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对5个无核葡萄品种的试验表明,不同培养方式对离体胚发育的影响是很明显的,其中4个品种胚发育率液体培养高于固体培养,‘京早晶’在液体培养中胚发育率高达73.7%,是目前国内外胚发育率最高的报道;液体培养比固体培养胚的发育程度高,发育整齐,无畸形胚,易成苗. 相似文献
Wei-Na Wang An-Li Wang Yue Wang Junxia Wang Ru-Yong Sun 《Journal of the World Aquaculture Society》2005,36(1):1-7
This study examined the effects of dietary vitamin C and ammonia concentration on the cellular defense response of Macrobrachium nipponese . The response of the cellular defense was determined by monitoring changes in reactive oxygen intermediates in hemocytes, superoxide dismutase activity, catalase activity, glutathione peroxidase activity, glutathione reductase and glutathione transferase activity in muscle. The results showed that prawns fed the basal diet had a significant increase in reactive oxygen intermediates in response to exposure to ammonia-N. When dietary vitamin C was added to the feed, there was a significant decrease in reactive oxygen intermediates in response to exposure to ammonia-N. Total superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activity of prawns fed the basal diet decreased as ammonia-N increased. This decrease in activity was significantly less pronounced in prawns that were fed the dietary vitamin C supplement. In prawns that were fed the dietary vitamin C supplement there was no significant variation in catalase reductase or gluxathione reductase activity in response to variations in ammonia-N concentration. The glutathione transference activity increased at a low concentration of ammonia-N in prawns that were fed the dietary vitamin C supplement, but there was no significant variation in the prawns fed the basal diet. Overall the results indicate that dietary vitamin C supplements enhance the capacity of M. nipponese to respond to elevations in ammonia-N. This response involved several biochemical reactions known to be involved in cellular defense. 相似文献
G Plassiart J F Guelfi J P Ganiere B Wang G Andre-Fontaine M Wyers 《Zentralblatt für Veterin?rmedizin. Reihe B. Journal of veterinary medicine. Series B》1992,39(6):443-453
Twenty rabbits were inoculated with a suspension of Viral Hemorrhagic Disease virus. Hemostatic functions were assessed every sixth hour from 6 to 60 hours post-inoculation. Tissue samples obtained at the same intervals allowed the study of the development of lesions throughout the experiment. Biological signs of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) were detected on and after 30 h post-inoculation and consisted of prolonged One Stage Prothrombin Time and Activated Partial Thrombin Time, the decrease of factors V, VII, and X and high levels of soluble fibrin monomer complexes and D-dimers. A reduction of thrombocyte numbers, heterophils and lymphocytes was associated. The close association of DIC and necrotizing hepatitis lesions suggested the hepatic lesions to be the most important DIC triggering factor. Other mechanisms are discussed. 相似文献
本研究通过电镜观察与酶解分析确定香菇(Lentinula edodes)菌丝细胞壁组成.并进行了双核菌丝原生质体的分离和培养.研究发现:酶解过程中,菌丝原生质体一般只从菌丝顶端等新生部位释放出来.合适的渗透剂、菌龄和酶解温度是原生质体得率的重要保证;原生质体再生菌丝过程是一个间歇性的依赖于原生质团涌动流向的过程,再生菌丝的形成经历了原生质体形成突起-哑铃状-分枝状等不同形态类型的再生阶段;再生菌丝体在形态上没有观察到锁状联合,栽培后未能结实,初步判断为单核菌株. 相似文献
国内外农业信息化建设对佳木斯地区的启示 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
分析借鉴国内外农业信息化建设的经验,对加快实现佳木斯地区农业的信息化具有重要意义.为此,当前世界上农业信息化建设工作比较发达的欧美国家信息化建设的工作经验;分析了开展此项工作相对较晚的亚洲国家农业信息化建设的情况以及我国近年来农业信息化工作的情况.由此得出国内外经验给佳木斯地区开展农业信息化建设工作的4点启示:一是发挥政府的宏观调控职能是开展好农业信息化建设的保障;二是健全基础设施是开展好农业信息化建设的前提;三是搞好信息数据库建设是开展好农业信息化建设的基础;四是做好科研、教育和推广的有机结合是开展好农业信息化建设的必然. 相似文献
栽桑养蚕是巫溪县农村的传统产业,是蚕区农民致富奔小康的骨干项目。自上世纪80年代初,县委、县府就已将栽桑养蚕作为农村特色产业大力发展,1988年首次突破万担茧大关,发种量达到2万张,蚕农收入逾500万元;丝厂绸厂从无到有逐渐完善,农、工、贸产业链已基本形成。全县12个乡镇、88个养蚕村、2万余农户,8万多人口从事栽桑养蚕;在地桑0.8亿株、年养蚕4万余张、产茧1 000t、收入1 600万元以上。2006年《重庆市百万担优质蚕茧产业化工程“十一五”发展规划》把巫溪等渝东南10个区市县列为重庆市生产优质蚕茧最适宜区域重点发展,规划我县在“十一五”期内达到2 500t优质蚕茧的规模。要达到这一目标,摆在我们面前的任务是如何深挖潜力,努力提高蚕茧单产,特别是努力提高夏秋蚕单张产量,为整体提高全县养蚕的科技水平,作出自己新的贡献。1基本概况1.1自然概况我县位于渝陕鄂交汇处,东经108°44′~109°58′,北纬31°14′~31°44′之间,最低海拔135m,最高海拔2 797m(阴条岭山为重庆第一峰),由于海拔差异大,形成了独特的立体气候,素有“一山兼四季、十里不同天”的美称。终年气候温和,雨量充沛,日照时间长... 相似文献
试验将含有制粒专用植酸酶制剂的日粮样本在4种温度条件下进行制粒.制粒后的饲料应用植酸酶国标法进行酶活测定,结果表明:制粒专用植酸酶在调制温度70℃左右、蒸汽压力不高的情况下酶活基本未丧失,性能比较理想:当制粒温度达到80℃以上时,酶活明显降低,但总体保持在500U/kg以上.制粒用植酸酶仍具有较好的耐热性能。经过动物饲养试验表明.肉鸡和育肥猪饲养对照组和处理组之间的平均日增重和料肉比差异都不显著(p〉0.01),这说明在添加制粒专用植酸酶后.对磷酸氢钙的量进行调整并不会影响肉鸡和育肥猪的生长性能.且同样能达到普通植酸酶在粉状饲料中的应用效果。 相似文献