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采用正交试验法,在 pH、盐浓度,放置时间、加热条件四个因素上探讨小(?)碱的提取条件,结果用了1/2的试验时间和较少的实验用试剂,比较满意地找到了最佳提取条件。  相似文献   
云南民族竹文化在维系民族的生存和发展、保护生态环境、引领精神价值方面具有重要作用。在“一带一路”倡议下,民族竹文化的传播不但能加强文明间的对话、谋求更多共识,更能维护文化多样性、提升中国话语权。文章分析了云南民族竹文化的内容体系、新时代下传播与传承中存在的问题,从加大政策支持、加快人才培养、培育文化产业等方面提出了云南民族竹文化的建设路径。  相似文献   
With changes in food preferences and life styles,more and more attentions have been focused on healthier food.Nowadays,resistant starch(RS)which can resist digestion in the human intestine has been recognized and accepted.High RS diet shows great benefit for the human health,and breeding high RS rice variety is a great target for realizing dietary intervention.To provide guidance for RS improvement in rice,this review summarized the unique physiochemical properties of RS and the possible approaches,i.e.genetic regulation,for enhancing RS content in rice,and proposed the potential ways to obtain rice variety with high RS content.  相似文献   
根据肝螺杆菌fla B基因保守区域设计一组特异性引物,经过条件优化、特异性和敏感性分析,成功建立了肝螺杆菌LAMP快速检测方法。结果显示,建立的LAMP扩增方法仅能检测出肝螺杆菌,其他常见细菌未见特异性扩增。检出肝螺杆菌最低模板量为86.9fg/L,是普通PCR所需模板量的1/10。本研究建立的LAMP快速检测方法具备操作简单、特异性好、灵敏度高的优点,结果易于观察,对仪器设备要求低,适宜推广应用。  相似文献   
通过RT-PCR方法扩增了大豆F3'H基因并构建含大豆荚皮绒毛色基因的重组质粒pBI121/F3'H的植物表达载体,转化到根癌农杆菌LBA4404菌株中形成工程菌株,通过根癌农杆菌介导的方法转化拟南芥.为进一步研究大豆荚皮绒毛色基因(F3'H)作为植物基因工程的报告基因的可能性奠定基础.  相似文献   
随着高等学校的发展,其物资设备的采购量越来越大,如何进一步规范高校的采购行为,以适应市场经济的要求,及与政府采购工作相衔接,是高校发展中需要认真解决的问题。本文提出了由政府主管部门加强对高校采购工作的规范和指导,高校自身完善制度、规范行为、加强基础工作、强化监察审计监督等规范采购行为、提高采购资金的使用效益的对策思路。  相似文献   
Song  Yifei  Yang  Xianming  Zhang  Haowen  Zhang  Dandan  He  Wei  Wyckhuys  Kris A. G.  Wu  Kongming 《Journal of pest science》2021,94(4):1053-1063

Interspecific interactions (e.g., competition, predation) are core determinants of insect population evolution, geographical distribution, trophic dynamics and ecosystem functioning. Following its recent invasion of eastern Asia, the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) co-inhabits maize fields with native lepidopteran herbivores, such as the common cutworm, Spodoptera litura. Here, drawing upon laboratory and field studies, we demonstrate how late-instar S. frugiperda larvae directly prey upon S. litura immature stages and competitively displace them from the maize whorl. Individual maize plants did not mediate the above interactions, with herbivore-damaged leaves not affecting the development rate of either species. In the field, ecological niches of S. frugiperda and S. litura overlapped, with species-specific occupancy rates of whorl-stage leaves (vegetative phase) and ears or tassels (reproductive phase) exceeding 70% and 90%, respectively. Field cage trials showed that S. frugiperda larvae either preyed upon or repelled S. litura larvae from maize plants, routinely resulting in more than 90% mortality of the latter. Field visits and cage studies in Yunnan (SW China) also revealed how—within an approx. 1-year time period—S. frugiperda has become a dominant species in local maize fields and co-infestation of both herbivores on the same plant is rare. Overall, our work shows how the invasive S. frugiperda exhibits a clear competitive advantage over native lepidopterans and could replace certain species within local agroecosystems. This study not only unveils the mechanistic causes of rapid ecological shifts within S. frugiperda-invaded cropping systems, but may also guide subsequent monitoring and management interventions.

采用Stanford-Smith好气培养间歇淋洗法,研究了床土氮素的潜在供应能力。结果表明,累积矿化氮量(Nt)与时间的平方根(t1/2)呈很好的线性相关(r2=0.97~0.99,n=14),两者的直线斜率随床土肥力的增高而逐渐升高。14种床土的矿化速率常数(K)为0.0074~0.093,其间无显著差异,矿化半时值(t1/2)为57.75±4.97(d),平均每天释放出1.2%的可矿化氮。~0.99,n=14).Theslopesincreasedwiththeincreasedoffertilitylevelinginsengsoil.Themineralizationrateconstants(K)ofthese14ginsengsoilarefrom0.0074to0.093.Therewerenodifferentamongtheratecontants.ThatshowsthemineralizableNisreleasedatanaveragerateof1.2%perday.Keywords:ginsengsoil;nitrogen-supply;mineralization  相似文献   
With the rapid development of genetic analysis techniques and crop population size, phenotyping has become the bottleneck restricting crop breeding. Breaking th...  相似文献   
Ago蛋白基因家族成员与不同的小RNA结合,广泛参与细胞的生长发育及抵抗外源DNA的入侵。对Ago蛋白基因家族成员的研究有利于进一步了解各成员的功能,同时有助研究小RNA的功能。橡胶树的Ago蛋白基因家族及小RNA的研究均较少,为了弄清楚橡胶树Ago蛋白基因家族成员情况及其初步功能,本研究对橡胶树(Hevea brasiliensis)所有蛋白质序列进行了分析。用HMMER及BLAST等软件分析发现橡胶树有18个Ago蛋白,这些Ago蛋白进行分类及理化性质分析,发现其可分为3类,大多数Ago蛋白定位于细胞核,蛋白序列长度在577 aa至1 237 aa氨基酸之间,等电点在8.66至9.47间。通过qPCR技术研究橡胶树Ago蛋白的表达,发现18个Ago蛋白在不同叶龄间有差异,在白粉病菌对橡胶树进行感染处理后各Ago蛋白的表达也有差异,说明不同的Ago蛋白参与了不同的生理过程。这些结果为进一步研究各Ago蛋白在橡胶树的生长发育及抗病抗逆过程中的功能提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
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