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Abstract— We used two densities of eggs (low=900 eggs/m2; high=5100 eggs/m2) in laboratory experiments to estimate the recovery efficiency of the Brown benthos sampler for collecting fish eggs from gravel substrate and to determine if differences (e. g., 5-fold) in egg density in the substratum could be detected with the sampler. The mean egg recovery efficiency of the sampler in the low and high density treatments was 30% (SE=8.7) and 35% (SE=3.8), respectively. The difference between the treatment means was not significant. Therefore, data from the two treatments were pooled and used to estimate the recovery efficiency of the sampler (32.7%, SE=4.4). However, we were able to detect a 5× difference in the number of eggs collected with the sampler between the two treatments. Our estimate of the recovery efficiency of the sampler for collecting fish eggs was less than those reported for the sampler's efficiency for collecting benthic macroinvertebrates. The low recovery efficiency of the sampler for collecting fish eggs does not lessen the utility of the device. Rather, ecologists planning to use the sampler must estimate the recovery efficiency of target fauna, especially if density estimates are to be calculated, because recovery efficiency probably is less than 100%.  相似文献   
  1. A review of the long‐term changes and variations in benthic communities and the current status of the marine invasive species (MIS) in shallow waters of the Yellow Sea (Chinese sector) and the Sea of Japan (Russian and partly Korean sectors) is presented. This paper reflects on the progress and lessons learned, recommending actions for the future about the conservation of biodiversity.
  2. In the Bohai Sea, the benthic ecosystem has been degenerating due to anthropogenic activities such as overfishing and pollution since the 1950s. The dominant position of K‐strategy species is gradually being lost and replaced by R‐strategy species. In the Yellow Sea, the macrobenthic community is different from other areas due to the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass. Many economic species have been destroyed, and the biotic structure has changed significantly due to overfishing and climate change.
  3. In the Russian sector of the Sea of Japan, the macrobenthic communities in the shallow‐water soft bottom have generally been in a stable condition for the last decades, except for some heavily polluted or disturbed areas due to dredging operations. The abundance of select large invertebrate species has changed considerably due to commercial fishing and poaching. Variations in macro? and meiobenthic communities under aquaculture conditions have occurred on a local scale during the last five decades.
  4. MIS show obvious differences between China and Russia in the following aspects: introduction pathways of MIS, composition and number of non‐native species, threats and impacts of MIS to native communities and ecosystems, and economic and public health impacts.
  5. Long‐term monitoring programmes should be developed to reveal future biotic changes and to separate the effects of cyclic variations of benthic communities from the impacts of pollution and eutrophication. Standardization of sampling procedures is required to compare changes/alternations in benthos across various regions worldwide.
  1. Biodiversity in turbid aquatic environments is commonly assessed using extractive sampling methods that damage the seabed. Underwater cameras equipped with clear liquid optical chambers (CLOCs) for the assessment of seabed habitats and species are a non-extractive alternative and have been applied in turbid environments globally. A CLOC is a body of clear liquid positioned in front of a camera to reduce the scattering of light that would otherwise occur when passing through the turbid water it displaces. Here, we test and quantify the effectiveness of a CLOC for marine benthic biodiversity assessments over gradients of increasing turbidity.
  2. The addition of a CLOC to a conventional benthic camera system significantly enhanced the quality of information gathered. Images acquired using the CLOC system consistently recorded statistically higher values of image quality (49% increase, based on the clarity of the image), seabed visible within the drop-down frame (34% increase), and European Nature Information System habitat level identification (49% increase). Furthermore, it was found that the ‘annotation success’ of taxa (classification of a specimen to family level or higher) was found to increase between individual experts in the presence of a CLOC. A reduced sampling effort was also identified when using a CLOC. Taxonomic richness increased by 27% when comparing the same number of image stills collected with and without the CLOC.
  3. By reducing the limitations of underwater visibility previously attributed to underwater cameras, this concept extends the potential for use of non-destructive survey techniques and allows for future users to collect robust information of an area, making better informed management decisions.
  1. Effectiveness of restoration/repopulation measures may be strongly hindered by the ability of the target species to cope with the environmental conditions of the receiving area.
  2. Although a species has been reported previously for a given area, the environmental conditions and human pressures may have changed, potentially making any restoration attempt ineffective. Evidence is provided showing that the endangered ferruginous limpet Patella ferruginea can complete its reproductive cycle in the northernmost sector of the western Mediterranean.
  3. This supports the idea that the reintroduction and the strict protection of P. ferruginea in the extreme north of its historical geographic range could be effective for the recovery of the species in this area and ultimately the establishment of reproductively viable and stable populations.
  4. Verification of gonadal maturation of specimens experimentally established on the Gulf of Genoa (Ligurian Sea) coastline, as well as evidence of sex change in one individual (the first outside the Alboran Sea), provides further support of the potential for individuals to complete their reproductive cycle in this area.
