14地位指数的2种立地的林分,分别设置6种和5种保留密度,对间伐4年后的23年生马尾松天然次生林林下植物多样性进行研究。结果表明:马尾松天然次生林林下植物种数随着林分保留密度的增大,12和14地位指数的林分均表现为由逐渐增加至一个峰值后逐渐减少;适宜的保留密度有利于提高林下植物的多样性,12和14地位指数林分的植物多样性分别以保留密度130株/667 m2和100株/667 m2的样地为最优;随着林分密度与冠层郁闭度的增大,林下植物类型有由阳性植物为主向中性与荫性变化的趋势,而形成阳性、中性及荫性共存的多态性植物群落;适宜的保留密度有利于提高林下植物的生物量和植被总盖度,12和14地位指数林分的林下植物生物量和植被总盖度分别以保留密度130株/667 m2和90株/667 m2的样地为最佳;2种地位指数不同保留密度林分的林下枯落物自然风干重、枯落物层厚及腐殖质层厚差异均不显著,而林下地被物鲜重和植被总盖度则均表现为差异极显著。  相似文献   
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