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在草地畜牧业标准化的生产经营管理中,成本利润分析和经济核算的方法占有十分重要的位置,因为任何管理决策都要对成本和利润进行分析,只有降低成本和增加利润的方案,才是可接受的方案。初步探讨在建立贵州草地畜牧业国际标准化体系的过程中可能出现的成本利润分析和经济核算的方法。尝试介绍一些能运用于实际生产中的方法和表格,以帮助农户和技术人员更加方便地掌握成本利润分析和经济核算的方法。  相似文献   
Peanut worms (Sipunculids) are unsegmented marine worms that usually inhabit shallow waters. Peanut worms are good source of bioactive compounds including peptides and polysaccharides. Many recent studies have investigated the bioactive properties of peptides and polysaccharides derived from peanut worms in order to enhance their applications in food and pharmaceutical industries. The peptides and polysaccharides isolated from peanut worms have been reported to possess anti-hypertensive, anti-oxidant, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-hypoxia and wound healing activities through the modulation of various molecular mechanisms. Most researchers used in vitro, cell culture and animal models for the determination of bioactivities of peanut worm derived compounds. However, studies in humans have not been performed considerably. Therefore, it is important to conduct more human studies for better utilization of marine bioactive compounds (peptides and polysaccharides) derived from peanut worms. This review mainly focuses on the bioactive properties of peptides and polysaccharides of peanut worms and their molecular mechanisms.  相似文献   
通过对云南澳洲坚果主产区的种植、加工、销售、品牌建设及产业扶贫等方面的调查,结合国内外澳洲坚果产业数据,分析云南澳洲坚果产业发展现状,查找产业发展中存在的问题及原因,提出云南澳洲坚果高质量发展的建议。  相似文献   
A new cytotoxic thiodepsipeptide, verrucosamide (1), was isolated along with the known, related cyclic peptide thiocoraline, from the extract of a marine-derived actinomycete, a Verrucosispora sp., our strain CNX-026. The new peptide, which is composed of two rare seven-membered 1,4-thiazepane rings, was elucidated by a combination of spectral methods and the absolute configuration was determined by a single X-ray diffraction study. Verrucosamide (1) showed moderate cytotoxicity and selectivity in the NCI 60 cell line bioassay. The most susceptible cell lines were MDA-MB-468 breast carcinoma with an LD50 of 1.26 µM, and COLO 205 colon adenocarcinoma with an LD50 of 1.4 µM. Also isolated along with verrucosamide were three small 3-hydroxy(alkoxy)-quinaldic acid derivatives that appear to be products of the same biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   
Marine actinobacteria are viewed as a promising source of enzymes with potential technological applications. They contribute to the turnover of complex biopolymers, such as pectin, lignocellulose, chitin, and keratin, being able to secrete a wide variety of extracellular enzymes. Among these, keratinases are a valuable alternative for recycling keratin-rich waste, which is generated in large quantities by the poultry industry. In this work, we explored the biocatalytic potential