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提高县级电网供电可靠性的措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高水平的供电可靠性是评估电网的一个重要指标,更是供电企业对电力用户的一项基本承诺,因此.提高电网的供电可靠性,特别是配电网络的供电可靠性已成为各供电企业的主攻课题.  相似文献   
第十一届长春农博会将于8月17日开幕。我市召开农博会筹展办展工作协调会,对展会具体工作进行部署。市委副书记郑文芝要求,相关部门要再接再厉,发扬特别能吃苦、特别能战斗的精神,做好筹展办展工作,高水平、高标准办好本届农博会。  相似文献   
受去年疫情、养猪成本日益高涨等因素的影响,2011年中国生猪出栏出现结构性不足,全年生猪总存栏量为551842万头,分别较2011年及2009年上涨了3.24%和0.64%。年初,生猪存栏量连续两个月下降,2月份存栏量同比上涨0.18%,但仍低于2009年同期水平。3月份出现拐点,生猪存栏量开始持续上升,到6月份,超过09年同期水平的2.06%,之后一直处于持续上涨势态,到11月份,全国生猪存栏量达最高水平,为47625万头,与2010年和2009年同期相比分别上涨了4.74%和1.27%,12月份进入猪肉消费旺季,生猪出栏较多,存栏量明显下降,环比下跌0.61%,仍高于09年水平的0.93%。  相似文献   
This study was carried out to unravel the mechanism of reductions in production performances in high stocking density geese flocks during summer months in “geese-fish” production system. Experiment 1 observed the water bacterial growth, lipopolysaccharde concentrations in water and geese blood, and geese reproductive performances from summer to winter, in two flocks with varying on water stocking densities. Results showed that counts of total bacteria, Escherichia coli and Salmonella in water, as well as water and geese plasma LPS concentrations, exhibited a tendency decreasing from the highest levels in summer, to intermediate levels in autumn, and to the lowest values in winter. Such seasonal decreases in bacteria and LPS concentrations were associated with similar seasonal decreases in embryo mortality during incubation. In addition, embryos dead or showing development retardation by day 25 of incubation contained copious LPS in allantoic fluid, in contrast to the negligible amount in normal developing embryos. Raising on water stocking density elevated bacteria counts, LPS concentrations in water and geese plasma, and decreased egg fertility but increased embryo mortality during incubation. In experiment 2, exogenous LPS treatment to the geese depressed egg laying, reduced egg hatchability, caused sickness behavior in the goslings hatched. In experiment 3, exogenous LPS directly administered to day 8 and 18 embryos during incubation dose dependently increased mortality and decreased hatchability, and caused sickness behavior in the goslings hatched. It is concluded that the raising on water geese stocking density stimulates pathogenic bacteria growth in water, which via LPS contamination impaires embryo development in incubation and therefore reduces geese reproductive performance and gosling quality during the hot summer months.  相似文献   
<正>中国棉花库存占全球总量的60%,糖库存处于10余年高位。中国玉米库存水平正处于历史最高水平,预计本年度末库存消费比将超过60%。易达研究院副院长张智先在此间举行的"2014山西粮食产销衔接会"上说,中国玉米产量连续多年出现较大增幅,然而受饲用玉米消费增速放缓以及深加工消费回落影响,近年来玉米年度结余量较大,预计2014/15年度玉米库存总量将达到12,299万t,库存消费比  相似文献   
广西水牛养殖量达438万头,位居国内各省市第一位,其中可繁母牛达90万头以上,大力发展水母牛冷冻精液配种。是实现快速品种改良的重要手段。乡镇水产畜牧兽医站的品改员由于经验不足,责任心不强,导致水母牛人工授精受胎率偏低,笔者结合十多年来的品改工作实践经验,总结出水母牛冷冻精液配种及提高人工授精受胎率的注意事项,供同行参考。  相似文献   
“建池挺实用,点灯不用油和电,做饭不烧柴和草.烟熏火燎看不见.卫生文明技工帮……”这是邵武市农民自编的赞扬沼气技工高水汉的顺口溜。日前.笔者.在邵武市大漠村村民叶美玲家看到了一系列的沼气设施:沼气灶具、沼气灯、沼气热水器……“有了沼气.烧水、做饭都省事多了。  相似文献   
王铁路 《中国林业》2013,(14):28-28
林业发展需要“腿”,乡镇林业站就是林业发展的“腿”,林业发展任务主要依靠乡镇林业站来组织完成。乡镇林业站建设关乎林业发展的成败。加强乡镇林业站基础设施建设水平,提高乡镇林业站人员素质已经成为发展现代林业、建设生态文明的重要任务,必须在高标准、高起点提高乡镇林业站能力建设上下功夫,在加强管理、强化作风建设上下功夫,在落实责任上下功夫,在监督检查上下功夫。  相似文献   
近日,广东省农业厅为规范广东省农机安全监理业务,提高全省农机行业依法行政的能力和水平,在广东省农机化培训中心举办了全省农机行业法律培训班。  相似文献   
作为电力企业基层服务窗口,供电所体制创新是一个迫在眉睫的工作。在供电所生存条件的制约下,如何适应客户的需求,使供电所迈向更高水平,关键要做好以下几个方面:  相似文献   
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