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Using China Migrants Dynamic Survey Project data from 2011 to 2017, this study investigates the labour market impacts of equalisation of basic public health and medical services on internal migrants by the difference-in-differences approach in China. The results reveal that equalisation of basic public health and medical services increases the probability of labour participation and the income of internal migrants. Male migrants, married migrants and migrants who cover long migration distances have a much stronger positive response to the equalisation of basic public health and medical services in terms of likelihood of labour participation and level of income. Mechanism checks indicate that the increases in labour participation and income of internal migrants are enhanced by the improvement of medical service utilisation, human capital and social integration after the implementation of the equalisation of basic public health and medical services. 相似文献
长期补偿安置模式的社会风险及影响探讨——基于农村水库移民的视角 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
长期补偿安置是在当前水库移民安置遇到诸多挑战的新形势下出现的一种创新模式,在服务水库工程建设、推进水库移民安置工作顺利开展的同时,也面临着诸多社会风险,主要分为3个方面:丧失土地、收入载体变化、就业困难、日常支出增加等诱发贫困风险;地缘、业缘的改变导致原有社会网络瓦解、发展资源紧张以及补偿标准差异导致网络重建困难构成了社会网络失效风险;缺乏法律支持、未来生产经营的不可控性以及逐步增加的支付压力造成了资金兑付方面的风险。风险的产生可能带来安置区移民遭遇适应与发展障碍、诱发弱势群体心理、再社会化失败、移民返迁、社会凝聚力下降等影响。 相似文献
以三峡库区移民区生态系统的概念模型为框架,分析了三峡库区生态系统的驱动力-过程系统-系统输出各个环节的变化.移民区典型小流域--曲溪小流域,受淹没、移民2个驱动力的作用,耕地、经济林、植被、水、栖息地等资源发生了显著变化,系统的粮食、能源、教育需求也随之而变,在内在反馈机制的作用下,导致系统输出为水土流失加剧、生物多样性受到破坏、土地退化严重等.通过对系统模型进行分析,提出开展小流域综合治理,恢复和重建山地生态系统,加强坡耕地退耕还林对策研究等生态环境对策,以此缓和人地矛盾,实现系统的可持续发展. 相似文献
安康市避灾移民搬迁问题研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
依据生产要素理论,运用比较分析方法对三峡移民、"5.12"地震灾民安置工程与陕西省安康市避灾移民搬迁工程进行了比较分析。结果表明,安康市避灾移民搬迁在生态修复、农民增收、推进城市化、共享文明成果等方面取得了明显成效,同时也存在着"搬入区超载"、"致富难"和"观念滞后"等地理、经济、社会问题。将"进城上楼"调整为"村内就地相对集中与分散安置相结合",开展居民素质教育,加强社区文化建设等举措将是解决目前避灾移民搬迁工程问题的可选之策。 相似文献
以三江源地区为例,分析了我国生态移民基本社会保障效益的现状,研究了生态移民社会保障的经济、社会和生态效益。在此基础上提出了提高我国生态移民社会保障效益的对策,即建全社会保障机制,增加财政支持,推广生态管护员制度等。 相似文献
指出了国内外学者从不同视角对工程移民、生态移民、教育移民等不同移民类型的不同安置模式进行了分类,并分析了其特点。基于黄土高原地区扶贫移民安置模式与其他类型移民安置模式的不同之处,以山西省平陆县为例,总结了黄土高原地区扶贫移民安置模式的类型及其特点,建立模式评估模型,从扶贫效益、经济效益、社会效益、环境效益和主体效益5个方面对平陆县4种移民模式进行了综合评价,得出了应该改变整村搬迁集中安置的现状、实施分批搬迁、有选择性安置的建议,为黄土高原进一步开展扶贫移民工作提供决策依据和值得借鉴的安置模式。 相似文献
Although the influence of mobility on place attachment has received attention in the literature, this relationship varies between groups. Unlike those who move to enjoy their retirement, for example, older migrants arriving in Shenzhen come to the city ‘passively,’ drawn by the needs of their children. This paper advances understanding of the concept of place attachment by illustrating the relationships between its components. Analysis of interview and questionnaire responses revealed the following relationships between three focal components of place attachment. Place dependence first directly influenced affective attachment and then indirectly affected place identity. Leisure involvement had a positive impact on place dependence and affective attachment but no direct effect on place identity. Residential satisfaction was an antecedent of all three focal dimensions of place attachment. No direct relationship was found between leisure involvement and residential satisfaction. 相似文献