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讨论传统主食在国民经济发展中的战略地位及主食工业化的重要意义,分析玉米在我国传统主食中的重要性,提出推进主食工业化的措施及建议,为促进玉米主食化提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   
适宜的播种时期和密度是玉米生长及产量形成的关键因素。以蠡玉37品种为试验对象,研究辽西地区不同播期、密度对玉米生长性状及产量的影响,探讨适宜辽西半干旱地区气候条件的玉米种植技术,以实现玉米生产高产高效。  相似文献   
春玉米土壤矿质氮累积及酶活性对施氮的响应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
【目的】东北地区春玉米生产中过量施用氮肥的现象普遍存在,导致氮肥利用效率下降,氮素污染严重。有关施氮对东北春玉米土壤矿质氮累积特性影响的研究鲜有报道。本文利用春玉米土壤矿质氮累积量及氮代谢关键酶活性对施氮的响应行为,探寻春玉米的合理施氮量。【方法】采用田间试验和室内分析相结合的方法研究春玉米土壤矿质氮累积量及氮代谢关键酶活性对施氮的响应行为。设计6个施氮水平(N 0、 60、 120、 180、 240和300 kg/hm2)。自播种开始,每隔15 d分层采集0120 cm土样一次,共取样10次,进行相关指标的测定与计算。收获时,选择代表性的春玉米进行考种测产。【结果】春玉米产量随施氮量增加显著增加,当施氮量高于N 240 kg/hm2时,产量有减少的趋势。土壤中累积的矿质氮以硝态氮为主,其变化行为受施氮量和生育时期的双重制约。土壤硝态氮累积量随施氮量的增加和生育时期的推进均显著增加。受氮肥追施的影响,拔节~大喇叭口期和抽雄期060 cm土层铵态氮累积量与苗期和成熟期相比显著增加;从苗期到抽雄期,060 cm土层的硝态氮累积量显著增加,而60 cm以下土层无规律性变化。除成熟期外,其他3个生育时期土壤硝态氮累积量均随施氮量的增加显著增加,而随着土层的加深呈降低趋势。与施氮量低的处理(无硝态氮累积峰)相比,N240和N300处理的硝态氮累积峰从拔节期的2060 cm迁移到抽雄期的80100 cm,说明过量施氮增加了硝态氮淋溶损失的风险,对环境形成一定的威胁。土壤脲酶和硝酸还原酶活性均随着施氮量的增加先增加后降低,均随着生育时期的推进呈波浪式变化,峰值出现在拔节期~抽雄期,这与土壤中铵态氮和硝态氮累积量的变化趋势相一致。【结论】综合考虑春玉米产量性状、 矿质氮累积量、 氮代谢关键酶活性和经济效益,初步认为,在本试验条件下,春玉米的适宜施氮量在179~209 kg/hm2之间,且在生产上应用该施氮量可以实现氮肥用量降低、 产量增加、 氮肥效率提高及生态环境保护的协调一致。  相似文献   
卢峰  张飞  段有厚 《作物杂志》2015,31(2):149-153
试验于2013-2014年以高粱杂交种辽杂10、辽杂11和迁杂35为试材,对正常供水和干旱胁迫条件下的株高、叶面积、相对含水量、光合参数、地上部干重和保护性酶活性进行了比较与分析。结果表明,干旱胁迫条件下,高粱幼苗的出苗会有所延缓,叶片和根系的相对含水量均下降,叶片下降幅度大于根系;干旱胁迫导致净光合速率(Pn)下降,地上部物质积累减少,气孔导度(Gs)减小是Pn下降的主要原因;在干旱胁迫下,根系和叶片的过氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)含量均显著高于正常供水处理,并且随着胁迫天数的增加呈抛物线状变化,在胁迫12d达到峰值。  相似文献   
Intercropping systems influence yield variables of the component crops, such as harvest index, hundred seed weight, number of reproductive organs and number of seeds, within each reproductive unit. Two experiments were carried out at each of two sites during 1993 and 1994. The first experiment investigated the effects of seeding soybean or lupin alone or in combination with one of three forages (annual ryegrass, Lolium multiflorum Lam.; perennial ryegrass, Lolium perenne L.; red clover, Trifolium pratense L.) with corn on the yield components of corn, soybean and lupin. The second experiment examined the effects of seeding date (simultaneous with corn or 3 weeks later) and number of rows of large seeded legumes (one or two) seeded between the corn rows. Corn grain yield was generally not affected by any intercrop treatment, although in 1993 some simultaneously seeded treatments resulted in decreased yields. Soybean grain yield was decreased by most treatments, although some simultaneous seedings produced yields similar to soybean monocrops. Lupin grew poorly as an intercrop component, producing little or no grain. Corn harvest index was not affected by any intercrop treatments. Seeding corn and large-seeded legumes simultaneously resulted in decreases in corn hundred seed weights by as much as 6.6 g compared with the monocropped corn. In 