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Both water movement and nitrate leaching in structured soils are strongly influenced by the nature of the macro-porosity. That macro-porosity can however also be manipulated by choice of tillage operations. In order to investigate the potential impacts of tillage on rates of nitrate leaching from structured soils, a model specific to these soils, CRACK-NP was developed. The model, its application and validation for an experimental site on a heavy clay soil (Verti-Eutric Gleysoil) at Brimstone Farm, Oxfordshire, UK, is described. The model considers the soil as a series of aggregates whose size is also the spacing of the macro-porosity. Water and solutes move in the macro-pores, but within the peds they move only by diffusion, internal infiltration and root uptake (evaporation). The model reflects the influence of diffusion limitation in the release of solutes to by-passing water. The model was then used to investigate the influence of variable ped spacings which were created by variations in tillage practices. The results both from the model and from the field data demonstrated that finer soil structures, which have larger surface contact areas and shorter diffusion path lengths, present greater opportunities for interaction between peds and the water moving around them, and so release more nitrates through the drainage waters.  相似文献   
袁隆平院士接受媒体记者提出:"粉垄技术可在全国推广"。该文介绍了粉垄重构农田耕作层具"4453"效应,即:"四增"—增加耕层松土量、土壤原生养分利用量,增大"土壤水库"、"土壤氧气库";"四减"—减少水土流失、碳排放量,减低耕层土壤含盐量、重金属含量;"五抗"—增强作物抗干旱、高温、低温、病害、倒伏等能力;"三提高"—促进作物光合效率提高10%以上,产量提高10%~30%以上,品质提高5%以上;人力、畜力、拖拉机耕作依次具增产10%规律,粉垄耕作则还具函拖拉机耕作加上再翻倍深松耕层叠加效应可达20甚至更高增产;指出如全国推广10亿亩,可增贮天然降水400亿立方,盘活土壤原生养分后可减少化肥施用量70多亿千克,新增粮食可多养活3亿多人,产生总体效应还可以助力提升国民身体健康水平和社会稳定、国家安全。  相似文献   
根据陕西省渭南市蒲白矿区降雨径流的水质和水量特征,采用新型折流式人工湿地对人工湿地不同运行阶段模拟降雨径流的净化效果进行了对比,分析了CODCr,SS,TN,TP,NH4+-N以及重金属Pb,Zn,Cu在湿地系统中的沿程变化,探讨人工湿地的主要去除机制。结果表明:人工湿地对CODCr,TP,TN,NH4+-N,SS的平均去除率分别为82.3%,65.9%,71.2%,73.5%,94.8%,对重金属Pb,Zn,Cu的平均去除率分别为91.3%,94.5%,81.2%,对重金属的去除率基本高于对营养元素的去除率;除了TN外,折流式人工湿地系统出水各污染物均达到《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838—2002)Ⅲ类质量标准,其中TN达Ⅳ类标准,出水重金属Pb,Zn,Cu均能达地表Ⅲ类水标准。降雨径流各污染物主要在人工湿地的第1格被去除,其中,CODCr,TP,SS和Pb均有一半以上的去除率发生在第1格。随着人工湿地沿程进水浓度的增加,其去除率逐渐下降。研究表明,折流式人工湿地系统对矿区降雨径流的净化效果显著,并且该湿地系统具有较强抗冲击负荷能力,可用于城市地面径流污染的控制和雨水利用。  相似文献   
[目的]研究甘肃省河西走廊盐土改良肥对草甸盐土改良效果和甜菜经济效益的影响,为该区甜菜产业可持续发展提供技术支撑。[方法]选择甘肃省酒泉市肃州区铧尖乡草甸盐土,采用田间试验方法开展研究。[结果]影响甜菜产量的原料依次是:盐土调控剂甜菜专用肥有机碳肥。盐土改良肥配方组合为:甜菜专用肥0.0586:盐土调控剂0.0623:有机碳肥0.8791。盐土改良肥施用量与草甸盐土孔隙度、团聚体、持水量、有机质、速效氮磷钾、甜菜农艺性状、经济性状和产量之间呈显著的正相关关系,与容重、pH值、全盐含量之间呈显著的负相关关系。经回归统计分析,盐土改良肥经济效益最佳施用量为39.64t/hm2,甜菜块根理论产量为96.68t/hm2。施用盐土改良肥与传统的抗盐丰盐碱土改良剂和沃丰隆盐碱土改良剂比较,施肥利润分别增加414.48,946.10%元/hm2。[结论]施用盐土改良肥,可以改善草甸盐土理化性质,提高酶活性和甜菜产量。  相似文献   
