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Colletotrichum coccodes is currently being investigated as a mycoherbicide against the weed velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti). Two isolates ofPseudomonas spp. (Ps2 and Ps5) reduced the percentage of germ tubes and increased appressorial formation ofC. coccodes on detached leaves of velvetleaf. A study was conducted to see whether this effect could be attributed to competition for nutrients or iron betweenC. coccodes andPseudomonas spp. Ps2 and Ps5 had no effect on early spore germination, but reduced the percentage of germ tubes at 24 and 30 h, compared to the nontreated control. This reduction was diminished by the addition of nutrients but not Fe3+. Ps2 and Ps5 stimulated the formation of dark-coloured appressoria without germ tubes (AWGT), but this stimulation was diminished by the addition of nutrients or Fe3+. Germ tube branching at 30 h was also inhibited by the bacteria, but was not diminished by the addition of nutrients or iron. EDTA stimulated conidial germination at 10 h, which was reduced by the addition of Fe3+. However, EDTA did not stimulate the formation of appressoria (AWGT). These results suggest that the reduction in the percentage of germ tubes and the increase in the percentage of appressoria induced by the bacteria may be due to the competition for carbon or nitrogen. Iron competition may also be involved in the stimulation of appressorial formation, but not in the reduction in germ tube percentage and branching. Phylloplane bacteria may compete for carbon, nitrogen and iron, limiting the saprophytic phase of the pathogen on the phylloplane and accelerating the development of the parasitic phase. This may enhance the field efficacy ofC. coccodes as a biocontrol agent against velvetleaf.  相似文献   
The chemotherapeutic efficacy of mebendazole given in combination with Freund's complete adjuvant (FCA) against Brugia malayi in multimammate rat was evaluated. Animals treated with mebendazole, orally at 200 mg/kg x 5 consecutive days along with FCA given subcutaneously (s.c.) on day -10, day 0 and day +15 of the drug treatment killed 48.51% of the adult worms. This drug given alone at the same regimen and by the same route showed only 18.7% mortality rate on adults. Mebendazole given intraperitoneally along with FCA given s.c., however, was four times more efficacious as filaricide than mebendazole alone. Nevertheless, the animals receiving FCA alone also revealed 23.5% mortality rate of adult worms. The animals receiving a combination therapy or FCA alone showed significant increase in antibody titre to the filariae which however decreased in the later stages. No enhancement of antibody level could be detected in animals treated with mebendazole alone. The non-specific immunopotentiation induced by FCA appeared to play a major role in enhancing the activity of mebendazole.  相似文献   
Systemic treatment of cucumber plants with lithium chloride reduced the numbers of conidia produced by colonies of powdery mildew, Sphaerotheca fuliginea , growing on leaves, and lowered the infectivity of conidia produced from those leaves when they were applied to leaves of untreated plants. Production of conidiophores was lower in both lithium-treated and calcium-deprived plants, and lithium slightly decreased the calcium content of leaves. When the lithium-containing growth medium was supplemented with phosphate, conidiophore production was still markedly reduced, although leaves had normal levels of calcium. Fungal development was not correlated with either the calcium or phosphorus content of leaves. It is concluded that, although severe calcium deficiency can inhibit fungal development, the inhibitory effects of lithium are not mediated through alterations in calcium or phosphorus uptake by host tissues.  相似文献   
Swards of 10 pasture species (six grasses and four legumes) were established and planted with seeds of either of the thistle species Carduus nutans L. or Cirsium vulgare L., and emergence and growth of the thistle seedlings were subsequently monitored. Emergence of C. nutans seedlings was inhibited by ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and Yorkshire fog (Holcus lanatus L.) swards, while C, vulgare emergence was inhibited by Yorkshire fog relative to some of the other treatments. Speed of emergence of C. nutans and absolute emergence of C. vulgare seedlings were significantly negatively correlated with pasture cover density, presumably as a consequence of alteration of light quality by the