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Temporal dynamics of microbial biomass and respiration of soil and their responses to topography, burning, N fertilization, and their interactions were determined in a temperate steppe in northern China. Soil microbial indices showed strong temporal variability over the growing season. Soil microbial biomass C (MBC) and N (MBN) were 14.8 and 11.5% greater in the lower than upper slope, respectively. However, the percentage of organic C present as MBC and the percentage of total N present as MBN were 16.9 and 26.2% higher in the upper than lower slope, respectively. Neither microbial respiration (MR) nor metabolic quotient (qCO2) was affected by topography. Both MBC and MBN were increased by burning, on average, by 29.8 and 14.2% over the growing season, and MR and qCO2 tended to reduce depending on the sampling date, especially in August. Burning stimulated the percentage of organic C present as MBC and the percentage of total N present as MBN in the upper slope, but did not change these two parameters in the lower slope. No effects of N fertilization on soil microbial indices were observed in the first growing season after the treatment. Further research is needed to study the long-term relationships between changes in soil microbial diversity and activity and plant community in response to burning and N fertilization.  相似文献   


Global nitrogen deposition has profound impact on the terrestrial ecosystem including the semiarid temperate grassland, causing vegetation community shifts and soil acidification. Little is known regarding the effect of nitrogen (N) deposition on the belowground microbial communities. This study aimed to examine the response of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and archaea (AOA) to added N in semiarid temperate grassland.  相似文献   
武阳  孙明德  刘军  田海青  王文娟  刘松忠 《园艺学报》2017,44(11):2171-2178
以7年生‘黄金梨’树为试材,采用~(15)N示踪技术研究了3个施氮深度[0(表面施氮)、20和40 cm]处理下不同器官对氮素的吸收、分配及利用效率,并探讨了氮素在土壤中的残留及损失。结果表明,梨果实成熟期,果实的Ndff值最高,其他器官的Ndff值均表现为20 cm施氮深度处理显著高于其他处理。各施氮深度处理,~(15)N的分配率均为贮藏器官最高,生殖器官最低。20 cm施氮深度处理的梨树N利用率最高(26.23%),40 cm施氮深度处理最低(15.65%)。N损失率以表面施氮处理最高(54.21%),20 cm施氮深度最低;0~80 cm土层的N残留率以40 cm施氮深度处理最高(31.73%),表面施氮处理最低。因此,本研究中,20 cm深度施氮处理能提高梨树各器官对N肥的吸收征调能力,氮素损失少。  相似文献   
目的为探究无髯鸢尾种间杂交障碍原因及子房败育时间,以西伯利亚鸢尾5个品种为亲本,与黄菖蒲、喜盐鸢尾分别进行常规杂交。方法授粉后观测种间杂交后子房发育动态,并绘制发育动态折线图;在荧光显微镜下,观测不同授粉时间后的花粉管原位萌发动态,并统计每个杂交组合的杂交结实率和种子萌发率。结果无髯鸢尾种间杂交子房在授粉后9~16 d发生败育;授粉后杂交障碍原因主要是花粉附着困难、花粉萌发率低、花粉管伸长障碍和胚囊败育的受精后障碍;黄菖蒲与西伯利亚鸢尾杂交后受精前和受精后障碍并存,喜盐鸢尾与西伯利亚鸢尾杂交主要存在受精后障碍;喜盐鸢尾与西伯利亚鸢尾的亲和性高于其与黄菖蒲杂交的亲和性。结论花粉原位萌发可作为远缘杂交前障碍检测指标,观测花粉原位萌发可及时采用相应措施,增大杂种获得率;不同品种种间亲和性不同,二倍体和四倍体在染色体条数不同的种间远缘杂交中亲和性无显著区别;不同种间杂交,正反交杂交障碍类型不同,可以通过不同种系品种间正反交,增加无髯鸢尾种间杂交亲和性,获得变异丰富的种间杂交类型。   相似文献   
马蔺种子萌发特性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐本美  孙运涛  宋宇航  李锐丽  郭琛 《种子》2006,25(5):41-42,72
马蔺种子休眠是由于胚被厚实的胚乳紧紧包围所致。室内萌发及田间出苗实验证实,温度和水份是种子萌发的主导因素。除此之外,北京地区干籽预浸,即在25~30℃中吸胀1~2d,并于6~7月播种,田间萌发效果最佳。  相似文献   
本文对2006年至2008年不同养蜂合作组织形式提供的蜂蜜原料进行了质量跟踪,对蜂蜜原料中的果糖和葡萄糖、蔗糖、羟甲基糠醛、淀粉酶活性、氯霉素、四环素族抗生素、碳-4植物糖含量等指标进行了检测分析,研究结果表明:不同的养蜂合作组织形式,由于对组织内养蜂户管理力度不同,其所生产的蜂蜜质量也有所不同。以亲情纽合的联合方式、产地公司+当地固定养蜂户的联合方式和供应商+转地固定养蜂户的联合方式生产的原料蜂蜜质量可靠性较强;公司+无固定养蜂户的联合方式效果较差。  相似文献   