该文总结了2006年以来该所承担实施的27个修缮购置专项资金在实施过程中的管理情况及取得的初步成效,以期对修缮专项资金实施管理及进一步获得稳定支持以有益启示。  相似文献   
This research adopted fermentation gas production method in vitro to evaluate the associative effect of whole corn silage (WCS) and millet straw (MS).The WCS was mixed with MS in the proportion of 100:0,80:20,60:40,50:50, 40:60,20:80 and 0:100 with 3 replicates per group.The gas production,pH,ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), volatile fatty acids (VFA), microbial crude protein (MCP) and dry matter loss (DML) for 24,48 and 72 h of varying forage combinations were analyzed.Single factor associative effects index (SFAEI) and multiply factors associative effects index (MFAEI) of different combinations were calculated. The results showed as follows:There were significant differences of gas production among different combinations (P<0.05),and the best combination was the WCS80 group. With creasing of the content of MS,DML decreased,but the DML of WCS80 and WCS100 were similar (P>0.05). The MCP concentration of WCS100 and WCS80 was extremely significantly or significantly higher than other groups (P<0.05;P<0.01). The VFA concentration showed significant differences among different combinations (P<0.05).Among the different combinations of WCS and MS,the MFAEI of WCS80 was the largest,and that were 0.5517,0.5094 and 0.9860 at 24,48 and 72 h,respectively. The best combination of WCS and MS was 80:20.  相似文献   
为了开发适宜牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)苗种放流的标志技术,利用编码金属标签(CWT)对不同规格牙鲆苗种进行了标记实验,并从标记死亡率、脱标率、适宜标记鱼规格等方面评价了CWT的标记效果.结果显示,CWT标记3种规格的牙鲆苗种后,脱标均发生在标记后的4d内,其后未再发生脱标现象.小规格苗种[全长为(5.92±0.41)cm]死亡率较高(13%),中规格苗种[全长(8.92±0.36) cm]死亡率为2%,大规格苗种[全长为(12.06士0.62) cm]死亡率为1%.小规格、中规格和大规格苗种脱标率分别为3.3%、2.4%和0.7%.建立了标记死亡率(M)与苗种全长(TL)、体厚度(BT)的关系模型:M=0.7254 TL2-15.3220TL+79.4260 (R2=0.9601);M=1.3627 BT2-15.5610 BT+ 44.4330 (R2=0.9645),为适宜苗种规格选择与标记效果评价提供了依据.今后利用CWT标签进行牙鲆苗种标志放流时,建议选择全长6 cm以上的苗种进行背部肌肉标记,标记对苗种游泳行为和生长无影响,表明CWT是一种适宜在牙鲆大规模标志放流中应用的理想标志方式.  相似文献   
通过增施钾肥、铺反光膜、限制产量的栽培措施试验,结果表明:不同K肥水平对油桃含糖量影响有显著差异,株施60g钾肥油桃含糖量最高为13.6%;行间铺设反光膜与未铺反光膜对油桃含糖量影响有显著差异,行间铺设反光膜比未铺反光膜油桃含糖量高1.8%;不同产量水平对油桃含糖量影响有显著差异,产量控制在12000kg/hm2时油桃含糖量最高。  相似文献   
风沙半干旱区春玉米水肥耦合产量效应研究初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用312-D最优饱和设计,开展了春玉米水肥耦合作用田间试验研究。结果表明,在试验年施氮量对产量影响最大,灌溉量次之,施磷量最小。两因子耦合的产量效应类型不同,氮与磷耦合以及磷与水耦合为相互替代作用,而氮与水耦合为相互促进作用,且耦合作用效应大小顺序为氮与磷耦合>磷与水耦合>氮与水耦合。获得最高产量9374.0kg/hm2的施氮量为281.7kg/hm2、施磷量为127.1kg/hm2、灌溉量为75.2mm。获得最高利润6023.5元/hm2的施氮量为211.2kg/hm2、施磷量为110.5kg/hm2、灌溉量为24.1mm。  相似文献   
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