pasture swards. All pasture species inhibited seedling shoot and root growth of both thistle species, although the grasses were the most effective inhibitors. The seedling emergence and growth data for C. nutans in the swards of the 10 species were significantly correlated with the results of a previous study on residual allelopathic effects of the same 10 species on nodding thistle root growth. It is concluded that inhibitory (including allelopathic) influences of pasture species on thistle seedlings have considerable potential as a mechanism for managing problematic thistle populations. Influence de converts de pature de graminees et de legumineuses sur la levée et la croissance de Carduus nutans L. et Cirsium vulgare L. Des couverts de 10 espèces fourrageres (6 graminées et 4 légumineuses) ont étéétablis et infestés avec des graines de 1'une ou 1'autre des espèces de chardon, Carduus nutans L. et Cirsium vulgare L.; la levée et la croissance des plantules de chardon ont été ensuite suivies. La levée des plantules de C. nutans a été inhibéee par les couverts de ray-grass (LoliumperenneL.) et de houlque laineuse (Holcus lanatus L.) tandis que la levée de C. vulgareétait inhibée par la houlque laineuse en comparaison de quelques-unes des autres modalites. La vitesse de levée de C. nutans et la levée globale de C. vulgare ont été corrélées négativement de façon significative avec la densité du couvert, probablement en conséquence de 1'altération de la qualité de la lumière par les tapis, fourragers. Toutes les espèces de fourrages ont inhibé la croissance des tiges et des racines des plantules des 2 espèces de chardon, bien que les graminèes aient été des inhibiteurs plus efficaces. La Ievée des plantules et les chiffres de la croissance de C. nutans dans les couverts des 10 espéces étaient correlées de façon significative avec les résultats d'une étude antérieure sur les effets allélopathiques résiduels de quelques-unes des 10 espèces sur la croissance racinaire du chardon. II est conclu que les effets inhibiteurs (y compris I'allélopathie) des espèces fourragères sur les plantules de chardon ont un potentiel considèrable pour gérer le problème des populations de chardon. Einfluβ von Weidegräser- und Leguminosen-Beständen auf Samenkeimung und Wachstum von Carduus nutans L. und Cirsium vulgare L. In Beständen von 10 Weide-Pflanzenarten (6 Gräser und 4 Leguminosen) wurden Samen der Disteln Carduus nutans L. und Cirsium vulgare L. ausgebracht und deren Keimung und Wachstum beobachtet. Die Keimung von Carduus nutans wurde in Beständen von Weidelgras (Lolium perenne L.) und Wolligem Honiggras (Holcus lanatus L.) gehemmt, während die Keimung von Cirsium vulgare in Wolligem Honiggras genauso wie in einigen anderen Beständen gehemmt war. Die Keimungsgeschwindigkeit von Carduus nutans und die gesamte Keimung von Cirsium vulgäre waren signifikant negativ mit der Dichte der Weide-Pflanzenbestände korreliert, vermutlich wegen Änderung der Lichtqualität durch die Pflanzendecke. Alle Weide-Pflanzenarten, besonders jedoch die Gräser, hemmten das Sproß- und Wurzelwachstum der Keimpflanzen der beiden Disteln. Keimung und Wachstum der Carduus-nutans-Keimpflanzen in den Beständen der 10 Arten entsprachen ganz den Befunden einer früheren Untersuchung über allelopathische Wirkungen derselben 10 Arten auf das Wurzelwachstum der Nickenden Distel. Den Hemmwirkungen (einschließlich allelopathischen) von Weide-Pflanzenarten auf Distel-Keim-pflanzen kommt offenbar eine erhebliche Bedeutung für die Unterdrückung problematischer Distelpopulationen zu.  相似文献   
Split application of herbicides in peas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P. K. JENSEN 《Weed Research》1992,32(4):295-302
The efficacy of split application of herbicides in peas compared to a single treatment with the same total dosage was investigated in field trials. The results of four efficacy trials and two tolerance trials, employing some of the commonly used tank mixtures of herbicides, are described. The tank mixtures consisted of cyanazine or pendimethalin in mixture with bentazone, bentazone/MCPA, MCPB or MCPA. Split application enhanced the weed control compared to the efficacy of a single application at the same total dosage. The improved weed control was considered to be mainly due to the fact that sequential use makes it possible to target a larger proportion of the weeds at the sensitive cotyledon stage than is possible with a single application, which must be delayed until the majority of the weeds have emerged. The use of split application