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生态园林绿地建设中应用树木与草坪效果对比分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
姜国义 《防护林科技》2001,1(1):25-26,57
本文从树木与草坪在用水量、观赏时间、造价、管理成本和环保上的 5项指标进行对比 ,论述了风沙、干旱地区的绿地建设应该是树木为本 ,花草点缀 ,乔木为主 ,灌木为辅的原则。  相似文献   
桉木基复合材料研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桉树作为我国主要的人工林树种之一,具有品种多、生长速度快等优点,在缓解我国木材供 需矛盾上发挥了重要作用。由于桉木存在高生长应力、节疤、易变形开裂等劣势,目前工业上主要用作 纸浆、纤维板或胶合板和单板层积材的芯板,其利用方式单一,附加值较低。近年来研究者们以桉木与 塑料、竹材等材料为原料制备复合材料,展现出良好的尺寸稳定性、力学性能、阻燃性、抗菌性等性能, 有效地提高了桉木的利用价值,拓宽了桉木在人造板、集装箱等领域的应用。文章分别介绍了桉木 / 塑 料、桉木 / 竹、桉木 / 水泥、桉木 / 无机物 4 种复合材料,并对其制备工艺、性能等方面的研究进展进行 综述。  相似文献   
[目的]提高林下栽培三叶青单株块根产量和总黄酮含量。[方法]选择光照强度差异较大的5个地块,研究不同光照强度对林下栽培三叶青块根产量和总黄酮含量的影响。[结果]林下栽培三叶青随着光照强度的增强,三叶青单株块根产量明显提高,块根中总黄酮含量随着光照强度的增强而增加。[结论]建议种植地光照强度在2 000 lx以上,三叶青块根产量和总黄酮含量较高。  相似文献   
Today the Black Forest is an internationally renowned tourist region in Germany. For centuries the Black Forest remained as a low mountain range regarded as not suitable for settlement due to its unfavourable climatic conditions and difficult terrain. Clearing the dense forests and settlement therefore started at a historically late stage compared to other regions of Germany, about 1000 years ago. Due to the special conditions in this area, the structure of the settlement had to be quite different to those landscapes with more favourable conditions for agriculture. A single-farm settlement developed, farms situated 200 to 400 m away from each other, surrounded by meadows, agricultural land and forests and owned by the farmer’s family. This structure has remained in some areas until today; in other areas different types of settlement took place, and great changes occurred during history. A special type of agroforestry — a slash-and-burn-management of forests — also took place 150 to 200 years ago.  相似文献   
姚雪刚 《林业科技》2005,30(4):17-20
通过分析,确定了小陇山林区日本落叶松人工商品林抚育间伐的时间,抚育间隔期及抚育强度,预测了抚育间伐的经济效益。  相似文献   
试论退耕还林政策和市场机制的衔接   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国家“以粮换地,以钱换林”的退耕还林政策。过分强调退耕还林面积和林种的“计划性”,忽视了市场机制的作用。因而引发以农村土地承包经营权为基础、以林权为核心的各种冲突。在退耕还林政策中,应当充分发挥市场的作用。把“国家意志”和“市场意志”有机地结合起来。  相似文献   
Small patches of natural or semi-natural habitat have an important role in the conservation of biodiversity in human-dominated environments. The values of such areas are determined by attributes of the patch as well as its context in the surrounding land mosaic. There is a need for better understanding of the ways in which assemblages are influenced by patch context and the scale over which this occurs. Here we examine the influence of regional environmental gradients on the richness, annual turnover and composition of breeding bird species in small woods in south-eastern England. Regional gradients were defined independently of woods by an ordination of attributes for 5 km × 5 km landscape units across a 2100 km2 region. Patch-level attributes, particularly area, were the most important predictors for most bird variables. For woodland migrants and woodland-dependent species, variables representing the context of each wood, either at a local or regional scale, explained significant additional variance in species richness after accounting for wood area, but did not do so for species turnover. Significant context effects for woodland-dependent species related to the extent of hedges and woodland cover in the local vicinity (<1 km radius), whereas for woodland seasonal migrants the best predictors of richness after patch area were two regional environmental gradients. The initial cue to settlement for migrants may be at a coarse regional scale, with selection for suitable landscapes that have a greater extent of woodland cover. Edge species showed different responses: they were influenced by the diversity of structural features in woods, and were a more-dominant component of the avifauna in isolated woods in open fenland environments of the region. Significant relationships between coarse regional gradients (25 km2 units) and bird assemblages in small woods (0.5-30 ha) suggest that population and community processes in the avifauna operate across a broader scale than local patch neighbourhoods. They also highlight the importance of adopting a landscape or regional perspective on potential changes to land-use in rural environments, and on the conservation management of small reserves.  相似文献   
11种针叶树木材密度与切削阻力关系的研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
管宁 《林业科学》1991,27(6):630-638
对我国11种针叶树木材密度与切削阻力关系研究的主要结果是:1)11个树种内,木材密度与切削阻力关系的相关性,90-90方向切削普遍明显高于0-90和90-0方向,其回归系数有随树种平均密度增大而增大的趋势;2)种间密度与切削阻力关系的相关性性较种内者高,其回归系数与各种内关系的回归系数的平均值接近;3)切削厚度、刀具前角和木材含水率对种间密度阻力关系的影响表现统一的趋势,即各树种的平均切削阻力越大,密度与切削阻力关系的回归系数越大;4)试验中发现了若干表现密度与切削阻力关系分散性的某些特点的现象。  相似文献   
单核苷酸多态性(sNP),被称为第三代遗传标记,广泛存在于植物基因组中,其位点丰富,遗传稳定性高,在遗传图谱构建、生物多样性研究、基因定位、关联分析等方面都具有重要的作用,目前已经成为医学研究的重要工具,而在木育种研究中的使用尚处于起步阶段.综述了用于植物SNP研究的主要方法和当前SNP分子标记技术在林木育种中应用的研究进展.并展望了其在林木育种中的应用前景.  相似文献   
速生高抗林木新品种高效培育技术体系与产业化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述了现阶段国家对林业的需求是生态环境改善及木材“量”的严重短缺,林业用材林培育目标是提高林木产量,为此育种的关键任务是速生高抗林木新品种培育,其培育重点是高质量营养体的营养生长问题。在种业发展方面苗木生产比重远远大于种子,无性系林业繁育技术的发展,进一步提高了苗木生产的比重。在现阶段,林木品质方面的要求可以通过树种的选择得到解决,也更符合林业发展实际;林木抗性育种的难点主要是林木对物理环境和病虫害的抗性要求更高,除了一般的条件限制因素之外,还需要经历整个培育周期数十年内的极端条件。鉴于林业的特殊性,应该得到国家更多的支持,从而解决我国林业面临的国民经济发展、生态环境改善及低碳经济需求的三重压力;同时指出林业种苗业科技创新对“速生高抗林木新品种高效培育技术体系与产业化”的重要性。  相似文献   
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