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花卉抗寒性研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了低温胁迫下花卉体内生理生化的变化规律,阐述了花卉抗寒性的机理,并对未来花卉抗寒性研究进行了展望。  相似文献   
[目的]以3种矮化砧木做中间砧嫁接早金香梨,进行矮砧嫁接树矮化效应及叶片矿质元素含量研究.[方法]根据公式计算致矮系数;分别采用凯氏法、钒钼黄比色法和火焰光度法测定N、P、K含量,Ca、Mg、Fe、Zn含量的测定采用原子吸收光度法.[结果](1)3个矮化砧木对早金香梨嫁接树均有显著的致矮作用,致矮效果由大到小依次为:中矮2号> 82-5>中矮1号;(2)早金香梨嫁接树叶片中,被测矿质元素均与对照有极显著差异,其中,中矮1号、82-5做矮化砧的嫁接树叶片中,N、Ca、Mg、Fe含量均表现升高的趋势,Fe分别升高了66.5;和53.6;;而中矮2号做矮化砧的嫁接树叶片中,所测定的矿质元素的含量均有不同程度的下降,其中K和Ca的降低程度均超过了10;.[结论]中矮2号为矮化砧木类型,82-5、中矮1号为半矮化砧木类型;中矮1号、82-5矮化中间砧能促进嫁接树对矿质元素的吸收,尤其是对Fe的吸收,而中矮2号矮化中间砧作用相反,需增施肥加以改善.  相似文献   
以贫瘠型黑土区土壤为供试对象,对2种保护性耕作措施(模式1为秋季深松、平播+秸秆还田;模式2为秋季深松起垄+根茬还田)下土壤的理化特性进行研究。结果表明:2种保护性措施可以增加土壤有机质含量,提高土壤pH,其中秸秆还田措施效果最明显;对土壤不同速效养分含量影响不同;对土壤物理性质的影响主要表现为降低土壤容重和增加土壤田间持水量。不同的保护性耕作措施对于提高土壤肥力、改善土壤物理特性起到重要作用。  相似文献   
玉莲1 号是以自交不亲和系玉田包尖S05-8 为母本,自交不亲和系莲舒S05-23 为父本杂交后选育而成的直筒中晚 熟大白菜一代杂种。生育期80~85 d(天),植株为直筒型,绿白帮,叶色深,株高约48 cm,开展度62 cm 左右,叶片光亮, 略带褶皱,外叶直立。球心叶黄绿色,球高43 cm、粗15 cm,单球质量2.4 kg,一般每667 m2 产量8 800 kg。耐贮藏,叶球柔 软,风味品质好。田间对抗病毒病、霜霉病、软腐病、干烧心的抗性好于对照津绿75。适宜辽宁、吉林及相似生态区种植。  相似文献   
为探明灰胸突鳃金龟子幼虫在土壤中全年的垂直移动动态、成虫的出土时期、药剂防治的最佳时期,作者于2019年对其进行研究。结果表明,其幼虫具有明显的垂直移动规律,在81~100 cm土层中越冬;在0~20 cm土层内集中分布区,用毒辛200倍或白僵菌50倍液灌根,防治效果分别达80.0%、42.6%;在其成虫的出土盛期,用药剂防治或者增加杀虫灯的数量,可减少成虫产卵数量。  相似文献   
For optimizing in vitro maturation system of bovine oocytes,we firstly examined the influence of four different hormonal regimes(FSH+LH,HMG,FSH+LH+E2 and HMG+E2) on oocyte maturation rates.Then we studied the effects of epidermal growth factor (EGF) in the above defined medium on bovine oocyte maturation,in vitro development and quality of parthenogenetic embryos.The cell apoptotic index of parthenogenetic blastocysts was detected by TUNEL.No significant difference was observed in maturation rates in four groups supplemented with different hormones.However,human menopausal gonadotropin (HMG) provided steady maturation results in replicates.Maturation of oocytes was promoted by supplementation with 17β-estradiol (E2).Combination of HMG and E2 gave rise to steady and efficient mature results.The presence of EGF at 30 ng/mL concentration significantly increased maturation rate and blastocyst rate and reduced apoptotic cells in parthenogenetic blastocysts.Therefore,the optimal oocyte maturation solution could be supplemented with 0.075 IU/mL HMG,1 μg/mL E2 and 30 ng/mL EGF.  相似文献   
采用硅胶柱层析的方法,对snef8菌株中的杀线虫活性物质进行了初步的分离,生物法测定各组份的杀线虫活性,减压浓缩有活性的组份制备粗提液.结果表明:菌液中的杀线虫活性物质主要集中于第8~第12号管中,其杀线虫活性接近于100%.此法不但可以除去部分杂质,提高粗提液的纯度,还可以应用制备型硅胶柱,大量制备富集粗提液,将其作...  相似文献   