increased the reliability of the weed control, as the efficacy remained high if just one of the treatments was carried out at a favourable time for the efficacy of the tank mixture. The tolerance trials showed that, when a single application treatment at the optimal time for efficacy was compared to split application, then there was a tendency for there to be a higher yield after the split application treatment, caused by greater crop damage after the single-dose application. Applications fractionnees d'herbicides en cultures de pois L'efficacité d'une application fractionnée d'herbicides en cultures de pois a étéétudiée en essais de plein champ, en comparaison d'une application simple apportant la même dose totale. Les résultats obtenus dans 4 essais d'efficacité et 2 de sélectivité, avec quelques uns des mélanges d'herbicides communément pratiqués sont décrits. Les mélanges étaient à base de cyanazine ou de pendimethaline avec de la bentazone, de la bentazone/MCPA, du MCPB ou du MCPA. Les applications fractionnées ont augmenté l'efficacité herbicide en comparaison d'une simple application à la même dose globale. L'amélioration de l'activité herbicide est supposée être due par le fait qu'une utilisation séquentielle fait qu'il est possible d'atteindre une plus grande proportion de mauvaises herbes au stade cotylédonnaire sensible, que celle qu'il est possible d'atteindre avec une application unique qui doit attendre que la majorité des adventices soit levée. L'utilisation des applications fractionnées a augmenté la régularité du desherbage attendu que l'efficacité est demeurée élevée quand seulement un des traitements avait été appliqué au moment favorable pour l'efficacité du mélange. Les essais de sélectivité ont montré que pour une simple application appliquée au moment optimal pour l'efficacité comparée à une application fractionnée on avait tendance à avoir un rendement moins élevé, ceci étant liéà une phytotoxicité plus grande liée aux simples applications. Geteilte Anwendungen von Herbiziden in Erbsen Die Wirkung geteilter Anwendungen von Herbiziden in Erbsen wurden im Freiland im Vergleich zu Einzel-Behandlungen mit derselben Gesamtdosis untersucht. Die Ergebnisse von 4 Wirkungs- und 2 Toleranzversuchen mit einigen häufig vorgenommenen Tankmischungen werden beschrieben. Die Tankmischungen bestanden aus Cyanazin und Pendimethalin in Mischung mit Bentazon, Bentazon/MCPA, MCPB oder MCPA. Die geteilte Anwendung verstärkte die Unkrautbekämpfung. Diese Verbesserung war vermutlich vorrangig darauf zurückzuführen, daß man mit den aufeinander folgenden Teilanwendungen einen größeren Teil der Unkräuter im empfindlichen Keimblattstadium trifft, im Gegensatz zur Einzel-Behandlung, bei der man die Hauptkeimwelle der Unkräuter abwarten muß. Durch geteilte Anwendungen wurde die Unkrautbekämpfung verläßlicher, weil die Wirkung auch dann groß blieb, wenn nur eine der Behandlungen zu einem günstigen Zeitpunkt stattfand. Im Toleranzversuch erwies sich das Verfahren der Teilanwendungen verträglicher und tendierte zu höheren Erträgen, denn bei den Einzel-Behandlungen zum Zeitpunkt optimaler Wirkung traten größere Schäden an den Kulturpflanzen auf.  相似文献   
The growth-inhibiting properties of azadirachtin, a bioeffective triterpenoid compound isolated from neem (Azadirachia indica A. Juss) seeds, was evaluated on the rice moth,Corcyra cephalonica Staint., a serious pest of stored products. By topical application of various azadirachtin doses (0.5 to 10 μg/larva) in methanol to last-instar spinning stage larvae, development was inhibited. The effect was dose-dependent; at higher doses, many of the insects remained in the larval stage (55% with 10 μg/larva). Disturbance of both larval-pupal and pupal-adult molting is discussed and interpreted as interference with the morphogenetic hormone pool size.  相似文献   
The influence of different levels of organic matter and of the duration, amount and frequency of rainfall on the biological activity and mobility of triasulfuron were investigated. Biological activity was inversely related to the organic matter content of the soil. Movement of the herbicide down the soil profile, assessed by bioassay, was inversely related to the organic matter content of the soil, and the amount and frequency of rain directly influenced the extent of leaching of the herbicide. Triasulfuron was moved to a depth of at least 22.5 cm when soil columns were exposed to a total of 528 mm of natural rainfall over a period of 6 months. The presence of phytotoxic levels of the herbicide in the