高职院校培养学生班级集体观念是学生形成社会属性一个不可或缺的环节。采取问卷调查的方式,对北京农业职业学院经济管理系、财会金融系、机电工程学院的学生进行调查,发现学生在班级集体观念方面存在自我中心意识强、班干部骨干作用不明显、纪律松散、集体主义教育缺失等问题,原因既有学生对班级集体缺乏认同感、班级集体荣誉感不强、贪玩成性等个人主观原因,也有社会、家庭和学校教育等方面的客观原因,高职院校应从提升“三全育人”理念、健全学分考评机制、组织文化生活熏陶、发挥干部示范作用、拓展团队训练等方面入手,不断强化学生集体观念培养和教育,逐步提升学生集体观念和团队意识。  相似文献   
天然花色苷的资源收集及稳定性测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过天然花色苷材料野外采集,共得到50种植物的花色苷样品,采用pH 1.0/pH 4.5溶液吸光值(△OD)差值法,对这些花色苷提取液进行了1年的测定和筛选,筛选出了花色苷颜色稳定性较好的桔梗(Platycodon grandiflorua A.)、蜀葵(Althaea. Rosea L.)、翠雀(Delphinium grandiflorum L.)和日本红菊(Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat)等4种植物资源。对这4种花色苷进行酸碱性、光照、金属离子、热处理等条件下的稳定性测定,表明在pH4.0以下稳定,高于pH4.0稳定性则明显下降。日光、pH 1.0条件下上述4种花色苷溶液的半衰期分别为339d、255d、226d和234d。钙、镁离子对花色苷的稳定性无影响,铝、铜、锡和铁的存在降低花色苷的稳定性,其中铝影响较小,铜锡影响较大,铁影响最大。在100℃ 20min pH1.0热处理下色素损失率分别为2.7%、29.2%、20.0%和7.1%。桔梗花色苷稳定性明显优于其余3种花色苷。结果表明上述4种花色苷有希望开发成为食品色素添加剂。  相似文献   
Changes in the spatiotemporal pattern of vegetation alter the structure and function of landscapes, consequently affecting biodiversity and ecological processes. Distinguishing human-induced vegetation changes from those driven by environmental variations is critically important for ecological understanding and management of landscapes. The main objectives of this study were to detect human-induced vegetation changes and evaluate the impacts of land use policies in the Xilingol grassland region of Inner Mongolia, using the NDVI-based residual trend (RESTREND) method. Our results show that human activity (livestock grazing) was the primary driver for the observed vegetation changes during the period of 1981?C2006. Specifically, vegetation became increasingly degraded from the early 1980s when the land use policy??the Household Production Responsibility System??led to soaring stocking rates for about two decades. Since 2000, new institutional arrangements for grassland restoration and conservation helped curb and even reverse the increasing trend in stocking rates, resulting in large-scale vegetation improvements in the region. These results suggest that most of the degraded grasslands in the Xilingol region can recover through ecologically sound land use policies or institutional arrangements that keep stocking rates under control. Our study has also demonstrated that the RESTREND method is a useful tool to help identify human-induced vegetation changes in arid and semiarid landscapes where plant cover and production are highly coupled with precipitation. To effectively use the method, however, one needs to carefully deal with the problems of heterogeneity and scale in space and time, both of which may lead to erroneous results and misleading interpretations.  相似文献   
水质型缺水是当今社会面临的重大难题,充分利用森林对水质的净化调节作用是解决该难题的有效方法之一。文中在归纳国内外森林水质研究历程的基础上,将森林影响水质整个过程划分为大气降水输入,森林林冠层、枯落物层和土壤层再分配,以及溪流输出3个部分,概述这3个部分降水中的不同阴阳化学离子的变化规律及响应机制,分析不同空间层次(林冠层、枯落物层和土壤层)对水质的影响因素和理化过程;探讨了存在的问题并提出未来研究重点:细化研究枯落物层和土壤层与降水发生相互作用的内在机理,重视森林影响溪水和周边流域水质的作用机制,丰富研究树种,并将野外试验与室内控制试验相结合,提高实验结果的准确性,同时在时间和空间尺度上进行长期和系统观测,定量评价森林净化水质的能力,从而了解森林净化水源的作用机制,为我国解决水质型缺水问题和相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   
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