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The Burdur Lake is located in the southwest of Turkey, and its area has decreased by 40% from 211 km2 in 1975 to 126 km2 in 2019. In this study, we investigated how the soil has changed in the lacustrine material. Three soil profiles were sampled from the former lakebed (chronosequence profiles: P1, 2007; P2, 1994; and P3, 1975), and three soil profiles under different land use types (biosequence profiles: P4, native forest vegetation; P5, agriculture; and P6, lakebed) were sampled. The chronosequence and biosequence soil profiles represented various distances from the Burdur Lake and showed different stages of lacustrine evolution. Soil electrical conductivity (EC; 18.1 to 0.4 dS m-1), exchangeable Na+ (34.7 to 1.4 cmol kg-1) and K+ (0.61 to 0.56 cmol kg-1), and water-soluble Cl- (70.3 to 2.1 cmol L-1) and SO42- (275.9 to 25.0 cmol L-1) decreased with increasing distance from the Burdur Lake, whereas the A horizon thickness (10 to 48 cm), structure formation (0 to 48 cm), gleization-oxidation depth (0 to 79 cm), and montmorillonite and organic matter (OM; 25.9 to 46.0 g kg-1) contents increased in the chronosequence soil profiles. The formation of P3 in the chronosequence and P5 in the biosequence soil profiles increased due to longer exposure to pedogenic processes (time, land use, vegetation, etc.). Changes in EC, exchangeable cation (Na+ and K+) and water-soluble anion (Cl- and SO42-) concentrations of the salt-enriched horizon, OM, gleization-oxidation depth, A horizon thickness, and structure formation of the chronosequence and biosequence soil profiles (especially the topsoil horizon) were highly related to the distance from the Burdur Lake, time, and land use.  相似文献   
本实验结果表明,黑穗醋栗“厚皮”和“薄皮”品种之间茎的结构无明显区别,幼茎均由表皮、皮层、维管柱、髓和髓射线组成。仅“厚皮”茎的角质膜较厚;皮层和髓细胞较小,排列紧密;“薄皮”品种茎的角质膜较薄;皮层和髓部的细胞较大,排列疏松,髓部体积亦较“厚皮”的大,“薄皮”的茎较柔软容易下垂。两品种幼茎的表面均有腺体分布,分泌挥发性物质。未经扦插的一年生成熟茎内有“先成不定根原基”。经过水培(或扦插)的成熟茎内有“诱发不定根原基”。不定根原基常起源于髓射线(或多列射线)与形成层带交接的部位;其位置可能正对皮孔内方或在其一侧,也可在无皮孔区的周皮内侧。不定根可从皮孔内伸出,亦可从皮孔一例或其附近的周皮缝隙中伸出。常簇生在插条的茎节附近或沿插条节间排列成2~3纵列。  相似文献   
毁灭泰泽球虫的大配子是在含有泡内小管的带虫空泡中发育。成囊颗粒Ⅰ在大配子的细胞基质中发育,而成囊颗粒Ⅰ则形成于内质网之嵴内。少数多膜小体见于年轻大配子的细胞质浅层。成熟大配子含有大量的多糖颗粒、少数电子半透明小泡、内质网、线粒体和小管。合子外层膜的膨胀和分离标志着卵囊壁形成的开始。成囊颗粒Ⅰ的物质通过分子渗透过程在合子表面沉积,形成外层。当外层从合子表面分离之后,成囊颗粒Ⅱ的内容物在合子限制膜下累积成层。内层的形成可能是要通过多层物质的分泌与融合的连续过程。粗面内质网在成囊颗粒Ⅱ物质的转运,以及新膜的分离和形成中均起着重要的作用。成熟的卵囊壁由三层组成,分别称为外周膜、外层和内层。  相似文献   
按巢式试验设计方法进行丹皮及其提取物对中药材害虫种群抑制研究,结果表明:丹皮、丹皮粉和丹皮提取物对药材甲和锯谷盗种群形成具有明显的抑制作用,对药材甲分别需1∶1 、1∶8、1∶400 剂量( 药物与泽泻的重量比例) 就能有效抑制其种群形成,对锯谷盗则分别需2∶1 、1∶8、1∶200 剂量-3 种药物对害虫种群的抑制效果以丹皮提取物最好,其次为丹皮粉,再次为丹皮-3 种药物不同剂量处理对药材甲种群抑制率差异不显著,对锯谷盗种群抑制率却有明显差异  相似文献   
以兔眼蓝浆果品种‘粉蓝’为试材,研究不同质量浓度(0、3000、5000、7000、9000 mg/L)吲哚丁酸(IBA)处理对‘粉蓝’嫩枝扦插生根及内源激素变化动态的影响。结果表明:兔眼蓝浆果品种‘粉蓝’嫩枝插条生根能力随外源IBA浓度增加而增强;扦插过程中适宜浓度内源IAA及IAA/GA有利于插条愈伤组织和根原基分化形成,高浓度内源GA抑制‘粉蓝’插条不定根的形成;在愈伤组织及根原基形成期ZT含量降低、IAA/ZT升高促进根原基分化形成,而在生根中后期高浓度ZT、低IAA/ZT有利于细胞分裂和不定根伸长生长。ABA及IAA/ABA在生根过程中没有明显变化。  相似文献   
The long‐term effects of salt stress (11 dS m?1) and drought stress (35 % WHC) were investigated for two maize genotypes, focusing on the relation between metabolic changes around the time of pollination and the impact on yield determinants at maturity. The relatively salt‐resistant hybrid Pioneer 3906 and the relatively drought‐resistant hybrid Fabregas were compared. The experiments were conducted in large plastic containers in a vegetation hall in two consecutive years (2011 and 2012). Plant height and leaf area were significantly reduced under both stress conditions. The transpiration rate was only slightly reduced under drought stress; but under salt stress, a significant reduction occurred 40–53 days after sowing. As a significant increase in sucrose concentrations was observed in the salt‐treated maize kernels 2 days after pollination, the availability of assimilates was not limiting and the plants could afford to save water by reduced stomatal opening. Although under both stress conditions the soluble acid invertase activity was reduced 2 days after pollination, concomitantly, an increase in hexose concentrations was observed. Thus, in these experiments, the delivery of hexoses by acid invertase activity did not limit kernel development. Differences in grain yield at maturity between salt and drought stress were most likely caused by salt‐specific effects (Na+ toxicity), Fabregas being more affected than Pioneer 3906.  相似文献   
应用压力早期恢复资料确定低渗地层压力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
魏芳 《长江大学学报》2007,4(3):42-43,52
低渗透油藏的压力恢复曲线,不能用Horner外推压力求取地层压力。基于Horner方程的等轴双曲线形式,提出了应用压力早期恢复资料确定低渗地层压力的新方法。通过油井实际资料计算验证,用该方法计算的地层压力准确可靠,较好地解决了低渗透油藏求地层压力的问题。  相似文献   
在言语交际中,违反合作原则中某条或多条准则以后就会产生会话含义,相关词语的语用意义也就随之产生。因此,运用Grice的"合作原则"理论确定词语的语用意义是了解词语语用意义生成的一个重要途径。主要体现在对质准则、量准则、关联准则和方式准则的违反上。  相似文献   
我国产后储粮损失达8%~10%,通过技术手段提高粮食储存保管水平对于减少产后损失、增加经济效益具有重要意义。以水稻为例研究其储存保管技术,阐述水稻储存保管的主要特点和技术内容,介绍水稻储存保管的注意事项。  相似文献   
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