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农药剂型和制剂与农药的剂量转移   总被引:37,自引:5,他引:37  
本文简要介绍了关于农药剂量转移问题的研究动向 ,农药剂型和制剂对于剂量转移过程的影响以及通过农药剂型和制剂研究设计对剂量转移过程进行调控的一些成功实例。这些研究工作表明 ,剂型和制剂同农药使用技术的紧密结合对于农药的作用方式和毒理会发生影响 ,也可以有助于减轻或消除农药对人体和环境的危害。农药剂型和制剂的研究不仅涉及加工方法和加工技术问题 ,实际上已经发展成为一门新的边缘科学 ,即“农药剂型毒理学”。以剂型毒理学的研究为基础进行农药剂型和使用技术的研究开发 ,将会为农药科学开辟出崭新的领域并获得新的机遇和成功。  相似文献   
为全面了解近年新疆育成长绒棉品种的特征特性,对2008―2021年新疆维吾尔自治区主要农作物品种审定委员会审定的43个早中熟长绒棉品种和4个当前待审品种的主要性状演变情况进行分析.结果表明:2012年以来审定品种的铃重较之前明显增加,普遍在3.40 g以上;衣分总体表现较为平稳,皮棉产量受气候环境等因素影响波动较大;纤...  相似文献   
为评估上海市部分规模猪场的免疫抗体水平,更好地指导生产实践,对9个项目核心示范猪场2013—2016年间1 606份血清样品进行口蹄疫、猪瘟和高致病性猪蓝耳病等3种主要疫病的免疫抗体检测,并对不同规模场、不同区域、不同年份、不同采样时间点和不同阶段猪群的免疫抗体水平进行比较分析。结果显示:2013—2016年上海市部分规模猪场O型口蹄疫免疫抗体平均合格率为85.13%(95% CI:83.39%~86.87%),猪瘟免疫抗体平均合格率为84.65%(95% CI:82.89%~86.41%),高致病性猪蓝耳病免疫抗体平均合格率为95.77%(95% CI:94.79%~96.75%);不同地区、不同年份间的部分疫病抗体合格率存在差异;9个核心示范猪场3种主要疫病免疫抗体水平呈现逐年上升趋势;不同采样时间点的O型口蹄疫免疫抗体合格率差异极显著,其他疫病不显著;生产母猪的免疫抗体水平优于商品肉猪。检测结果显示,通过持续跟踪监测、不断优化免疫程序、调整疫苗种类,上海市规模猪场的主要疫病得到了良好的控制。  相似文献   
为了解轮耕对土壤酶活性的影响,采用田间定位试验,比较和分析了秸秆还田和不还田条件下,连续3年常规耕作(3C)、1年深翻+2年常规耕作(DP2C)、2年深翻+1年常规耕作(2DPC)和连续3年深翻(3DP)处理的冬小麦田土壤酶活性时空变化特点。结果表明,秸秆还田和深翻均可提高0~40cm土层土壤蔗糖酶、脲酶、碱性磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶的活性,其中秸秆还田后平均增幅分别为24.92%、9.20%、6.66%和11.04%,经深翻处理后平均增幅分别为5.33%、6.26%、2.02%和3.43%。随着土层深度增加,各处理土壤酶活性逐渐降低,2DPC和3DP处理相对3C处理20~40cm土层4种土壤酶活性降低幅度较小。秸秆还田配合2DPC、3DP土壤耕作处理不仅能提高酶活性,也有利于酶在土壤中均匀分布。  相似文献   
[目的]探究滇中磨盘山不同林龄华山松人工林对天然降雨动力学特征的影响,为区域水土资源保护、森林结构调整等提供一定的理论参考.[方法]基于2019年5至10月在云南省玉溪市新平县磨盘山观测的74场降雨资料,采用滤纸色斑法对华山松人工林(中龄林15 a,成熟林40 a,过熟林60 a)的林内外的降雨雨滴同时进行观测.选取其...  相似文献   

Aims: To assess the change in body condition score (BCS) during the early and late dry periods and its association with postpartum diseases and milk yield in grazing dairy cows from central Argentina.

Methods: BCS assessments during the dry period, and cow health and milk production records up to 90 days in milk (DIM), were collated for cows from 28 farms at monthly visits between 2007 and 2008. Cows were categorised into four groups; those in Group 1 (n=7,067) maintained or gained BCS during the early and late dry periods; Group 2 (n=2,615) maintained or gained BCS during the early dry period and lost BCS during the late dry period; Group 3 (n=1,989) lost BCS during the early dry period and maintained or gained BCS during the late dry period; and Group 4 (n=5,144) lost BCS during the early and late dry periods.

