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To investigate the pathogen of bovine respiratory disease complex (BRDC) of a dairy farm in Guangxi, a strain of Mycoplasma and a strain of gram-negative pathogenic bacterium were isolated and identified by the means of field surveys, clinic observation, pathological examination, isolation studies and so on.Treatments were taken according to drug sensitivity test results.The Mycoplasma strain, growing on PPLO medium, formed typical "fried egg" colonies.A 448 bp of oppF fragment was amplified by PCR from the strain and had 98.4% nucleotide identity with Mycoplasma bovis reference isolate PG5 of USA.The biochemical features of the gram-negative bacterial isolate were same with Serratia marcescens.The PCR amplified 16S rDNA of the gram-negative pathogenic bacterium strain was 1 400 bp.It shared 99.0% nucleotide identity with other Serratia marcescens reference strains obtained from GenBank.Animal experiment showed that the gram-negative pathogenic bacterium isolate could cause the mice to die.The drug sensitivity tests showed all isolates were sensitive to spectinomycin, azithromycin, amikacin, gentamicin and neomycin.It was effective to treat with dexamethasone and spectinomycin.Pathogen analysis and drug treatment showed that the BRDC was caused by Mycoplasma bovis and Serratia marcescens.  相似文献   
磷脂是机体的结构脂类,具有多种生理功能,特别是在维持生物膜结构和功能上有重要作用。本文就磷脂在水生动物体内的合成能力,对生物膜流动性、膜ATPase活性的影响等方面作一综述。  相似文献   
为揭示现阶段西溪湿地大型底栖动物群落现状及其对湿地生态保护工程的响应,于2009年8月至2010年5月对西溪湿地在3个不同时期建设的区域(Ⅰ区、Ⅱ区和Ⅲ区)中的大型底栖动物进行季度调查.共记录大型底栖动物3门8纲15科45种.霍甫水丝蚓(Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri)、多毛管水蚓(Aulodrilus pluriseta)和梨形环棱螺(Bellamya purificata)是现阶段西溪湿地大型底栖动物的优势种.最早建设的Ⅰ区的环节动物密度在各季节均低于建设较晚的Ⅱ区和Ⅲ区,而软体动物的密度和生物量的变化趋势则相反;Ⅰ区大型底栖动物的总密度虽然与Ⅱ区和Ⅲ区没有明显差异,但总生物量、物种数、Margalef物种丰富度指数和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数均显著上升.上述结果表明,西溪湿地生态保护工程早期建设区域的底栖动物多样性趋于增加,水生生态系统环境质量得以改善.ANOSIM分析显示,西溪湿地不同区域或季节间大型底栖动物群落结构均存在显著差异,且这些差异的主要贡献物种为多毛管水蚓(Aulodrilus pluriseta)和梨形环棱螺(Bellamya purificata),表明这两个优势物种对西溪湿地底栖环境变化反应敏感,可作为湿地环境评价的指示物种.BIO-ENV分析表明,水温是影响春季和夏季大型底栖动物群落结构的主要环境因子,水深是影响秋季和冬季大型底栖动物群落的主要因子,同时底泥总磷含量对解释大型底栖动物生物量和群落结构具有一定作用.  相似文献   
‘2004-6-12’是南京农业大学从欧亚种‘魏可’自交实生后代中选育出来的雄性不育优良单株。以葡萄雄性不育新种质‘2004-6-12’及其雄性可育亲本‘魏可’为试材,采用酶联免疫(ELISA)检测技术对花药发育不同时期(1.造孢期、2.花粉母细胞期、3.减数分裂期、4.四分体期、5.单核期、6.二核期、7.成熟花粉期)的花蕾组织中的吲哚乙酸(IAA)、赤霉素(GAS)、细胞分裂素(CTK)、脱落酸(ABA)含量进行测定。结果表明,‘2004-6-12’与‘魏可’花蕾中的IAA,GAS的含量在减数分裂期之前差异不显著,在四分体期及单核期‘2004-6-12’显著低于‘魏可’。‘2004-6-12’中的CTK含量在减数分裂期之前显著低于‘魏可’。‘魏可’在单核期ABA含量开始降低,而‘2004-6-12’在二核期才开始降低。‘2004-6-12’的IAA/ABA和GAS/ABA在二核期之前明显高于‘魏可’且比‘魏可’比值变化较大,因此认为IAA,GAS,CTK的亏缺,ABA的延后降低及IAA/ABA,GAS/ABA比例失调与葡萄雄性不育有一定的关系。  相似文献   
对州河鲤、德国镜鲤及其F1代正交组和反交组鲤鱼肌肉中的主要营养成分进行了比较研究,旨在对杂交鲤的营养品质做出科学评估;分析用样品取自鲤鱼背部肌肉。结果表明:F1代正交组的水分含量显著高于两种亲本鲤鱼,而F1代反交组的水分含量显著高于F1代正交组;4种鲤鱼肌肉中的粗蛋白含量无显著性差异;两种亲本鲤鱼的脂肪含量显著高于F1代,两种F1代的脂肪含量无显著性差异;4种鲤鱼肌肉中的总灰分及钙、镁、锌、铁的平均含量均无显著性差异。研究结果显示,F1代杂交鲤基本保留了亲本鲤鱼的营养学优良性状。  相似文献   
以美人指葡萄为试材,研究了不同外植体类型、激素浓度配比以及暗培养时间等对器官再生的影响。结果表明:叶片、叶柄、茎段外植体均可再生出不定芽,其中叶柄的再生率最高;TDZ对美人指葡萄叶柄再生效果比6-BA好,IBA诱导美人指葡萄叶柄不定芽再生率高于NAA和2,4-D;暗培养3周时,美人指葡萄叶柄的再生率最高。叶片再生的最适培养基为:MS+1.0 mg/L TDZ+0.1 mg/L IBA,再生率为60.71%,增殖系数为5.65;叶柄再生的最适培养基为:MS+1.0mg/LTDZ+0.1 mg/L IBA,再生率为93.10%,增殖系数为5.91;茎段再生的最适培养基为:MS+1.0 mg/L TDZ+0.2 mg/L IBA,再生率为47.37%,增殖系数为5.00。将再生不定芽置于3/4 MS+0.35 mg/L IBA培养基上诱导生根,完整植株培养35~50 d后炼苗移栽,成活率可达90%。  相似文献   
