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We investigated the potential of three methods of quantifying microbial biomass carbon (MBC), viz., chloroform fumigation-extraction (CFE) following organic C estimation through Vance method (CFE-V) and Snyder–Trofymow method (CFE-ST), and substrate-induced respiration (SIR) method in soils under various temperate fruit crops along with a control (no plantation) at 0–20 and 21–40 cm soil depths. CFE methods have shown significant (< 0.05) increase in chloroform labile C in all orchards over the control in surface soil. The interaction between the fruit crops and methods, although significant (< 0.01), indicated that CFE-ST and SIR methods were statistically at par with each other within the same fruit crop, except peach plantation (CEF-ST significantly lower than SIR) in 0–20 cm soil depth. The coefficient of variation recorded for chloroform labile organic C estimates by CFE-ST method makes it more precise than CFE-V method, especially in 0–20 cm soil depth. The very close agreement between the methods suggests that over this narrower range (i.e., smaller geographical area) all methods are appropriate for assessing MBC. However, SIR, being most sensitive to orchard plantations and strongly correlated with various soil chemical properties, could preferably be recommended for estimation of MBC in such soils. As an alternative to CFE-V method, CFE-ST may also be used for estimation of chloroform labile organic C in these soils.  相似文献   
从生产能力、饲养方式、微生物质量监测等方面介绍了我国SPF鸡胚发展概况,对我国SPF鸡胚生产与质量控制现状进行了调查与分析,并对存在的问题提出建议.经调查,2012年我国有20家SPF鸡生产企业生产SPF鸡胚年产量约5050万枚,其中年产600万枚以上的企业有3家,300万~600万枚的企业有4家,10家企业年产量在100万~200万枚之间,其他3家企业年产量少于100万枚.从供需情况可以看出,目前我国SPF鸡胚生产数已供大于求略有结余.  相似文献   
边际土地类型及移栽方式对柳枝稷苗期生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为评价能源型植物柳枝稷Panicum virgatum在贫瘠沙化的边际土地生境上的适应性,采用盆栽试验研究了壤土(对照)、3种边际土(面砂土、粗砂土、砾石土)和3种移栽方式(营养钵、裸苗、裸苗+营养土)对柳枝稷苗期生长的影响。结果表明:在3种沙化贫瘠的边际土壤中柳枝稷幼苗均能正常生长,随着土壤养分含量升高,柳枝稷的株高、分蘖数、主茎叶片数和干物质积累量均显著增加;裸苗移栽方式较营养钵移栽方式不利于柳枝稷苗期生长,其成活率、株高、分蘖数和干物质积累量均显著降低;裸苗+营养土移栽较裸苗移栽显著提高了柳枝稷裸苗的成活率,建议作为柳枝稷边际土地种植方式。  相似文献   
动物组织胚胎学是动物相关专业的基础理论学科之一,是一门形态学课程,由于其理论性强,专业术语多,形态不易描述等特点,造成了该课程的传统教学枯燥、呆板和乏味,不利于学生对知识的掌握和融会贯通。笔者所在教研室尝试通过融合多媒体教学、PBL教学法、应用学科前沿、交叉融合教学等多种教学方法改变传统的动物组织胚胎学教学模式,从而提高学生的学习兴趣,改善课堂氛围,培养学生自主学习的能力,提高教学质量,为后续专业课程的学习打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   
采用船形芽腹接、小芽腹接、段芽接、段枝接和单芽切接(对照)五种不同嫁接方法对比试验表明:处理Ⅰ(船形芽腹接法)的成活率比对照高14.8%、达极显著水平;处理Ⅳ(段技接法)的成活率比对照低24.5%。春季船形芽腹接法能有效提高嫁接成活率和苗圃出苗率。  相似文献   
家鸡胚盘染色体制备法的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对家鸡胚盘细胞染色体制备法进行了改进,简化了操作程序,缩短了制备时间,降低了费用,提高了工作效率,用改进法制备的旧院黑鸡胚盘细胞染色体效果良好,易于观察和分析。  相似文献   
江西省从2009年起开展“籼改粳”引种、示范和推广,至2016年粳稻种植达到一定规模。2015年,农业部在全国部署开展化肥使用量零增长行动,推动化肥减量增效。为探索粳稻化肥减量增效施用技术,并助推“早籼-晚粳”种植模式,于2016年在浮梁县开展了晚粳化肥减量增效施用方法的比较试验。试验设空白对照、农户习惯施肥方法和2种推荐施肥方法4个处理。推荐施肥方法为化肥减量配方施肥。试验结果显示,2种推荐施肥方法中以推荐施肥方法1较好,推荐施肥方法1比农户习惯施肥方法氮磷钾养分总量节省123.9 kg/hm2、稻谷增产608.75 kg/hm2、增加净收入2070.35元/hm2,经济效益达到了显著水平。推荐施肥方法 1的总偏生产力为13.34、投产比值为6.39,比农户习惯施肥方法分别增38.4%和36.54%。试验表明,推荐施肥方法较农户习惯施肥方法具有明显的节肥增产增收效果,可在当地双季晚粳化肥减量增效生产中推广应用并加以完善。  相似文献   
森林采伐对迹地径流流量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用实验方法,对针阔混交林地实施不同方式森林采伐作业后,迹地和径流量发生的变化进行了样地实验研究。结果表明,皆伐对迹地径流量变化影响程度最大。  相似文献   
Urban forestry professionals are increasingly challenged to find cost-effective strategies for resource conservation and management. Many organizations partner with citizen groups to host events that enlist volunteers to perform stewardship tasks like tree planting and trail maintenance. These volunteer programs incur costs to both the managing agency and partners, such as staffing, tools, and transportation. Volunteers contribute uncompensated time and expertise. Little is known about these contributions, yet citizen stewards and host groups represent an important human dimension of urban forest management. Using a survey administered to volunteers and host organizations at restoration events in King County Parks, WA, USA, we developed a cost-based approach to estimate the value of stewardship activities that occurred in the spring field season of 2011. Expenditures included volunteer and event host time and direct cost of traveling to and from events, on-site labor, equipment, and preparation costs. Results suggest that contributions made by volunteers and hosts are significant; the combined costs associated with the 17 sampled events was approximately $35,700. These efforts represent a small subset of the more than 1000 volunteer environmental stewardship activities that take place annually in King County.  相似文献   
扬州市慈姑优质丰产栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了扬州市慈姑的品种特性、种植状况、对环境的生长要求、在生产上表现以及优质丰产栽培技术、病虫害防治等,为当地生产应用提供参考。  相似文献   
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