Results: Cows in Group 1 had reduced odds of having retained fetal membranes (RFM), metritis, and clinical mastitis up to 90 DIM than cows in Group 2 (p<0.001), but the odds of disease were similar to cows in Group 3. The odds of having RFM or clinical mastitis tended to be lower in cows in Group 1 than cows in Group 4 (p=0.08). The odds of cows being culled or dying during the first 90 DIM were lower for cows in Group 1 than for those in Groups 2, 3, and 4 (p≤0.05). Mean accumulated milk yield up to 90 DIM was higher in cows in Group 1 than Group 2 and Group 4 (p<0.001), but was similar to that of cows in Group 3 (p=0.28).

Conclusions and clinical relevance: Cows that lost BCS during the late dry period had increased odds of being diagnosed with several postpartum diseases and had decreased milk yield compared to cows that maintained or gained BCS during the entire dry period. Loss of BCS during any stage of the dry period was also associated with increased incidence of culling or death during the first 90 DIM. These results should raise awareness among dairy cattle producers of the importance of properly managing cow body condition during the dry period, especially during the late dry period.  相似文献   
通过研究异质性生境中淫羊藿克隆构型,初步分析环境因子对淫羊藿克隆生长的影响及克隆构型可塑性对异质性生境的响应。结果表明:生境中相对光强、土壤含水量和土壤有机质含量对淫羊藿的克隆生长影响较大,土壤pH值对其影响较小。建立了淫羊藿克隆构型可塑性特征与环境因子的关系方程。淫羊藿以地下根茎为克隆器官进行克隆生长,在异质性生境中有着较强的克隆构型可塑性。保护淫羊藿地下根茎,以及生境中适当的光照、水分和养分有利于淫羊藿的克隆生长。  相似文献   
以72份蝴蝶兰品种为研究对象,对其叶片、花梗和花器官相关的34个表型性状进行测定与评价,通过表型多样性分析、聚类分析和主成分分析等方法,探讨其种质资源表型性状的遗传多样性。结果表明:72份蝴蝶兰品种的绝大多数性状呈现变异丰富、类型多样的特性,数量性状遗传多样性变异范围为16.39%~157.36%,质量性状Shannon−Wiener多样性指数范围为0.38~1.32,其中叶片的数量性状变异程度较低,但其质量性状的多样性水平较高;R型聚类分析将34个性状分为3个大类,第I类群包含了花部和叶部性状,表明花与叶的表型联系较紧密,第II类群和第III类群包含花序长、最长叶长、植株大小和花序梗长,表明这4个表型性状呈独自进化关系; Q型聚类分析将72份蝴蝶兰种质资源分为4大类,其中第II类可细分为7个亚类群,II−1、II−2亚类群可作为大花和中花育种的亲本,II−3、II−4、II−5和II−7亚类群可作为小花育种的亲本,II−4亚类群可作为香花育种的亲本,同时蝴蝶兰‘JB5342’‘JB5184’‘JB5541’‘JB3697’‘安娜’和‘JB5725’等品种与多数供试蝴蝶兰品种遗传距离较远,可作为重要亲本参考。主成分分析表明,花宽、花瓣长、花瓣宽、萼片长、花长和萼片宽的特征向量绝对值较高,是造成蝴蝶兰表型变异的主要因素。  相似文献   
Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) reported here were produced against the porcinophilic foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) that caused the devastating swine disease on 1997 in Taiwan. A panel (25) of MAbs were found to react with VP1 of O/Taiwan/97 (O/97) by ELISA with various potencies. The biological identities of these VP1 reacting MAbs, such as neutralization activity, isotype and capability to distinguish between two serotype O FMDVs, O/97 and O/Taiwan/KM1/99 (O/99), were further analyzed. Eleven out of the total eighteen O/97 neutralizing MAbs were able to neutralize heterologous O/99. Eight O/97 neutralizing and five non-neutralizing MAbs could differentiate two serotype O FMDVs by immunofluorescence assay (IFA) implied that these thirteen MAbs recognized O/97 specific epitope(s). Furthermore, reactivities of the VP1 reacting MAbs with a 29 amino acids synthetic peptide (P29) representing the betaG-betaH loop of VP1 were analyzed by ELISA and fourteen were found positive. MAb clone Q10E-3 reacting strongest with VP1 and P29, neutralizing both but not differentiating two serotype O viruses suggested that the antibody binding site might involve the RGD motif and its C terminal conserved region on betaG-betaH loop. MAbs with diverse characters presented in this study were the first raised against porcinophilic FMDV. The complete set of MAbs may be used for further studies of vaccine, diagnostic methods, prophylaxis, etiological and immunological researches on FMDV.  相似文献   
蒙脱土改性尿素醛肥料的制备及性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]研制氮缓释性能优异且制备工艺简单的缓控释肥料.[方法]采用溶液聚合法将具有纳米层状结构的蒙脱土(MMT)穿插在含有营养元素的聚合物缓释肥料尿素醛(UF)中,制备得到一种具有插层结构的新型生物降解高分子缓控释肥料.采用FTIR、XRD对制备肥料的结构进行表征,通过SEM观察肥料的表面形貌,研究原料配比对肥料加工性...  相似文献   
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