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以苎麻品种为材料,研究了苎麻RAPD分析过程中的影响因素,包括10×PCRBuffer、模板浓度、Mg2 、dNTP、引物、Taq酶、循环次数、退火温度等,建立了适于苎麻RAPD分析的PCR反应体系:即在25μl反应体系中,引物浓度为0.4uM;模板DNA的用量为60~100ng;Mg2 浓度为1.8mM;dNTP浓度为0.2mM;Taq酶用量为1U。适宜的扩增程序为先94℃变性4min,再94℃变性45s、38℃复性45s、72℃延伸2min共36个循环,最后72℃延伸5min,4℃保存。  相似文献   
Analyses the characteristics of convex network flow programming of the economic power dispatch with security and presents a rapid algorithm. The numerical examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm.  相似文献   
Aggression plays a key role all across the animal kingdom, as it allows the acquisition and/or defence of limited resources (food, mates and territories) in a huge number of species. A large part of our knowledge on aggressive behaviour has been developed on insects of economic importance. How can this knowledge be exploited to enhance integrated pest management? Here, I highlight how knowledge on intraspecific aggression can help IPM both in terms of insect pests (with a focus on the enhancement of the sterile insect technique) and in terms of biological control agents (with a focus on mass‐rearing optimisation). Then, I examine what implications for IPM can be outlined from knowledge about interspecific aggressive behaviour. Besides predator–pest aggressive interactions predicted by classic biological control, I focus on what IPM can learn from (i) interspecific aggression among pest species (with special reference to competitive displacement), (ii) defensive behaviour exhibited by prey against predaceous insects and (iii) conflicts among predaceous arthropods sharing the same trophic niche (with special reference to learning/sensitisation practices and artificial manipulation of chemically mediated interactions). © 2015 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Optimising mineral nitrogen (N) use in crop production is inevitable target as mineral fertilisers reflect one of the highest inputs both in terms of economy and energy. The aim of the study was to compare the relationship between the rate of N fertiliser application and different measures of energy parameters exemplary data for spring-wheat in boreal climate condition in Estonia in 2006–2010. The effect of mineral N with rates 0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 kg N ha−1 was studied on the background of composted cow manure and without organic fertilisers. Univalent parameters, energy gain (EG) (energy output  energy input) and energy ratio (ER) (energy output/energy input) were calculated. To aggregate parameters with different units (ER and EG) we proposed two standardisation approaches for combined indices. ER maximisation gave both organic fertilisation background optimum N norms significantly lower than EG (p < 0.05) optimisation. Both the new combined indices gave optimum N norms in between the rate of ER an EG. Composted cow manure background did not affect mineral N optimisation significantly. We suggest optimisation of mineral N according to bi-dimensional parameters as they capture important features of production efficiency and are more objective using as advisory tool for sustainable production systems.  相似文献   
真空耦合超声提取茶多酚的工艺研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】对比分析了真空耦合超声提取茶多酚效果的影响因素及机理,优化了茶多酚的提取工艺。【方法】以茶叶为提取原料,利用真空技术和超声波辅助浸提相结合提取茶叶中多酚类物质,研究乙醇体积分数、超声功率、料液比、提取时间、提取温度以及真空度等工艺条件对茶多酚提取效果的影响,并在单因素试验的基础上,通过响应面法优化真空耦合超声提取茶多酚的最佳工艺条件。【结果】单因素试验结果表明,乙醇体积分数为70%,提取时间为15min,提取温度为70℃时茶多酚提取率最高,超声波功率、料液比、真空度对茶多酚的提取率影响较小,综合考虑确定适宜的超声波功率、料液比、真空度分别为420W,1∶15,0.7MPa;响应面法优化得到真空耦合超声提取茶多酚的最佳工艺条件为,乙醇体积分数65%,提取时间13min,提取温度65℃,在此条件下茶多酚的提取率为22.44%。同时在各自最佳提取条件下对比了常规回流法、抽真空-回流法、超声法、真空耦合超声法4种提取方式的提取效果,结果表明抽真空-回流法、超声法、真空耦合超声法3种提取方式的提取率均达到了22%以上,其中真空耦合超声法的提取时间缩短1/2。【结论】真空耦合技术可以有效缩短茶多酚提取时间,提高了单位时间内的提取效率。  相似文献   