1993 (a year with normal precipitation levels), the hundred seed weight and number of seeds per soybean pod were decreased by intercropping, although the harvest index was not affected. In a high precipitation year (1994), the soybean harvest index was decreased by intercropping, but not the seed components. The underseeded forages, annual ryegrass, perennial ryegrass and red clover, had no effect on yields or yield components of the other intercropped species.  相似文献   
东北不同生态区春玉米的产量性能比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为明确东北不同地区春玉米光合特性、产量构成与产量的关系,在内蒙古通辽、吉林九台、吉林龙潭和吉林二道进行区域比较试验,测定其叶面积指数、产量及产量构成等指标。结果表明,春玉米产量表现为内蒙古通辽>吉林二道>吉林九台>吉林龙谭。对产量性能与产量的相关分析表明,平均叶面积指数(MLAI)和千粒重与产量呈极显著正相关,这说明平均叶面积指数是影响东北地区春玉米产量提高的关键因素。  相似文献   
甜高粱茎秆含糖量遗传研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
甜高粱(Sorghum bicolor)是普通粒用高粱的一个变种。与粒用高粱相比,甜高粱育种研究进展相对缓慢,特别是茎秆含糖量高的亲本系创造比较滞后。开展甜高粱茎秆含糖量的遗传研究,对甜高粱亲本系选育及杂交种组配具有重要意义。本文从茎秆含糖量的评价指标入手,分别对茎秆含糖量的遗传与子粒产量及其他性状的关系、基因定位等方面的相关研究结果进行了系统地概括和归纳,并分析了当前茎秆含糖量研究的热点和亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   
Summary The shoot fly, Atherigona soccata is an important pest of sorghum, and host plant resistance is one of the most effective components for managing this pest. Most of the hybrids grown in India based on milo cytoplasm (A1 cytoplasm) are highly susceptible to shoot fly. Therefore, the present studies were undertaken to evaluate different male-sterile cytoplasms (CMS) for their relative susceptibility to sorghum shoot fly. Oviposition and deadheart formation were significantly lower on the maintainer lines as compared to the corresponding male-sterile lines. Among the cytoplasms tested, A4M cytoplasm showed antixenosis for oviposition and suffered lower deadheart formation than the other cytoplasms tested. The A4G1 and A4M cytoplasms suffered lower deadhearts in tillers than the other cytoplasms. Recovery following shoot fly damage in A4M, A3, and A2 cytoplasms was better than in the other cytoplasms tested. The larval and pupal periods were longer and male and female pupal weights lower in A4M and A4VzM CMS backgrounds compared to the other CMS systems. Fecundity and antibiosis indices on CMS lines were lower than on the B-lines. The A4M cytoplasm was found to be relatively resistant to sorghum shoot fly, and can be exploited for developing shoot fly-resistant hybrids for sustainable crop production in future.  相似文献   
以北方超级稻沈农265为试验材料,研究了秸秆直接还田和秸秆热解成生物炭施入对水稻氮素吸收利用的影响。结果表明:与常规生产相比,秸秆直接还田主要提高了水稻生育中期的叶、茎含氮量,但同时降低了后期穗氮素累积量,氮素回收率、生理利用率和氮肥农学利用率分别下降5.28%、11.65%和16.19%,使产量有降低趋势;少量秸秆生物炭施入有助于提高生育中后期叶、茎含氮量并促进穗氮素累积量增加,氮素回收率和氮肥农学利用率分别增加6.02%和7.71%,有增加产量的潜力;大量秸秆生物炭施入降低了叶、茎和穗含氮量,氮素回收率负向效应强度高达34.31%,但氮素生理利用率增加45.62%,不利于产量的提高。秸秆直接还田和大量秸秆生物炭施入对水稻氮素吸收有一定抑制作用且不利于产量的提升,少量秸秆生物炭施入则能提高水稻氮素利用率并增加产量。  相似文献   
玉米粗缩病是我国玉米产区的主要病害之一。阐述玉米粗缩病的发病症状、病原、寄主和传播方式,介绍玉米粗缩病常用的防治方法,分析目前玉米粗缩病抗病育种研究取得的进展,并对其今后的研究方向和内容进行展望。  相似文献   
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