surface layers of soil columns 6 months after exposure to outdoor temperatures and natural rainfall suggested that triasulfuron may persist in soils for relatively long periods. Influence de la matiére organique, et de la durée, niveau et fréquence des précipitations sur l'activité et la mobilité du triasulfuron dans le sol L'influence de différentes teneurs en matière organique et de la durée, quantité et fréquence des pluies sur l'activité biologique et la mobilité du triasulfuron a étéétudiée. L'activité biologique est inversement liée avec la teneur enmatière organique du sol. Le mouvement descendant de l'herbicide dans le profil du sol, estimé par bio essai, est inversement lié avec la teneur en matière organique du sol, et la quantité et la fréquence des pluies influencent directement l'importance de la lixiviation de l'herbicide. Le triasulfuron s'est déplacé jusqu'à une profondeur d'au moins 22,5 cm quand les colonnes de sols ont été exposées à un total de 52,8 cm de pluies naturelles sur une période de 6 mois. La présence de taux phytotoxiques d'herbicide dans les couches superficielles des colonnes de sol 6 mois après l'exposition aux températures extérieures et aux précipitations naturelles montre que le triasulfuron peut persister dans 1s sols pendant des périodes relativement longues. Einfluβ der organischen Substanz des Bodens sowie der Niederschlagsdauer, -menge und -frequenz auf Persistenz und Mobilität von Triasulfuron im Boden Die biologische Aktivität sowie die Verlagerung von Triasulfuron im Boden, mit Biotests bestimmt, waren umgekehrt proportional zum Gehalt an organischer Substanz. Die Regenmenge sowie -frequenz beeinflußten die Einwaschung des Herbizids direkt. Bei insgesamt 528 mm natürlichem Niederschlag innerhalb 6 Monaten wurde Triasulfuron in Bodensäulen mindestens 22,5 cm tief eingewaschen. Aus dem Vorhandensein phytotoxischer Mengen des Wirkstoffs in den oberen Schichten der Bodensäulen nach 6 Monaten unter Freilandbedingungen wurde auf relativ hohe Persistenz im Boden geschlossen.  相似文献   
Since the appearance of the western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis, in European glasshouses, many attempts have been made to improve the biological methods for thrips control, originally based on the control of Thrips tabaci. Introductions of Neoseiulus (Amblyseius) cucumeris have been increased with respect to both numbers per introduction and number of releases. So-called slow-release systems have been developed to ensure better establishment of the predator on the plant. New control agents have been tested: the predatory bug Orius insidiosus and the entomopathogenic fungus Verticillium lecanii. Additional control methods are: 1) the use of polybutenes as an insect glue on yellow polythene covers of the rock-wool mat; 2) newly developed blue sticky traps. These new developments and prospects are discussed.  相似文献   
Controlled-environment studies of conidial production by Phaeoisariopsis personata on groundnut are described. With constant relative humidity (RH), conidia were only produced above a threshold (94·5% RH) and there was a linear increase between 94·5% RH and 100% RH. Conidial production was less with continuous leaf wetness (resembling heavy dew) than with continuous 98–99% RH, but it was similar with intermittent leaf wetness and intermittent 98–99% RH (8 h at 70% RH each day). With alternate high (≥97% RH) and low humidity, daily conidial production depended both on the duration of high RH and on the low RH value. With 99% RH at night (12 h), night-time conidial production decreased with the previous daytime RH. After conidial production had started, small numbers of conidia were produced even when the RH was well below the threshold (94·5%). Conidia were produced in continuous light when the photon flux density was 2 μmol/m2/s, but production was completely inhibited with 60 μmol/m2/s. With constant RH, more conidia were produced with a 12 h photoperiod than in continuous darkness. However, more than 75% of the conidia were produced in the dark. With continuous darkness, more conidia were produced during the night (18.00–06.00 h) than during the day, but this biological rhythm was overcome with a (light-night)/(dark-day) regime. With constant 98–99% RH there was a linear increase in conidial production with temperature between 10 and 28°C, and virtually no conidia were produced at 33°C. The daily production of conidia increased with time for 2 to 6 days, depending on the treatment.  相似文献   
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