of 75 marine-derived actinobacterial strains, focusing mainly on the search for keratinases. A major part of the strains secreted industrially important enzymes, such as proteases, lipases, cellulases, amylases, and keratinases. Among these, we identified two streptomycete strains that presented great potential for recycling keratin wastes—Streptomyces sp. CHA1 and Streptomyces sp. G11C. Substrate concentration, incubation temperature, and, to a lesser extent, inoculum size were found to be important parameters that influenced the production of keratinolytic enzymes in both strains. In addition, proteomic analysis of culture broths from Streptomyces sp. G11C on turkey feathers showed a high abundance and diversity of peptidases, belonging mainly to the serine and metallo-superfamilies. Two proteases from families S08 and M06 were highly expressed. These results contributed to elucidate the mechanism of keratin degradation mediated by streptomycetes.  相似文献   
通过对巴西蔗糖产业种植、管理、贸易、政策、加工等方面的详细分析可知,巴西是世界上最大的甘蔗生产国和出口国,拥有先进的技术水平和管理经验,其制糖成本低、国际竞争力强。其甘蔗病虫害防控实行:⑴重点培育和推广抗病虫甘蔗良种;⑵通过种苗检疫、脱毒和健康种苗繁育技术严防病虫害的发生与传播;⑶建立病虫害监测预警和防控系统;⑷生物防控技术和化学药剂相结合。其糖厂已实行全网络自动化控制系统,蔗糖生产采用两步法生产精制糖。其蔗糖产业发展特点:重视氮高效品种的选育、甘蔗生产全程机械化率高、采用酒精发酵液定量还田技术、燃料乙醇工业发达、多种糖料蔗供应渠道、加工技术先进生产效率高、甘蔗运输成本较高等特点。我们可从中得到的借鉴为:重视强宿根蔗的选种计划、加速推进甘蔗生产全程机械化进程、建立完善的甘蔗病虫害防控系统、加强蔗糖高值化及副产物综合利用。  相似文献   
风险管理是现代农业经营中的重要问题,随着农业市场化程度的加深,肉鸡产业面临着多种风险来源的冲击。农业保险作为有效的现代风险管理工具,在保障产业可持续发展、减少农户家庭收入波动方面发挥了重要作用。基于行为金融理论,利用江苏、安徽、山东、河南和辽宁5个肉鸡主产区的调研数据,运用有序Logit模型,分析风险感知与保险认知对养殖户保险购买意愿的影响,探讨两者间的交互影响机制。结果表明,尽管66.43%的农户认为肉鸡养殖保险在风险管控中的必要性较强,但86.43%的农户对保险内容的了解程度不高,仅有20.71%的农户具有强烈的保险购买意愿。生产风险感知对养殖户的保险购买意愿有促进作用。保险认知中,农户对保险重要性认知程度对其保险购买意愿有促进作用;农户对保险内容的了解程度对其保险购买意愿具有显著的抑制作用,主要由于当前肉鸡保险产品设计不合理,保险内容与农户需求不匹配,保险理赔效果不佳,对保险内容了解程度越高反而会降低农户的购买意愿。风险感知和保险认知间存在交互影响,即风险感知对农户保险购买意愿的提高效果会随着对保险重要性认知程度的提高而增强,随着对保险内容了解程度的提高而减弱。因此,政府应加强农户的风险管理教育与培训,提高其风险管理意识,同时完善和优化当前肉鸡保险的内容,使之与农户需求相匹配,并通过更广泛的宣传来提高养殖户对于肉鸡保险的认知,从而增强农户对保险的购买意愿。  相似文献   
美国奶业新特点、新趋势及对中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国奶业发展历史悠久,其生产端、消费端乃至流通贸易方面长期积累的丰富经验,对中国奶业振兴具有一定的参考价值。笔者对2000年以来美国奶业生产、价格、消费、贸易等方面所呈现的新特点进行分析,对奶业相关的支持政策及其变化趋势进行梳理。研究发现,近年来,美国奶牛场数量向北部和西部集中,500头以上规模化牧场成为主流,奶牛存栏增加;技术进步推动奶牛单产突破10 t,生鲜乳产量接近1亿t。基于分级定价的乳成分定价机制不断完善,近5年生鲜乳价格低位运行,2019年快速复苏。乳制品加工业向龙头企业集中,奶酪是主要加工产品。乳制品消费逐年增长,年人均消费量达292.90 kg,奶酪是主要增长点且增速加快。乳制品贸易波动增加,出口目的地集中在北美、东亚和东南亚地区,品类以奶粉、奶酪和乳清为主。奶业产业支持政策广泛涵盖生产、消费、贸易等各环节,各政策间功能互补、协调配套,形成了强大的政策合力与综合效能。美国奶业在产业组织、运行机制、政策配套等方面的经验与做法,对推动完善中国奶业利益联结机制、优化生鲜乳价格形成机制、完善奶业支持政策体系和培育乳制品消费习惯等方面具有重要启示。  相似文献   
农业结构调整的背景下,提高稻谷的生产效率对于保障我国口粮安全具有重要意义。采用1999-2015年全国籼稻和粳稻主产省的数据,利用数据包络分析法对我国各省份各年度稻谷生产效率的DEA-Malmquist指数进行了测算,通过测算得出反映稻谷全要素生产率的Malmqusit指数,并将全要素生产率分解为规模效率变化、纯技术效率变化和技术进步变化。结果表明:①稻谷主产区区域布局方面,水稻产业可以结合地区优势布局。②技术进步在稻谷的投入产出效率的提高中发挥了重要作用。在推广水稻种植中,农业部门应充分重视技术进步的作用。③发展适度规模经营,提高规模效率,提高稻谷生产效率。未来稻谷产业仍以去库存、绿色发展、规模化经营为主要趋势。  相似文献   
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