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Summary Four irrigation treatments: no irrigation; early irrigation (150 mm); late irrigation (150 mm); and early+late irrigation (275 mm), with 363 mm of rain; and four basic applications of nitrogen (0, 60, 120, 180 kg ha–1), with and without an additional nitrogen top dressing of 60 kg ha–1, were applied to autumn-sown wheat.For any given total nitrogen rate, there was no difference between the single and the split application.Grain yields ranged from 3040 kg ha–1 for the unirrigated, zero-nitrogen treatment to 6340 kg ha–1 for the two irrigations, 180 kg ha –1 N treatment. There was a strong interaction of irrigation and nitrogen on grain yields which was due mainly to the late irrigation: in the absence of the late irrigation the optimal nitrogen rate was 120 kg hat, followed by a marked decline in yield with additional nitrogen, whereas the application of the late irrigation shifted the optimum nitrogen rate to 180 kg ha–1. In the absence of the late irrigation, increasing the nitrogen rate from 0 to 240 kg ha –1 reduced kernel weight from 42 to 32 mg, whereas late irrigation largely prevented this decrease (42 to 39 mg). The reduction in kernel weight was evident even at the first nitrogen increments, in the range where grain yield was still increasing. Lack of nitrogen reduced soil moisture extraction during the grain filling stage, particularly from soil layers deeper than 60 cm.Stomatal aperture in the irrigated treatments was markedly larger in nitrogen-supplied than in nitrogen-deficient wheat, although the leaf hydration was similar; in the unirrigated treatment, the nitrogen-supplied plants had a lower hydration and smaller stomatal aperture than nitrogen-deficient plants.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, Bet Dagan, Israel, No: 282-E, 1977 series  相似文献   
Summary Subsurface (SS) drip fertigation may increase sweet corn ear yield relative to surface (S) fertigation, because immobile nutrients are delivered at the center of the soil-root volume rather than on top of the soil. A container (1 × 1 × 1 m) experiment was conducted on a loessial soil (Haploxeralf) to test this hypothesis. Marketable and total ear yields were higher for tricklers placed 30 cm below the soil surface (3.22 and 4.90 kg m–2, respectively) than on the surface (2.86 and 4.30 kg m–2, respectively). Total fresh weight, dry matter production and plant height during the growing season were also greater for subsurface emitters. Deep trickler position significantly increased P and K content at the center of the root zone. The enhanced concentration apparently stimulated plant rooting which, together with the higher nutrient activity in the soil solution, increased P and K uptake rates, which in turn facilitated the higher dry matter production and commercial yield relative to surface trickler placement. The higher root activity in SS than in S fertigation was reconfirmed by soil air CO2 concentration measurements which showed significant differences between the two treatments during the growth season.On studies in the ARO from The College of Postgraduates of Mexico, Montecillos, Mexico.  相似文献   
Between 1977 and 1979 a survey was conducted on the status of the Nubiana ibvex Capra ibex nubiana throughout the Sinai peninsula. It was found that the ibex is limited to areas of rugged terrain where competition with Bedouin herds is minimal. Since 1967, enforcement of conservation regulations by Israali authorities resulted in a noticeable increase in the number of ibex, especially in the central and southern parts of the peninsula. Today, the population in estimated around 300 with 70% within the rugged cliffs and slopes of southern Sinai. Conservation of the Nubian ibex is discussed and possible areas for nature reserves are recommended.  相似文献   
Among the most important volatile compounds in the aroma of strawberries are 2,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxy-3(2H)-furanone (Furaneol) and its methoxy derivative (methoxyfuraneol, mesifuran). Three strawberry varieties, Malach, Tamar, and Yael, were assessed for total volatiles, Furaneol, and methoxyfuraneol. The content of these compounds sharply increased during fruit ripening, with maximum values at the ripe stage. An enzymatic activity that transfers a methyl group from S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) to Furaneol sharply increases during ripening of strawberry fruits. The in vitro generated methoxyfuraneol was identified by radio-TLC and GC-MS. The partially purified enzyme had a native molecular mass of approximately 80 kDa, with optimum activity at pH 8.5 and 37 degrees C. A high apparent K(m) of 5 mM was calculated for Furaneol, whereas this enzyme preparation apparently accepted as substrates other o-dihydroxyphenol derivatives (such as catechol, caffeic acid, and protocatechuic aldehyde) with much higher affinities (K(m) approximately 105, 130, and 20 microM, respectively). A K(m) for SAM was found to be approximately 5 microM, regardless of the acceptor used. Substrates that contained a phenolic group with only one OH group, such as p-coumaric and trans-ferulic acid, as well as trans-anol and coniferyl alcohol, were apparently not accepted by this activity. It is suggested that Furaneol methylation is mediated by an O-methyltransferase activity and that this activity increases during fruit ripening.  相似文献   