AIM: To investigate the ameliorative effect of salvianolic acid B on vasodilatory function in diabetic rats and the possible mechanisms. METHODS: SD rats (n=40) were fed on high-sugar and high-fat diet for 4 weeks, followed by a single intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (40 mg/kg). The rats with random blood glucose level over 16.7 mmol/L were considered diabetic and randomly allocated to 3 groups, namely model group, low dose (80 mg·kg-1·d-1) of salvianolic acid B group and high dose (160 mg·kg-1·d-1) of salvianolic acid B group. The rats in salvianolic acid B groups were intragastrically administered with corresponding doses of salvianolic acid B for 6 weeks. Vasodilatory function was measured as endothelium-dependent and-independent vasodilation of the aortic rings. The primary histopathological changes of aorta were observed by HE staining. Serum levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and C-reactive protein (CRP) were measured by ELISA. The levels of total antioxidant capacity, malondialdehyde (MDA) and nitric oxide (NO) in aortic tissues were evaluated by colorimetric assays. The protein levels of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), and the activation of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) were determined by Western blot. RESULTS: Treatment with salvianolic acid B evidently ameliorated endothelium-dependent diastolic function and pathological changes of aorta in diabetic rats (P<0.05 or P<0.01). Supplementation with salvianolic acid B resulted in significant increases in NO content and total antioxidant capacity in aortic tissues, accompanied by marked decreases in the level of MDA in aorta tissues and the serum levels of IL-6, TNF-α and CRP (P<0.05 or P<0.01). Salvianolic acid B markedly down-regulated NF-κB p65 nuclear translocation and protein expression of ICAM-1 and MCP-1 in aorta tissues (P<0.05 or P<0.01). CONCLUSION: Salvianolic acid B effectively ameliorates endothelium-dependent diastolic function of aorta in diabetic rats, which might be attributed to suppression of NF-κB activation and subsequent expression of inflammatory cytokines. The beneficial effect of salvianolic acid B on vascular endothelium might be derived from its antioxidant capacity.  相似文献   
试验旨在探究高浓度葡萄糖对猪卵母细胞体外成熟及早期胚胎发育能力的影响。取体外分离处于生发泡期的猪卵丘卵母细胞复合体(COCs),分为3个处理组。分别用含葡萄糖浓度为5.6 mmol/L(C组)、10 mmol/L(G-1组)、15 mmol/L(G-2组)的培养液,进行体外成熟(IVM)处理,42 h后观察,并统计卵丘细胞扩散情况和第一极体排出率;对体外成熟42 h后的卵母细胞孤雌激活,统计2-细胞、4-细胞和第7天囊胚发育。结果发现,G-1组和G-2组卵丘细胞扩散度显著低于C组(P<0.05);G-1组和G-2组的MII期卵母细胞死亡率和存活率与C组相比无显著差异(P>0.05),但G-1组极体率显著降低(P<0.05),G-2组极体率极显著低于C组(P<0.01)。孤雌激活后,与C组相比,G-1组和G-2组的2-细胞分裂率显著降低(P<0.05),4-细胞分裂率以及囊胚发育率均极显著降低(P<0.01),但G-1、G-2组囊胚细胞数量与C组相比无显著性差异(P>0.05)。进一步线粒体染色发现,G-1组和G-2组的线粒体与C组相比分布不均。...  相似文献   
寒冷地区因受自然条件限制,长期以来一些优质的李果多靠外地供应,适宜寒地栽植的李品种长李15、龙园秋李、龙园蜜李、九台晚李、牡红甜李和吉胜李等为抗寒性强且成熟期不同的优质李品种,调整品种结构可解决寒冷地区李果供应期短、供应集中的问题。  相似文献   
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