  5. The results support the potential of actions for the restoration of viable populations of the species along the Ligurian coasts through the introduction of juveniles obtained exclusively by aquaculture techniques, in order to mitigate any impact on donor sites.
  1. Concern for conservation of seagrass habitat has prompted international transplantation‐style restoration efforts. A recent review of these restoration efforts has highlighted the low success associated with small‐scale restorations, yet scaling up transplantation effort may be too costly for underfunded regions. Small‐scale transplant survival can be enhanced with alleviation of two underlying issues: restoration site selection and donor site selection.
  2. To investigate appropriate donor source selection, donor site environmental influence on seagrass (Halodule wrightii) transplant survival was examined by transplanting donor cores from two environmentally disparate sites to a transplantation site with limited environmental uncertainties. Donor sites were chosen to represent either end of a benthic light gradient (high versus low) to elucidate seagrass resilience to transplantation stress, with respect to donor site conditions.
  3. After total loss of the first trial, a second trial was conducted with stabilizing mesh placed over transplants to reduce stingray bioturbation. The second trial resulted in 100% survival of high light transplants after 12 months and moderate survival (30–60%) of low light transplants for the first six months.
  4. At 18 months, the second trial ended after sediment burial from a hurricane. One year post‐burial, a patch of H. wrightii recovered at the high light transplant site; after six years the patch expanded to approximately 74 m2, an area 37‐fold larger than originally planted.
  5. Results from this transplant experiment provide evidence that donor environment plays a role in transplant resilience. The transplants sourced from high light had 47% greater leaf area per shoot, were more resistant to transplantation stress, and recovered following an extreme event relative to low light transplants. Therefore, selection of donor plants with more resilience features, a transplantation site with limited environmental uncertainties, and adaptive intervention can enhance seagrass resilience at a small planting scale.
Abstract – Complex interactions between fish predators and their prey have been found in structurally complex habitats built by submerged macrophytes. In contrast, the role of comparably structured littoral reed stands in shaping biotic interactions has not been investigated. We hypothesised that reed stands may be a valuable feeding habitat for juvenile fish, and that perch and roach may segregate along the spatial and dietary niche dimensions between reed and open water habitats. In contrast, the protection effect of reed against predators was assumed to be rather low because of the lower plant volume infested in reed when compared with submerged macrophytes. We analysed biomass and growth of juvenile (age 0 and age 1) perch and roach in littoral reed habitats and in open water habitats in front of the reed in the shallow Lake Müggelsee over 4 months in 2000. Sampling was conducted by point-abundance electrofishing over the full diel cycle (day, dusk, night, dawn). Zooplankton and benthos biomasses were determined in both habitats as well, and habitat-specific diet of fish was assessed during day and night. Roach were more frequent than perch in both habitats. Food of roach included a higher proportion of zooplankton, whereas perch fed more on macroinvertebrates. Overall, diet overlap between the fish groups was high. Diel distribution of fish did not follow the expectations of habitat segregation between perch and roach. Instead, the function of reed as refuge habitat against littoral piscivores (mainly birds) may have caused the strong daytime preference for reed in almost all fish groups, which was partly upset by roach at night. The higher behavioural plasticity of roach may explain their good performance even under the conditions of high structural complexity.  相似文献   
  1. In the current context of climate change, benthic cnidarians of the genus Palythoa have been suggested to be resistant owing to their intrinsic biological characteristics. In tropical regions, some species are currently proliferating in areas where environmental conditions are less suitable for other organisms, even replacing hard coral ecosystems.
  2. Considering their tropical affinities, phase-shifts towards Palythoa-dominated areas could become more frequent in future climate change scenarios, leading to changes in ecosystem organization. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of climate change stressors in two common Palythoa spp. with different habitat affinities within a subtropical region, and the effect upon their predator–prey interactions.
  3. The results of this experimental study demonstrated that colonies of P. aff. clavata and P. caribaeorum were significantly affected by exposure to temperature and pH conditions predicted for 2100 in the Canary Islands, during 62 days.
  4. Despite zoantharians’ lack of carbonate in their body wall, Palythoa spp. were most affected in their growth rates by lowered pH, and colonies significantly decreased in weight and size. Although all colonies exhibited symptoms of bleaching at high temperature, a reduction in chlorophyll content was also observed at low pH.
  5. Predation by Platypodiella picta crabs decreased on P. aff. clavata exposed to acidic conditions, which may compensate for the lowered ecological performance of the species in these climate change conditions. In contrast, P. picta was able to actively feed on P. caribaeorum colonies regardless of the experimental conditions.
  6. Despite being suggested as winner species in a climate change scenario, our study demonstrated that low pH negatively impacted Palythoa spp. survival. If the species are not able to acclimatize to the new conditions, changes in their populations may be expected, although their magnitude could be ameliorated by means of a decrease in predation rates.
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