针对目前国内种质资源管理信息化流程存在的弊端,依据物联网的技术规范,设计了一套集软硬件一体化、内部数据管理及对外网站发布一体化的,基于物联网技术的种质资源信息处理平台。  相似文献   
Our 1988 paper, describing the effects of cultivation on microbial biomass and activity in different aggregate size classes, brought together the ‘aggregate hierarchy theory’ and the ‘microbial biomass concept’. This enabled us to identify the relationships between microbial and microhabitat (aggregate) properties and organic matter distribution and explain some of their responses to disturbance. By combining biochemical and direct microscopy based quantification of microbial abundance with enzyme activities and process measurements, this study provided evidence for the role of microbial biomass (especially fungi) in macroaggregate dynamics and carbon and nutrient flush following cultivation. In the last ten years environmental genomic techniques have provided much new knowledge on bacterial composition in aggregate size fractions yet detailed information about other microbial groups (e.g. fungi, archaea and protozoa) is lacking.We now know that soil aggregates are dynamic entities – constantly changing with regard to their biological, chemical and physical properties and, in particular, their influences on plant nutrition and health. As a consequence, elucidation of the many mechanisms regulating soil C and nutrient dynamics demands a better understanding of the role of specific members of microbial communities and their metabolic capabilities as well as their location within the soil matrix (e.g. aggregates, pore spaces) and their reciprocal relationship with plant roots. In addition, the impacts of environment and soil type needs to be quantified at the microscale using, wherever possible, non-destructive ‘in situ’ techniques to predict and quantify the impacts of anthropogenic activities on soil microbial diversity and ecosystem level functions.  相似文献   
光敏色素是一类红光/远红光受体,对植物光形态建成、外部形态和生理功能等方面起着重要的调节作用。为明晰光敏色素A在调控高粱光形态建成发育过程中的作用,本研究比较分析光温敏感程度不同的高粱品种Btx623、Rio、Tx430和LH645的PhyA基因序列和PHYA蛋白的保守结构域,利用qRT-PCR明确长短日照条件处理下PhyA基因的表达模式。结果表明,Btx623、Rio和Tx430之间PhyA基因序列存在非同义突变,LH645在PhyA基因的第7个外显子上插入了5 bp碱基序列;高粱PhyA蛋白中含有1个PAS-2结构域、1个GAF结构域、1个Phytochrome结构域、2个PAS结构域、1个组氨酸激酶A结构域和1个类似组氨酸激酶的ATP激酶结构;遗传进化树分析表明,单子叶和双子叶植物PhyA蛋白明显聚为2大类,高粱PhyA、谷子PhyA和玉米PhyA1、PhyA2聚为一个亚类,相互间亲缘关系较近,与水稻PhyA同源性相对较远;在短日照(SD)条件下各时期PhyA基因转录水平变化显著,Rio PhyA基因转录水平较Btx623和Tx430变化明显,LH645 PhyA基因转录变化不显著,在长日照(LD)条件下Rio PhyA基因转录水平低于Btx623和Tx430,LH645 PhyA基因转录水平变化不显著。以上结果表明,PhyA受光周期诱导,推测其在高粱光形态建成中起重要调控作用。本研究为进一步解析PhyA基因功能及其在调控高粱光形态建成发育过程中的作用提供理论基础。  相似文献   
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