Wild emmer wheat, Triticum dicoccoides, grows naturally in several habitats in northern Israel. The assumption that a genotype is better adapted to the `native' soil from which it was collected than to other soils, was tested. Each of nine T. dicoccoides accessions from nine different habitats and three wheat cultivars was sown in soils taken from all habitats, and grown in a greenhouse over 3 years. To enhance the biological nutrition absorption forces from the soil, three common wheat cultivars were added to the wild genotypes. No interaction in grain yield between wild wheat genotype and soil type was found within experiments. Soil type was the main factor that affected development and yield. Seed nutrient ability (SNA) of each soil was defined as the mineral element content in the seeds, averaged over all genotypes. Multiple regression analysis revealed diversity between the SNA related to growth and yield of the genotypes. Total seed yield per plant of each accession was related to several SNAs, and mainly to S and K, R2 = 0.5–0.85. The spikelet number per spike was determined by N and Na in five accessions and by Ca in the other four (R2 = 0.39–0.93).Heading date was affected mainly by the genotype, and the soil effect exhibited Fe and P dependence. A genotype-habitat adaptation exhibited by yield components was related to yield quality rather than to yield quantity. When a mineral nutrient is deficient in a natural soil, natural selection leads to establishment of plants that store a higher concentration of that nutrient in the seed, for the benefit of the succeeding generation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Wheat seed storage protein fingerprint is used to determine the gluten protein pattern in studies aimed at improving flour quality. Wild wheat with high seed protein content is used extensively in wheat breeding programs. Although the wild wheat growth and protein content may be influenced by environmental conditions, the gluten-protein pattern is generally considered as indicative of a genotype, without the superimposition of environmental influences. The effects of soil type, habitat, and deficiencies of N, P, K and S on seed storage protein composition were examined in nine accessions of wild wheat (Triticum turgidum var. dicoccoides) and three varieties (two T. aestivum and one T. durum). Soil from ten natural habitats of the wild wheat that had not previously received any fertilizers or manures was sampled and used to grow wheat in a greenhouse. Seed storage protein composition was characterized by SDS-PAGE. Although deficiencies in soil nutrient caused variations in the seed storage proteins, the genotype was the main factor determining the seed storage protein composition. Seed storage protein composition of genotypes varied when grown under different mineral nutrient conditions. Only one genotype was stable showing almost identical protein patterns under all growing conditions studied without any qualitative change in fingerprint pattern. In the other genotypes, as well as the cultivars, the seed storage protein was affected at least to some extent by the soil. The ‘soil effect’ is summarized in terms of three main quantitative changes in the seeds: 1 – the relative amounts of the high-molecular-weight proteins; 2 – the relative amounts of proteins in the range of 45 and 65 kD; 3 – the percentage distribution of the HMW glutenin and other groups of seed storage proteins. The soild induced also qualitative differences in the composition of seed storage proteins, mostly in those of 45–65 kD. These differences were observed whenever a deficiency of S, N, P, K or Mg was identified. Therefore, in breeding programs that use seed storage protein fingerprints of wild wheat germplasms should be exercise caution when the germplasms selected from wild habitats. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) response to root temperature regimes (20/20, 16/8 and 12/12°C day/night) at constant 20°C air temperature was studied. At each regime, three NO3 :NH4 + ratios (10:0, 8:2, or 6:4), at constant 10 mM N, in the irrigation solution were tested. Plant growth, transpiration, ionic composition and level of cytokinins and gibberellins in the xylem exudate were monitored. The two low root temperature regimes, 12/12 and 16/8°C, reduced rape shoot growth by 28 and 22%, and increased the accumulation of soluble carbohydrates by 42 and 26% in the roots, respectively, as compared to the 20/20°C regime. Low root temperatures reduced plants transpiration. The NO3 :NH4 + ratios had no effect on rape growth. At low root temperatures NO3 contents increased in the shoot and decreased in the roots. The sum of cations and that of anions at 12/12 and 16/8°C root temperatures decreased significantly as compared to 20/20°C. The presence of NH4 + in the irrigation solution decreased the concentrations of Ca2+ and Mg2+ in the shoots and roots and increased that of Cl in the shoots and of H2PO4 in the roots at all root temperatures. Cytokinins and gibberellins contents in the xylem exúdate decreased at the low root temperature regimes. Low root temperature reduced total upward transport of the mineral nutrients and phytohormones, most probably because of reduced water flow through the plant.  相似文献   
The hypothesis that enrichment of the foliage with nitrogen and potassium may enhance host resistance toAlternaria and thus reduce disease severity, was examined for potato and tomato (A.solani) and for cotton (A.macrospora). First, the activity of urea (CO(NH2)2) and the salts NH4NO3, (NH4)2S04, KNO3, KCl, K2SO4 and KH2P04 againstA. solani andA. macrospora was determinedin vitro; each of the compounds tested had a weak inhibitory effect on spore germination of A.solani (ED50 > 1000 μg/l) and on mycelial growth of both A.macrospora andA. solani (ED50 > 10,000 μg/l). Next, the effect of foliar application of selected nutrients onA. solani andA. macrospora was evaluatedin vivo on detached leaves of tomato and cotton. The diameter of A.solani lesions on leaves sampled from tomato plants treated with KNO3 was significantly smaller (by 56.5%) than that recorded on leaves sampled from untreated plants.A. macrospora severity on leaves sampled from cotton plants treated with urea was significantly lower than that observed on untreated leaves (70.8% reduction) but KNO3 did not affect disease severity significantly. The following step was to examine the effects of foliar application of urea and KNO3 onAlternaria development in field experiments, two with potato and one with cotton. Foliar application of both nutrients (8-10 sprays in total) did not affectAlternaria severity as compared with the untreated control in any of the experiments. The fungicides chlorothalonil and tebuconazole, on the other hand, significantly suppressed the disease throughout most of the growing season. A mixture of urea or KNO3 with the fungicides did not further improve the effects of the latter when applied alone. Based on these results, it was concluded that foliar application of urea or KNO3 does not affect host response toAlternaria.  相似文献   
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