Abstract Techniques for assessing the impact of structural barriers on fish passage and for prioritising restoration actions are reviewed. Current survey methodologies are biased towards specific structures, primarily culverts and economically significant fish. Assessment criteria are often based on swimming capabilities of upstream migrating adult salmonids, while ignoring other life‐stages, non‐salmonid species, downstream migration and behaviour. The development of comprehensive and centrally owned geospatial inventories of barriers is essential. The collection, maintenance and dissemination of pertinent structural and environmental data can be technically, logistically and financially challenging. Standardised procedures are needed to rapidly and cost‐effectively survey large numbers of barriers over wide geographic areas. The prioritisation of barrier repair and removal projects is most often based on simple cost‐benefit analysis, whereby individual barriers are scored based on a set of assessment criteria and then ranked in order of priority. The benefits of using scoring‐and‐ranking systems, however, are unacceptably low because they consider barriers independently, thereby ignoring the cumulative, non‐additive impacts produced by multiple, spatially interconnected structures. Optimisation modelling offers a more robust approach for efficiently prioritising decision making in river restoration planning, allowing decision makers to account for key uncertainties and effectively balance multiple, possibly competing, environmental and socioeconomic goals and constraints.  相似文献   
Green extraction was applied to Argentinean shortfin squid (Illex argentinus) viscera, consisting of a wet pressing method including a drying step, mechanic pressing, centrifugation of the resulting slurry, and oil collection. To maximise the oil yield and ω3 fatty acid content and to minimise the oil damage degree, a response surface methodology (RSM) design was developed focused on the drying temperature (45–85 °C) and time (30–90 min). In general, an increase of the drying time and temperature provided an increase in the lipid yield recovery from the viscera. The strongest drying conditions showed a higher recovery than 50% when compared with the traditional chemical method. The docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acid contents in the extracted oil revealed scarce dependence on drying conditions, showing valuable ranges (149.2–166.5 and 88.7–102.4 g·kg−1 oil, respectively). Furthermore, the values of free fatty acids, peroxides, conjugated dienes, and ω3/ω6 ratio did not show extensive differences by comparing oils obtained from the different drying conditions. Contrary, a polyene index (PI) decrease was detected with increasing drying time and temperature. The RSM analysis indicated that optimised drying time (41.3 min) and temperature (85 °C) conditions would lead to 74.73 g·kg−1 (oil yield), 1.87 (PI), and 6.72 (peroxide value) scores, with a 0.67 desirability value.  相似文献   
渗透坡面林地地表径流运动的有效糙率研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
在流域水文学研究与应用领域中,坡面水流占有十分重要的地位,但如何获取坡面水流的有效糙率是至关重要的一步。本文针对林地地表径流运动的形成过程和运动特点,建立了林地渗透坡面地表径流运动基本方程,通过讨论土壤水分运动和地表径流运动参数,将土壤水分运动简化为一维Smith-Parlange模型,地表径流简化为运动波模型,采用一步Lax-Wendroff有限差分格式进行数值模拟,以最小离差平方和为目标函数,通过叠代计算获取林地地表径流的有效糙率。根据人工模拟降雨地表径流过程实测资料计算了油松林、刺槐林、蒙古栎林3种林分的有效糙率,计算结果表明,22a生刺槐林地的最大,在0.1931~0.2131之间;其次为30a生蒙古栎林地,为0.1701;20a生油松林地为0.1423。从参数寻优的结果来看,m值在2.76~3.090  相似文献   
ISSR分子标记是在SSR标记基础上发展起来的一种新技术,ISSR标记成孟德尔式遗传,在多数物种中是显性的,目前已经广泛应用于植物品种鉴定、遗传作图、基因定位、遗传多样性、进化及分子生态学当中。笔者以苎麻自交系品种为材料,研究了苎麻ISSR分析过程中的影响因素,包括10×PCRBuffer、模板浓度、Mg2 、dNTP、引物、Taq酶、循环次数、退火温度等,建立了适于苎麻ISSR分析的PCR反应体系:即在20ul反应体系中,引物浓度为1.0umol/L;模板DNA的用量为60~100ng;Mg2 浓度为2.0mmol/L;dNTP浓度为0.2mmol/L;Taq酶用量为1U。适宜的扩增程序为先94℃变性5min,再94℃变性30sec、56℃复性45sec、72℃延伸90sec共34个循环,最后72℃延伸7min,4℃保存。  相似文献   
Spatial and temporal patterns in catch rates and in allocation of fishing effort were analysed for the coastal fishery in Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia, to assess whether fishermen can optimise their strategy from catch information, or whether they fish under great uncertainty and merely minimise risks. On average 517 fishing units operated in the 2800 km2 area, catching 21 t fish day−1. Major gear categories were hook and line (59% of total effort and 5% of total catch), and lift nets (16% of total effort and 70% of total catch). The size of individual resource spaces varied with gear type and was smaller in unfavourable weather conditions. Although spatial patterns in catch rates at the scale of the whole archipelago were evident, fishermen could not differentiate between locations, as catch variance within their individual resource spaces was high relative to the contrasts in spatial patterns. The aggregated distribution of fishing effort in Spermonde must be explained by factors such as the small scale of operations, rather than fish abundance.  相似文献   
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